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'Sonic-2006' is a great game.

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Is critical discussion allowed in this website? .... I just don't see why critics would have a problem with Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, especially when it has:

1) The best gameplay of any Sonic game to date. Even better than Sonic Adventure 2.

In Sonic Adventure 2, the only Sonic-like thing he can do is run a little fast and do the spin-dash.

Sonic-2006, on the other hand, makes the player experience the main character as he does the many amazing things that Yuji Naka imagined him to do, especially outside the game world. He runs faster than the wind (supposedly), he defies gravity, he makes long leaps from walls, he uses complex witty maneuvers to fight the bosses (instead of just homing into them like in Sonic Adventure 2), and several other things that I need to recheck on. (Plus, Shadow's ability to drive multiple vehicles and use Chaos-Spear and Blast is just incredible.)
It's all made to be ultra-realistic, and that's what makes it so awesome.

2) A stronger villain.
Eggman is more vicious then usual, and he is more privy to killing his hostage just to keep Sonic from her then usual. Simply put. He was almost terrifying, and that's saying a lot.

And most importantly...

3) An emotional storyline.

In previous games, the only reason Sonic and his friends save the world is because they're the heroes. There was never any other explanation. Sonic always just did things.
Sonic-2006 is apparently the first Sonic game which gives the main characters some sort of deep/emotional motivation to their actions. Example: Even though Silver is trying to do something that is morally questionable, the player knows that he's doing it because he cares about his world and the people in it.

Sonic was not the best character in Sonic Adventure 2. There's a good reason why I think he's the best character in Sonic-2006. For the first time ever, Sonic is a dynamic character! He changes from guy who is helping the girl for "no special reason" to guy who wants to save the girl because he cares about her. I don't understand how critics can call that bad character development.

The Sonic/Elise dynamic is not ridiculous at all. It's round, deep, and heartfelt, and it simply shows that one person can fall in love with anybody. Gameplayers who love Sonic have always wondered how Sonic could be an inspiration to a human character. Sonic-2006 basically fulfills our wish. Sonic shows his heroism directly to Elise, and he is also wise to her. He gets to be a role model for once, and the player can tell that Elise is inspired by him. I call that good writing.

(Sonic/Chris does not count, because that show changed Sonic's character-arc and motivations completely.)
[Sonic is clearly an inspirtation to Tails, but we're only meant to assume that Tails likes Sonic because of the things that they have in common. Example: Both are non-human.]

Lastly, there is no way that the storyline was predictable. I highly doubt that anyone could predict what Elise did to save Sonic?

So anyway, what are your thoughts on Sonic-2006? Overall, I just don't think this game deserves any low ratings. Along with its good gameplay, it also has great graphics and an awesome soundtrack. If anything: it's either fantastic or average, but definitely not mediocre.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sonic 2006 is one of three Sonic games I have not had the opportunity to play (Riders 2 and Arcade being the others, if anyone cared), so I cannot contest you on that.

I intend to play Sonic 2006 when I can borrow a 360 or PS3 long enough to do so.

Though, I do think that the absoloute outrage towards the game is justified. I've seen more than enough videos, articles and explinations.

Chief among them is a series of videos of a party of people playing through the entire game, explaining their experience.

Please give it a watch and you'll see why it has such a bad rep.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Heh...Oh Boy, this is gonna be fun for some people here.

-Deep breath-

Fact is, there are numerous glitches in the game - the Camera, collision detection, and some general Stages tend to be ill-designed...

The story line itself is criticised, 'not just because of the implied hedgie/Human action emulation of Sonic and Elise, but because of the creation of Silver and other undesired additional characters to an already bogged down Character roster.

It tries to change the formula of what the Sonic Series is about, but results in being an unco-ordinated mishmash of bad direction and bad does little to actually attempt to return the former glory of the series, instead relying on a final fantasy'esque look in order to give a realistic graphical look in order to distract people from the fact the game as a whole is disjointed...

The town Hub is just...there - and it's not even as good in application as the Central Square was in Sonic Adventure, despite looking prettier.

And to cap it all, it even writes itself up in a lame IT-NEVER-HAPPEN ending, therefore making the game a complete waste of time in the first place!

I'm out of anything else...Anyone else wanna carry on? XD

Posts: 21
Eminent Member

mobius springheart wrote:

And to cap it all, it even writes itself up in a lame IT-NEVER-HAPPEN ending, therefore making the game a complete waste of time in the first place!

The ending for Sonic 2006 was great. Elise actually has a sense of familiarity toward Sonic, and Sonic's point-of-view is ambiguous! You look at the way Sonic watches Elise, and you wonder what exactly is in Sonic's mind as he smiles. The game's cutscenes have been put on, and the comments actually say that they think it's a great ending because: "Aww, Sonic does remember!". Things like that.

Posts: 1191
Noble Member

I never bothered to play the game for those same reasons. I figured my money could be spent on something better.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

you wonder what exactly is in Sonic's mind as he smiles.

Perhaps the same thing going through EVERY (Except for exceptions we should all know about, naturally) Male's mind when they see a hot chick in power.

"How much fun would it be to tap that?"

C'mon...You know it's true. 8D

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

*plops on chair and eat popcorn*

The future responses are going to be great!

Posts: 21
Eminent Member

mobius springheart wrote:

Perhaps the same thing going through EVERY (Except for exceptions we should all know about, naturally) Male's mind when they see a hot chick in power.
"How much fun would it be to tap that?"
C'mon...You know it's true. 8D

I hate to reply with a simple picture, let ALONE a meme... but I have no words for this.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

What I did like:

My first play through I thought it was pretty good. I only experianced a few glitches, and I liked the level design. Mephiles was pretty cool too, I didn't mind Silver, and Shadow wasn't tearing the world up trying to find Maria. I really liked the mach-speed gameplay; easily the funnest part of the game, but only came around a handfull of times and was exclusive to Sonic. I loved that they brought Blaze into the mix. Sure they wacked her storyline from Rush, but it was nice to see them using a previous character that would usually be thrown away.
The final battle was pretty cool, and had some great music to go along with it.

What I didn't like:

I don't really see why they felt like adding vehicles to Shadow's gameplay. He's just as fast as Sonic and they just looked very out of place in some parts.
Storyline was a complete joke, and had the one of the most cringe worthy cutscene in the history of video games (I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about).
Now my second play through I came across alot more glitches (I have no idea why most of them didn't popup the first time). Like flying off loops while I'm just casually running and as Knuckles I got stuck to the walls and couldn't jump off.
The cutscene graphics are awesome, but in-game got absolutely horrible in some parts. Most notibly Elise's legs, and some textures got very blocky. I know that graphics aren't what make the game, but you have to remember that this is on the Xbox 360 and PS3; some of the most advanced pieces of technology on the earth, and having sub par graphics in various places of the game is just pure lazyness.

I feel if they would have delayed the game for another four months we could have seen a pretty good game. Sure there would still be problems with the story and all, but it could have used a heck of a lot more polish.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Ah, lighten up. XD {Pokes the Picard facepalming!}

Speaking more Seriously - Elise was NOT a popular character for most, and no amount of YT Comments (of all things) is likely to really change that.
She was (and I loathe the term personally) a mary-sue for many and simply added nothing special for the series/story in general...apart from a brief association with Beastiality and Such!

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

I don't remember any beastiality in the game, but it sounds hot hot hot. Could you point me to the direction of where I can find screenshots of any of the sex scenes in the game?

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

I meant it was a little Implied - As in, The idea of her being 'In love' or at least being somewhat affectionate with him. 😛
Literally thinking any beastiality actually occurred is kinda silly - as said, it's more implied subtly, in passive overtones!

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

I love my pets. I'm affectionate with them. I love my pets more than people.

Am I guilty of beastiality?

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

Here's the bestiality scene.

Let's face it, Mephilies isn't an animal and we all know that thing REALLY was that impaled Sonic.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

I love my pets. I'm affectionate with them. I love my pets more than people.

Am I guilty of beastiality?

Again...You know what I meant - Implied Romantic Emotional associations BEYOND the usual 'Friendships'. >>;;;
Besides which, Derailing my point with something like that is a little moot - I'M not actually the one who actually accuses this game, I merely understand where this would be derived from by Gamers who HAVE said there were romantic 'suggestions' where there needn't be!

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I'm afraid I'm going to disagree with you on those counts of Sonic 2K6 being a good game.

1) The best gameplay of any Sonic game to date. Even better than Sonic Adventure 2.

Maybe if the game was finished to a respectable standard I would agree with this. Its certainly the most varied Sonic game since Sonic Adventure 2. But any enjoyment you may eek out from the game is wiped out by the constant peril of *slightly* mistiming your homing attack and missing completly falling to your death. Or even running into a Loop de Loop in the wrong way and glitching through it.

I'm not saying Adventure 2 was perfect, it wasn't. But, it felt better to play through than this.

Sonic 2K6 certainly does have some of the best designed segments in the 3D Sonic series though.

2) A stronger villain.

The trouble with this is: Yes, Eggman is played off as a more maniacal version in this game while maintaining he eccentric qualities. Like a Bond villian, really. But any sort of you having these mad ideas that Eggman was an actual treat was wiped out by the Last Story.

Maybe if Shadow has let Rouge fall on her arse we might have seen the Eggman Vs Shadow pyromaniac's dream I want it to be. But then Shadow wouldn't have got his very own Metal Sonic.

3) An emotional storyline.

Oh it certainly was emotional. While, I thought that Shadow's and Silver's stories were alright: a more serious version of the Sonic Heroes theme of FRIENDSHIP > METAL SONIC. Sonic's story was uncomfortable to watch. While promotion videos showed the friendship between Sonic and Elise, in the game it played out as a half love story, where Sonic pretty much came out as a reverse furry. The fact there was a mission where you "as Sonic" can make the choice between Elise and Amy is weird.

In short: Shadow and Silver stories = Ok. Sonic and Last Story = No.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

But any sort of you having these mad ideas that Eggman was an actual treat was wiped out by the Last Story.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 both did this, not to mention Heroes. So, it was really no surprise when it happened in S2K6. Chaos? Yep. Biohazard? Been there. Metal Sonic? Done that. Iblis is just another to add to that list.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I hated the part at the end when Elise said

"I don't care what happens to the world!" I was like "Well you b***h!"

Both Amy AND ELISE, the freaking queen/princess... Willing to let the world perish for the sake of a blue hedgehog? *facepalm*

Also. If sonic ever needs to die his death needs to be 100 times more epic than that.

But like what someone said before me, story wise Silver and Shadow made more sense than Sonic's which was just stupid princess fetching. If Sonic Team had been more capable Silver's gameplay could have been awsome. I actually died less playing Silver though so maybe thats why I liked it more.

I think they turned Blaze into a paradox. I was willing to believe that 06 was a prequel to Rush or something. But the time when Blaze says something like "Blue Hedgehog....where have I heard that before..." made that a big nupe!

Posts: 1191
Noble Member

To Sonic Adventures' credit you were fighting Chaos for most of the game.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:

I think they turned Blaze into a paradox. I was willing to believe that 06 was a prequel to Rush or something. But the time when Blaze says something like "Blue Hedgehog....where have I heard that before..." made that a big nupe!

From what I've read, a few think that the entire deal with Rush/06/Adventure is to do with a massive, massive translator screw-up due to a cultural element. And here's why:

The Japanese word for the colour blue (adjective) is aoi (青い). The Japanese word for the adjective naive is ALSO aoi (青いor 蒼い).

So if we look at the scene again where Mephiles shows Silver the "Iblis Trigger", Silver says, "Mieta. Kono aoi harinezumi ga Iburiisu Torigaa... "

But Blaze, who -- critically -- doesn't see this vision, only hears what Silver says verbatim. And as Blaze uses "aoi" to mean both 'blue' and 'naive', we have a specific problem in translation - the fact that "aoi" means both. When she goes looking for Silver, she says "aoi harinezumi" and of course the translation is correct in it meaning 'blue hedgehog' - but this could have been a critical piece of information that is utterly untranslatable. When she finds him at the beach, and when she seals Iblis, she says "aoi", meaning that Silver is naïve - in effect, when talking to him, she says, "Oh, you're so blue".

In short, Blaze had no memory of any blue hedgehog from Sonic Rush, she was merely going from what Silver said -- and clueless as to whether or not the "blue" hedgehog meant a "naive" hedgehog. Either way, she looking for an "aoi" hedgehog - the naïve hedgehog is going to be where the blue hedgehog is.

THEREFORE. When she went into another dimension, and Solaris was defeated, time was reset -- including in Blaze's new dimension. She was reset back to childhood, as was Silver in their respective times, which led up to the events of Sonic Rush and Sonic Rivals.

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Either way, she looking for an "aoi" hedgehog

Hmm...One more letter, and we'd probably have had a whole other issue. XD

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

So, as a person who has yet to play Sonic 2006, and adores the Rush games, I have to ask.

If Blaze is brought into another dimension via the events of the game and then time travelled to her childhood so she could grow up in Sol with her pyro-abilities linked to whichever demon in Sonic 2006 has fire (I am reading this from Toby's post, I may not be reading correctly as I have not played the game for context), then how is it that she became a queen/princess in the Sol universe?

Her royal heritage is maintaned in Rush Adventure where she is clearly recognized and respected in Sol. I was wondering, ever since I saw she appeared at all in Sonic 2006's Earth, how the heck this fit in canon.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

It doesn't. And if Sonic Channel's Blaze bio is anything to go by, Sega and Sonic Team are acting like the game never happened anyway.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ok. So, in other words, Sonic 2006 never happened, canon wise and Silver just appears in other games for no real reason, which would be true either way as there's no need for him to be in the past at all.

*Pinches the bridge of my nose in desperation*

I really hope he stops appearing in games, the canon is muddled up enough with all this SA2 ramification stuff, we don't need time travel to add to our woes.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Sonic 2006 is one of three Sonic games I have not had the opportunity to play (Riders 2 and Arcade being the others, if anyone cared), so I cannot contest you on that.

I intend to play Sonic 2006 when I can borrow a 360 or PS3 long enough to do so.

Though, I do think that the absoloute outrage towards the game is justified. I've seen more than enough videos, articles and explinations.

Chief among them is a series of videos of a party of people playing through the entire game, explaining their experience.

Please give it a watch and you'll see why it has such a bad rep.

It's not that hard to get the game and a system these days Craig. If you are in the US, you can get a XBox 360 for two hundred dollars (no tax included) and a new copy of the game for twenty dollars (in Circuit City, check before you buy though).

Just to be on the safe side, get yourself another game. That way, when you scream in frustration, the other game will seem enjoyable (if it isn't in the first place).

At any rate, I have this game I played it enough to complete the story then stopped. The [insert your explicit words here] camera does not work like it should, the speed areas are death traps and getting all the emblems are such a pain in the butt, it seems more like tedious work than an enjoyable experience.

** steals SonicV2's popcorn and flees **

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Dude, I'm still unemployed and waiting on my green card. I do want to get it, and when it is time I will get it, but right now I have bigger things to worry about than asking my wife to allow me to buy the video game equivilant of a razor blade to see if it tastes good.

Plus, it doesn't help that there's not a single game on the 360 that I want to play. At least until MGS4 comes out on it.

But, come on. I'm like one of the biggest SegaSonic fans on the forum now that the better ones realized that GHZ is a better forum for SegaSonic fans. I will get around to it. Promise.

If it helps, a housemate owns a 360 and with her permission, I would buy it.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

The only other games Silver's been in is Rivals 1 and 2, and the Minigames in Secret Rings, so that last one is passable.

In the Rivals series, his reasoning for going back in time is a screw up made by Backbone, who say that Eggman Nega is Eggman's descendant, as opposed to an alternate dimensional double. In a recent interview, they said that it is indeed the same Nega from Rush, and his reasoning for lying about being Eggman's descendant has yet to be learned.

In other words, "We screwed up and now we're covering our asses!"

So I guess it'd be easiest to say Nega is a dimensional double who knows how to travel through time and space, thus screwing around with both Blaze and Silver.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

XD oh please. Wow Toby. Thats deep. (Your giant explaination about Blaze) The issue with Blaze wracked by brain for a while. But what you said makes sense. Translation errors FTW!

Silver will probably still exsist. But only as an extra unlockable with no weight on the story. Like he's playable in Sonic Riders 2 for instance. Whee Eggman Mo-ped.

A crappy yet funny Sonic Riders Review: part 1 part2 part 3

Seperate Review of Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (Actually a quality review)

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Dude, I'm still unemployed and waiting on my green card. I do want to get it, and when it is time I will get it, but right now I have bigger things to worry about than asking my wife to allow me to buy the video game equivilant of a razor blade to see if it tastes good.

Plus, it doesn't help that there's not a single game on the 360 that I want to play. At least until MGS4 comes out on it.

But, come on. I'm like one of the biggest SegaSonic fans on the forum now that the better ones realized that GHZ is a better forum for SegaSonic fans. I will get around to it. Promise.

If it helps, a housemate owns a 360 and with her permission, I would buy it.

Easy, I was not telling to buy it now. I understand your problem because I have your problem. Every immigrant in the beginning does.

At any rate, I explained the reasons why I did not had an enjoyable experience with Sonic 2k6 in my previous post.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


Sega have officially stated that Eggman gets to reproduce?




Posts: 1127
Noble Member

No.No.No. XD
In Rush, which came first, Nega is Eggman's alternate dimensional double.
When Backbone screwed up with Sonic Rivals, they had Nega going around calling himself Eggman's descendant. This led people to believe that there might have been two different Negas.
In an interview, the director of Rivals in an attempt to cover their ass, said that it was indeed the same Nega from Rush, and that he lied about being Eggman's descendant.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


That makes more sense.

*Scratches head and sighs* I really need to brush up on my Nu-canon knowledge. I've been slacking off since Shadow/Rush came out.

Thank you for clearing up.

Posts: 1127
Noble Member

You're welcome! But truth be told, I'm not even sure if that explanation is canon or not, that's just how I understand it. XD
Really, I think it's best not to think too much into it.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Is critical discussion allowed in this website? .... I just don't see why critics would have a problem with Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, especially when it has:

While I disagree, I admire your challenge of conventional wisdom. Welcome to the forum!

The game does have some strong music, but the story tried too hard to be Final Fantasy style melodramatic. The emotions of the game did not do it for me simply because I was distracted by so many things I hated, like Elise's exaggerated effeminate personality and creepy animation, yet another DBZ-inspired hedgehog using chaos control for no reason (much of the game terrified me that Silver would be Sonic and Elise's offspring), yet another Eggman releasing elemental monster plot, Silver's ridiculous hair, Mephiles, etc. As for the gameplay, it was the same linear launchfest as many other 3D Sonics, but even more extreme.

Posts: 398
Reputable Member

I don't think it was ever said that Nega was lying, but it has been a while since I read that interview. It's possible that Eggman Nega is Eggman's dimension hopping descendant from 200 years in the future or something like that. He could be lying, but as far as I know, it isn't really clear whether he is or isn't as of this point in time.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

While my commentary on the full game comes from video reviews and that play through (which was painful to watch in itself, I can't imagine playing it) I avoided '06 because of the demo and past experience.

I hate Sonic Heroes, it's the game that made me see how hard SEGA had been hit by going third party. When Shadow was leaked I thought it was a joke, like others, until the announcement, and then I died a little. I played that game in Gamestation once, it wasn't an ideal way to play it but after Heroes I wasn't going to buy into it, and playing it didn't change my opinion.

I then downloaded the demo of '06 and didn't think much of it either way, until recently at least. I downloaded it for a second time so my 9 year old brother had something to play, after about half an hour of playing he still couldn't get past the start of the level, the first bridge, he had gone through so many lives and continues I was surprised he hadn't given up. For him the game was absolutely unplayable, and he can play racing games and Mario 64 fine enough. I then gave it another try, and died pretty quickly, I did so several times before completing it, then my 18 year old brother gave it a try, similar results to me.

It just wasn't fun.

This basically meant I had absolutely no desire to spend money on a game that destroyed the already damaged view I had on a childhood hero of mine.

Posts: 2191
Famed Member

The only other games Silver's been in is Rivals 1 and 2, and the Minigames in Secret Rings, so that last one is passable.

In the Rivals series, his reasoning for going back in time is a screw up made by Backbone, who say that Eggman Nega is Eggman's descendant, as opposed to an alternate dimensional double. In a recent interview, they said that it is indeed the same Nega from Rush, and his reasoning for lying about being Eggman's descendant has yet to be learned.

In other words, "We screwed up and now we're covering our asses!"

So I guess it'd be easiest to say Nega is a dimensional double who knows how to travel through time and space, thus screwing around with both Blaze and Silver.

Still doesn't explain the love-hate relationship between Nega and Positive
