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A final Sonic game
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A final Sonic game

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Posts: 2191
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IF! the Sonic seires was ending what would you like to see for each character. I would like to see

Sonic: As he did in his very first game, I want him to run free as the wind always looking for adventure.

Tails: He finally is able to get out of Sonic's shadow and make a name for himself. Like helping a space program build better spaceships.

Knuckles: He finally realizies that maybe Sonic is trustworthy. He should also be able to realize that their are still good people out and they don't want the Master Emerald.

Amy: She finally gets Sonic to notice her. I'm saying Sonic should fall in love with her but he could give her a hug or a kiss or something.

Eggman: He should either be put to justice or quit the role of villianly while he still can.


Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Part of the "magic" of these characters, in a way, is that they are eternal.

You know Sonic will ALWAYS be running around, looking for adventure.

Eggman will ALWAYS be trying to found his empire and defeat Sonic.

Kuckles will ALWAYS be guarding the Master Emerald and falling for Eggman's traps and mistrusting others.

Amy will ALWAYS be chasing Sonic. Rouge will ALWAYS be looking for gems and such.

I think the Sonic series should stay open-ended so that in our minds, these characters will always be out there, having adventures of the usual sort.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Dirk Amoeba took the words right out of my mouth. The adventures will continue, and the characters will continue their lives, if only in our minds.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Maybe if it were like a story in a book or something but I doubt closure for the series will ever be needed...

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

If anything, Sonic Adventure 2 would have been the perfect ending to the Sonic series. Sonic saved the world, Eggman realised the twisted ways of his grandfather, and could have given up world domination for a peaceful existance. Shadow could have been permanently killed off. Knuckles put the Master Emerald back together and could have went back to being the guardian of Angel Island, Tails and Ay went back home with Sonic, and Rouge went back in search of treasure or something. It would have worked pretty well.

But Sonic & friends adventures really are timeless, so I don't think there could be a true end, just like what's been said.

Posts: 2191
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Well, I never said the series will end.:annoyed I know it won't unless Sega or Sonic Team goes down the drain. I mean hypotheticallly, if the series did end what would you like to see.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Let see Here's what I would want the final game's ending to be like:

Eggman collects all 7 Chaos Emeralds and instead of wasting them on another machine that is likely to blow-up in his face, he uses emeralds power himself, becoming Super Eggman. The emeralds amplify eggman's desire for world domination and to defeat sonic into a fit of blind destuction, and Eggmans goes on a killing spree. Eggman kills Tails in front of Sonic. Sonic uses the remaining power of the emeralds coupled with his sorrow, and anger at the lost of his friend and towards Eggman becoming Super Sonic for one final battle. Sonic Manages to defeat Eggman once and for all(sonic kills eggman). Sonic uses the last of his energy and full power of the Chaos Emeralds to undo the damage from the battle(including reviving most of those killed by eggman). Sonic expends all of his life force to restore everything to normal.

There you have it a climatic battle and death of a Hero and his archnemsis.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Well, I never said the series will end.:annoyed I know it won't unless Sega or Sonic Team goes down the drain. I mean hypotheticallly, if the series did end what would you like to see.

As I said, even if they stop making games, I think the last game should just be another game. Why should we give an "ending" to it? It's not a story with a beginning or a middle.

The final game (and we know there will be one, because all things end eventually) ought to be as open-ended as any other game. That way, the characters can live on in our imaginations, exactly as they always were.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Let see Here's what I would want the final game's ending to be like:

Eggman collects all 7 Chaos Emeralds and instead of wasting them on another machine that is likely to blow-up in his face, he uses emeralds power himself, becoming Super Eggman. The emeralds amplify eggman's desire for world domination and to defeat sonic into a fit of blind destuction, and Eggmans goes on a killing spree. Eggman kills Tails in front of Sonic. Sonic uses the remaining power of the emeralds coupled with his sorrow, and anger at the lost of his friend and towards Eggman becoming Super Sonic for one final battle. Sonic Manages to defeat Eggman once and for all(sonic kills eggman). Sonic uses the last of his energy and full power of the Chaos Emeralds to undo the damage from the battle(including reviving most of those killed by eggman). Sonic expends all of his life force to restore everything to normal.

There you have it a climatic battle and death of a Hero and his archnemsis.


Anyway, it's all been said. Sonic continues to live and fight another day, Knuckles is still a fool, Shadow remains all "Grrr! Ansgt!", Amy wins Miss Universe, Cream creates a warp in space and time, Big is forgotten and all is right with the world.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I agree that Sonic Adventure 2 would be a great way to end the series.

But still, i dont know how to end it because as someone said before the characters are immortal. well unless you walk off the screen.
