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A way the Sonic RPG...
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A way the Sonic RPG Could work....

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Posts: 859
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It just struck me, there's been a BIG debate about whether a Sonic RPG could work...
A LOT of people think RPG would be too slow, BUT, something thats more like Zelda which is essentially an acton RPG could sort of work...

But not for Sonic.
All the ruckuss about a Knuckles game got me thinking, imagine if Knuckles had an RPG. He's famous for his abilities and strength rather than speed, so playing like a faster Zelda would be fine, or maybe more like Kingdom Hearts?
Sronger punches as you level up, gliding, digging, climbing as abilities and level ups. Bring back the sunglasses from SA2 and the power gloves, make it so you can change what he's wearing, putting on what you want to make him stronger.

And an interesting plot involving the Master Emerald...
VERY satisfying :)

But, it could work. It would give Knuckles his own game, please the fans check?
It would give an RPG without comprimising speed, check.
It could give a proper storyline, check.

Im not saying that I want one, and I'm sorry to open this big debacle up again BUT, i wouldnt mind Shadow the Hedgehog being followed up by a Knuckles RPG game, and if Sega really is intent on just checking boxes then they couldnt go wrong.
Well, they quite easily could, but it'd be a fun experiment.

*stands back and waits for someone to explode* :cuckoo

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I dunno...Something about it just seems...wrong. Even the notion of a Knuckles solo game in itself. Unless other Sonic characters get involved at some point as party characters or whatever. Like, Knux comes across Sonic and Tails fighting Eggman and decides to help out. After Eggman is defeated again they part ways once more.

What kind of a plot involving the Master Emerald? 😛 ...Hmm. They could use the game to explain why Knux simply forgot about the ME in Heroes, and didn't attend it in Battle. But I don't really care. They wanted him involved for humor in Battle and for the bloody sake of it in Heroes, and they couldn't be arsed to cook an explanation up. Feh.

I guess it could work...I have no confidence in ST making it so, tho. >_> *pessimism medallion gleams*

Edit: Oh, and relating to what you said about customizing his looks for different strengths, I think a general 'change Knux's attire' feature would be good. I liked his bonus costumes in SA2 and B, and there's people out there that like that kind of thing. And some who love it. Like me. ;p

Posts: 1446
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And after that, they can make a Tails flight sim.

Posts: 456
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Swift, have you ever played Tails Adventures? It's a really neat platformer with a lot of power-up item based abilities and the occasional bit of problem solving requiring such items. There were even water levels in which you rode in the Sea Tail submarine.

What you've described sounds like that, but with a heavier plot and a looser, less linear world with towns etc.

The original Tails Adventures was fantastic, and there's plenty of room for improvement in a sequel. I think that this would be the best way for Sega to go. Tails is much more suited to an action game with RPG-esque elements than Knuckles is, being the tech whizz that he is it makes a lot more sense for him to be the one using a lot of items and accessories in his adventures.

Also, I think that a Tails game could help widen the reach of the Sonic franchise more so than a game starring Knuckles, who is much more similar to Sonic and Shadow. I'm not suggesting that a Tails game should be dumbed down in any way though!

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Being a Knuckles fan, I wouldn't mind seeing a solo RPGish game starring him. I mean his civilization is just screaming to be investigated in more detail and his close connection to the emeralds.

A game with Tails could revolve around how he just got two tails. I know there is a reason and when I was young I thought it had to do with weird scientists and labs (DON'T ASK and I won't have to hurt you)...I won't accept he was born that way, there HAD to be a reason...

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


Oh, and relating to what you said about customizing his looks for different strengths, I think a general 'change Knux's attire' feature would be good.



I mean his civilization is just screaming to be investigated in more detail and his close connection to the emeralds.

Yeah, I'll agree with this idea, Swift. But I think they could ONLY do it with characters besides Sonic. Characters such as Shadow, Knuckles and Tails are pretty unknown, so it's easy to fit in a good background story for a RPG.
By unknown, I mean Knuckles past, Tail's tails(like Torn's already said) and Shadow's Maria thingy(although that story will be revealed in his next game, still...).
So yeah, though I kinda doubt it, ST should do a game like this.

Posts: 13
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to be frank, only the Liner Battle System (Tales of Seires) realy can support a Sonic RPG...

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I think the KH battle system could work. It's active enough and would allow them to be themselves without sacrificing the speed factor Sonic games are known for...though I haven't played this series you're talking about either so...

Posts: 456
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A game with Tails could revolve around how he just got two tails. I know there is a reason and when I was young I thought it had to do with weird scientists and labs (DON'T ASK and I won't have to hurt you)...I won't accept he was born that way, there HAD to be a reason...

Eww. Bad idea. There's no point in explaining something that doesn't need to be explained and has never been portrayed as a mystery. Why pick apart at the fictional wonder of the series and characters? And then what comes next? They explain why Sonic is fast? Why there are one foot tall gorillas and elephants? Why Eggman is so clever? Why human-like animals that can talk exist? Where Amy's hammer disappears to when she's not using it?

In a fantasy series like Sonic there's an unwritten rule that most people are aware of (consciously or not); if something there's something strange or fantastic but it doesn't contradict anything already established in the series and isn't presented as a mystery then you just accept it at face value.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member


In a fantasy series like Sonic there's an unwritten rule that most people are aware of (consciously or not); if something there's something strange or fantastic but it doesn't contradict anything already established in the series and isn't presented as a mystery then you just accept it at face value.

I am a writer and a big science person, I have to disect EVERYTHING...:p

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I suppose an RPG could work, make towns and whatnot similar to the adventure fields from Sonic adventure, then expand it to fit in lots of inttresting side-quests and places to go.

Also, an RPG would be the perfect game to re-introduce chao raising back into the series (Of course, it wouldn't be mandatory this time. >.>)

Posts: 859
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I am a writer and a big science person, I have to disect EVERYTHING...

Your a writer? Thats why you ought to respect the mystery about these characetrs. I men how dire would a story be which explained how fast Sonic is, how he turned blue, or how Eggman got so fat :0o

But, back to VCP's point earlier, Tails Adventure is exactly what I mean.
But, as you notice, it's Tails not Sonic.

Sonic couldn't work in an RPG, you'd have to centre it around another character and have him pop up from time to time.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member


Your a writer? Thats why you ought to respect the mystery about these characetrs. I men how dire would a story be which explained how fast Sonic is, how he turned blue, or how Eggman got so fat

Note the second part of my quote...:p

Posts: 859
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You ought to know me by now torn, I read everything but comment on only the first 5 words... :cuckoo

So, what can you tell us about Eggman's weight problem, where did it come from?

Posts: 8
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Why couldn't we put all the character's solo games into one big game. That way Sonic won't need to be in an RPG but Tails or Knuckles can. It would be like the Adventure series but the character's storylines would be seperate from each other.

Posts: 859
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Trouble is, thats what the Adventure series did, and Heroes in a less obvious fashion, AND Battle.
It WAS everyone's story, and there were just TOOO many characters and things went, kaput.

Hopefully Shadow will concentrate on Shadow, and we can start making sense of things. I think most people agree it's time to have less characters, and with only Sonic and Blaze in Sonic Rush and Shadow starring in his own game Sonic Team agrees.

Posts: 308
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At this point in time, I would probably take anything close to an RPG in the Sonic universe....

A hybrid of Kingdom Hearts and Phantasy Star Online would be nifty....


Posts: 1567
Noble Member


So, what can you tell us about Eggman's weight problem, where did it come from?

He sits around a fortress, rides around a lot and rarely walks but consumes a LOT of food...:p

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Seems people favor a full-on action tilt to their RPG battles.

Lately I've been thinking about how to handle a turn-based battle using characters from the Sonic series. I keep going back to the battle system used in Valkyrie Profile. A team of four or less on the right, facing off with enemies on the left in a side-view skirmish. Each character has a single button on the control pad (the four PS1 face buttons, in this case) assigned to them. After selecting your target you can push any one button to send your character(s) forward to strike the enemy in real-time with their chosen weapon. Each character can move once in a single turn, and depending on the weapon at hand can strike 1, 2 or 3 different blows to the enemy at any given time in that turn (each consecutive attack requiring another tap of the character's button). Using this system, you can send each character in one-at-a-time or all-at-once for a stringed-together assault that may or may not all strike (the reason for this is that attacks vary in striking distance and area of effect).

Stringing attacks together is beneficial in that it builds up a meter that, when full, allows you to perform powerful special attacks that continue the damage you can do to a single enemy. Each character can perform one if they were included in the attack, but each consecutive Special must be able to refill the combo meter in order to continue the chain. And since every character's various types of attacks can add different values to the meter, it takes a bit of foreword strategy in order to msximize potential damage.

And that's not even considering the enemy's ability to dodge or block an attack, paralyzing your ability to complete attack chains.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about: Your team consists of Amy Rose, Rouge, Shadow and Tails bringing up the rear flank. You send Amy first by tapping her button, she rushes forward and swings her Piko-Piko Hammer upwards, sending an E-1000 into the air a short distance. You quickly tap Rouge's button to bring her forward and strike the robot back down to the ground with her Somersault Heel Kick. You follow up with Amy's next (and last) attack: Spin Hammer, knocking it back a bit. As this is occuring, you tap Tails in to have him fire his Air Gun, a weapon that fires 3 darts in rapid sucession at the robot, knocking him back even more. You cue Shadow who warps in behind the robot and delivers a Chaos Uppercut, floating the E series again and finish the combo with a two-pronged attack: tapping both Shadow and Rouge has them attack at the same time, however Rouge's attack, the Side Sobat, has no delay and hits first just as the bot lands from his aerial hike, knocking in straight into Shadow as he finishes executing his Twin Chaos attack, hitting it 4 more times in rapid sucession before the robot is thrown out of range.

Elapsed time: 5 to 7 seconds.

At this point, if the E-1000 still has any amount of HP left, and having filled the combo meter to full capacity, you'd be able to unleash each character's Special. You have a time limit to input which character you'd like to go first, the combo meter diminishes the more time it takes you to choose your next Special. Also, you must consider the number of hits and how much each hit adds to the meter.

Fun, no? I'm sure for someone looking in from the outside it appears a bit... daunting. But it's actually a very fast, very slick way to battle turn-based. Naturally, it looks best with highly-animated and detailed 2D sprites.

Now, I don't expect everyone to agree that such a system could work, I merely thought to present the idea as best I can, if only to illustrate that a fast and furious turn-based battle system IS possible and even fitting for the Sonic franchise. The only thing I can't get past is that normally, most enemies in the Sonic universe rarely need such beat-downs to eliminate. I don't imagine 4 characer gang-up on a Kiki would seem at all fair. o_o

Posts: 38
Eminent Member

well, it could work, with emphasis on COULD. to be good, it'd either have to be a REALLY LONG game that is fast paced, or a Moderately long game at a slow pace. and to be honest, i really donb't think that a slow paced sonic game could work. a fast paced RPG could work, but that almost defeats the purpose of an RPG. oh well. if one did come out, i'd buy it, play it, beat it, and go on with my life (unless it it, like, ber awesome) and if that was the case, i'd go on about it for a while til everyone played it.

good thought, though, i like it.

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

Well, if there was to be a turn based-RPG Sonic game, I think the battle system should be somewhat similar to ,"The Legend of Dragoon", without the Dragoon transformations of course.
For example, your party consists of Sonic, Amy, and Rouge and you're facing off against one of Robotnik's/Eggman's big mech robots. Sonic would go first, then something similar to the addition system used in TLoD would be used.
Sonic would make a combo like attack where you would have to press a face button (Like the four face buttons on the PS1 controller) multiple times in order to place the attack successfully. Otherwise, the attack will be weaker than if you managed to pull it off. Simple combo's would consist of 1 or 2 well timed button presses, while the complex ones would consist of about 7 or 8 button presses. Not to mention that the enemies could counter your attacks. However, you can cancel out the counter by pressing the correct face button at the right time.
By successfully completing the combo, Sonic would do a fair amount of damage. Then, the mech would go next and try to attack Rouge by blasting a laser beam at her. She would take a decent amount of damage. This would go on until the battle ends. However, there needs to be something to spice it up. To replace the Dragoon transformations, the characters used in the game would be able to use the power of the Chaos Emeralds as their "limit breaks". Each character would be able to use the emerald equipped to them to activate their limit breaks. The emeralds would be collected as the story proggresses. This is all a working progress, so it's probably really weird right now.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

"So, what can you tell us about Eggman's weight problem, where did it come from?"

Eggman was once a pretty normal, well-adjusted guy, who was at the time merely reasonably smart and fairly well educated. He worked a desk job in front of a computer, a fairly tedious one, boring and unrewarding. Far different from the amazing work his grandfather - the great Professor Gerald Robotnik - used to do, working in the top fields of several science divisions for the government and military. He'd missed his grandfather since he'd passed on, though part of him felt it made it easier to not look upon himself as so much of a failure. Eggman's grandfather had always said he had so much potential, and he was glad his grandfather couldn't see him now.

Eggman lived in a fairly average low-cost apartment with his only companion - a Sony Aibo he'd spent some time tinkering with to fill in time. He'd managed to give it the ability to speak a few prerecorded phrases such as "I love you, master!", "You're my best friend!" and "Let us rise up and crush all the infidels beneath our cold iron might!". He wasn't quite sure why he added that last one, but shrugged it off, putting it down to his offbeat sense of humor that noone else really seemed to get.

When the weekend rolled around, Eggman liked to do something a little special with his dinner, treating himself to poached or scrambled eggs on toast - a delightful change to his usual hard-boiled snacks that usually occupied much of the space in his work lunchbox. Eggman's life wasn't bad, per se, rather just quite.. unfulfilling - and he didn't seem to be able to go out and make a change for himself, being a rather timid individual.

However, one fateful day saw Eggman becoming involved with a captivating young woman who had just started a secretarial job at Eggman's place of employment. And despite his inadequacies in social interaction, she seemed rather fond of him, and brought him a number of days that were.. a little lighter. Eggman finally had something to make the arduous climb out of bed every morning seem a lot more worthwhile.

But without realising it at the time, Eggman soon began to rely too much on the object of his affection. His life started to revolve around her, and nothing else seemed worthy of his attention. Even his beloved favourite egg-based meals seemed bland and uninteresting in comparison, and his once-cherished friend Aibo now lay in a corner of the cramped living room of the apartment, batteries long since drained away. Eggman was setting himself up for a terrible fall that surely did eventually come along...

Eggman's lady friend had recently been big on feminism, after recieving impolite 'compliments' from some male workmates. She'd expressed that it'd be nice if Eggman would stick up for her - and he wanted to - but he just really wasn't the type for it. But she'd stay with him, right? After all, he was one of those rare nice guys that girls are always saying they want to find.
The final straw for Eggman's love interest however was when she recieved a slap on the rear from the boss. Eggman couldn't say anything to his boss - not his boss - he needed this job.. but in the end, it was ultimately the mere fact that Eggman was male that made his lady friend leave him. Expressing interest in women's rights failed to woo her back.

Eggman spiralled into depression, and turned to food for comfort. Sitting alone in his darkened apartment one night, drinking large amounts of the eggnog he always kept a supply of all year round, the now grossly overwieght and unemplyed Eggman stared into the corner of the dingy living room. From there, a voice began to whisper to Eggman.
"..I've never left you, Eggman."
The rotund man's sagging eyelids lifted as he realised, with a pang of guilt, that he'd neglected his only true friend..
"..we could.. crush them."
Eggman slowly replied to the voice in the darkness; "...The.."
A shadow stared back at Eggman from the corner, with its dull plastic lens.

Eggman's life changed forever that night. His inner turmoil created a desire to lash out at the world. This desire brought with it a surprising burst of motivation to learn more.. to do more.. to become more. Eggman began studying all he could, learning more and more about computers, mechanics and machines. He'd become great. He'd be a leader! He'd be the head of everyone. A leader.. No. not a leader. A ruler. And he'd become a real ladies' man - a gentleman - because maybe then.. she'd come back..

You know the rest of Eggman's story - and now you know his past, and may be able to understand the likes of SA2's instruction manual's 'feminist' statement a bit more.

Eggman's faithful companion Aibo underwent radical modifactions and upgrades, eventually becoming an assault robot modelled after one of Eggman's newfound enemies.

Eggman's love interest eventually mellowed out a bit, got higher education, and got a job working as a secretary to the President.

Eggman's boss ended up having to pursue other career options. One of the tasks his latest job involves is constantly locating the model mascot of the shop he works at in Station Square, which vandal hedgehogs constantly take off with. It is often eventually found washed up on the beach.

Professor Gerald is still dead.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Ha, ha, that's a good one Cyber! Way to go.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Lol @ Cyber XD

Back on topic.. I liked Psxphile's suggestion. Although I haven't played the game you mentioned, the battle system you described sounds very fun. But why would Sonic characters team up like that? Are we going to use the "big-enemy-who-requires-everyone-to-join-plot" again? Some Sonic characters can team up quite well, Sonic and Tails for one.

I'd love there to be a Tails' Adventures sequel. Though Tails should move and attack faster, that's the only thing that really annoyed me at times.

Posts: 90
Trusted Member

Ive been toying around with an idea of a SonicRPG since news on the net of that online Sonic RPG without Sega's input.

So far Ive pretty much figured out the gameplay mechanics...and now its just waiting for a good plot and then put everything together!

For a battle system Sonic style I'd do this:

Anyone eho's played Shenmue will have come across the QTE system, and thats what I would use.

your team (ex: sonic/tails/knuckles) dashes along with the enemy a little ahead.
When its your turn to battle. A button will flash on screen (ex; A) press that whilst the button is flashing onscreen to initiate an attack.

When your oponent attacks you. For example Dpad RIGHT pops up on screen, press it whilst the button is flashing onscreen to dodge the attack.

The idea behind this is to keep the whole thing moving fast - slow paced menu style battles wont fit in with a sonic game. (Not to me anyway.)

Hope that explains my idea anyway. ^^;

Posts: 81
Trusted Member

One thing I've been thinking about for a while now, and even made a bad hoax of it...

I mean, come on. Who doesn't like Fire Emblem? It's so unique...

Also, some other guy hoaxed Sonic in FE, too. Must be a popular idea. :)

Posts: 1355
Noble Member



*spriting urge rising...*



*will edit*


That took way too long considering the quality of the outcome.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Oh yes, let's make one of the most fast-paced games around into a game modelled around a much, much slower-paced game, because there won't be ANY clashing of styles whatsoever. Nope, none.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

That's the spirit!

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

There could be original Sonic characters like Sonic, Miles, Knuckles,Amy, Cream, and Robotnik. I think each character should have his or her's ways of attacking.
Shouldn't special attacks be added? Now for this Sonic game, forget about Robotnik being the main villain. There should be a new enemy who destroyed Robotnik's base. Robotnik decides to turn to the good guys side only until he makes sure Doomclay (the new villain) gets destroyed. You find characters in order. You will have a group of three characters and you select which characters you want to be with. You find Miles when you have to defeat a machine which Robotnik made a robot that Miles is put in to control it. You find Knuckles when someone is trying to steal the Master Emerald. But the machine has no egg shape. Amy and Cream are found the same way as Miles.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Sonic just isn't a good basis for an RPG. We all know what the Sonic games are about - frame rate - er, I mean speed. RPGs are not speed based. They involve talking to characters, solving puzzles, fighting random battles, that sort of thing. The best RPGs are almost entirely non-linear.

Sonic Battle was far too linear to be an RPG. Tails is probably the best candidate for an RPG owing to his personality, or Knuckles going on a quest to find out HIS past, but we'd start getting answers to questions we don't like.

It's generally accepted that Tails was born with two tails. Maybe his mom had a relaxed approach to toxic chemicals when she was pregnant.

As for Knuckles, well, knowing who his family are just opens the gate to more characters. It happened in Archie; Knuckles has a more complicated family tree than a family of rabbits on viagra. And hardly anybody feels that all those characters are nessecery.
