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Fave Eggman mech
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Fave Eggman mech

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Eggman has attacked our spiky hero and his friends in dozens and dozens of mechs over the years. What are some of your favorites, or most memorable?

Personally, I'm a big fan of the spiked mech from Launch Base. Not only was it one of the gnarliest mechs Eggman's used over the years, it was just plain satisfying to wail on it if you could manage to get through it's defenses.

Whoever designed his mech for Sandopolis is awesome. I loved the cool Egyptian design it had going on. And something about blasting through it's "shell" to get to Eggman...awesome.

Let's not forget Eggman's super bot at the end of Death Egg Zone in S3&K. It's a fave of mine simply for the fact that it took me so long to beat. Not to mention the thing was huge. But there was a certain sense of satisfaction that taking down such a big bot gave. Future mechs just couldn't compare.

I have to include Egg Hornet from SA on the list. It's the only time in a 3D Sonic game that I actually felt like I was battling classic Eggman. It was great; the usual Eggmobile with drill and missile attachments, and then when you beat it, the attachments falling off and it resorting to the regular Eggmobile. One of the few feelings of nostalgia I get playing a 3D Sonic game.

Well, those are a few of my favorites. What are yours?

Posts: 2234
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The original checkered ball one has to be the most memorable.

My favourite may be the Sandopolis one as well. Felt quite epic when I first played against it. :0

Posts: 1355
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All the old ones, really. I like how they were mostly just shells for the eggmobile. Emerald Hill I particularly like for no real reason.

Other than those, I'm all over the Super Sonic bosses of the 2D games, even though they're painfully overdone. Advance 2's left a lasting impression on me, as even though the fight itself was kind of lame and the robot was ugly, the prelude scene where the original of this sprite:

gets plastered on your face followed by Sonic blasting into the stratosphere from ground level caught me off guard. Guess I was still young and impressionable back then.

Keeping with Advance 2, Egg Frog, the Egg Utopia boss, is pretty cool and has awesome music. Trivia: The first ten or so times I beat it, I had no idea you could change the gravity and was doing it by accident.

Aero Egg, the Ice Paradise boss, gets mention because I beat it in 0:07:60 with Sonic by freak accident and I have the time attack data to prove it. Not that I have anyone to prove it to...
Okay, I think this tangent has outlived itself. To finish, if or count then they're instantly my top faves regardless.

Posts: 2234
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Young and impressionable... a few years ago? o.o

Posts: 1355
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Four years is a long time

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Metal and Mecha anything tops all, but as far as machines in which Eggman is in himself...i'd go with the Egg Walker or Egg Viper. Those things rocked!

Posts: 2016
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I liked the Egg Viper, in all of it's glorious design.

And in all honesty, the Egg-Wyvern. There was something about it which I liked.

Posts: 57
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i liked the one from sonic 2 where he has the mini robotnik balloons that come out every time you hit him. it was an annoying boss but it was kool.

Posts: 2234
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It was four years ago? Geez, time flies.

Posts: 1396
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I'm not quite sure which my fave is...I love the Cyclone in SA2 and I love the walker he has in CD. The Eggsterminator's are cool but obvious choices....Egg Viper was a challenge but only the first time, once beaten it's easy, but it does have a good variety of attacks.

Of the none vehicle mechs Mecha Sonic and Eggrobo are my faves.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

There are so many mechs to choose from. Not sure which one I like best. Let me recap a bit.

Sonic 2- Casino Night boss. It combined pinball elements and didn't go too far (unlike CD's Collision Chaos Zone D:)
Sonic 3- Marble Zone (both versions) Sonic and Tails's version focused on Tails's move-set. It took a different approach from all other bosses. Knuckles version was difficult with the strange pullies and it left a mark on me.
Sonic Advance- Casino Paradise. It was like a deadly version of whack-a-mole. Using Amy's hammer made if feel like you were playing it. (not really)

Honorable Mention
Sonic Advance- Neo Green Hill. The first hammer boss. Only because you could use Amy's spinning hammer move and kill it like nothing. Easy pawnage!
And the Metal Sonic bosses, of course.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Personally, I LOVE the Egg Viper battle at the end of SA1, even if it combines the two worst factors of the entire 3d Sonic era (unlimited pitfall and cheap ass deaths).

For the 2d ones, I love like every single Sonic CD boss because they're ingenius and not tedious (besides perhaps the Quartz Quadrant, but that one is still fun because of it's uniqueness). But to pick a specific one? The Sonic 3 final boss with the hands. Because it was soooo hard @.@;

Worst of course is Sky Canyon's boss. Darn cheapass piece of crap, insta killing me 90 times in a row!

Posts: 1396
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The Sonic 3 final boss with the hands. Because it was soooo hard @.@;

Ooo, forgot that one, that was the best of the Sonic 3 bosses by far...need to go through again as Knuckles, can't remember if he was worse or not.

Posts: 173
Estimable Member

I think I liked Robotnik's mech from Emerald Hill Zone in Sonic 2 the best. Robotnik was like "Hmm...If I put a big drill bit onto a car and drive at Sonic real fast...There's no way I couldn't mow him down! And if he jumps, that's okay because I can just drive off screen, do a u-turn, and come back at him! If all else fails I'll actually SHOOT the drill at him! Haahahahahaa!"

Posts: 2016
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"Hmm...If I put a big drill bit onto a car and drive at Sonic real fast...There's no way I couldn't mow him down! And if he jumps, that's okay because I can just drive off screen, do a u-turn, and come back at him! If all else fails I'll actually SHOOT the drill at him! Haahahahahaa!"


Posts: 5035
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XDXD! That was Robo's thought process to a tee. lol

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Egg Viper was pretty epic, yeah. And almost everyone I know got wasted by the suicide bomb at the end their first time, which always makes me laugh.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Favorite mechs...

  • Final Zone - not so much a mech, but it's a classic.
  • Final boss from Sonic 3 - claw pincher thing!
  • Sonic Chaos final boss - Cheap as hell, but it was pretty epic for a GG game.
  • Final boss from Sonic CD. Easy to beat if you have just one ring.
  • Egg Viper - favorite part was Eggman's little dance while talking, while Sonic's doing homing attacks up the tail. XD
  • [/list:u:5a45305220]

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

Well, in random order...

Ball and Chain, this is almost mandatory imo. >.>

I thought the Oil Ocean boss in Sonic 2 was awesome. Not to mention the fact that it was the most annoying boss fight in the game imo.

Like Craig said, all of the Sonic CD boss fights were awesome, but none tops Metal/Mecha Sonic. <3 <3 <3

Sandopolis was awesome, as well as the Death Egg Zone boss. Beating both brought an "AWESOME! HELL YEAH, I KICK ASS!" feeling. ^_^

Egg Viper from SA1 for mentions previously mentioned. I think Perfect Chaos needs some mentioning. The first time I fought him I was like "HOLY **** THIS FIGHT IS EPIC!"

Egg Golem from SA2 was pretty cool imo.

I liked Robot Storm from Heroes for some odd reason. Dunno why, I just liked it. o_o

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

Let's see...

As has been said, you can't NOT like the ol' Ball 'n' Chain.

The Egg Drill Car rom Emerald Hill Zone is so lame as to be funny as to be memorable, as is the eight bit version of the Green Hill Zone boss- especially in the Game Gear version: Easiest. Boss. Fight. In. Sonic. History.

After that, gotta go with the final boss from Sonic 2. To this day, I find it THE single hardest final boss to beat in ANY video game, so it gets a mention.

I like the boss from Collision Chaos in Sonic CD. It's kinda funny when you think about it- how does Eggman think he's gonna beat you with bumper fists? XD

Then the kaiju-sized Death Egg Zone boss from S3&K for its sheer, as of yet, to the best of my knowledge, unsurpassed size by any other Eggman mech to date, as well as the Doomsday ship and its occupant- the latter for being, like, the ONLY Super Sonic-mandatory boss that's actually EGGMAN and not someone else (Sonic Rush series excluded).

The Egg Viper and Egg Walker are some of the more impressive bosses Eggman's come up with over the years, with the Egg Viper itself probably being my #1 favorite of all time, period (what can I say? I just liked that fight!).

The Egg Walker from SA2 was rather cool, too, especially since it's PLAYABLE. So, the Eggmobiles from Sonic Drift 1 and 2 and Sonic R probably fit that bill as well.

The Egg Albatross was great- it had three parts you had to destroy, and had actual gunners for once!

The Egg Hawk was good.

From Sonic Advance 1, I probably liked the Egg Hammer Tank. Kinda like the Egg Drill Car, only with a hammer. The extra final boss is pretty cool, too.

I liked the Music Plant boss in Sonic Advance 2, as well as the final boss (sans the Chaos Emeralds), which, as I understand, is a dumbed-down version of Sonic Advance's extra final boss.

The Eggmobile had some crazy weaponry in Sonic Battle, and, well, I LOVED that fight. Loved the one in Sonic the Fighters as well.

The boss of Huge Crisis from Sonic Rush is rather fun, being able to jack the GUN ship's, well, guns and fire 'em at you. Quite inventive, actually- using the fight's surroundings to his advantage!

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Tidal Tempest Zone's boss - the noise Sonic makes when sucking in bubbles is my most favorite sound in the universe.

Aside from that, I seem to be nonsensicaly attracted to the spinny knify platforms used by the Egg Viper and Music Plant Zone's boss.

Posts: 2116
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I'm another fan of the final boss from Sonic 2 in terms of sheer difficulty level - although that was one place where I thought that 3D Blast and Spinball had redeeming qualities, too.

Bosses which call for stages and a little tactics keep things interesting, as far as I'm concerned - especially when you don't have Omochao or some other VO hand-walking you through it.
