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Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

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Sega Europe on it
Nintendo Europe on it

Holy Poop. On a Stick.

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Okay, as long as this is isn't an april fools joke (Which it doesn't look to be) this is totally the most random thing ever. I frown upon the fact that Sega and not Nintendo are making it, but...WHAT.

Posts: 1758
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I would've preferred Sonic in SSBB or some kind of Mario/Sonic combo 2D platformer (actually, that would be pretty interesting), not a mini-game fest.

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Would I be dirty if I said this gave me an orgasm? o.o

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I would've preferred Sonic in SSBB or some kind of Mario/Sonic combo 2D platformer (actually, that would be pretty interesting), not a mini-game fest.

I would think this makes Sonic's appearance in SSBB all the more likely, though.

Posts: 815
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Indeed @ Lea...

I'm guessing with Mario in it, Nintendo isn't going to let this game suck.

Posts: 1567
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I dunno, the Mario Party games have been sucking lately.

Still...too bad it's an Olympic game instead of like a racing game...:p

Posts: 1413
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Damn, didnt saw John thread. Can a the moderator close mine?

Posts: 146
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Still...too bad it's an Olympic game instead of like a racing game...

Olympics involve racing. :p


"Now that they have been given the perfect opportunity to meet at the Olympic Games, we may finally learn who is actually faster, Mario or Sonic?"

...that's such a silly comment I can't come up with any sarcastic remark. I guess a simple "duh" will suffice.

Still...what were they smoking when they thought of THIS? This...really is the most random thing ever. Oo

Then again, if this game is successful, perhaps we'll get more Mario/Sonic in the future. *waits patiently for a Super Mario Bros. Z-esque game*

So it's coming out for Wii and DS? I wonder how different they'll be...

Posts: 1567
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Olympics involve racing. :p

I mean 'racing' not running. Do you honestly think Mario could keep up with Sonic without a high powered rocket? Sonic must have put on those slow-mo sneakers from Sonic Labryinth/Sonic 3

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:jawdrop Holy schneickes. This is just... wow.

Posts: 1355
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Edit: At first glance I thought this was a joke/mascot ad, hence the spammy post. The picture still reminds me of Sonic 3D's boxart far too much. >_>

It will be very interesting to see how this game turns out, particularly if it's actually FUN. And Sonic had better compete in the swimming events complete with flourescent armbands.

Posts: 1037
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Wow.. Just wow...
Now I don't know if I should get this for DS, for Wii or for both.

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I wanna see Sonic trying to swim.

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I was... surprised by this.
Be nice to see something more epic than minigames, though.

Posts: 1127
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I do like the middle ground in art style on that pic. This could be pretty cool actually... The Mario sports titles have been good, too, as a matter of fact.

The olympics have always been a test of athletic ability, and both Mario and Sonic have pulled off some crazy, crazy things in their game-worlds... I think it's a neat concept. Besides, everyone has always wanted to pit these two against each other.

Posts: 363
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I would think this makes Sonic's appearance in SSBB all the more likely, though.

The first thought that came to my mind is that Sonic is less likely to be in Brawl now and that they're trying to make up for it with this game. I really hope I'm wrong.

Posts: 1413
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Innovative usage of the Wii and DS control systems to maneuver a favorite character will allow players to race the likes of Mario and Sonic down the 100m track, engage in exhilarating rallies in table tennis and churn water in a swimming heat, all while competing for the much sought after gold medal.

Look like we finally get to see Sonic swimming. I hope there are more games besides the ones mention.

Posts: 67
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This is weird! Sonic can't swim! But Mario is not fast enough!

Platformer would be nice. But, at least we are actually at least getting this!

I'm going to get this for the Wii. I might get the DS version too.

Posts: 378
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Wow. That was the last thing I'd expect to be announced as a new game. Well, not counting SEGA bringing back the old characters like Fang. If that were the case, I'd fly through the ceiling. Then again, this might just be for April Fools.

Posts: 377
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It's offical -- I'm buying a Wii! Sonic and the Secret Rings, Bomberman Land, NiGHTS, and now this.

Hopefully it'll be fun. Since there shouldn't be any pitfalls and crazy camera-work ... I'm sure it'll be at least a 7.5.

Posts: 5035
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Heck yea @ Bomberman Land. lol But this game. Ummm...whoa. I'm pretty much speechless. O_o

Posts: 889
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I wonder what the game play wil be like. And we all know there will be some cheesey storyline to it. But I see this as kind of crazy but if I get a wii this will be a game that i'll look into.

It's kind of funny how three topics have been made on this!

Posts: 4607
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People didn't read the topic list before posting, that's all. It happens, we're only human.

Posts: 6
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Go down to where it says "Questions", and the sender by "SonicCats".... then read #6, and the answer....

So, I assume hell has finally frozen over? :spin

By the way... who here remembers me? :^^

Posts: 4607
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I recognize the name.

But yeah, pigs are flying, Hell's frozen over, fire and brimstone coming down from the sky, rivers and seas boiling, forty years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together - MASS HYSTERIA!

Et cetera.

Posts: 5035
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XDXD! @ SH and the reference to Rapture. =P Anywho, no I don't remember you. Sorry. =/ This game...speechless. o_0

Posts: 4607
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XDXD! @ SH and the reference to Rapture.


Posts: 273
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I don't think hell's frozen over. I just think Nintendo and Sega both recognize the combined marketing power of the two, plus the Beijing Olympics. That's capitalism at its best.

Posts: 1789
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To anyones still thinking this is a April Fool's joke:

It ain't.


One Tru Blu:
I frown upon the fact that Sega and not Nintendo are making it, but...WHAT.

If it makes you feel any better, Miyamoto is supposedly supervising this title according to IGN.


The first thought that came to my mind is that Sonic is less likely to be in Brawl now and that they're trying to make up for it with this game. I really hope I'm wrong.

I'm thinking this is game is Sega's ultimatum for allowing Nintendo to place Sonic in brawl. "We will let you guys use Sonic in brawl, if you let us use the cast of the Mario characters in a wacky cross-over game of our own!"

Posts: 1694
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Y'know, had this been a few years ago, we'd all be screaming "Blasphemy!" about this.

Imagine if something like this came out in the 90's.

Posts: 534
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Ok, this is gonna be a hit.
Mario fans who hate Sonic are gonna wanna buy this to pwn Sonic.
Sonic fans who hate Mario are gonna wanna buy this to pwn Mario.
Peeps who like Mario and Sonic both are gonna REALLY want this game.

The only people who won't want it are people who dislike both Sonic and Mario.

Wow. And this is proof that "Sonic Team" has finally decided to open their ears to their fans. Or not whatever.

I don't have a Wii but yeah, like the previous dude said I'm going to have to buy one now.

This title would have had a lot more effect if it was created in '95 or somethin'.

Posts: 1694
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That probably would've caused riots in the streets.

Posts: 363
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I'm thinking this is game is Sega's ultimatum for allowing Nintendo to place Sonic in brawl. "We will let you guys use Sonic in brawl, if you let us use the cast of the Mario characters in a wacky cross-over game of our own!"

Well said.

I just kept reading the Nintendo/Sega article and thinking, "No the Olympics are not the best way to pit them against each other. Beating the snot out of each other is the way I would prefer."

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Yeah but this way it's good clean fun.

Besides, I like the idea of Sonic and Mario competing against each other at the Olympics.
Sounds really...I dunno, innovative. Has this ever been done before? Pitting two rival Video Game stars against each other in a tournament?
(NO, not like "Capcom vs. Marvel", I mean two individual characters)

Posts: 1127
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Yea, because I can totally see Sonic and Mario beating the snot out of each other on a lark. :crazy

Posts: 609
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Very notable interview here on Newsweek.

1. NOT being developed by Sonic Team, but by Sega's sports team.

2. Shiggy is indeed the supervisor

3. "Mario is sexy and gets all the women"

4. No new Sonic games for other systems for a while. It seems that they are very serious in rebooting the franchise.

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Posts: 1437
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Where's Harley to tell us it's a hoax?

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I dunno, but Sergeant Hartman's ready to roll.

Posts: 534
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You know what I'm worried about?
When Sonic and Mario race, they're gonna have to be pretty even. Even if Sonic's faster, he can't be fast by too much, because it would render the game unfair and all the Mario fans would piss and cry about how they can't beat "that sunuvabich Sonic"

If they bring Sonic down a few levels to be fair to the Italian fatty, my support in this will drop dramatically =_=

Posts: 609
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I'm thinking of the possibilities between an Eggman/Bowser alliance.

Posts: 5772
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I'm holding out for the inevitable Link & NiGHTS: Return To Koholint Island.

Posts: 4607
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That would be made of pure win, however. Pure win's perhaps too rare an element to make a game out of.

Posts: 1789
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You know what I'm worried about? When Sonic and Mario race, they're gonna have to be pretty even. Even if Sonic's faster, he can't be fast by too much, because it would render the game unfair and all the Mario fans would piss and cry about how they can't beat "that sunuvabich Sonic" If they bring Sonic down a few levels to be fair to the Italian fatty, my support in this will drop dramatically =_=

Does this mean Sonic will be able to swim to appease the Sonic fanboys?

Posts: 273
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That Newsweek interview was interesting...but I think that Simon was spinning when he claimed that Sonic for the PS3 and 360 is selling. Another notable thing I saw was that Nintendo is publishing in Japan and Sega here in America. I think Sega is letting NoJ over there publish it in the hopes of getting Sonic back into the eyes of Japanese audiences.

Posts: 1789
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Another notable thing I saw was that Nintendo is publishing in Japan and Sega here in America. I think Sega is letting NoJ over there publish it in the hopes of getting Sonic back into the eyes of Japanese audiences.

That's the first thing I thought too.

~Mario is uber popular in Japan, while Sonic is irrelivant there(SAtSR only sold a measly 10,000 units).

~The Wii is currently the best selling next-gen console in Japan.

~The Olympics is well-known and popular around the world.

~Mario sports games sell decently.

~This is already a big win for Nintendo and it would benefit Sega greatly.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

Yayness! It is finally happening shiggy and naka had said a long long time ago that sonic and mario would be in a game as rivals and it's finally happening, XD @ bowser and eggman pole vaulting and toad and omochao shotput!!! Sonic will have to swim, water wingies or not, and i think that the races will be evened out some how maybe the hurdles will slow the blue dude down..

Posts: 363
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Princess Peach vs. Amy Rose.

Though I would much rather see Princess Peach vs. Princess Sally. Seeing Sally drop-kick Peach would make my day. But that's neither here nor there.

With this and the Nights sequel, it has been a crazy week.

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