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Miles "Tails" Prower! My favourite Sonic character

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2, the debut of a cute and lovable fox named Tails. Whith his cute looks and uniqe movements he became an instant star. He's 8 years old. I still think that Tails is one of the cutest characters in Sonic history! His best voice is in Sonic Heroes. He and Knuckles are really annoying in Sonic 3D Blast, because they take all your rings just for bonus. He is still cute. He is actually the cutest character. More cuter than Cream.
Type what you think about tails.

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Favourite Sonic Character Thread omgz

And for the record, I thought that Tails' Sonic Heroes voice was x______X

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Type what you think about tails.

Isn't this a "We Love Tails" thread rather than a "Favorite Character" thread?

Tails is cute, yeah, and funny. I do agree that his voice on Heroes sucked majorly. He was TOO young there!

Tails is possibly the 2nd greatest char in my oppinion (First place HAS to go to Knux!)


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Hmm...well Tails is mighty cool. I like him and all, but his voice and attachment to Sonic is abit on the annoying side. He's probably not in my top 5 favorite, but he's close for sure. I like him, he's fast, he can fly and he can pilot planes as well as mechs. He's one cool little tyke. :thumbsup

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I like Tails a lot. His story in Sonic Adventure is really nice and I love the character development he goes through. He's also very nice in Sonic Battle where he shows to be more mature than Sonic and Knuckles at times, but also acts like a kid his age would in other moments. I think his character has a lot of potential and he's a good side-kick to Sonic. 🙂
Of all the Tails voices I heard, my fav is the italian Sonic X one. It fits him perfectly and isn't annoying at all, it sounds just like an 8-year-old boy and not like a woman voicing a child.

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tails is my favourite character but his voice in heroes really annoyed me.

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Tails's voice in Sonic Heroes is not annoying. His voice is perfect in Sonic Heroes.

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To you, sure, but I'd be VERY hard-pressed to call Tails' voice perfect in that game. In fact, I'd say that'd have to be one of the WORST Tails voices I've heard in a good while. Way too grating, way too raspy, way too embarrassing. And don't get me started on "all of those Eggman's robots".

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Tails' voice doesn't annoy me. What grates my nerves is Charmy's voice. I can't play as the Chaotix with the volume turned up.

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I can't believe how imature you people are. How could those voices possibly annoy you? It is not natural that their voices annoy you. Think about it when you where younger. Weren't your voices high? It's not possible that your voice was always deep. So knock it off and be more mature.

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We're immature just because we disagree with YOU? It's not natural that we disagree? You're implying that we think that just because a voice is god awful, it means that we want a deep-pitched voice for a kid? This is... just... so...

...I think you need to rethink your logic. I'd say it's more immature to be attacking people for disagreeing with you than it is to disagree with them in the first place.

And besides, it's not that Tails' voice shouldn't be that of a kid, it's that it should actually have a good actor, which his Heroes one wasn't by any stretch of the imagination.

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Heh, SuperExplosiveTails fails at being Mature.

At least I'm not the ONLY one who thinks Tail's voice wasn't the worst in Sonic Heroes. Charmy's is a million times worse.
But "Look at all those Eggman's robots!" Still cracks me up every damn time. Well, that and "Shaaaa!"

Posts: 5035
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XD I remember that Shaa remark. But yea Tails' voice isn't something I hate all that much. Personally I like Charmy(his voice even) mainly because he's one of the Chaotix and I think his voice fits him. *creates a safety shield around himself* Besides Tails' voice can easily be improved, definetly since they are going to use the Sonic X VAs(and I like his SX VA) I say his improvement is coming soon.

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Yep, he is the coolest! he hasn't got loser disease like knuckles!*creates barrier*:lol

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His best voice is in Sonic Heroes

Really? o.o Tails' voice was better in Adventure, I guess. If you even call that good >>

But, to get back on topic...Tails is alright, but Knuckles and Shadow are MY favourite characters. ^^

Posts: 1055
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Tails has been my favorite character since SA, even though his voice has been awful ever since he began talking. Dunno why, but it annoys me. XD Though IMO the Sonic characters just shouldn't talk...

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Yep, he is the coolest! he hasn't got loser disease like knuckles!*creates barrier*:lol

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Yes I thought Tail's best voice was in sonic heroes
