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E-Series Lineage
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E-Series Lineage

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As a Gamma fan, I'd like to try to map out the design lineage of the E-Series. Here's what I've got so far, but any help or comments- especially regarding the design evolutions- would be appreciated!

Eggrobo*possibly*(due to various design similarities, I wouldn't be surprised if it WAS an E-Series predecessor)

E-100 Alpha AKA ZERO

E-101 Beta/ E-101 Mk. II

E-102 Gamma/ Chaos Gamma (and Guard Robo)

E-103 Delta

E-104 Epsilon

E-105 Zeta

E-106 through E-120?

E-121 Phi(I seriously doubt that it's a "true" E-series bot, but still...)


E-123 Omega


E-2000 (red)

E-2000 (gold)






This one, I'm not sure WHERE it goes...

Egg Keeper

Another note: Regardless of Phi being misnamed (it should be 120, not 121), the Phi bots were created after E-123 Omega (Rouge mentions that Chaos Gamma looks kind of like Omega). I smell a continuity error!

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The first thing I'd like to mention is that the E-100 part of Zero's name isn't speculation. Look real closely at his shoulder.

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Duly noted!:thumbsup

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Also, add E-1000000 Red and Green. They're from Sonic Riders.

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D'OH! How in the world did I forget THEM?!?

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The SA1 instruction manual says the Egg Keepers are E-100 series robots.

The official SA1 website that you could access via the Dreamcast's onine service (it's linked to straight from one of SA1's menu screens) says that ZERO is indeed E-100 Alpha.

I'd list Guard Robo alongside Chaos Gamma (who is Gamma rebuilt and upgraded, and therefore probably quite a lot more advanced than the original Gamma, and the rest of the five main E-100s from SA1). They (the Guard Robos) seem to be hurriedly mass produced Chaos Gammas.

I would also list "E-10,000Y" and "E-10,000B" from the Egg Factory stage (these are not official names, but that's likely what they'd be called). Whereas G is about speed and R is about power, the non playable Y is probably about flight (as it has no legs). Who knows what B would specialise in. Any ideas?

I wonder if the robots in StH'06 will be E-Series. For now, I've been referring to the main cannon fodder enemies (the bipedal ones that served as our first taste of the new robot design) as 'E-3000'. There's also the more heavily armed red ones.

I agree that Egg Robo is likely the 'first E-Series' (not a true E-Series machine, but definitely the predecessor and basis of the series). I think that the Egg Pawn/Knight/etc series is an alternate evolution of the Egg Robo, making this line a kind of 'brother' line to the E-Series. This is of course just my imaginings and nothing based on anything from official material.

Thanks for this thread, 332 - though I probably do prefer classic style animal-based badniks, I've always loved the E-Series. I had a dream once about Omega fighting E-117 Sigma, who was a blue version of Omega (seemed really cool despite being a simple recolor).

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I like imagining Gamma (with, of course, his original weapons AND those of Chaos Gamma) kicking Omega's butt. It'd be a fight to remember, that's for sure.

I forgot the Egg Keepers... how'd I manage THAT?!?

And I never saw that Dreamcast site!:nn;

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I liked the E-Series idea. The rivalry between Beta and Gamma was strange for "supposedly" non free thinking robots.

I like Omega not sure why. Maybe its the chain gun or that line he said in Heroes. He has to say "You've got 20 seconds to comply" in Sonic 06 to get attention again though.

It has to be said the whole E-Series now is an excuse not to come up with half decent names for robots.

I wonder though is there some 20 or so robots waiting for Rouge to find Eggman's treasure?

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I feel that E-102 Gamma/ Chaos Gamma could beat the stuffing out of Omega, but that's just me!:]

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Omega is the best so far. He could clobber Eggman's armies.

...How could Rouge pick up Omega AND Shadow in Heroes? Doesn't Omega weigh about 1000 lbs. or something?

And little do many know is that the Egg Pawns (E-1000) are actually the best robot soldiers Eggman has ever made before.

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Gamma was rebuilt as Chaos Gamma more recently than Omega's creation, indicating that he's now more advanced than Omega.

Plus, Gamma actually HITS things that he shoots at- Omega has to make due with peppering the air with thousands of shots and just HOPE some of them hit.:p

Also, E-101 mk. 2 could utterly WASTE Omega, but Gamma bested him!

And, finally, if you like the E-series, and have some artistic talent, please go over to Carnival Island and help me with a comic project I thought up (but can't actually do myself...)

Posts: 73
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This may be entirely speculation, but according to a GameFaqs "Sonic Character List," all the badniks in Sonic Adventure 1 are also part of the E-Series.

Click here to see the entire list.

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Gamefaqs now hates direct linking. >_>


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Thanks for this thread, 332 - though I probably do prefer classic style animal-based badniks,

Fairly sideways to the topic, but from what I could tell when I played the demo of S360 the other day, one of the types of enemies seemed to be Very remeniscent of Moto Bug.. albeit quite styleised. As well as the bipedal SA2 gun type bots (cannon fodder) and the floaty bots that seemed to be a little more advanced versions of the SA2 ones (Platform fodder, AKA different level routes =D) and that one great big bugger with a health bar.

But yes, stylised motobug.

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Hey! The only reason I like the E-series at ALL is because of Gamma. I, too, otherwise prefer the Badniks, and was ecstatic at the stylized MotoBugs.

Posts: 250
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It might be worth noting which Games these E-Series robots are from.

Also, did you include the Gamma look-a-likes from Sonic Adventure 2 (I'm sure i'm overlooking them! :p )

Keep up the good work, we need more threads like this!

Posts: 247
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They were called E-1000s, I believe.

Posts: 250
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Yeah! I just quickly rushes to Wiki to look that up! :lol

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I do believe I have them up there.
