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Dude, you're getting a police record!

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I just can't not laugh at that cheeky chappie's cheeky grin.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member knw it was coming somehow - that this kid, with all of the money fame can get, was going to get into trouble somehow. ^_^;

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LOL! Honestly, I was just waiting for this dumb*** to slip up somewhere. I just find the man extremely annoying.

Posts: 34
Eminent Member

THAT is the kind of guy I want to live down the road. He's funny as hell, and knows how to cause trouble. What a guy.

Posts: 1321
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I find him and DELL itself annoying.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member


I KNEW that guy was on drugs.

Dell sucks.

That made my day.


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LMAO! That picture makes the whole thing even funnier! I'm not surprised, that Dell dude was an idiot!

Posts: 4336
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I personally don't find it funny.

The drug part that is.

I don't find it funny when someone ruins their life over possession of drugs. -____-

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

I agree with Ultra. I have an uncle who use to be on cocaine. So I find nothing funny about this.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

^ uh.. theres a BIG difference between the effects of weed and coke,guys.

anyways yeah.. looking at that pic,it wouldnt suprise me if he's a pothead 😛

Posts: 4336
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Still, drugs are drugs. Doesn't matter what the effect is.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

actually it kinda does. im not condoning marijuana or anything but there are millions of kids in america who smoke pot as a casual social thing,then mature up alittle and grow out of it. its not right. but it happens.

cocaine on the other hand has some very horribly addictive effects. within a few uses of it you begin to hate yourself unless you are snorting. and the withdrawl is so horrible that you dont want to quit. you begin to go to almost any length possible to get more. also cocaine users generally also experiment with even more hardcore drugs,like speedballs or k,because of the feeling that coke leaves you with.

dont get me wrong,ANYTHING can be addictive depending on your personality. but cocaine and marijuana are 2 very different drugs.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

You may not be condoning the legalization of marijuana, but I am. I think if the government wants to keep tobacco legal, they might as well legalize pot.

There are many advantages to the legalization of marijuana. The ones I know of are as follows:
1) When produced in a sterile environment such as that of a cigarette factory, marijuana is not nearly as harmful as tobacco.
2) Marijuana does not contain harmful or toxic substances such as arsenic, sulfuric acid, and nickel hydride, which are all found in cigarettes.
3) When kids go through drug dealers to get their pot fix, they are eventually led to "hardcore" drugs such as cocaine or heroine, which are much more harmful than marijuana.
4) The pot industry in British Columbia alone is worth $2.36 billion. If the government were to legalize it now, the taxes and levies alone would single-handedly pay for the 2010 Olympics.
5) Marijuana is statistically not as addictive as tobacco.

I mean, sure, it's still harmful, but legalizing it would save a lot of kids from getting hooked on cocaine. Personally, I don't smoke anything, and even if it was legal, I still wouldn't. But considering the facts, I would much rather have marijuana on the shelf of 7-Eleven than tobacco.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

I do too, Cycle. More often than not its not as fun to buy a legalized drug. Though some people would say that so many people buying a drug is the reverse psychology of high underage drinking, but I honestly think it is to a muchlesser extent. Everything has the potential to not a "cool" or as "mystical" once it is acceped into the establishment of legal things.

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

This is funny but sad, looks like they will be using a new kid for those commercials though.


Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I don't think they're using anymore kids to advertise their stuff. They're currently doing it themselves. A little better than "Dude, you're getting a Dell" IMO, but not as memorable.

Kinda like how Gateway isn't using their cow before and after the commercial. Traitors! You must bow to the cow! BOW TO IT! *whacked*

Posts: 43
Trusted Member

You might have seen those "drugs support terrorism" ads, which attempt to use disaster victims to spread blatant propaganda. Interestingly, they don't mention that oil and diamonds fund terrorism too. I think they should; I'd love to see the reactions.

(Of course, the Bush Iraq policy has been one big Al-Queda recruitment campaign, too, but I digress.)

BTW, these reasons are a lot more hypothetical, and I don't feel like wording them particularly well at this time of night when I'm in a hurry.

1. What brought the mob a lot of its power in the early 20th century? Prohibition. If marijuana were legalized, those who sell or smuggle it would be the hardest hit.

2. Many robberies & other crimes take place because the criminal needs drug money. Since prohibition is the main reason it's expensive, legalization might reduce petty crime slightly.

3. Massive amounts of money are being wasted to charge and occasionally jail those who use it.

4. People who would be law-abiding otherwise may first become criminals because of the drug laws, and may be hardened into "real" criminals through exposure to such people when they're arrested.

5. The federal government's enthusiasm to jail ill patients who are prescribed marijuana would be thwarted. (Personally, I think the monsters who do that are the ones who belong in jail.)

The money saved and generated by this might even contribute towards a public health care system. I also doubt that marijuana use would significantly increase.

There are issues, though. Marijuana affects the brain, and if tobacco has similar effects I'm not aware of it. Even legalized, it would have to be very heavily regulated and there might even have to be restrictions on the people who use it. For example, should they be allowed to drive or operate heavy machinery? What if a surgeon or air traffic controller used it?

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New Member Guest


OMG!! Thats so funny!!! He did seem a little too happy sometimes. Further more Dell sucks ass!! :lol Thats just too good to be true.

Posts: 1789
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*^new overused line*

Those "drugs support terrorism" ad reminds me of those old '20s and '30s anti-pot propaganda shorts that claimed to was a gateway to selling your soul to the devil--so to speak.

Posts: 2116
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No bashing.

Sonmanic, this should really be your strike-out, but I'm feeling nice at the moment.

Read. The. Rules.

Cycle, the same goes for you. It wouldn't have hurt to back that up.

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