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Does Sonic need a f...
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Does Sonic need a full-on reboot again?

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Posts: 5035
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True That.

Posts: 1984
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Get better with 3D but leave the classics alone

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I can't really see why they couldn't take the art from Green Hill, Marble, Spring Yard etc. and make levels based around them.

I'm not saying Sonic 1 3D-ized like GHZ in Sonic Adventure 2. But, kinda like Sonic Heroes where the first couple of levels looked like Green Hill, The top of Metropolis and Casino Night.

This, of course, is based on whether or not Sega will actually do another 3D Sonic again. Because Sonic 2K6 was such a huge success. According to Sega. Sega doesn't lie.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Yes JT...that's all I want. Kinda like in SA with the "3D renditions" of Lava Reef and Ice Cap.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I just want 3D Star Light Zone. Complete with Xylophone + Piano version of the song. It sounds awesome. In my head.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Oh yes...Starlight is wonderful. I can hear it too. Hahah!

Posts: 1694
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I'd love to hear a remix of Marble Zone.

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I just want 3D Star Light Zone. Complete with Xylophone + Piano version of the song. It sounds awesome. In my head.

Sonic Advance did a remix of it. Not as good, but at least there actually IS one.

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Sega/Sonic Team needs to just take a vacation! Leave Sonic alone for a year or two and work on other projects, I mean Sonic doesn't need a reboot, but rather Sonic Team THEMSELVES!

Do some spring cleaning inside your staff, stop thinking fans and general gamers alike need a new character every six months, focus on your weekness yet streghten your streghts I don't know what Sonic Team needs to do to make a Sonic game that could rival Mario as they are some good suggestions within this thread, but I think they need to just easy off of Sonic. Let him go to video game rehab or something just... Think with a clear head?

Posts: 273
Reputable Member

I think Sonic Team should be disbanded and restaffed with people who can provide a fresh perspective on what does and does not a proper Sonic game make.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

.....Do Sonic Games even have strengths anymore? Or is it all weakness? We should do a list or something.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Strengths and weaknesses tend to be based on opinion. For me, having just beaten Sonic Next, the list would be:

- Not lacking in ambition and controversy.
- Good ideas.
- Level design occasionally good.
- Robot design wasn't bad.
- Eggman bosses felt really good.
- Eggman kicked arse again. This game wasn't him unleashing a powerful creature he couldn't control. Shadow did that for him.
- Silver and Shadow having quite interesting storyline.
- Soundtrack was quite good.
- Occasionally great graphics.
- Soleanna looked nice. It had a nice art design.
- Silver's telekinesis ablities initially are quite fun and easy to get into.
- When it all goes right. It does give an amazing experience.

- Lacking good execution and was unfinished.
- Amigo characters and vehicle only segments uninterrupted the flow of Sonic's and Shadow's game. And they were all terrible.
- Sonic's story felt strange. And got weird by the end.
- Story was over before it really got going.
- Nothing visual that indicated when you are ready to home into another enemy.
- The Loading and its sequel: The Loadening.
- Town stages were too big and empty, and you never really connect with the city like you did with Station Square.
- The spin jump and gliding into enemies doesn't hurt enemies. This limited pretty much everyone.
- The camera doesn't help when you have to destroy robots to proceed.
- Silver's ablities eventually turn limited and frustrating around Dusty Desert.
- Sadly, it rarely "All goes alright".
- At times the characters look much better than the scenery.
- More power should have been eeked out for graphics.
- No "free" mode. When you complete the stories, you are sent to just before the last level.

Yeah, I probably overrated Sonic Next there.

Edit: put some more weaknesses in.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

What's sad is, I still want to play it.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Me too... still holding out for a Wii port, but I doubt it'll ever happen.

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

John Taylor, I think you've given the most fair and unbiased view of Sonic Next in the history of the internet. Congrats. My only criticism would be that you make a super note in the weaknesses section something like "Weaknesses vastly outweighs the Strengths."

It's really ironic, because I consider Sonic Next to be the weakest of the 3D Sonic Adventures, but my favorite level ever in a 3D Sonic was in that one. I don't remember the name of the level, but it was the one with Sonic in a feiry apoctalyptical future. That was the point of maximum enjoyment for me in the game.

I guess as far as Rebooting advice goes would be for Sonic Team to not underestimate the impact of fresh, creative, and exciting levels. That's what saved Heroes and Shadow for me -- Hang Castle, Final Fortress, The Falling Ark, the Cyber zones. Level design of such a quality that I overlooked other more obvious flaws. Not that they shouldn't iron out those flaws...But if I had 10 of those fire levels in Sonic Next, it might have been a different story.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Thanks. I try. Your right on the "Weaknesses vastly outweighs the strengths" though.

Was the level set on a volcano or a city? If it was a volcano, it is Flame Core, if it was a city, it is Crisis City.

I liked Kingdom Valley. I experienced the rare thing called "A Sonic The Hedgehog Nivarna Moment" on there.

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

It was Crisis City I was thinking of -- I wasn't particularly fond of the Volcano.

Posts: 1984
Noble Member

My dislike of the game came mostly from the shotty controls. I gave up before even playing Silver's Story (Though I had already unlocked him) I'd rather if Sonic just ran in the snow than use a snowboard any day. I mean its not like he goes any faster on the board than on foot.

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

It was Crisis City I was thinking of. I remember being frustrated with the Volcano level -- There was this one bit where you had to run along the wall. Sonic kept just sort of falling off there and I ended up losing around 15 lives. Quite annoying.

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