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Interesting twist on Sonic games chronological order.

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While looking around on the StH06 board at GameFAQs I got interested in a topic that, while being about StH06 being part of the Adventure series, started to get into about the chronological order of the games. TQ_NintyNoE listed an order of the games I hadn't thought of or seen before, including an unusal placement for Sonic Battle and Sadv3. While I'm not really convinced he is completely right; I find his reasons plausible and that I figured it was worth discussing. What do you think of it.


Sonic 1 - First time Sonic battles Robotnik/Eggman

Sonic CD - Originally supposed to be released before Sonic 2, and Tails is already in this game on some secret sound tests and images, which is fine, as we never see Tails and Sonic meet in the games, we just know they become friends at some point, possibly between Sonic 1 and CD. Amy Rose introduced and Metal Sonic.

Sonic 2 - Tails now follows Sonic on this adventure and pilots Sonic's plane the Tornado, as Tails is the one who fixed it and is probably a better driver. A remote control Metal Sonic is part of the end boss, it is a seperate model to the one seen in Sonic CD, possibly a prototype.... Death Egg is launched and seemingly explodes...

Sonic 3 and Knuckles - Death Egg lands on Angel island. There are stories about this game which differ, some saying the Super Emeralds are seperate from the Chos emeralds, however this is most likely been retconned in newer games as we do notever hear of the Super Emeralds in the new games and the past of Sonic Adventure only shows the seven Chaos Emeralds. A new Metal Sonic is here, possibly the actual Metal Sonic upgraded with a few of the moves used on the Silver protoype (which can be found in a stasis container in SA.

Knuckles Chaotix: Knuckles visits an Island, and meets random Characters: Mighty, Vector, Charmy, Espio. They foil Dr Eggmans plans and go thier seperate ways. Vector, Espio and Charmy form Team Chaotix afterwards. Knuckles goes back to Guarding the Master Emerald.

Sonic 3D Blast - Sonic saves the flickies. No real significance in plot, other than emphasising o the Flickies which leads to Gamma's story in SA.

Sonic R - A race to beat Sonic with the old Metal Sonic and new robots. No real Plot significance

Sonic Adventure/DX - We find out that Knuckles guards the master Emerald to keep Chaos from breaking free and destroying the world...again... Find out why Knuckles is the last of his tribe.

Sonic Adventure 2/Battle - We see Chaos enemies and laboratory experiments, which link to many previous games. Shadow is born, possibly in likeness of Mural from Sonic and Knuckles, as Gerald and his crew studied them long ago.

Sonic Advance - No real plot significance, Eggman up to his old tricks and back from SA2, metal knuckles upgraded and destroyed. Super Sonic is back.

Sonic Advance 2 - Cream the rabbit introduced, meets Sonic, Eggman foils Sonic's plan - I set these two games inbetween SA2 and Heroes as that's when they were released, and they contain Chao Garden.

Sonic Heroes - Shadow found alive with amnesia. Metal Sonic is found and we see that he has been upgraded once again ussing Chao data (who are decendants of CHAOS) to transform. can also copy character abilities. MS is last seen with Omega.

Shadow the Hedgehog - Shadow does not regain all his memories, he however learns of his past and the reason for the eclipse canon and why he was supposed to colect the Chaos Emeralds, we also learn he is the TRUE Shadow.

Sonic Rush - We first mee Bllaze, who at this time is a princess. etc...

Sonic Riders - Eggman hosts a contest in order to gain ancient technology which will enable him to make more advanced weaponry and gain money etc...

Sonic and the Secret Rings - I think it is set after Riders as Sonic uncovers the arabian book and is transported by a Genie, possibly found in the babylon gardens or something (not sure if it's right, this game could go in a few places, but I places it here until further notice)

Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 - Shadow learns more about himself, and Mephiles, Sonic learns of Iblis trigger and stuff. Worlds split apart againa and Blaze, who is now a Queen reappears along with newcomer Silver.

Sonic Battle: Set after when Shadow's memories are all completelyregained, he refers to himself as a weapon and remembers maria and Prof. Gerald. Emerl is found and destroyed.

Sonic Advance 3 - New robot made in Emerls Likeness. Turns good at the end. I placed this game last as it is set AFTER battle for sure, and we have not seen Gemerl in any other game yet, meaning that the other games are likely set BEFORE this and he is yet to be used.

Sonic Rivals: A race and a new plan of Eggmans.

Sonic Riders 2: Thought to be in production at very early stages for all formats, talked about by a few Sonic team members in a few interviews. Obviously we can expect Jet and the others back. No plot talked about, maybe not even in production stages yet. Check internet and Wiki for details.

Note this is completely c&p'ed from TQ_NintyNoE's actual post, and all credit is given to him.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Hmmm...I never saw Sonic Battle being so late in the canon. It's late and i'm tired so i'll have to come back another day and post something of some intelligence.

Posts: 1446
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Sonic Battle is a tricky issue. It can be set either before or after Shadow, but there's no way it takes place after Sonic 06. It'd either be directly after Heroes or directly after Rush...

Same as Advance 3. Gemerl not showing up again doesn't mean anything; Chocola hasn't been seen since Heroes so by that logic it must be the newest chronological game. Advance 3 runs right after Battle, so slip it in wherever you feel Battle should go.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Battle can in NO WAY be between Heroes and Shadow, though. He doesn't remember Maria in the intro of Shadow, whereas he has his total memory intact in Battle, thusly Battle is after Shadow, undoubtably.

After Sonic NEXT? ...we'll see.

Posts: 262
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One thing that was talked about in the Sonic Next topic was the fact that Rush might take place after Sonic Next.

Blaze can't come from Silver's Future Planet (Where telekinetic hedgehogs evolved from man) *and* be from an alternate dimension.

If Blaze recognizes Sonic when she sees him then this game is set after Rush. If she doesnt it isn't.

Posts: 7
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Advance should go before SA1, shouldn't it? Tails/Sonic flies the original Tornado.

Posts: 150
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Blaze can come from and alternate world and the future if the future is the alternate world. Since she didn't travel to Sonic's world by her own volition in Rush, she has no idea where she was going. To her, it looked like an alternate world, when in reality, it was just the past. Think of a Planet of the Apes scenario. (It was Earth all along!)

I like this twist, as it makes Nega more devious. Instead of being a crazy alternate version of Eggman, he's just elderly Eggman*, playing everyone for fools, including his younger self. In fact, it makes him the only one in Rush to actually know what's going on.

*After all, Blaze did refer to him as an OLD man.

Posts: 1413
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That is of course IF Rush is cannon. It all depends if Sonic know or doesn't know who she is Sonic Next.

Posts: 150
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I'm betting Rush is cannon. If Sonic Advance 2 is, then I'm sure Rush will be.

It'll probably be handled like Cream was in Heroes, or for that matter, the Chaotix. No explicit recognition, or for that matter, reference to it being the first time that they meet.

Also, if Sonic and Blaze meet face to face, it'll probably be at a point in the game where it would benefit neither of them to stop and catch up.

Posts: 1789
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I haven't really read the whole thing but, Sonic was fighting Eggman before the events in Sonic 1. Also Sonic 2 is the first time Sonic and Tails actually meet and became friends.

Posts: 350
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Well, Iblis is one badass MoFo, so it's possible that it (he?) can cross dimentions, that saying he becomes Solaris.

And in Shadow, Shad DOES remember Maria, and in the game, he's trying to find out HOW he was created. I mean, though it's quite obvious Gerald didn't pull Shadow out of his ass, he would definently want to know the whole story on his creation, rather then his creator(s?).

Well, this is just how I look at it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

In the intro he is angsting because he's having flashbacks of Maria's death, but not understanding it.

As the game progresses and Black Doom takes him to the past and so forth, he eventually learns or remembers things.

Either way, his memory isn't intact until after Shadow.

Posts: 250
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Battle can in NO WAY be between Heroes and Shadow, though. He doesn't remember Maria in the intro of Shadow, whereas he has his total memory intact in Battle, thusly Battle is after Shadow, undoubtably.

AGREED, and this is pretty much what Sonic Team had in mind as well.
Battle being after Sonic 06? It's possible, but we'll have to see how Shadow acts before deciding anything.


Advance should go before SA1, shouldn't it? Tails/Sonic flies the original Tornado.

Sonic Shuffle's ending shows Tails with the original Tornado 1, proving that the original Tornado still exists, why Tails was using it in Advance 1? Well, that's up to the fanfic writers!

Sonic Rush is Definately Canon, whether it comes before or after Sonic 06 depends on if Sonic 06 mentions the events of Rush or not.

Posts: 1446
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double post

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

How does everyone think the other games in the series fit into the continuity? I was digging around and found a timeline I recall posting last year sometime, so I added on the newest games based on what we know about them so far. Opinions, questions, complaints?


This is the way I've always imagained it. I know there's no "real" canon for most of the games, and stuff like Sonic Drift obviously has no real story, but it's fun to make it up =p

1. Sonic the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog [Gamegear]
Obviously the first game - the Mega Drive and Gamegear versions are incredibly similar, and can probably just be counted as one point in the timeline (eg. one big adventure!)

2. SegaSonic the Hedgehog
It comes very early in the timeline of games, seeing as there's no Tails, but Mighty and Ray instead. I'd like to think the first Sonic is the initial meeting between Sonic and Robotnik, and this game was almost his "revenge", for lack of a better term - lock up the hedgehog that foiled his last plan.

3. Tails' Adventures
This game takes place before Sonic and Tails met, so this is about the best place in the timeline for it.

4. Sonic CD
Things start to heat up a bit between Robotnik and Sonic - Robotnik kidnaps Amy and creates Metal Sonic as a way of luring Sonic into battle, but also of distracting Sonic from his work on the Death Egg. This is the last "pre-Tails" game.

5. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 [Gamegear]
Robotnik tries a similar trick with Sonic's new friend Tails - the kidnap/distract card.

6. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
While rescuing Tails, Sonic learns of Robotnik's Death Egg, and the two of them immediately set off to destroy it.

7. Sonic Drift
The Death Egg has landed on Angel Island and is being rebuilt, but construction is going to take a while and Robotnik is getting bored. Meanwhile, Amy has finally caught up to her hero Sonic, and with an "off period" in their fight against Robotnik, Sonic and Tails have some time to play around.

8. Sonic Spinball/Sonic Spinball [Gamegear]
The Death Egg is STILL being rebuilt, and Robotnik is getting antsy, so he goads Sonic into attacking his Volcano Fortress. (Ignore Sally, Rotor, etc. - in this continuity they mean nothing, so there's no reason we can't just consider them as random people Sonic knows (like Ray)).

9. Sonic Chaos
The Death Egg is almost complete, but Robotnik has discovered the red Chaos Emerald. Sonic and Tails set off to stop his plans to use it. (Note: Most people put Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 directly after each other, but there is an implied gap between the two games. Also, since Knuckles appears in just about every game since he makes his debut, these past three games have to take place between the two "death Egg stories")

10. Sonic 3/Sonic & Knuckles (Sonic's Story)
Sonic and Tails arrive on Angel Island, meet Knuckles, save the Master Emerald, and destroy the Death Egg. Sonic and Knuckles part on slightly better terms - Knuckles accepts they aren't trying to threaten the island, but he still doesn't trust them (to borrow a plot point from the Archie comics, Knuckles is basically telling them that if they return to Angel Island, the fight will start up again)

11. Sonic Triple Trouble
Robotnik's a sore loser, and attacks Angel Island again. Sonic and Tails come back in order to stop him, and Knuckles again acts as a nemesis to them. Fang shows up for whatever reason (to steal the Emeralds, or hired by Robotnik to take out Sonic and Tails - whatever). (Note: Placing this game in this place is the only way to justify having two games in which Sonic and Knuckles aren't allies)

12. Sonic 3/Sonic & Knuckles (Knuckles' Story)
A few of Robotnik's robots lay attack on Angel Island, and Knuckles gets rid of them. At the end, he and Sonic part on somewhat friendly terms.

13. Sonic Drift 2
A bit of "relaxation", so to speak, after the epic events of the past few games. (This could probably go just about anywhere, but it's a good idea to keep all of Fang's appearances in a somewhat closeknit continuity. Plus it's been a while since we've seen Metal Sonic and Amy, and both of them have another appearance coming up soon. Also, small uneventful games like this give Robotnik time to build the Death Egg II.)

14. Knuckles' Chaotix
Re-introduces Mighty (briefly), and also introduces Vector, Charmy and Espio. It has to take place about now, because it references events in S3&K and prepares Espio for a later appearance.

15. Sonic 3D Blast: Flickie's Island/Sonic 3D Blast: Flickie's Island [Saturn]
The last of the "Mega Drive games", this takes place in this point in the timeline simply because everything that follows it wouldn't make sense to come before it.

16. Sonic R
Takes place directly after the previous game because there are Flickies in Resort Island, which leads me to believe that Flicky Island and wherever Sonic R takes place aren't far apart.

17. Sonic the Fighters
Surprisingly, this game introduces a lot of important things which come up in later games - specifically, Tails' love of machinery (which hadn't been mentioned much until now) and his ability to create a "fake" Chaos Emerald (which explains the eighth emerald in this game). You could also see this game as an almost "parting of ways" between Sonic and Tails, because you don't see them together again till Sonic Adventure. Something like Tails realising that they're both actually people, not the "Sonic and Tails" team - Tails may have created the Lunar Fox, the means to stop the Death Egg II, but ultimately it's still Sonic who saves the day.

18. Sonic Labyrinth
Tails' has gone off adventuring by himself for a while, and Sonic's on his own for a bit, so Robotnik attacks.

19. Tails' Skypatrol
Likewise, Tails has his own adventure while Sonic is busy.

20. Sonic Blast
Since Tails isn't around, Sonic ropes Knuckles into helping him out with Robotnik's newest threat.

21. Sonic Pocket Adventure
It's the "last hurrah" of classic 2D Sonic, but with his Sonic Adventure design. Seems best to put it as a "bridge between the two eras, so to speak.

22. Sonic Adventure
You know the story here. Some people have suggested that the Advance games should take place before this game due to Cream's presence in SADX - but the original SA featured no Cream, and there's nothing in SADX that specifically states that any of the characters at that point even know Cream (I prefer to think she's just out for an early morning fly, myself =p)

23. Sonic Shuffle
I've never played this game myself, but putting it between Adventure and Adventure 2 seems like the most logical place.

24. Sonic Adventure 2
Obviously takes place after Sonic Adventure.

25. Sonic Advance
This seems like the best place to put Advance - there's no "in game" reasons to place it here, but chronologically, this place is the best fit.

26. Sonic Advance 2
Introduces Cream, so it has to come before Sonic Heroes.

27. Sonic Pinball Party
Again, this could probablly go anywhere, but see Sonic Heroes. This game takes place in Casinopolis.

28. Sonic Heroes
Obviously takes place after the Adventure series, but Amy mentions that Casino Park looks like Casinopolis (which she never went into in Sonic Adventure, only in Pinball Party. Yeah, it's very dodgy continuity, but it works =p)

29. Shadow the Hedgehog
Has to take place after Heroes, but before Battle, as Shadow has regained his memory in Battle.

30. Sonic Battle
Takes place after Sonic Heroes, as there are references to it (Shadow, Omega, etc.)

31. Sonic Advance 3
Takes place after Sonic Battle, as Gemerl is clearly an adaptation of Emerl.

32. Sonic Riders
Best place to place this game, as it's a smooth end to the "Gamecube era".

33. Sonic Rush
May possibly take place after Sonic 06 instead.

34. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
May possibly take place before Sonic Rush.

35. Sonic Riders
Takes place after Sonic 06, as Silver is present.

36. Sonic and the Secret of the Rings
Likely to take place after Sonic 06, but nothing can be confirmed until the game is released.

Posts: 250
Reputable Member

Aha, yes, that is always an interesting theory!
As a Fanboy theory, I always like to place Segasonic Arcade BEFORE Sonic 1, as a way to explain the origin of Sonic and Eggman's rivalry, plus the lack of Robots, plus the fact that Sonic, Mighty and Ray sound like very small children!

A flaw in that timeline is the fact that Sonic didn't meet with Tails until he landed on Westside Island, just before the beginning of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, the only way the Gamegear Sonic 2 could take place is AFTER Sonic & Knuckles.

No games took place between Sonic 2 and Sonic 3&K, Eggman was on Angel Island the whole time, and a very short amount of time passed between the two adventures.

Sonic's Story and Knuckle's story of S&K happen right after eachother, Angel Island is attacked by Eggrobo, possibly under the command of Mecha Sonic, very soon after Sonic & Tails left AE (in Sonic's ending, you see Mecha Sonic rise up after the credits)...

Sonic The Fighters works best being just Before Sonic Adventure, with the appearance of all the elements that are later used in SA, even though Sonic R was the last game made before Sonic Adventure.
I always like it to be SONIC 3D, SONIC R, SONIC THE FIGHTERS.
It fits best with the style, but as always it's debatable
(I guess the easiest way to explain the Eigth emerald without saying "AM2 F*CKED UP!" is just to say "One's a Fake, the end"

As far as order to the New Sonic games, I would pretty much agree with the above.


The again, I'm always reluctant to include the Sonic Advance games, the storylines are way too non-existant for me to take seriously...oh well!
