who likes chao! soo cute
dont say that you are bored of them they are cute
if we can't say we are bored of them then how are we supposed to express our opinions? I see no good reason to keep the chao as they slow down gameplay.
Umm they're OK I guess!
Err, is this going somewhere
but chao is ciute isnt it        
Okay, cute they may be, but smiley rape is just totally off topic. It makes poor wolfies cry.
Personally I hate chao, I find them irritating and pointless. But some people like them, so as long as they remain optional, I guess they can stay.
"Remain optional"? To my recollection the only games in which Chao were optional were Sonic Advance and Sonic Advance two, which lacked a load of the features and were basically just there for on-the-go stat building for the GC re-releases.
And by optional I'm referring to whether or not it's required for 100% completion.
aaah plain text
crimson the only time they have been optional is on the advance titles. therefore they'd have to become optional, because in sa1,and sa2 they have been mandatory to getting all the emblems. in the other main console games they only had breif appearances.
off topic: red all the good discussion is on the mofo chat mf.lighthead.net/flashchat
edit: dnagit shadow you beta me to it i hate you with the fiery passion of a thousand stars.
Well yeah, but I couldn't be bothered with 100% completion anyway. The whole 100% thing is outside of the story really, so for the game, it's optional. When I have to raise chao in order to get to the next level, then I'll be angry.
Spamming of smilies is not allowed and neither is continuous posting of topics; especially poorly developed ones. Quit making topic after topic or you'll end up getting warned or banned.
An example of what would actually need a new topic is either a request for help, or something that you can actually expand on yourself in order to start a discussion. Even then, you still need to check the forum for a previously existing topic of that nature.
Otherwise, welcome. <3
Uh. Ok. There's already a chao topic.
If it didn't get destroyed in the Great EzBarf.
I used to play with the chao gardens in the Sonic Adventure games, but I grew bored with them after a while. I think they should be optional ala Sonic Advance.
Heh. I just happened to be typing up a post else where on Chao and their return to the Sonic series.
- Bring Chao Gardens back, but make them completely and utterly un-neccessary to complete the game in any way shape or form.
- Let us carry more Chaos Drives/Animals/Whatever at once, and make it easier to get the one type you want, or a bit of everything if you want. I can't tell you how many times I've run through Radical Highway looking for green Chaos Drives only to find everything but.
- Make it easier to mass feed a certain Chao all of the Drives/Animals you're carrying.
- Chao + DS touch screen = Win?
- Chao + DS touch screen = Win?
Chao + DS touch screen = Win?
Indeed, something involving chao similar to that of nintendogs, but with wifi access (racing, black market items etc), and ability to lift chao from the advance games through the gba port on the DS would be quite popular.
- Let us carry more Chaos Drives/Animals/Whatever at once, and make it easier to get the one type you want, or a bit of everything if you want. I can't tell you how many times I've run through Radical Highway looking for green Chaos Drives only to find everything but.
You know, it's much easier to hunt for Chaos Drives in Eggman levels, preferably Iron Gate. =D TAILS LEVELS SUCK ASS
On topic, I loved the SA2 Chao Gardens. Just the depth of it, the dozens of combinations (78!) you could get. It was fun.
The old Chao were cute, when you could raise them in a garden. I loved that. Now they just appear rarely and say "Chao Chao Chao". Instead of a bunch of sounds.
If Chao are going to come back, it must be in a seperate game. As much as I like them, I don't want to spend hours trying to raise one in a game meant to be focused on speed. It makes no sense having to stop and pick up things when i'm supposed to be running through a level as fast as I possibly can. I'm all for the Chao DS idea!
i dont know what u guys are talking about chao are so ugly and they are annoying little buggers.
You know, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. That's just yours.
Btw, like said in another topic, Chao DS would be a great thing to do. Not only would it please many of us chao-lovers, but it also would please Sonic Team as it's going to bring in a lot of money. 😛
I guess I KINDA like Chao... I'm not sure how I feel about the "NOW I'M ANGRY NOW I'M HAPPY" Chao AI, but the virtual pet minigame in the Sonic series and you get rings within the stages to pay for things for chao, I sort of like that interaction between the main stages and the chao garden.
but I don't think virtual pet mini-games like the Chao Garden should be mixed into an action game with shooting levels, collecting levels, and running levels ect... I'd say they should probably have their own Sonic-themed virtual pet game.
It's pretty bad that you have to go through the chao garden virtual pet stuff to get all the emblems. Now having chao garden in the same game as the action stages does have some good aspects as to it like how there is, let's say in SADX a practical advantage to freeing the animals is that you can use them to build up chao stats in the chao garden and you don't have to do so to beat the level like in S3DB nor does freeing the animals do nothing like in the early games.
I'm not really much into the chao garden, I prefer the main levels. I do play chao garden every now and then but I don't really play it much. I really don't like that it will be forced on me once I've finished the other emblems...
Now a multi-platform Sonic-themed virtual pet game would probably be a good idea... ideally it'd connect with other GBA and GCN Sonic games involving chao for certain features that I can't really imagine up right at this moment.
[Fixed typo a minute or two after posting]
Chao are like Mags in pso. Ok, maybe not really... but they are fun to raise. Personally, i hated them and left them for last when beating SA2. then i started raising them... and well... i find them cool. My chao is an immortal chaos one ^^ he's so cool. erm... anywho...
I think they should return Chao to not having the Pokemon speech impediment.
Return? Were they ever able to talk? (outside of Advance tiny chao garden)
No, but they used to make small cute noises instead of just yelling the word "CHAO!" in a very ugly way that is the opposite of cute and makes you want to slaughter them all with pointy objects.
Actually thats right. Wow I just realised that Hero Chao garden surrounded by the chao was quite relaxing.
I wouldnt mind the chao raising coming back in the full Sonic games as long as they werent necessary to complete it 100 percent.
Yeah verily.
And Wonderbat, no offense, but you're starting to freak me out.
WB: "(insert random vulgar, blasphemous word here) this!
Kill that!!"
....This coming from the guy who ran himself over while riding a bike. And turned on a fan and had the plug explode. And stuck his finger in an electrical socket to see what electrocution felt like (hey, I was only six!), etc.
....This coming from the guy who ran himself over while riding a bike. And turned on a fan and had the plug explode. And stuck his finger in an electrical socket to see what electrocution felt like (hey, I was only six!), etc.
O..k. O.o'
Well, back on topic.
In SA X the Chao make cute noises, so I take it you're talking about Cheese? Do the other chao in Shadow also talk in "chao chao"?
Ew. Oo