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Moments in Sonic That Gave You The Heebie-Jeebies

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I was refering to how rediculously fast he is and how disturbingly flexible his legs are.

and okay, just making sure. most people i know are disturbed by his tree shaking. :p

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Eggman doesn't have any joints. He's made of rubber with wires inside or something.

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The ghosts in Sandopolis Zone used to freak me out, especially when they would grow devil horns and dive-bomb at you.

Back then, it was my most hated level, but now it's one of the favorites. Cool music, too.

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Welcome Silver Fox to the MoFo a place where insanity abounds; we hope you have fun and enjoy it here. Please be aware that we are moving here sometime this month(around the 14th) and hope that you move with us. Also, please report to this forum here to make an intro topic if you would like. Once again welcome aboard and have fun!;)

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Thanks. I was recommended by Hiro0015 to sign up, so sign up I did. I'm still working my way around, getting to know some of the features, but so far this place looks cool.

Thanks for the welcome. And yes, I shall be moving along with everyone else.

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You're welcome for the er, uh, welcome, heh, heh; ah, so it was Hiro that told you about this place, huh. Also, I'm glad to hear you shall be moving with us.:blackthumb

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Welcome to the forum Silve, if Hiro sent you, then you rock in my books. I still want to bow and praise him for his post in the IGN Revolution thread :)

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Whaaaa.. o.o

I can't believe no one has said this.. although it JUST came to mind recently.


I'm serious. One of the mini events. You go into some dark, desolate room and open up a coffin and out comes out A HIDEOUS LOOKING MEDUSA. The way it all animates freaks me out. Certainly something I wasn't expecting... >.>

Posts: 378
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When I heard that the voice actors in the Sonic games were going to be repaced with the $#!^^y Sonic X ones. That was creepy *shivers*

Posts: 139
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can't believe no one has said this.. although it JUST came to mind recently.

that does sound totally weird. no one said it probably cause not many people played that far in shuffle. it's pretty hard to understant, you must be really good.

hmm...scary sonic moment. i'd have to say every level with thoes ghosts in that sand level i hated them in sonic and knuckles and even in heroes....and in sonic X what happened to poor amy.
guess cause i belive in ghosts and all.

Posts: 247
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The way I see it, they got rid of horrible voice actors that nobody liked and replaced them with new voice actors that nobody likes. The only difference? The Sonic X voice actors are good actors...

Posts: 222
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The Sonic X voice actors are HORRIBLE actors. Sonic sounds like an old man, he isn't convincing me that he wants to go on an adventure, or that he is having a ton of fun and Tails doesn't sound like an 8-year old kid at all.

Need I mention Vector?

God, atleast the old voice actors SOUNDED like their characters and had some believable emotions. >__<

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Need I mention Vector?

Yes, you do. :p

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The old voice actors had emotion? Could have fooled me.

Sonic sounds almost exactly the same. If he doesn't sound fifteen, then it's because Ryan Drummond didn't sound fifteen. Tails does sound like an eight year old (girl), as opposed to Sonic Adventure Tails who sounded like a robot... or illiterate kid, I forget which. And Vector is hilarious, I mean really, he had one speaking role before his voice actor was canned. He didn't really have time to shape his voice to his character.

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Dude, I'm inclined to say that most anime has horrible voice acting, or mediocre at best. And it doesn't help the fact that most characters have little to no animation and expression on their faces besides their mouths moving. Hey, I'm not hating on anime here, I'm just saying how it is. And that especially goes for the crappy programming on fox saturday. 4KidsTV? :razz I remember the good ol' days when there was some decent shows on there.

And don't get me started with the theme song writing nowadays. Pathetic. Gotta go faster/ One two three four turtles...

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I remember the good ol' days when there was some decent shows on there.

No you don't, because they NEVER EXISTED.

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Okay. Anyhoo I'd get the heeie-jeebies whenever I'd play through the Labyrinth zone, just because it's just so annoying and frustrating. Also, playing Wing fortress and the Death Egg in Sonic 2, ah what a rush I'd feel there. It's just so climactic. And Oh, the Flying Battery ship in Angel Island. But I must say what gives me the most heebie-jeebies is the second act of Launch Base. When everything darkens and Robotnik falls down in his flying arm machine thing.

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Maybe I'm just moronic, but Sonic X has pretty expressive emotions. Aside from that, even if you don't like the voice actors, WW said that they were better than the previous ones, and they are, there's no arguement there.

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I remember the good ol' days when there was some decent shows on there.

No you don't, because they NEVER EXISTED.

Wonder, I have many fond memories of coming home in the afternoon to watch FoxKids. There were many shows that I enjoyed. They were funny, they were edifying, and I don't think you should bash something you apparently never watched. They have only (somewhat) recently gone downhill, with the FoxBox, and 4kidsTV and the flush of badly dubbed anime. Now quit being a tool and stop being negative over something you obviously know NOTHING about.

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THANK YOU. I'm getting sick and tired of all this negative crap.

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Just don't take the square root of it, you know how that tends to work out: about as well as dividing by zero.

Posts: 222
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Sonic sounds almost exactly the same. If he doesn't sound fifteen, then it's because Ryan Drummond didn't sound fifteen. Tails does sound like an eight year old (girl), as opposed to Sonic Adventure Tails who sounded like a robot... or illiterate kid, I forget which. And Vector is hilarious, I mean really, he had one speaking role before his voice actor was canned. He didn't really have time to shape his voice to his character.

Have you heard Jason say "Yeah now we're talking" in the Sonic Riders commercial.

He doesn't sound like an 8-year old girl, he sounds like a full-grown woman. The voice actress hardly seems to be disguising her voice. I mean, atleast Sonic Heroes' Tails was kinda cute. Deem was perfect, though I think Mike is the best of the 4Kids actors. Lani Minella is sorta equal, she was a little louder and less exotic than the new one. The Chaotix didn't play the roles for too long, but atleast Vector wasn't as mind-boggling squeeky as the new guy. I don't like either Charmy voice, so eh. Knuckles was way better when Scott did his voice, Dan makes him sound like every single other character he does. Shadow wasn't so "ANGRYANGSTY" and more Calm and Relaxed, which I think fits the character a little better, plus it wasn't the same actor as Sonic, which I think is just a better idea.

Lisa Ortiz is awesome. Cream's voice is pretty annoying either way. Is there even a QUESTION of which Gamma voice was better? I mean seriously.

All the 4Kids voice actors just sound so much more less squeeky and not so over-acted. (With a few exceptions, such as Lisa Ortiz kinda.)

But really we're arguing about acting, which is completely an opinion thing.

Posts: 4885
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Good save, Aldri. NO ONE insults Lina Inverse in my presence and survives.

I hope Amy gets a bigger role in future games so I can hear Ortiz shine <3

Posts: 222
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You're going to end up killing me 5 times over. And each time I will come back more powerful and with more fandom for you to kill me over. Bwhaha.

...moving on.

Posts: 17
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Although Knuckles sounds the same in as Yugi and all his other character, the voice actually FITS Knuckles, damn it all.

Shadow's old voice could put the most caffine hyped ADHD kid to sleep.

Gamma's dead, so it's not like his voice actor really matters.

Posts: 1789
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Good save, Aldri. NO ONE insults Lina Inverse in my presence and survives.

Liza Ortiz isn't Lina Inverse.

Megumi Hayashibara is Lina Inverse. FACT! ;)

But she voices Amy better than Jennifer Dullard even if it is a case of type-casting.(how many "short-tempered, spunky-girl" roles in anime did she do now?)

As for Cream, I haven't played any Sonic game post Heroes in English(I own the Japanese version of Rush) and I forgot how she sounded in Sonic X. But I do remember how cringe-worthy she sounded in Sonic Heroes and Sonic Advance 3 with that falsified "surupy sweet 'lil kid" voice. I guess that counts as a heebie-jeebie moment.:lol

Also, I hated those ghosts in SA2's Knuckles stages.

Posts: 4885
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Megumi is the themesong singer to me and nothing more :p

I prefer the majority of the Japanese voices, but Lisa and Crispin Freeman are too good for me not to enjoy the dub :D

Posts: 194
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Finding out Deem Bristow died. (At a disco.)

RIP, Mr. Bristow, I loved your voice of Eggman.

He probably was the best voice on the Lani Minella team, and fortuantly his 4Kids counterpart is just as perfect.

Posts: 19
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Egg Quarters, I get scared of the beetle of doom. It's weird, whenever it catches me, it makes my heart skip a few beats and I leg it full speed. o_O;;

Posts: 6
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This was a glitch, but it was sorta creepy looking...
When I was playing SA Deluxe Derector's Cut, I completed the Icecap stage and landed on the capsule. Right when I landed on it and the completion screen appeared, Tails landed right in front of Sonic at the same time he gave a thumbs up, and Sonic's hand seemed to go clear through poor Tails' eye. Has a strange glitch like that happened to anyone else?

( PS. Would someone please tell me if my avatar is too big?)

Posts: 814
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Sonic 2, Chemical Plant zone, act 2. Drowning. I thought that it was impossible to pass the part where you had to climb upwards while underwater. I kept trying for different routes, but always ended up in the same place.

That was years ago. Now I have no trouble speeding through.

Posts: 2417
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Sonic 2, Chemical Plant zone, act 2. Drowning. I thought that it was impossible to pass the part where you had to climb upwards while underwater. I kept trying for different routes, but always ended up in the same place.

Technically there is a secret upper path that bypasses all of that, Thunder. It even takes you right to the boss, not that it matters now.

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Ummm, I'm the most severely ADHD patient my psychiatrists have ever met(no joke, it's true), and I thought Shadow's old voice suited him JUST fine.:rolleyes

Anywho, VA-ing isn't really what I had in mind when I started this topic...

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But What if voice acting DOES give people the jeeblies, as in your topic title?


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Well, Vector's voice in Shadow gave me the heebie-jeebies, so I guess I can't complain...

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Seeing the soldier pointing his gun at Maria and then hearing the gunshot fire always makes me cringe.

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Good point, SonicV2- me too.

And Wonderbat, do you ENJOY annoying people? Or just me?:0o

Posts: 81
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Find Da Computer Room? That wasn't scary. It made me crack up laughing.

The sentry beetle didn't creep me out, but I was kinda paranoid of it.

...I think Tails Doll is cute. <3

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I mean, it freaked me out how they'd take away a voice that was SO suited to the character, and replace it with a grating, makes-your-hair-stand-on-end squeal that resembles a lung cancer patient on helium.
(shudders involuntarily)

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...I think Tails Doll is cute. <3

Careful now, or else 4Kids might give TD a voice! They have been known for their "give voices to originally silent characters" ways in the past. And you know the voice actor will just be horrible too, because all they care about is being on Al Khan's payroll and agreeing to all of his ideals. They could care less about teenagers and children, let alone sonic fans.

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Worst-case scenario: He'd sound as creepy as he looks.
And that's pretty bad:eek

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The entirety of Sky Canyon Zone. Especially the boss.

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Worst case scenario?! That would be the best! 4kids would probably just make the woman who does Tails force herself to sound grating or add robot static and fuzz over Tails Doll's lines. THAT would be a worst case scenario. Okay, I'm done.

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We all know that Tails doll talks in a sing-song little girl's voice.

You know, the one you hear in like every horror movie ever made signing some children's rhyme?

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We all know that Tails doll talks in a sing-song little girl's voice.

Actually I always imagined him with Mr. T's voice...

Posts: 489
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When i was playing Shadow the Hedgehog on expert mode and played the Cosmic Fall level and Cheese the Chao started talking... that... was Frikin scary...

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Great. Now the Tails Doll will join Rouge in haunting my nightmares...:annoyed

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Knuckles 4k!ds voice,Nuff said!

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