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Nominate New Chat Ideas

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Posts: 43
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We need a RP room. AIM is the best option I know of right now, but a few people can't install it. If you have any better ideas for chat playforms, please nominate them here.

Most important features:

Color selection
Accessible to as many people as possible

Posts: 4336
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Depending on the RP being played, sub-rooms could provide a way for more people to RP different things at the same time.

Posts: 43
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That would be very good. Know a chat that would offer them?

Anyway, I made some groups on Yahoo and MSN.

MSN Advantages:
Save chat archives (if this is possible with Yahoo, tell me, 'cause I couldn't find it)
Good chat window size
Change your nickname
Select any font
Better site design

Yahoo Advantages:
Select any text color (not just presets)
Voice chat
Database & poll features
Select colors for the chat client
Select colors for whole group

Yahoo has more options, but the lack of archiving is really major. Also, it's nice to be able to change your nickname on MSN without logging out.

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

MSN has voice chat too. You need speakers to hear people and a microphone to talk. If you only have one, it still works.

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Sure no-one liked it here because they couldnt get the client/java working, but downloading VIRC can help.


Moderated Chat Rooms - you can make the room invisible on IRC
Moderated Chat rooms - only set people can be allowed to enter
Moderation - you can allow only set people to be able to talk
You can kick and kick and ban trouble makers.
New rooms are easily made from the room your in, as simple as typing in "#newroomhere" to create a link to a new room.

As such "go to the #jungle" would mean anyone clicking on jungle would go to a room called "jungle"

the ability of the /me command to say things like "CjTails does this"

You can change the size of the chat window and text, IF you download a client.

You can change your colour of text on your screen as well as your font, as well as changing the others fonts. However this will apply for your window only.

Topic headers can be made for the room to say what the topic in the rooms about,

Greeting messages are available

DCC sending of files, private chats, whiteboards

Nicks can be registerred, IRC mods and such can be assigned to rooms...


NetSplittings a pain in the butt. Sometimes cutting out rooms for a good while.

You have to download clients for all the above features

VIRC is a bit buggy at times

It didnt catch on last time...

Im sure there are more which people will find...

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

I think the reason no one bothered with IRC or MSN etc. is becuase it's much damn easier to get into the SHQ chat and RP there. I know there is a link in the all the main forum screens (MF central etc.) to go to the alternate chat options, but you have to go through too many screens, so people get put off by it, IMO.

So, if it's at all possible, you should put a direct link to the chat room you're going to propose for SHQ live RPing. That way, people will go "Oh, look! that goes straight to the RP chat! I'll go there and see if anyone wants to RP!" not "I can't be bothered going through all those screens - I'll just RP in the EZchat thing"

But if this has been said already, or you already thought of it, just ignore this. :)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


The MSN/Yahoo thing hasn't STARTED yet. Vec is trying to create a new room to stop people complaining about constant RP's. A sensible move.

The IRC room Cee-Jay refers to existed BEFORE the EZchat, thing is no one wanted to use it over AIM because it was a java room (and what is the EZchat?... ironic is it not)

And I believe that what you are suggesting is the intended plan anyway.

Posts: 4336
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Posts: 18
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I did suggest IRC as well as the yahoo thingy to Vec last night. I heard one of the biggest problems with IRC is finding a server that is accessable to everyone.

(In fact IRC was the first chat I ever used. XD)

But I doubt it will catch on this time if we tried it because it has to look attractive(I mean fast and easy to use when I say this). But that is what I heard/think.

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

There ARE already SHQ things in AOL and IRC, as far as I'm aware. I was refering to those. they are in the 'alternate chat' link.

That's just a SUGGESTION, for crying out loud. You don't have to come back in my face and say 'oh, no, he's trying to fix up a RP only chat room' Yes, I do already know that.

[NB: I'm not trying to start a flame war here, I'm just quite annoyed already today. :) ]

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


Sparks. Only saying that the IRC room was never popular because it was java based (and take to note this was months before EZchat started). The AIM room has always been popular (though since EZ keep along it has lost most of its traffic... and also the regulars creating a lamer free room MAY have something to do with it ^^;;; )

No need to get so defensive, just pointing out that you made a good suggestion and a valid point, but the IRC room failed for different reasons.

<Wonders off all confused like>

Posts: 931
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None of the chats have ever worked for school/library comps, so I'm not sure how they should be improved...

Posts: 93
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I'd have to agree with Vec on the need for an RP room.

May I suggest that it be a completely separate room to a simple chat room so there's somewhere for people who can't stand RP-ing (like me) to chat? :^^;

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Well, I guess a chat that uses whatever the EZchat does to work...I guess that's Java?
Also, does the yahoo chat work yet, or is it just that I don't have the requirements to get to it? What is the MoFo yahoo chat based on?

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

Ez uses Java.

Yahoo is up.


Yahoo! Groups chat requires the following:
a personal computer running Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, or 2000
Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 4.0 or later) or Netscape Navigator (version 4.08 or later)

Yahoo is Java.

Posts: 43
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Topic starter

Since we haven't gotten a lot of replies here, I decided that experimentation is the best way to do this. We'll try each and see what works best.

I'll start with Yahoo. Then we'll try the others after a while. So, to RP, go there.

Note: By "RP," I mean the serious or large-scale RPs. You can still do "in-character" chats and "chatty" RPs, if you know what I mean. This is just to prevent the big RPs from totally taking over the room. Large-scale RPs and chat don't co-exist well. Light RPs and chat do, so they're ok.

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

Vec...Yahoo isn't going to work. The lag is ultra bad in there. >_<

Posts: 148
Estimable Member

If you're having trouble getting into the Yahoo chat room, here's how to do it:

First, you'll need a Yahoo screenname. Sign up for one via

Next, once you're logged in, use the link in Vec's post above. (Perhaps bookmarking that link may be wise.)

It will most likely show you a message saying you are not a member. To fix this, click the 'join this group' button near the upper-right corner.

Complete the bit of registration...

And, once that's done, click on the 'chat' link on the left linkbar thing. That will get you into the chat.

See? Simple-ish...

EDIT: He's right; theres usually a good 5-10 seconds of lag after EACH message...I personally can manage it, but others wont be so happy...

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

I know I'll be over stepping my boundries but all Ez is lets try the MSN(Yahoo lags too much as been said.)

Once a Admins is on they can change it if they want.

(Trying again...)

Posts: 148
Estimable Member

Bah, the MSN chat won't load for me...

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