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Announcing 'Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing'

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Posts: 1827
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What is the deal with the whole "why is Sonic in a car?" This question seems to pop up whenever Sonic Team send Sonic on merry little jaunts in ye olde england and with him turning into a werehog. But Sonic did odd things in the Mega Drive games...

I mean why does Sonic need a plane?

Why did Sonic use a snowboard?

Why did Sonic drive an eggmobile? And how did he even know how to drive it?

How dare Sonic run on water! Thats Jesus's party trick.

I mean, Sonic had a car in Sonic Drift. So over 10 years ago we had this "controversy" and no one cared then, it just seems to me that Sonic has become everyone's whipping boy lately. I mean no one cares about Crash and Spyro now and Mario is like God.

I'm not defending Sonic's latest games but it seems to be such an odd question: "Why is Sonic in a car?" Because everyone else is.

Posts: 3756
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I mean why does Sonic need a plane?

Because Sonic cannot fly.

Why did Sonic use a snowboard?

Because it's the fastest way down a slick snowy mountain.

Why did Sonic drive an eggmobile?

Because Sonic cannot swim and needed to get to the Death Egg.

The reason people whine about Sonic being in a car or on an airboard is that Sonic's entire schtick is that he moves like greased lightning. Climbing into a machine that's entire point is to make slow things fast is redundant for the Blue Blur.

Posts: 1827
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But he ran on water in Hydrocity.

And Sonic could have ran down the mountain in Ice Cap.

I can understand your point but, I just dont agree with it. Im sticking to the whole: Sonic has done things that makes his main characteristic redundant in the past, so why not now?

Posts: 980
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Because it's fair on the competition - that, and he'd be unfairly advantaged if he didn't, that's why. 😛

Posts: 2354
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I mean why does Sonic need a plane?

He can't fly (at least when he does not have the seven emeralds).

Why did Sonic use a snowboard?

It's safer and quicker than going on foot (not to mention Sonic would have sunk into several feet of snow).

Why did Sonic drive an eggmobile? And how did he even know how to drive it?

Eggman probably left that thing on auto pilot/left the keys in there.

How dare Sonic run on water! Thats Jesus's party trick.

There's a difference between walking on water and running several miles per hour on water. Also, if you stop while running in Hydrocity, Sonic will sink into the depths below (Same thing happens in Ocean Base).

And also what Mob. said.

Posts: 1827
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NiGHTS fans loose poo over possible NiGHTS shut out

But they wont disclose sources

lol, Its all so silly. I mean by the time a game comes out now, you know everything about it. What the story is, how it plays, the soundtrack, when the DLC comes out and the ending of the game.

I mean with the exception of the Arbiter in Halo 2, I cant think of another game that had a hidden extra that wasn't spoiled by the press.

They didn't forget NiGHTS in Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Riders, Sonic Riders Zero Grav, Sega Superstars Tennis and I doubt that they will forget him/her/it now.

Honey from Fighting Vipers is fine too.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

LOL I hear about this last week. It pretty obvious Nights is in the game and not DLC.

Edit- Screenshots of the DS version and PS3 version.

I LOL at Big's All-Star move.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Seriously sucks how you can discover everything about a game months before its release. Oh well. =/ When does this come out again? Jan or something?

Posts: 1758
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Haha I bet there were a number of people just as certain that the GameFAQs post with most of what was then unrevealed about SSBB was fake too.

Posts: 1413
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Some old and new pics including Alex Kidd All-Star move.

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Posts: 2191
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LOL @ you thinking they'll ever be a Shenmue III.

If Nintendo didn't produce Kid Icarus Wii/DS, there's no way in hell Sega will make Shenmue 3.

Posts: 58
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Where did I say I thought they are making Shenmue III??? I am confused I was complaining about the lack of it =(

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Is it extremely selfish of me to hope that is a lie?

I mean... They are genuinely going to waste a slot on Banjo and Kazooie? And after they wasted at least 4 slots on Sonic characters.


Posts: 1573
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Wait, wait, wait. They're considering Banjo before Ristar?!

*cries at the utter disregard Sega apparently has for the little shooting star*

Posts: 2191
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1. The artwork for Banjo and Kazooie on the boxart was SAME artwork used to promote Nuts n Bolts.
2. Sonic Team's logo is on there. And they aren't making this game.
3. How people ever even pay attention to gaming rumors is beyond me

Posts: 1758
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So 140 characters huh? How many will be DLC?

Posts: 2191
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They tease us that Segata Sanshiro is either playable on the Wii version or just simply pwns any PS/360 mascot

Gameradar gives positive preview on game Also, confirms what I said when the game was first announced. It was a Crabmeat

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Segata Sanshiro?! Fool! If one were to defeat Segata Sanshiro in a race it would cause the disc to explode inside the console, as nothing can process such an improbable feat. They are meddling with fire here.

Fortunately the game wont be out for a long time and Sega will realize they cannot make an explosion proof disc to withstand the almighty force of Sanshiro. Thusly, he will be dropped from the line-up.

Posts: 1827
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Unless the disc is compatible with Sega Saturn.

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Posts: 5035
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Oh wow...that theme rocks.

Posts: 889
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I might pee my pants if Segata Sanshiro is in there.
Hopefully Sega makes a limited/special edition. They could put some really cool stuff with it. Like a music CD or a Tails Doll plush! Too many possibilities.

Posts: 6
Active Member

Segata Sanshiro?! Fool! If one were to defeat Segata Sanshiro in a race it would cause the disc to explode inside the console, as nothing can process such an improbable feat. They are meddling with fire here.

Fortunately the game wont be out for a long time and Sega will realize they cannot make an explosion proof disc to withstand the almighty force of Sanshiro. Thusly, he will be dropped from the line-up.

You assume I can be beaten.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That is why I said the disc would not be able to handle the feat, Sanshiro-Sama. To defeat you is to defy the very foundations of the world we inhabit. Do not worry Sanshiro, though you may ride a rocket to the sky and explode in a blaze of glory, you will never perish.

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Posts: 889
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I couldn't see any Nightopians in those screenshots.

Posts: 1413
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Looks like we get to race with Sega All Stars racers outside the games.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

As with the action figure thread: Ryo Hazuki in Forklift or else!

Posts: 1413
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Nintendo confirm the game is coming out in March 2010 for the Wii and DS. I guess the HD version will also come out the same month. Man, March look like is going to be a pain with all the game coming out.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Whaaaaaa? So I guess this mean Mario will be on Wii version then.

Edit- Oddly enough the other versions don't have an exclusive character on their cover.

Posts: 3756
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*spit take* WHAAAAT? It was real? Well, uh. That's cool, I guess.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

I think Rare is just that desperate. Oh and great job, this makes the title even LONGER

Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing and Banjo Kazooie? Did their names really need to be on the box?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Why for?

I mean unless this game actually has representation from every Sega game ever made, then its all cool.

Posts: 2191
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I can see it now:

Mom: What do you want for Christmas (just an example, I do realise it's not out before Christmas)?


*At a game store*

Mom: Wait...what did he want? Sonic and...Mario? Mario and Sonic? Which one? Wait, no he said Banjo-Kazooie...Nuts and Bolts? No he said All-Stars. This baseball game here? Racing...Mario Kart? DAMMIT I'm so confused! Bah, I'll just buy him Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 for the PS3. He'll like that, right? Wait, does he even own a PS3? Oh of course if Mario is on Playstation, any game can play on any console!

Kid on Christmas morning: ...Sleep with one eye open...better yet, sleep with both eyes open...

Mom: O.O

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Look like Banjo and Kazooie are missing from the U.K. 360 cover.

Posts: 1413
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New trailer. Confirm Banjo and the fact you can use your 360 Avatar in the game.

Posts: 889
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The Avatar thing is pretty cool. I have nothing against Banjo being in the game either.
I'm actually tired of people complaing so much about it. Ryo easily makes up for just about anything.

Posts: 1702
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So still no sign of Ristar?

Posts: 1984
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This is your chance to race with Banjo! Sonic! Shadow!.....DAVID- wut?

Posts: 1413
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Christmas trailer. Nothing new except we get to seethe complete Billy Hatcher stage.

Posts: 1984
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Posts: 3756
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Or, M&S&SASatOGwBKaY, for "short".

Posts: 1827
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Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Haahah! That looks legit, D.B. xD!

Posts: 1413
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New screenshots including a full shots of Amy, Billy Hatcher, Big and the Zombie couple.

LOL Big bike looks like Froggy.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XD! Maybe Froggy still has some Chaos in him and shifted into a motercycle. *slapped* Thanks for the update Shad.

Posts: 2191
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Customizing vechiles confirmed.

It's official: Best... racing game... EVAR!

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

Freaking sweet @ Custom Vehicles and Big's motorcycle.
I think its about time to pre order.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Bad news, SOL just confirm that there is not vehicle customizing in game .

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