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Posts: 534
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And if you didn't count "Flicky" as an original Sonic character-
I'll have to go with Egg Robo ^_^

Posts: 1446
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Nope. Not Egg Robo or Fang, and I wasn't counting Flicky. =p

Posts: 2417
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Wait, why doesn't Flicky work?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ok, starting from Sonic 1:

1. Sonic
2. Eggman

Sonic 2

3. Tails


4. Mighty
5. Ray

Sonic CD

6. Amy Rose
7. Metal Sonic

Sonic 3 & Knuckles

8. Knuckles
9. EggRobo

Sonic & Tails 2

10. Fang/Nack


You could say "any of them", but as Espio is the first capsule you chance upon, I'll go with him.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Ding ding ding! Mr. Bayfield is the winner.

I wasn't counting Flicky as the game isn't part of the Sonic series. Otherwise I would have counted Dynamite Dux as well.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

As the first "proper" question was "technically" who dies first in the series.

This is literal. Given that robots of any kind do not count, who is the first character to die in the series?

Posts: 534
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Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sure, why not. I'm too lazy to make a decent question anywho :p

Originally I was going for an "on-screen death" which would have been Maria, but damn it, if I see another "right but wrong" trick question double meaning answer/question in this thread.


Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Ohh, Maria makes much more sense.
You prolly should said "On screen" death, lol.
Whatever, we're all Sonic Dorks so no question can be too hard.

What is Knuckles most favorite food? (Not food GROUP, but food)

Posts: 2417
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grapes. Its kinda sad that I know that from memory...

Posts: 534
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You are correct xD!
I was just reading about Knux from the manual of "Sonic 3".
Such a random fruit, but hey-
Grapes are purple.

Posts: 2417
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Ok. Out of all of the little animals that get rescued from badniks in the classic Sonic games, which particular zone features a bear?

Posts: 1573
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Casino Night in Sonic 2.

Posts: 2417
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Yep. Your turn.

Posts: 534
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Wow, that was weird =P, I didn't know that, lol.

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

Okie dokie. Here you go.

The beta level Wood Zone is believed by some to be the past version of what zone?

This question shouldn't be that difficult, but may have to do some digging. I will go ahead and tell you, though, that you won't find the answer at the GHZ.

Posts: 2234
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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Palmtree Panic?

Posts: 1573
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Posts: 2417
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Wow, I was afraid somebody already said Metropolis Zone o.o

Posts: 1573
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GT got it. Your turn.

Posts: 2417
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Where was Amy's first ingame appearance? (and I don't mean just say the game easygoers be more specific)

Posts: 261
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Sonic CD Palmtree Panic Act 2 Present

Posts: 125
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The correct answer is Sonic CD Palmtree Panic Act 1 Present.

Posts: 2417
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correct indeed. Your go.

Posts: 125
Estimable Member

Warning! This is a hard one.

One Sonic game has a very unusual music track order. Which game, which version, and why is it unusual?

Weeheehee. >=D

Posts: 1573
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Sonic 3? I'm pretty certain the sound test had several tracks from Sonic and Knuckles.

Posts: 2417
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Wasn't the sonic 3d blast (gen) sound test out of order because thats how the levels were ordered on the game cartrige? Its ether that or it was because of how it was ordered on the beta or something. Then again, I am typing this with no checking back on the internet to see where I got it.

Posts: 125
Estimable Member

GT pwns my answer. I was actually going to say Sonic 3D for the Saturn because the music for Rusty Ruin Act 2 is before Act 1 on the CD. I assumed this was because they were originally going to be used for the opposite acts, but perhaps not.

GT's turn.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

Went back and searched for it.

Anyway, ready set quest! Which game of the series features a rabbit as the boss but not with a chao? And where is it fought? (No, Ristar is not a choice for this one)

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Carrotia in Tails Sky Patrol. Zone 3 I think.

Posts: 2417
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That is correct, if you don't count the practice area.

Gyser, its your go.

- - -
Edit: Sunday 2:25 AM

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GT the Magikoopa Ashide Bunni Shadow Hog Veckums GyserHog

Just asking, the "3 day rule" is also in effect for this game right?

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Sorry. I completely forgot I even put an answer in. ^^;

Free go to whoever posts next.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Which two characters have had three canon names, and what are they?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

This is an evil little question, in a world where "Rouge the Bat" is Rouge's secret spy codename, it's hard to find characters with THREE names.

I'll try Metal/Silver/Mecha Sonic, but I do make note that Silver/Mecha are not Metal Sonic.

I suppose Gizoid/Emerl/G-merl aswell.

Posts: 462
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Metal's being called Neo-Metal in Rivals so I s'pose that counts as one of his names. But I still don't feel he's the same Metal, neither do I do consider Emerl and G-Mel to be the same, or Gamma/Chaos Gamma/E-102/E 1000 tho some might argue they are.
Amy Rose/Rosy The Rascal/Amy and Tails/Miles "Tails" Prower/Miles Prower are therefore my submitted answers.
For curiosity sake, would you consider Super forms to be a canon name? Cuz then we're opening the door for several more possiblities.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Hmmm, I would have gone for Amy aswell, but I feel that using "Amy Rose" and "Amy" so doesn't count, her name is Amy Rose, just as Tails is Miles "Tails" Prower, so rearranging the order doesn't count.

If Metal was called Neo-Metal in Rivals, then perhaps his form in Chaotix counts too, alas, I dunno what it's called.

Gamma/Chaos Gamma and E-102/E-1000 is genius on your behalf though, Miss Puar, I had forgotten them. I tip my hat to you.

I see this question as yet another example of a question which is open to interpretation... I'm starting to dislike that of this topic.

Posts: 262
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You forget that Amy has had another name: Princess Sally. In the US Sonic CD Storyline. Which can be considered canon.

Edit: Might as well put in an answer.
Going to go with:
Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal/Princess Sally and
Dr Eggman, Dr Ivo Robotnik and Eggman.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Actually, no. To be considered canon, it has to be part of the accepted storyline, as it is not part of the accepted storyline, it's not canon. Just like the whole Kintobor thing isn't canon, otherwise Amy/Rosy/Sally and Kintobor/Robotnik/Eggman would have been the answers.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

I'm not including variations of characters (eg. Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Neo Metal, Emerl, G-Mel, etc.) nor nicknames such as Miles "Tails" Prower or Ivo "Eggman" Kintobor. There's two characters that have been referred to in official material by three different names. One of them has been mentioned already, one of them hasn't.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Referred to be official material and "canon" are two seperate things. You know this, right?

E-102 should could, as SA1 even says outloud "E-102. Codename: Gamma" which states them as seperate names. Chaos Gamma being a different name.

If it's not Gamma, you can say "Chaos Gamma" and Gamma aren't the same person, just like the E-1000's aren't Gamma. In that case I'll go with Amy/Rosy/Sally, even if I'll hate you forever for accepting "Sally" as canon.

I'm going to be weird and say Flicky/Birdy/Lily, all of which are official names for the Blue Flicky, Flicky was it's name in Flicky and the first Sonic game and in SA1 it was called Birdy/Lily depending on region.

That's as obscure as you're getting.

Posts: 2417
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I thought it was called Lily only in the Sonic X 4Kids dub. <_<

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Nope, the Japanese audio called her Lily too.

Posts: 462
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I'll be weird to and say it's GUN Commander/General/Brutus.
Because Commander and General ARE NOT the same. Not by a long shot (ooh, this rant sounds familiar).
Odd definite of canon there, having some official source say it. Half tempted to throw out the many spelling errors for Tikal, Pachacamac, and Wave. Or Jet The Hawk/"Wind"/Bean The Dynamite due to a magazine poking fun at the similarites.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Hehe, I remember "Archie Sonic" spelling Tikal as "Tical".
l00zerz =P

I think Craig got it - like it or not, "Sally" is "Amy" -
It's stupid, but since it's in an official booklet, and dumb 8 year olds looked through it in 1993 (Or was it 1992...), and for about three years they called her "Sally", until something like Sonic R came out and they saw her real name.
Unless they were cool and bought a Gamegear. W00t Sonic Drift!

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

One of them is Amy. Like it or not, Sega of America officially represented her by the name Princess Sally.

The other character hasn't been guessed yet.

Posts: 462
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You say no nicknames yet allow Rosy the Rascal as an official name for Amy. You won't count any robots or Flicky tho I totally think Craig nailed it. So I'm guessing Sonic/Iblis Trigger/Blue One/etc. or Black Doom/Devil Doom/Doom's eye won't do it for you. Last Ditch effort: Chaos Chao/(Ultimate) Hero Chao/Angel Chao. All acceptable terms for the final evolution of a chao with good alignment. Can apply the same logic to Neutral and Dark Chao as well.
If none of these are right, then fine. Tell us the answer so we can move on.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Amy Rose/Rosy the Rascal/Princess Sally

Fang/Nack/Jet the Sniper/Weasel

There. Was that really that hard?

Posts: 1037
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He was called Jet somewhere? o.o

Posts: 462
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EDIT: Removed my sore loser rantism.
I never heard Jet the Sniper either. Think it be a UK thing. Are you gonna make a new question or pass the mantle?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

IIRC, "Jet" was either a beta name or a flat-out mistake by the magazine that printed it. It's not "canon" in the slightest.

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