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Most Epic moment in sonic game history?

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I'd say when sonic turns super in sonic adventure.

Posts: 1381
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Finally learning how to get past the <.< >.> barrel! Now that my friend, was epic!!

Posts: 1702
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Finally beating S3&K with Hyper Sonic.

It was also pretty epic when I finally beat Sonic CD, albeit with the bad ending.

Posts: 1656
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Finally learning how to get past the <.< >.> barrel! Now that my friend, was epic!!

OMG! you too?!
i thought i was the only one in the whole world that got stuck in the carnival level in sonic3, it was so horrible everyday for a week i'd play 8 hours only to lose every life and continue stuck in that stupid barrel, it took me forever to get the idea of jumping on it to move it up. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's not an epic momment but a horrible memory!

Posts: 1446
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I can't understand how so many people couldn't figure out what to do at the barrel. I got it straight away.

Posts: 252
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Eggman's glasses in the ending of Sonic 2006.


Posts: 1702
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I'd also like to add the FMV of Station Square flooding, especially the part where Perfect Chaos was revealed.

Posts: 1100
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Finally beating Casino Night Final Boss on Sonic 3!

...What! It was hard back then.

... Don't Judge MEEEEEEEEEE! ;__;

Posts: 899
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Sonic chasing Robotnik across an open area of the Death Egg as it collapses, Robotnik himself is only in his Egg-O-Matic (no gimmicks, just the base machine) and desperately trying to escape with the Master Emerald, and one of the most epic pieces of music from the franchise is playing. Oh, memories...

Posts: 5772
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(non-ass looking version? Change resolution to 480p)

Posts: 1758
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The scene after the Knuckles fight in S3&K, by far.  Second would be the Sonic 2 ending.  Third would be the Sonic CD Intro.  Fourth would be the scene where Eggman shoots Sonic into space in SA2.

Posts: 1055
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Finding out Sonic 1's level select and bypassing Labyrinth Zone Act 3. I still can't beat that boss...

Posts: 1631
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"Now Sonic can become Hyper Sonic..."

Posts: 5772
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"Now Sonic can become Hyper Sonic..."

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

AHAH! That's my expression exactly. I love me some Hyper Sonic.

1. Eggman shooting Sonic into space on SA2

2. Super Sonic in Sonic 2

3. Sonic CD intro

4. Station Square Flooding

5. Shadow the Hedgehog's sell figures being as high as they were. *rimshot*

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Hyper Sonic in the Doomsday.
Sonic vs Metal Sonic at Stardust Speedway.
Perfect Chaos round 1.

Posts: 220
Estimable Member

It's a toss-up, really.

- Returning my copy of Sonic 06 to the store.
- Sonic Unleashed actually being passable.
- And waiting until I was 20 years old to finally beat Sonic 2. ... And 3. ... And S&K.

Posts: 5035
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Bahahah! Nice Beardo! *high fives*

Posts: 1396
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Posts: 149
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Having the glass underneath break, sending Sonic plummeting downwards, so he runs along the side of the building, dodging pillars and helicopter blades before finally smashing through several panes of glass and landing unscathed. TOP THAT MARIO! Fighting Perfect Chaos and bailing out the SSPD in the beginning were also pretty cool. (This is all Sonic Adventure in case you didn't know.)

Also: Sonic jumping out of a helicopter with a snowboard that he uses to surf San Francisco's streets before switching back to his feet to flee a semi as it plays demolition derby with every car on the street before crashing into a low-clearance building. Nevermind why exactly Sonic has trouble outrunning a truck... Maybe he was just tired. (This be Sonic Adventure 2 in case you didn't know.)

For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

This creature speaks the truth!!!  I'd forgotten about that one...that's almost as epic as Hyper Sonic if not moreso o.O

Posts: 220
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Posts: 1241
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Don't make me pick!

- Death Egg Zone, Sonic 2: Entering this arena with no rings to your name when out of nowhere, Silver Sonic comes down to hand you a whoopin. Manage to beat him and then Eggman OUTRUNS you, and takes you on in a massive mech of doom, who's defeat leads to an exploding Death Egg and a free fall from space? Hell yes.

- Marble Garden Zone, Sonic 3: Hey guys, you know how Tails can finally fly you around and stuff now? BOSS FIGHT WITH AWESOME NEW MECHANIC!

- Ice Cap Zone, Sonic 3: Snowboarding. That is all.

- Lava Reef Zone, Sonic And Knuckles: Knuckles punching boulders at me and I land on a platform over lava and there's the Death Egg in the background and it's shooting eye lasers at me and the screen is moving and the platforms are falling and there's a jumping sequence down a waterfall of lava with a awesome boss fight at the end and the sheer coolness of the boss fight makes the lava solid HELL YEAH!

- Death Egg Zone, Sonic And Knuckles: This is certainly more bat-poo insane than I remember it.

- Doomsday Zone, Sonic And Knuckles: Duuuh.

- Radiant Emerald, Sonic R: Woah.

I'll come back with more, I promise.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

WOW! Robobotnik...just trumped my mind. o_0 I forgot about that too. That's my number 1. *bows to its greatness*
