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Metal Sonic or Shad...
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Metal Sonic or Shadow: who was cooler as a rival?

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All great game characters have the 'evil' versions of themselves to fight. Samus had Dark Samus and SA-X, Link had the Shadow Link in Zelda II and Ocarina of Time, Snake had his psycho father and brothers....

But who made the better 'evil' Sonic? I don't think I can fairly answer this, since I have yet to play Sonic CD (shame on me). But somehow, I doubt Metal Sonic would leave the same impression that Shadow did for me. I loved everything about Adventure 2, and Shadow's character played a big part of it. It wouldn't have been the same without him. Plus, MS is a machine, while Shadow is a living, breathing hedgehog. I felt that that made a difference.

However, I thought MS did make a great final enemy in Heroes. His new-and-improved form was bad-ass. Too bad we barely got to see it, and ya fought him only in his monster form (which looked like something out of Yu-Gi-Oh).

Anyway, I'm just rambling now. What are your thoughts?

Posts: 1567
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I'd say Metal Sonic because he at least tried to do something that would anger Sonic (Kidnapping Amy...whether this would anger Sonic remains to be seen...) and what is Shadow around for? To get I'd take Metallica over Blackhead...give MS a personality and he'd be extra cooler...(Or maybe he does have one and I just don't know)

Posts: 4885
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Indeed, Metal Sonic is faster, better, stronger and exists only to destroy Sonic. Shadow needs his boots to be faster, is arguably just as strong perhaps a bit better than Sonic and aside from Chaos Control, has nothing that the others can't do.

Metal, however, can fly, shoot electricity, copy skills and life-data and nowadays shapeshift aswell.

Metal Sonic has a reason to attack Sonic, Shadow doesn't.

That said, I'll grudgingly accept that you have 3 hedgehogs here, Light, Dark and Evil.

The dark one justs sits around looking angsty while the other two fight.

Posts: 139
Estimable Member

i like metal sonic too, he's got it all and just like tornadot said he has a reason.
besides he's sonic's first and long time counter part, some baddy that just has to be there(just as important as eggy).

also now he can talk:)
he'd probably say intresting things in the next game.

Posts: 1269
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Thing about Shadow is that he's nothing without his Emerald.

On the other paw, he's one helluva lot hotter than Metal Sonic or any of his counterparts.

Posts: 931
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Metal. Better visual design, at least for me, and a lot less of the annoying angst.
I never really took to Shadow. It seemed like Sonci Team had tried too hard to make him a cool character, and that sort of thing always gets on my nerves.

Posts: 527
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Metal Sonic. Simply because he came first, he was always Sonic's number one rival for me. He's the original badass rival, not to mention I prefer his design to Shadow's. Also, Shadow's character and personality doesn't really go for me.

I pretty much agree with all of the reasons Craig stated, actually.

Hopefully now that he has returned in Heroes we can see his return in future Sonic games as well, even if his role was short and pointless and he was used pretty much for the final boss in the game. Next time I want to see a much bigger role for him.

Posts: 2354
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I'd say both although Shadow has more mood swings than the average girl going through adolescence and Metal has no more purposes other than beating and destroying.


The dark one justs sits around looking angsty while the other two fight.

Maybe he's waiting for the victor :p

Posts: 20
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I'd say Metal sonic.
Mainly because he was made by Sonic's enemy, Eggman to destroy Sonic.
I was a bit disappointed with him in Sonic Heroes. I was looking forward to a proper battle with the normal Metal Sonic, not that monster. The good thing about Metal Sonic is he resembals Sonic. Metal Overloard didn't.

Posts: 4885
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Metal Overlord looked pretty cool in his own right though, even if his upped spikes and white lines made him look like a robotic blue/white Shadow.

Metal Madness was silly.

The original Metal Sonic design is always the best IMHO, I dig that fan engine :D

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Thing about Shadow is that he's nothing without his Emerald.

At the end of Sonic Battle, Shadow gives his Chaos Emerald to Emerl, saying a load of bull about how Maria meant that he didn't need it anymore.

If you go back to fight him when Emerl has free reign, he's still as strong, and still does his Chaos Control attack-thingies.

Posts: 1037
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Though the fangirl inside me keeps screaming "Shadow!", I agree with everyone else.
Metal Sonic is the best anti-hero.
Shadow is too concerned with the questions about his creation, Maria, blah blah and all the other angsty stuff to bother with Sonic.
Whereas Metal Sonic puts all his efforts into beating Sonic and killing him.

Posts: 527
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Metal Overlord looked pretty cool in his own right though, even if his upped spikes and white lines made him look like a robotic blue/white Shadow.

Metal Madness was silly.

The original Metal Sonic design is always the best IMHO, I dig that fan engine

I liked Metal Sonic's SH design (before he went Metal Overlord or Madness) compared to his Overlord or Madness designs, and I didn't really like those two designs either. His design reminded me of Mecha's design in S3&K.

But like you said Metal Sonic's original design is still my favorite out of all of those.

Posts: 22
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Metal sonic, definately, He's just so cool, All Shadow has to better Sonic is the Hoverskates...Metal is much better, also since his different forms have been around since Sonic 2, and he was in the Sonic movie...along with Knux's hat <^_^>

So, definately mecha...except on chaotix ehere I can't Kill the B!$%*d


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Heh, once again it looks like I'm the odd man out. But I see what evryone was trying to say about how MS is the uber-cool killing machine out to get Sonic, and how Shadow's all angsty and unsure about what he hell he's supposed to do.

Sorta like when you look at SA-X and Dark Samus (of Metroid fame) . SA-X (from Fusion) was out to hunt and kill Samus and was pretty one-track minded about it, while Dark Samus (from Echoes) was just running around everywhere and only fought Samus when they crossed paths.

But I'm glad we all agree that Metal Sonic's new form (pre-Madness/Overlord) was super kick-ass. I like all the makeovers the old characters got from Sonic Adventure onward but MAN his was the coolest.

Posts: 104
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I'd have to say that.... I LOVED METAL'S DESIGN IN HEROES EVEN IF HE HAD LONG SPIKES WHICH I NORMALLY HATE! Yes i think that him and shadow are the only characters that look good with long spikes. But my favorite villains will always be..
SILVER AND NACK!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think Metal Sonic is cooler. I mean, what's not to like about an evil, ultra-powerful robot that can think and have feelings?

Posts: 1044
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I'm up for Metal too. I mean he was the only Sonic clone made by Eggman that stuck to the series since he was created. Although the Mecha Sonic from S3&K was pretty bad-ass as well, but he would make a better foe for Knuckles since Knuckles fought at the end.

Posts: 4
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Metal. All of them. I mean look at it this way:
For RPers: Since he has no personality, he has every personality. you can mold him.
For Gamers: Helluva lot harder enemy to beat, will provide a challenge for anyone.
For artists: becuas ehe is always changing look, you can change anypart of him. nothing harmed.

I'm all three, of course. :p *shot*

Posts: 13
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You guy show shadow no love when metal sonic was old and forgotten (by some not all).And sa2 came with shadow ever on was like:jawdrop .He has some good points chaos control.................:nn;

Posts: 28
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Metal Overlord looked pretty cool in his own right though, even if his upped spikes and white lines made him look like a robotic blue/white Shadow.

Metal Madness was silly.

The original Metal Sonic design is always the best IMHO, I dig that fan engine

So let me get this straight:

Metal Overlord = Metal Sonic in his blue & white form with the star-like quills and a cape.

Metal Madness = His monster form.

Is that right? 'Cause that's the way it is in my fics...

On topic, Metal's a better rival for Sonic, for reasons already stated by the above posters.

Posts: 1
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I like Shadow, but personally I think Metal is cooler and a better rival. Like mentioned before, Shadow is nothing without his emerald.

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Metal Sonic is Sonic's true evil rival person. He's the original.

Shadow isn't an evil counterpart, he's just sad and confused like those angsty little teenagers. ^.^

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Metal Sonic. Robots are cool.

Posts: 1818
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Which is better? Well, let's apply The Formula.

Is Shadow a monkey, a pirate, a robot, or a ninja? No.

Is Metal a monkey, a pirate, a robot, or a ninja? Yes.

Case closed.

Posts: 32
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Well, as a rival, I prefered Metal Sonic, hands down. His design is slick and cool, he can fly, shoot electricity, shapeshift, collect data, can match/exceed the speeds of Sonic, has (basically) in infinate energy level, he is basically invincible(he can be rebuilt), he is more powerful than Sonic, and he has a reason to destroy Sonic.

Shadow needs hoverskates to match sonic in speed, can just about match his strength, Has no reason whatsoever to destroy Sonic, and has hardly any unique qualities between Sonic and him. And without a chaos Emerald, he can't do anything, really. He does not have an invincible energy level, he cannot collect data.

There, I think that's me done.

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OK, you all have convinced me why Metal Sonic is better, but.... Shadow useless without a Chaos Emerald? I don't get that. He can do everything Sonic can without a Chaos Emerald, he just needs one to do that fancy stuff with Chaos Control. And don't forget, Sonic can use Chaos Control too....

Posts: 721
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I like 'em both.

Seriously, though, Shadow actually could have just as much reason as Sonic to fight MS, supposing he got in his way. That would end up in the coolest battle in Sonic History:

Sonic the Hegehog VS Metal Sonic VS Shadow the Hedgehog! That's the #1 idea the comics EVER came out with, IMHO.
A 3-Way, No-Holds-Barred, Light-Speed-Fist-Fight-To THe-Finish!!!!

What I'm saying is, all three are basically the most formidable opponents in the SegaSonic universe, which would naturally lead to one heck of a fight....

And yes, I am somewhat loopy:cuckoo :insane :cuckoo :insane :cuckoo :insane :cuckoo :insane : :insane :cuckoo

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I've never considered Shadow as Sonic's rival......just that one guy that trips sonic in mid-run(though,I have to admit that would be pretty funny to watch). Metal Sonic will always be "THE" rival. But sonic doesn't take EITHER of them seriously, so, I guess it's a hollow victory =P

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just that one guy that trips sonic in mid-run(though,I have to admit that would be pretty funny to watch

But it would be a lot more fun to see how Shadow ripped his crotch open doing the splits after his foot shot off in another direction because had to put it out in order to trip Sonic...

Posts: 4885
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What I find deeply ironic is that Shadow has had a game and a half dedicated to his storyline and also had a huge amount of story in Sonic Battle, and yet with his grand 15 minute appearance, Metal Sonic ends up to be the more interesting and believable personality of the two.

There is so much speculation and intrigue as to Metal Sonic's personality and why he did what he did in Heroes, and yet with Shadow it's just "Maria..." "...Maria..." "...memorieyas"

Metal Sonic, however, we can determine is going crazy because he is unable to complete his primary function, he resents his creator for bringing him into this world, and is unable to envision a future after finishing his one and only goal in life (I would have given ANYTHING for Sonic to have given the Lina Inverse reply to "Why couldn't I beat you" instead of the yuck fest clich)

Sure that's been done before, but dang it, it's a good angle, and far more interesting than angst boy.

Posts: 5035
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Man this is one of the hardest things i've ever been asked. Metal just has...this crazy effect on me. I see him and it's like Whoa! Then again Shadow is my favorite you know i'm gonna have to say: *pause* :p

Posts: 3
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Stop saying Metal Sonic is the original!! Silver/Mecha Sonic was the original!!

That being said, Metal Sonic makes the best rival by far... Shadows just a Sonic rip-off

I know Metal Sonic is a Sonic rip-off also, but that makes sense, since he was created to battle Sonic... Shadow preceedes Sonic by a fair amount, so why is he a supersonic hedgehog that looks very similiar to Sonic?

Way too coincidental, just makes the Sonic history stupid

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Silver/Mecha Sonic was the original what? You can't mean rival. He shot back and forth across the screen a few times, got jumped on by Sonic and died.

Metal Sonic was the actual robot designed to match Sonic at every aspect. Mecha Sonic didn't come close to the criteria for a rival.

Posts: 3
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Yea, I guess...

Metal Sonic is better on paper but Mecha Sonic is much better in practise (imo... sonic knuckles had the best bosses)

Hmmm, I always considered Knuckles to be something of a rival too... Back in the MD days anyway... How many does rivals does Sonic need? :(

Edit: I meant original Sonic Clone btw... He preceedes Metal in that at least

Posts: 7
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i think metal sonic is a good rival because he can transform, but shadow is better because he can beat sonic without transforming. also id like to say that both of them a practically equal in terms of power

Posts: 2
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I think that you can't really count Shadow as a rival, a nemisis, yes, but not a true rival, or enemy. Metal is however, they hate each other's guts, nothing will change.

But, so do Sonic and Shadow! I hear you cry.

Lets look at SA2, and SH for the evidence.

Ok, beginning of each, yes, plenty of rivalry, end - they team up. -_- Its like in Sonic X, nowadays Robotnik is really only there to take over the world, and fighting Sonic is a game. Remember the last couple of episodes? Eggman scouring Mobius for him, devisated that he hadn't turned up. Really Sonic and Shadow are like that, kind of like another version of Knux and Sonic.

Did any of that make any sense? o_O *looks at post*

Posts: 5035
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Indded it made perfect sense. And welcome Sparkling Vodka. Hope you enjoy it here. Just beware of the...newbie eaters. *takes a sip*

Posts: 4885
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They "hate eachothers guts" and yet, from the E3 footage of Shadow, we can see in his solo game the two of them are fighting side by side, and Sonic's talking all buddy buddy with him.

Ignoring all the other Sonic clones, those three have a pretty good relationship.

Hero - Anti-Hero (or "neutral") - Villain.

Shadow can mix it up between light and dark as he sees fight, Sonic fights for good and Metal for selfish ("evil") reasons, mostly involving his primary programming of killing Sonic.

Interesting thing to note, is that according to all sources, Sonic is inferior to Shadow and Metal. CD explains that Metal is better in all respects to Sonic, and Sonic Battle confirms that Shadow is harder, faster and stronger.

Of course, "nothing can surpass the will to survive, if you try you can do anything". Sonic keeps winning, not through superiority, but sheer determination.

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What the mind can believe, the body can achieve. Sonic must constantly tell himself that.

Posts: 622
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Yeah, must agree. Metal Sonic is a better rival. I mean-look what he did in Sonic Heroes! TURNING on his maker? That was some story line! Especially that he doesn't really do much in the games anyway.

Posts: 5035
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That was some story line!


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Heroes had a plot, not a very indepth one like SA, but the storyline was still there.

You had Eggman (or Metal Sonic) who challenged Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles to stop his latest plot to conquer the world, who would unleash it in 3 days if he wasn't stopped. This was simply a ploy so Metal could collect their lifedata so he could finally defeat Sonic once and for all.

Meanwhile, while infiltrating Eggman's base for his treasures Rouge discovers that Shadow is actually still alive, suspended in a tube of green fluid. She releases Shadow from this tube, who is confused about his true identity, without knowing she also awakened a nearby E-series robot, known as Omega. He wants revenge on Eggman for locking him away. Thinking Shadow is actually one of his robots, he attacks him. However, their fight is later interrupted by Rouge, who breaks up the fight and gets them to work together along with her. All for their own reasons.

Shadow wants to know who he really is, Omega is out for revenge, and Rouge wants Eggman's treasure. The three set out thinking they can get what they want from Eggman.

And so forth with the other two teams in Heroes, Team Chaotix and Rose.

The plot is also filled with plenty of plotholes and many of the game's questions aren't answered, but while it didn't contain the greatest plotline it did have a storyline, as limited as it was.

Posts: 5035
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O.O All of that was in Sonic Heroes? Just kidding yea I know the plot was somewhat...underwraps, but there. All I know is ShtH will help me forgive ST for SH's hidden plot.

Posts: 527
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Oh, I knew what you were trying to get at with your post, you were trying to say that SH didn't have a great storyline. I just wanted to get a point across because of the way you phrased it, since you asked (sarcastically) where SH's plot was. ;)

Posts: 56
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Definetely Shadow, he's real and not a robot like Metal Sonic.

Posts: 4885
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Thanks for bumping an almost year old topic for that one liner >>;

Posts: 1355
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Um, yea, don't do that.
