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A game dedicated to girls?!...

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Posts: 39
Eminent Member
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Remember the SONIC SUPER SPECIAL dedicated to girls (Sally, Bunny, Julie-Su, Hershey and Lupe)?!...
It was a great comic!!...
So, since SEGA seems to be be willing to enlarge its audience with a game like SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG, what would you think of a game dedicated to the girls of the series who are Amy, Tikal, Rouge, Cream and Blaze (and maybe Vanilla, Lumina, Honey, Sister Sonic and Tiara Boobowski to have more characters!!...)?!...
That game could attract a new female audience and renew Sonic's audience, couldn't it?!...

Posts: 78
Trusted Member

Honey really doesn't count. It's just one of the Fighting Vipers characters as a cat, probably just used in the testing stages for Sonic the Fighters (STF was actually built upon the Fighting Vipers engine)

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Erm...I dunoo...Do you have any specific ideas?

Any scenario I can think of would be made a better game by making the boys playable too. Aaand I also think that the boys attract enough girls by themselves, really. I don't see a big difference happening from a girls-only game. Especially when the female characters are...Um...Well, I just generally don't like them. But that's subjective.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

well, maybe just for younger girls. sure it will work.
but it can have tails and charmy in it, too.

a preschool game would be cute:) maybe teaching children the importance of caring for animals and fishies.
or a school story.
lunar had a "lunar school" game for kids it was very successful.
tails and cream would probably be the main characters.

and to be honest, sonic is becoming a lot harder than before. a little change of paste might do some good for younger gamers.

Posts: 81
Trusted Member


a preschool game would be cute

*cough*Sonic Schoolhouse*cough*
And I think we've had enough of the little-kids' stuff. Team Rose made me sick :o

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

The only thing I fear about this is if we get Extreme Sonic Females Volleyball! Or something like that...I'd prefer it to be just like a regular Sonic game...or maybe something like...

Amy-Speed stages
Rogue-MGS esque levels (Well...she could fit the part)
Cream-Silly treasure hunts (You know we ALL love em)

That's all I can think of for now...

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

The great thing about Sonic is that the games can appeal to anyone of any age or gender. By releasing Shadow, SEGA isn't enlarging it's audience at all--it's shrinking it by making a game that singles out a specific demographic. Doing a girl-oriented or (preschool-oriented) game would be doing the same thing. How about making really great games intended for all audiences?

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

We already have Sonic games like that...people just need to buy SMC...:p

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


The great thing about Sonic is that the games can appeal to anyone of any age or gender. By releasing Shadow, SEGA isn't enlarging it's audience at all--it's shrinking it by making a game that singles out a specific demographic. Doing a girl-oriented or (preschool-oriented) game would be doing the same thing. How about making really great games intended for all audiences?

