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Best Sonic Game!
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Best Sonic Game!

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Sonic 2 - 5 votes
Sonic 3D - 3 votes
Sonic Battle - 2 votes

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And the last to recieve 6 votes is the winner?
What would hapen if it was like-
"Sonic 2 - 6 Votes
Sonic 3D - 5 Votes
Sonic Battle - 5 Votes"
And some looser comes in and says
"Sonic 3D and Sonic Battle"

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Then it'd be the two votes from whoever voted next that'd determine the winner =D

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I'll vote for Sonic 2 and 3D Blast. They're too fun and classic to get rid of.

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Yeah, Sonic 2 and Sonic 3D get my vote!

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Sonic 2 - Safe
Sonic 3D - 5 votes
Sonic Battle - 2 votes

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Sonic Battle.

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Sonic Battle.

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Sonic Battle. Eff. Tee. Dubya.

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Sonic Battle!!

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You can't vote twice, Spiner =p

As of now it's 5-all between 3D and Battle. Next vote determines the winner...

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Aw. =(

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Battle. Definitely, definitely, Battle.

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Sonic Battle. Sorry, 3D. :( You were fun, but Battle was funner.

lol @ that word

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You made them sad.

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Sorry flickies. =(

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Sonic 2 and Battle win, and 3D has been eliminated.


Now we enter the semi-finals, and it's a battle of the supporting character games - Tails versus Knuckles. As of this round, each game must receive *eight* votes to make it to the final.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive/Genesis)
Sonic & Knuckles

My vote's gotta be for S&K.

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Sonic Deux

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Wow, I'm really surprised Sonic Blast did as well as it did, considering how many people say hate it.

Anyway, Sonic and Knuckles took everything that was great about Sonic 2 and improved it ten fold. Sonic and Knuckles all the way, baby.

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Sonic & Knuckles FTW!

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Tis was a classic.

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which version of Sonic 2 (mega drive/genesis)? The Genesis version? or the PC version of the Genesis version? Or the TV Games version? Or the Gametap version...these are all separate games people!

ok anyway S&K

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sonic and knuckles!!!
that was a very hard one for me but sonic and knuckles won it for me

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Sonic & Knuckles. I'm just going by: if there's one game I'd play over and over again ....

The level design and the overall atmosphere is great. Really hard choice, I'm really not 100% sure about my deicison, but I think I feel more from S&K, so I'm sticking with it.

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S&K of course ^_^
Gliding is much funner than not being able to fly =(

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Sonic. And. Knuckles.

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which version of Sonic 2 (mega drive/genesis)? The Genesis version? or the PC version of the Genesis version? Or the TV Games version? Or the Gametap version...these are all separate games people!

Yes, but they're all the same game.

Sonic & Knuckles wins!



Next games are:

Sonic Adventure (DX)
Sonic Battle

SA ftw.

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which version of Sonic 2 (mega drive/genesis)? The Genesis version? or the PC version of the Genesis version? Or the TV Games version? Or the Gametap version...these are all separate games people!

For pitys sake, will you just get over it? Seriously. Whining and crying won't change anything. You're just being a cry-baby, and quite frankly, it's more than irritating. If you really have an issue with me, bring it to PM, don't go dragging it all over the board.

On topic, SA. It's way more epic than Battle, even though I love Battle to death.

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Sonic Adventure has my vote.

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LOL. NO no no I am somewhat vidicated, to heck PMs (pms?) I don't have a problem with you, just making a point, which is the point of a forum after all. However I can only ask can I vote for Sonic Adventure not DX? Cuz those are two differnt games all together.

anyway lighten up and Sonic Adventure is the vote

Posts: 377
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Definitely Sonic Adventure. Sometimes I wish they'd remake it, just for updated graphics. What if Perfect Chaos looked as good as he does on the cinematic? That'd be so tight.

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They DID update it, in SA:D X, which, according to our friend bloocheez here is a different game.:crazy

The choice is not easy, I love Battle, but a big part of why I loved it is because of its plot with ancient civilizations, which reminded me of Adventure, in turn reminding me of Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
So, in a way, it's almost a derivate.. I go with Sonic Adventure. Sorry, Battle.

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It's a toughie, I think Sonic Battle has been the most enjoyable Sonic game since SA1, next to Sonic Rush, and I wish Battle would get a sequel, if only the Prunes (aka, Nintendo Magazine) gave it a half decent review...


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I have to vote Sonic Battle. I enjoyed it more. Simple as that.

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I never really took as much to Battle as most.
Sonic Adventure.

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Adventure. =D

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Annd that's... 7 votes to Adventure.

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Sonic Adventure!

The best Sonic game in 3D!

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They DID update it, in SAX, which, according to our friend bloocheez here is a different game.

Ooh yeah.

... well, they should do it again.

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I was being facetious anyway

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SA wins!

Well, we're done to the final round. The winner of this is, by MoFo election, the best Sonic game. In order to win the match, the winning game must receive TEN votes. Our final matchup is:

Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Adventure

I'll start the ball rolling with a vote for Sonic & Knuckles. IMO, probably one of, if not THE best platformers ever.

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Sonic & Knuckles. There is just so much fond memories of it, and its the classic side-scroller game that the majority loves.

And yeah, playing as Knuckles for the first time ever really was just cool, and a memorable experience.

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I'm gonna have to vote Sonic Adventure for this one!
I guess I'm a Sonic Adventure kinda guy...

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Sonic & Knuckles is my home slice

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I'm gonna hafta go with Sonic Adventure on this one.

Sure, playing as Knuckles for the first time on S&K was one thing, but HEARING him talk in SA was simply to die for.

Oh, and as well as everyone else's voices. Ya know, before they got annoying?

Also, the Adventure Fields were awesome, and having the several characters was also a plus, and it wa in 3D.

Sonic Adventure 1 goes down in my book as the best Sonic game.

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Definitely, definitely Sonic and Knuckles.

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According to my logic with Battle, which drew from Adventure, Adventure drew from Sonic and Knuckles, which IMO was superior to the former.
To Sonic and Knuckles goes my vote. Awesome stages, music, story.

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