i made this so that MoFo people can ask for tips, tricks or advice on any sonic(sega) game and other MoFo people answer it. so heres the first one, how do you beat metal sonic on that boss on stardust speedway in sonic cd.
*Points at the reglar topics* ...
As for MS, I don't know. I beat him first try and that was that.
Thats a tricky one. The thing to take into account with this boss is that you shouldn't really try to stay too far ahead or too far behind. Memorise the layout and bumps in the road surface and practice exactly where to jump. Metal Sonic is a devious one in that he can go right through spikes. A good idea is too try charging up a peel out when you're far from Eggmans laser of instant death. It should allow you to catch up if you're careful doing it.
Luck is part of winning that one though i admit.
The Sonic CD help topic was eaten back in June, so this can stay.