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All right, that's it, your all going down!

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Hekko, for those that don't know me, my name is Vortex. I've been posting here for quite some time. I've even been posting here longer then Mr. Fandango *points at Vector* I've done great things for this Forum! GREAT THINGS! Such great things... Why is it then that I exstreeeeemly rarely show up in other peoples posts? HUH?! WHY!?!?

Jinsoku: Well Vortex, the answer is simple, extremely simple infact, the reason your never in my or anyone else's posts is just that you suck.

Vortex: ...

Jinsoku: Glad I could help. *Jin walks away*

Vortex: Assuming for an instant that I Don't suck, why could it be that-- Jinsiku: oh but you do suck.

Vortex: YOUR GONE! You can't be interrupting me when you're gone! How can you do that? Your braking every rule there is in script post things!

Jinsoku: I make my own rules

*Vortex glares at him as he leaves for the second time... even though he hasn't even entered once.*

Vortex: Now... back to the point at hand, why? I mean I have done some great things in my posting career! Does anyone remember that post I made about filtered products? Of course you-- *gets interrupted by a random forumer*

Random forumer: I remember that filtered products post! About those things that filter and stuff and like that. Only it was TL who posted it.

Vortex: No it wasn't.

Random Forumer: You really shouldn't take credit for other people?s work, no wonder you don't show up in posts.

Vortex: BUT I POSTED THAT! Anyways... what about my Kamikaze cow posts? HUH?

Random Forumer: WB posted those. They were funny... ah, that nutty WB.


Random Forumer: You even try to steal other people's words? Mr. T would be ashamed!

Vortex: I... eh... shutup. Ok, fine, you can go on thinking that WB did that, but you can't say that About Vortex's box, I POST THOSE!

Random forumer: Rayne Shikama posted those.

Vortex: ................ It's called Vortex's box...

Random Forumer: Yeah, he made it about this guy named vortex, who had a TV show.

Vortex: NO! I DID THAT! It's named after me! HOW can you think I didn't do it when it's named after me!?

Random Forumer: That's easy, you didn't post it, Rayne did, that's how I can think that.

Vortex: Oh yeah? well what about the kool-aid post? Huh? Can't say that wasn't me.

random Forumer: Sure I can, Vector posted that.

Vortex: No he didn't.

Random forumer: I don't know any other Forumer's names that start with a V and are 6 letters long.

Vortex: MINE!

Random Forumer: yeah you wish.

Vortex: you're the devil aren't you?

Random Forumer: You can call me Lu, anyways, I must be going now. It's been fun whoever you are, I'll never forget you.

*Vortex watches him leave and bursts into tears*

Vortex: why must life be so cruel?

*meanwhile across the street*

Another random Forumer: Hey isn't that Vortex?

Yet another random Forumer: I think it is.

Another random Forumer: Doesn't he make those silly posts?

Yet another random Forumer: Naw, you're thinking of someone else, his posts are really just him wanting attention. Like a big Baby. Look! He's even cryings! BABY!

Another random Forumer: Your right, quick lets cross the street down there so we don't have to stop and talk to him.

Yet another random Forumer: Yeah, last time I got stuck in a "the weather's nice isn't it?" conversation... yeeack.

*they cross the street away from Vortex as he continues to contemplate the horibleness of the universe.*

~DNE~ (it's mine dangit! I did it first! MEMEME! oh what the heck, I don't think I'll end this thing right now anyways, ONWORD!)

*Vortex stops crying*

Vortex: I'd sell my soul to show up in other posts........ *looks around expectantly* Drat... no deal with the devil? None? what's up with that?

*and that is when the Devil appears.*

Devil: It's simple, the soul is supposed to be the immortal part of a human. Not able to be destroyed in any way. It lives forever even after you die, but you can use it as a bargaining chip in business transactions. I used to attempt to get souls this way. Now I would like to say that from thousands of years of trying I got about 10. Me? I'm just a businessman! People promise me their souls and sign contracts but they always find loopholes and clauses or talk to my grandma... I get shafted. Every time I get the shaft. It got so bad that everytime someone was short of change they would offer me there soul to get change then trick me out of getting there soul. So I stopped it, I no longer accept them unless it's a donation. GOT IT?! GOOD! *disappears*

Vortex: Well that clears things up for me.

~DNE for real!~

Posts: 0
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.....nice. 🙂

'bout all I can say. If i were any good at RPing in text like this, i'd prolly continue it a bit 😛

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Why do we need to add your character to our posts?

You do it so well on your own. ;D

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I agree with the person's name I can't spell

Psx: Its Psxphile


DL: Really? Hmm I don't know about silly...that guy with the incomprehendable name does sone funny ones

Psx: >O I'm Cutting your hair off!

DL : O.o..::Runs::


Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Swifthom: We must add you to our posts? Why?
Vortex: Because I feel left out and I want some respect.
Swifthom: Hey get outa my post.
Vortex: auw.
Swifthom: Hmm. What would Vortex do with my post?
Vortex: I'd do some really amazing things in your posts.
Vortex: OK. I'm leaving.
Swifthom: Good. he's gone. Ummm.
Vortex: Hi.
Swifthom: I SAID GET OUT.
Vortex: and I did. I've just come back in.
Swifthom: That's it, your never going in any of my posts, ever.
Vortex: To late.
Swifthom: Dang.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

VORTEX: Hey! What am I doing in your post?
COOKIRINI:....I don't know....
VORTEX: It's that Jinsoku! I HATE HIM!!!
VORTEX: He is always doing this to me! He writes in my posts and then he sticks me in other people's! I NEED MY OWN IDENTITY!!!! WHY DOES HE DO THIS?!?!?
COOKIRINI:.......I think he likes you.
VORTEX: WOOOOOT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
COOKIRINI: No no! I didn't-


COOKIRINI: Are you all right?
VORTEX: Darn special effects people... X(


VORTEX: *____________________*

The cow melts all over Vortex - it is, after all, a chocolate cow....

SFX PERSON: That's what you get for dissing me!!!!
COOKIRINI: Eeep! The cow!! It's melted all over you!
VORTEX: Bleeeeeeeh... *________________________*;;;;;
???: Hey!!

Jinsoku appears and points.

VORTEX: *____O;;;;


Posts: 3291
Famed Member

how the heck to you guys make up these conversation things like this?..o.o;

and do you have to be ..uh..famous to appear in 'em?..oo;

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

ChibiBecca: "Well?" o.o

Psxphile: "'re tiny." Oo;

ChibiBecca: *runs over and pokes him in the ankle*

Psxphile: >.X;

Posts: 39
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Topic starter

It starts with an idea. If you don't have ideas then you can always just write random words tell you have one. Then you start a conversation, or action, and you build off it and write what would happen next. AND TADA! you have a post thing. To apear in one someone just as to write you in, however you acomplish that is up to you.

Posts: 565
Honorable Member

**Jin walks back to where Vortex is**

Jin: I know what your game is. You ask for sympathy, and even when people'll make fun of you, you'll appear in all their silly posts for sympathy... and to make fun of you.

Vortex: But--!!!

Jin: NO BUTS!!! I pwn3d j00!!! I pwn3d j00 g00d!

Vortex: **attempts pronouncing that** pawned? puh-wunned? How the hell do you--?

Jin: SILENCE!!! You shall NOT get into this silly post!!!

**Vortex, gets a huge evil grin on his face, then crosses his arms, and glares at Jinsoku**

Jin: ... what? What's wrong? Does it look like I stained my pants? What?

Vortex: You've included me in your posts, because you made me whine. Therefore, I win this round.

Jin: ... *blink* ... no...

Vortex: That's RIGHT you CHUMP! **spins around Jin, wailing his arms rapidly in the air** <mock>I'M IN YOUR POST!!! I'M IN YOUR POST!!! I'M IN YOUR POST!!! I'M IN YOUR POST!!!</mock>

Jin: No! THIS CAN'T BE!!! It doesn't count! I'm making fun of you! IT'S MY POST! IT'S MY RULES!!!

Vortex: **puts on some shades** It's my rules now, Jinseus.

Jin: Jinseus? What the f--...

Vortex: Don't act like you don't know, Jinseus...

Jin: ... **frowns heavily** So you've figured it out, Vortex, or should I say... Veo.

Vortex: **grins**

Jin: But how--?

Vortex: This is the spamtrix, Jinseus. Anything is possible. Anyone can make their own rules. And I've just made mine.

**Cool upbeat music starts in the background**

Jin: **Stands in a fighting pose, ready to strike** Oh, but I'm about to bend your rules.

Vortex: **Just stands there, hands in his pockets** Try me...

Jin: HYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! **Hurls himself towards Vortex, ready to strike him with his deadliest attack, when--**


Jin: AHHH!!!

**Kool-Aid man blasts through a wall, crushing Jinsoku under piles of bricks and pitcher-of-kool-aid-goodness.** NOOOO!!! I shall not be beaten!!!

Vortex: Oh, but you will.

Cow: Moo!

Jin: **now nervous, he squirms, attempting to get free, and as he looks up, he see's a cow headed directly towards him, ready to trample all over him** !!! **suddenly gets an idea, and grins at Vortex** This won't be the last time we meet.

**Suddenly, Jin quickly morphs into another forumer, and soon we find that forumer under the rubble and the Kool-aid dude.**

Evil WB: OOMF! All this pressure on me all of a sudden... what the hell's going--

Cow: MOO!!!



Jin: **Walks out of a room inside the crystal fortress** Oh jeez... I never saw a thing, Lianne! I won't tell anyone! I PROMISE!!!

Lianne: **screaming insanity and throws a basketball to Jin's head**

--Back to the nonsense--

Vortex: **frowns, looking upward to the sky** Oh he's good... he's uber good...

Ditto: Ditto.

Vortex: That's exactly what I thought...


Posts: 8
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You are da bomb!

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

ChibiBecca: hey! i'm not that short! o@;

Psxphile: ..but you are!

ChibiBecca: you insultin' me? *holds up her spork*

Psxphile: you must admit you're vertically challenged..?

ChibiBecca: but ankle hight? o_o; rah! *sporks him in the knee*

Psxphile: *falls over..mortally sporked* gah! x.x;

ChibiBecca: *climbs up onto vortex's shoulder* that good enough? ^^

Posts: 0
New Member

Yay! VORTEX! Go Box!
Oh, and why hasn't it been updated for a loooong time?
(I'm still alive, in case you haven't noticed already)

Posts: 0
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- ub33r.

Posts: 565
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I speak Latin 1337 XD

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Vortex: I'll never appear in a guys--- wait... I'm in a post!!!
Geo: D**n straight!!
vortex: wait... this doesn't count.
Geo: what?
Vortex: It doesn't count because you are one of the worst posters on this forum thingy.
Geo: You take that back!
Vortex: I can't....there words.
Geo: well.... you do have a point...say can you ad star wars stuff to your site?
Vortex: What?
Geo: You know, Vector-
Vortex: I'M NOT VECTOR! GAh!
koolaiddude: Oh yeah!!
Vortex: I'd sell my soul to be noticed.
*guy appears*
guy: that could be aranged...
Vortex: Bill Gates?
billGates: Yes, now all you have to do is give me your soul...
Vortex: OK
Billgates: Good, and...wait....*throws soul back* This soul isn't popular enough.

Geogwe :

Posts: 39
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(this post has not been spell checked and was kept in it's original form, we shall call it, one of vortex's posts the directors cut, or 'the lazy version')

Jin: becuse my poor computer is dead! DEAD AND GONE! Well i'm hopeing to rececitate it but i'm still workinng on that...

Vortex: Hey! it's MY computer! And your speaking and spelling like me...

Jin: Well you see that's easaly exsplained. For the perpouses of this post and this post only, i'm you.

Vortex: How?

jin: The rules say so.


Jin: Mine!

Vortex: Remember how i said you were uber good? I take it back, you are beyond uber. It's like your on a whole difrent level.

Jin: I know.

Vortex: Wait... so if your me, then who am i?

Jin: Your... your...

Vortex: Am i you?

Jin: No, i'm me.


Jin: Just watch me!

*Vortex watches Jin hold a conversation with himself speaking first as Jin would then as Vortex. He does this so well one might think he is really two difrent people*

Vortex: the heck does he do that? Whole nother level be that one... only once chance... THINK SLOW!

*Jin turns and watches as Vortex begins to throw a rock in exstream slow motion.*

Jin: Ok... *also moves in slow motion*

Vortex: SIKE! *moves in fast motion beaning Jin*

Jin: Unconcious... (yes he actualy says that while falling to the ground)
Vortex: WIN! I have the fight! Had you the fight you might have bested me but a ho! you had the fight not.

*jin still somehow standing points and laughs*

Jin: Oh you beaned that Jin good.

vortex: bu... bu...

Jin: My simple minded simpletin i'll exsplain it. Jin was knocked unconcious, but i'm Vortex. So i'm fine, and yooooou loooose!

Vortex: this time.

Posts: 45
Trusted Member

*gives vortex a cookie, then thwaks him while he's eating it* HURRY UP AND WORK ON A SCROMIC!!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO IN TE SUMMER!!!!?? ^_^

*vortex chokes on cookie*

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

::Is upset at that name::

DL; Get out.

SonicHQ: What are you talking about, you are in me!

DL: O_o No I'm not! Get out!

SonicHQ: GET OUT OF MY BELLY! ::Wears a kilt::

DL: >.< Dude no, get out, you're scaring me!

SHQ: Mwahaha I will eat you again piggy!

DL: O.O..::Runs :: AAAAHH FAT HQ Is after me!

SHQ: o.o..Ok wait a minute..<._< ::Chases::
