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Does anyone else think Amy developed quite nicely?

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And by developed I mean her character development, you sickos. :p

She went from a crazy little Sonic fangirl to a I'm gonna help myself Sonic fangirl. I think Amy's character developed better than everyone else. She's more headstrong and seems to be thinking more rationally now (I think)

Posts: 3756
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Yeah, sure.

In SA1.

All that development got flushed in SA2 and onward.

Posts: 4885
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She's voiced by Lina Inverse now. That's enough development for me to actually like her.

Geddy Lee, I love Lisa Ortiz...

Posts: 146
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No. A thousand times no.

Let's see how Amy's development went:

Sonic CD- Cute little girl who was infatuated with Sonic.

Sonic Adventure- Young girl who was infatuated with Sonic, but was willing to be strong and help out.

Sonic Adventure 2- More of the same.

Sonic Heroes- Infatuated with Sonic still, but now goes on a big honkin' adventure just so she can be near him, even though he's more than capable of taking care of himself.

Sonic X- Does little more to contribute to episodes than hugging Sonic at the end and bawling like a baby. Blathers on about Sonic to the point of annoyance. Also likes to beat people up with her hammer. Completely psychotic and annoying.

Sonic Rush- More of the same. Thanks, Sonic X.

Shadow- Eh, a bit better, I honestly don't remember all that well.

Haven't played StH 2006 yet., she seemed to be a decent character for a while, but now she's nothing more than a psychotic lovesick annoyance than brings little good to the series.

In my opinion, anyway.

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Her characterization in Battle was great, though.

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In Sonic Battle, Amy sort of figured that she could win over Sonic if she helped out with "raising" Emerl.

ALTHOUGH, she did get it in her head thinking that the reason Sonic had the robot in the first place was due to Tails calling it Sonic's "pet project" and "baby." How else would she tell Emerl to call her Mom?

Posts: 1758
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Amy is a horrible horrible character and even more annoying than Shadow.*

* With exception of Sonic Battle, the only game to both realize she's best as pure comic relief and the writing to pull it off and make it funny.

Her "I should take care of myself now" was a single sentence and a boss fight. Not much development.

However, ironically I think she had some of the best gameplay other than Gamma in SA.

Posts: 1789
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The OP's question makes it sounds like as if Satoshi Urushihara designed her. *bricked*


Her "I should take care of myself now" was a single sentence and a boss fight. Not much development.

I don't know about that. I interperated that as she didn't want to be a generic 'damsel-in-distress' type of character anymore and bash the heck out of creeps that caused her trouble. While occasionally in subsequent games she would get into trouble in that Sonic would have to bail her out, she can more or less fight on her own.

Also, in SA1 it displayed that she actually cares for other people or in this case, creatures other than Sonic.


Amy is a horrible horrible character and even more annoying than Shadow.*

No way man, I would take Amy over Shadow. Sure they are annoying in their own little way though I like Amy, and IMO the series needs more comical characters, than angst-ridden serious Debbie Downers!

Though, I do admit the writers need to a better job at working her character. Maybe just tone down her...odd sense of Sonic infactuation a wee bit. I still never understood why she wanted to beat up Sonic in SH if she luuuuurved him.:lol

Posts: 1758
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Well, it's all in how they're written. Potential was shown in Sonic Battle, but in the other games, I just can't stand her (Sonic marry me or I'll beat you up! HEY A VAGUELY HEDGEHOG SHAPED OBJECT THAT IS OBVIOUSLY SONIC!).

Since SA Amy has been even more of a prerequisite than Shadow (has there even been a game without Amy since SA?), and in most of those roles she's been awful, even worse than him. But I'd take Amy's peak (Battle) over Shadow's peak (SA2). So if they used her well, she'd be more welcome than a well-written Shadow.

Posts: 1789
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Well those characterstics you dislike about her didn't start until SA2/SH as in SA1 she was more Cream-like.

I haven't played Sonic Battle, so could you give me examples in the game where she hilarious?

Posts: 1758
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It's been a while, but, basically she's even more obsessed with Sonic, but they take it to such lengths that it's actually funny. She's like... psychotic and Tails & Cream are scared of her. The funny is in the delivery and context really, so I can't quote without googling a script, and even then it probably wouldn't have the same impact. Sonic Battle Amy sort of a parody of post-SA Amy, but with no "damsel in distress" connotations. Oh and she has the best theme music of any of the characters in a game with otherwise mediocre music.

I just started playing her story in Sonic Battle writing this post and there are a few lines I could quote, but out of context they wouldn't work. The script isn't hilarious, but it is amusing and has a few laughs.

Posts: 5772
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AMY: Sonic!
SONIC: -(!)- Y, Yo! Amy!
EMERL: Mom! Good to see you!
AMY: Oh, wow! It seems that our baby hs learned quite a few more words! {Hello!} So, how you doing Emerl, my dear?

EMERL: Well, you know, I'm chilling, sweet heart.

AMY: Hey! *punches Sonic*
SONIC: Ouch!
AMY: Sonic! Did you teach him to talk like that, Sonic?
SONIC: {No way!} "Emerl, my dear?" Why are you talking like that, Amy?
AMY: {Ye-ah!} Do you have a problem with it?
SONIC: Ah, no... Not really... Heh. (Hey, Emerl, watch out for this girl!)

EMERL: Mom...
AMY: -(?)- What is it darling?

EMERL: Your punch got not juice, fool! You couldn't even kill a fly with that!

SONIC: -(!)- {What?!} *runs off*

Though it's just not the same without the rotating portraits and sound effects.

Posts: 1984
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I think she's sort of in a state where she could progress further but she can't because the developers can't see her potential. If amy were an alcoholic and Sonic was the beer. Its like she's making a small bit of progress before she falls back into the pit of obession again. Then she feels guilty and tries to stop again. lol okay so my analogy is crazy. And I don't want this to cause any sort of Voice over flame war. But compared to her old SA and SA2 VA's. I kind of like her current one better.

But all in all. Amy needs a HOBBY.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Don't talk about Amy developing -
At the end of "Sonic Adventure", I was soo impressed with Amy. I really respected her, you know?
Sadly, that was the pinnacle of her maturity.
It seems that after "Sonic Shuffle", Amy reverted back to her annoying self.
I was so disappointed in her personality in Sa2. Speccially on Prison Island.
She did happen to impress me when she gave Shadow her lil' speech.
But after that, she just became that stereotypical Japanese school girl obsessed with Sonic.

Posts: 1984
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She's always been the obsessed love struck girl sterotype. I think she is only bested by Pucca. But sometimes Amy can have her moments of miraculous maturity. Like her speech to Shadow.

Posts: 534
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Yeh, but all in all, she's the typical anime girl, you know?
There's always one in a japanese comic/show/game
(Yes that was a rude stereotype and I apologize -
but it's still mostly true)

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A rude stereotype of what? Anime?

Posts: 1984
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I think Elias5 was talking about some sort of live japanese show with real japanese people?

Posts: 534
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Erm, most animes have a girl (or more than one) who play the super ditzy, obsessive, but free-spirited girls. Liike, Sailor Moon or one of the dozen of "Sakura"s =P

Posts: 622
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But all in all. Amy needs a HOBBY.

Doing tarot readings.

Posts: 1573
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I would love to know why Sonic Team hasn't done anything with that plot point.

Posts: 2417
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Didn't she like mention her cards in Sonic Battle?

Even in the American version?

Posts: 1037
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Yeah, she did. Something among the lines of
Amy: "Sonic!!"
Sonic: "Aah! How did you find me?"
Amy: "My cards told me."

Posts: 1984
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Oh great so she uses her hobby to stalk Sonic....thats not what I had in mind.

Posts: 1127
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She's always been that way. I beleive I read that in Sonic CD, her cards tell her she'll meet Sonic on Little Planet, so she goes there like the rabid fangirl she is.

Posts: 4885
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Well the cards said she would meet her true love on The Little Planet, and it happened to be Sonic.

Unless it's Eggman or Metal.

Posts: 1573
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Man, Craig, now you've gone and put someone very hilarious and disturbing images in my head.

Posts: 534
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AmyxMetal FTW. I can totally see it.

Remember how the robot tied Amy up? He's got the total hots for her xD

Posts: 721
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Anyways, yeah, Amy's a ggod character if handled properly. Problem is, they don't always seem to do so.

How can you not like a neurotic girl with a giant mallet? It's comedic gold!

Posts: 1984
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Well if you look at Amy's purpose for exsisting in Sonic's world....she's as good as she'll ever get O.o

It's almost a pity Sonic won't respond to her. But maybe if Amy gets him out of bad situations more often, he'll take more notice.

Posts: 1037
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AmyxMetal FTW. I can totally see it.

I'm more towards AmyXEggman. After all HE was the one that ordered to kidnap her. And we know what Eggman's like with gals he kidnaps often *coughVanillacough*. :cuckoo

Posts: 534
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Ah, true, true. Same goes for Princess Sara =P.

Posts: 1789
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I would love to know why Sonic Team hasn't done anything with that plot point.

Shoot, they could have even tied those in Sonic 2006's story somehow.

Guess to some up, Amy's just another victim of bad most of the characters in this franchise.

Posts: 721
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And D B Vulpix- your post regarding Amy's hobby ealier on this page was the funniest thing I've read all week.

Posts: 504
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Only In Battle and Riders.In Riders She flirted with Sonic but did'et chase him.

I wish she whould dump that dress. Not to sound sterotypic, but whats up with Japense people make all these cartoon and video games with girls wereing clothes that barly fit them and giveing them, uh, chest implants?

OH and one more thing - AMY X BEAM 4 EVA!

Posts: 55
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Sonic is never going to go with Amy i nany way or form same with Knux and Rouge but at least they got a slight romantic scene together (when Knux saves her) so is she really a relevant character i say no.

Posts: 4885
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She's not Sonic's love interest, she's his stalker. Just because they wont get together doesn't make her an irrelevant character, she's consistant comic relief and makes a rather good damsel on occasion.

I can't find it in my heart to dislike the character after Sonic Battle and episode 52 of Sonic X. She wins the world for that.

Posts: 504
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I whould find It funny if SONIC and the boys was captured rather thean Amy and the girls all the time. I hate the 'boy saveing the girl' plot in this day and age. Kinda Sexist IMO.

Posts: 1984
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I don't think it's sexist. But sometimes I do think it's cheap. Like Crystal in StarFox Adventure. Seriously she could have had that whole game to herself. But then they went and flip-flopped everything, turned Dinosaur Planet into a StarFox game, and made Crystal the Damsel in Distress. I mean....WHY?! I forget if that was a launch title or not. But if it was then that probably explains why they dumped Dinosaur Planet and made it a StarFox game.

Oh and can there be a topic simular to this be made only it be about Tails?

Posts: 4885
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Technically the "Amy saves Sonic" scenario happened almost as often as Sonic saving Amy. One of her first major episodes was destroying a snake robot Sonic couldn't take care of.

Posts: 504
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I was talking (Kinda)talking about the games. But thanks for pointing out Sonic X. I forgot that.

Posts: 1573
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Don't forget that Amy was also the one who broke Sonic out of prison in Sonic Adventure 2.

Posts: 721
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Also true!

Posts: 1984
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I think Amy needs a new dress...

Posts: 534
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^Perhaps Rouge could lend her one? x3
NO! Bad Eli, bad! Dirty thoughts! <hits himself frantically>

Sonic sees Amy as his little sister, and I think they're gonna keep that status quo forever, since that's how the game is set up.

I think that if Sonic changes, Amy will change as well...
If Sonic devolps, so will Amy, you know?
I've always seen it like that.

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Of course character development is a concept which is strange and frightening to the good folks down at Sonic team, so nobody will ever change and everything will stay the same forever and Shadow will get more and more overused and annoying and blablabla Sega goes out of business.

Posts: 534
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You have little faith, Wonder =P
Maybe before Sonic Team goes out of business we can all grow up and then join their staff and fix it.

Posts: 247
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No. Majority of the time, the fan's ideas are worse than Sonic Team's.

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True dat

Posts: 534
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Well then only the qualified fans should be let in =P

BtW, who thinks it would be SOOO COOL if all the character besides Sonic got their own lil game (Nothing big, like a DS game or something), and it could have all sorts of chaarcter development goodness that Sonic Team can forget about 2 years later ^_^.

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