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Favorite Sonic Intro

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Don't think this' been done before. Basically, you say which five Sonic Intros are your favorite. I'll start...

1. Shadow the Hedgehog
2. Sonic Adventure 1
3. Sonic CD
4. Sonic Heroes
5. Sonic Riders

Posts: 261
Reputable Member

the intro to CD simply floored me when I happened upon it that sunny sunny day while walking through the Peral Harbor Naval Exchange. Ah yes.

However, I used Adventure's demo cutscene to sell many a Dreamcast while I worked at EB

Zzzt.. CD I think

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

1.) Sonic CD--really it is the definative Sonic intro as it just showcase the main character in a ideal form. It is also still the has the best Sonic animation that actually feels like Sonic.

The following pales in comparision:

2.) Sonic Adventure

3.) Sonic Riders

4.) Sonic Heroes

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

1. Sonic CD. No competition whatsoever.

2. Sonic Adventure.

3. Sonic AdvANCE. Yeah, that's right. There's something about the Eggman emerald short leading into the gradient extravaganza that I find captivating.

4. Sonic Adventure 2. If you include City Escape's intro, this tops SA.

5. Sonic Heroes. If they had left the plane and whoosh sounds out and maybe improved the theme song, this would be up there with SCD.

Posts: 534
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1. I hate to be a Conformist here, but gotta be CD. But not cuz it "defines" Sonic, (It hardly gives him any character at all- except for his 'serious face'- you actually see more "Sonic" in the Ending Scene IMO....) I like it cuz I watched it when I was about 5 years old and I thought it was sooo snazzy x3.

2) Sonic Adventure. Again! Conformity! Gahh! But it's just very...nice to look at.

3) OOH! OOH! REBEL! Sonic Spinball! You guys remember that? I LOVED it! Hated the game, of course, but even when they showed "Sega" and Sonic and Tails were on their plane an' stuff. Anyway, again, I saw it when I was little, and I thought it was t3h sh1t

4) Sonic 3-D. It was awesome to see Sonic runnin' wit' the flickies all o'er the place. I'm surprised no one else mentioned it. I mean, I know Sonic looks fat an' all...but really, it's all good.

Now this is the intro I hated the MOST:
When I got it for Christmas I was expecting an AWESOME intro to exciten me for the game. I was lookin' for some loud noises and flashing images...
Instead...what was it...Stars? Then "Sonic Adventure 2" foreshadowing, (Except for the Space part I s'pose), no characters, no energy (it was quite slow...)...
Good thing the game lived up to it =P

Posts: 262
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1) Sonic CD. It was great to watch and still is.
2) Sonic Riders. Played the whole rival element quite well.
3) Shadow. It was stupid, OTT, Wrong but strangely watchable. Like a Car crash.
4) Heroes. It was a homage to the CD intro. Would have been better if it didn't have the cut and pasted Rose, Chaotix and Dark sections.
5) Adventure. It was alright. But it was a bit too random.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Ok it goes like this.

1) japanese Sonic CD intro-the western version sucks
2) SA-watching Perfect Chaos emerge from the building is till awesome to this day.
3)Shadow- I love the song
4)Sonic Riders- I wish Production I.G. had animated Sonic X
5)Sonic Next Gen- seeing Eggman finally acting like a real villain for once it cool

Posts: 261
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The western version sucks SO hard cuz it has a massive 2 seconds cut and Spencer Neilson is a boop. Am I right?


Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Well, while the western one doesn't suck and is still awesome, the japanese WINS because it has a rainbow.

1)Sonic CD, japanese. It not only is awesome, but, as said before, has a RAINBOW.
2)Sonic Adventure, Perfect Chaos = Awesome
3)Sonic Riders, really really pretty!
4)Sonic Chaos. What? It was my first Sonic game! It has that nostalgia element attached to it and the music was always so scary to me..
5)Sonic 3. When I first saw Supersonic dashing over the water, it was cool.

Posts: 250
Reputable Member


1) japanese Sonic CD intro-the western version sucks
2) SA-watching Perfect Chaos emerge from the building is till awesome to this day.
3)Shadow- I love the song
4)Sonic Riders- I wish Production I.G. had animated Sonic X
5)Sonic Next Gen- seeing Eggman finally acting like a real villain for once it cool

My list = the above one
The Sonic Jam opening is also pretty neat.
