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Most threatening villain?

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Well, with the last slew of major Sonic games to come out, Sonic and friends dealt with some pretty nasty villains (or subpar, depending on what your opinion is). Sure, Sonic's perpetual nemesis is Eggman (of course), but we've seen Chaos at his full power, Shadow's reawakening, Metal Sonic and his return to power, the arrival of Black Doom and the Black Arms, and the appearance of Eggman Nega. Out of all of the villains mentioned (for the exception of Shadow), which villain do you think caused the most catastophic damage and was just too damn evil? Of course, you can include villains from the past games, as well as each one's history of wrong-doings. Now, I side with Black Doom, with Chaos a close second. Black Doom was pure evil, led an endless army of intimidating aliens, and attacked the Earth at a cataclysmic rate. He also never defected the good side, which annoyed me about some of the past villains. So, who do you think is most threatening?

Posts: 859
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I'd of said Shadow... He was just pure genius, not just an evil Sonic but a misguided murderous psycopathic love struck jealous schemer...

But, as he turned out no the be a villain, and shadow has wiped the slate EVEN cleaner than it was then, I cantgo for anyone in SA2....

And I wouldnt go for Metal Sonic in Heroes...

So it's a toss up between Black Doom or Chaos? Hmm... hard one...

Black Doom did the most damage, but Chaod had the better story.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Actually, it's exceptionally questionable on wether Black Doom is "evil" he's just superior and intent on doing what he is determined benefits both Earth and Black Comet.

Likewise Chaos is just having a major case of PMT and is actually a nice nanny when he's not mensturating.

Metal was just a bit crazy from being better than Sonic for over a decade and never beating him. If your entire purpose was to kill someone weaker than you, wouldn't you go suicidally crazy? Look at Tom, poor Tom. I loved that cat, why couldn't he just kill Jerry?!

Gemerl was programmed and went a bit emerald crazy like his older brother, not evil, just not nice.

Eggman saves the world often enough to show he's not PURE evil, but does want to ruin everything for the construction of Eggmanland(empire), he reconfirms his save the world so I can own it attitude in Rush. I think the poor guy is just bored and needs to test his limits, much like Sonic. He'd hate ruling, more fun to try and conquer the world than to pull it off.

Nega is nicer than Eggman and well-spoken.

Shads/Biolizard are just programmed for evil by a nice man who had a MAJOR Chaos case of PMT after his granddaughter died. Apparently his son(daughter?) and their spouse mean nothing to him.

So, yeah. Black Doom wins, if only because he was about the only one who'd have destroyed the planet without remorce or being manipulated. He's pretty dark for a Sonic villain.

Posts: 721
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Well, it seems to me that Chaos was actually the one manipulating Eggman- the instant he got the last Emerald, POW!!! There goes the Egg Carrier 2. If Super Sonic hhadn't stopped him, PC MIGHT have just destroyed the world in a blind rage. And Black Doom didn't want to destroy the Earth, he wanted to use it AND its people as living batteries.

Chaos, if he'd destroyed the world, wouldn't have had room in his heart for remorse, as it was full of rage and sadness.

Thank goodness he's good; It's better that he's a good guy now- no more Perfect Chaos nightmares for me!

Posts: 859
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Black Doom might as well of wanted to destroy the earth... It's not a BIG difference, it's just a bit more objective. It's destroying it and getitng something MORE than satisfaction out of it.

Chaos was just in a bad mood, he was still really POed at the Echidnas, and since he'd been locked away in the ME he hadnt been able to work out his frustration. Super Sonic provided a nice brick wall for him to bang his fists against untill he felt better and calmed down...

Posts: 721
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But Perfect Chaos could kick Devil Doom's butt, and, isn't this about the most threatening enemy? Perfect Chaos scared me WAY more than any other boss in a Sonic game.

It'd be cool if Chaos went Perfect to battle some other huge Chaos-charged monstrosity.

I love giant monster movies;)

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Posts: 721
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Umm, What's a meta tag?:?

Posts: 222
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Black Doom was surprisingly refreshing, but I think the winnar for most overall pain in the ass villain goes to the GUN commander. For having the most flawed backstory EVER. (Er, if he counts.)

Other than that, definetly Black Doom.

Posts: 143
Estimable Member

I think the Black Doom was a stupid-looking creature with a mission rippes straight from the Wachowski bros.

Other than that, I'd have to say Perfect Chaos, because My inclination with the other villains is to laugh, rather than be afraid.

Posts: 721
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Darn tootin'.

Posts: 462
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I'm surprised nobody's mentions Tails Doll yet. I don't care if it is a plush toy, that thing is the ultimate soul-sucking evil creation.

Posts: 721
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Now I'm gonna have nightmares..

(once again shudders and hugs his Sonic plushie)

Posts: 143
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As I've said before and I shall say again, Tails Doll is a showoff, and were it not for being on opposite sides of the ocean, I would challenge him to a duel of wills, from which I would undoubtedly emerge victorious.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

He awaits your pathetic attempts at challanging him, and shall be prepared to eat on your soul with his eyes. Those empty eyes. *Huggles him* ^.^ The Wonderful Thing About Tails Doll, Cos Tails Doll is wonderful thing! His head is filled with stuffing and he has a jewel on a spring, but the most wonderful thing about Tails Dolls is HEEEEEEE'S the only one! :3

Posts: 1241
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3rd post in this topic. Craig summed it all up rather well.

Posts: 721
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You beat me to taunting him as the voice of the Tails Doll:">

Probably did it better than I could, anyways...:annoyed

Posts: 4885
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*Blink* I AM the voice of the Tails Doll o.o *cackles* until someone else claims ownership of an actual TD plushie that is :3

Posts: 1321
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Metal is damn scary. 'Not even the Ultimate Life form can't stop me'!

I mean, he throws BBBIIIGGG things at you. has a Giant Flamethrower. Long, murderous claws. Creepy, robot voice.

Black Doom i think is more scary because of his Evil.

Chaos is not Evil, just really, really Pissed.

Posts: 721
Prominent Member

This is about "threatening", not "evil".

I mean, would YOU have walked up to PC and said, "you don't scare me"?

Can you say, "Death On The Spot"?

Posts: 2232
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Swam up to it maybe...

Posts: 721
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(none of the posting tools can convey the laughter the previous post caused me)

Also, can you say "300-foot swirly"?

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

3-D games: The camera.
2-D games: Any boss from Sonic 2 (Game Gear).

Posts: 5035
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:lol @ 8ManX For me definetly PC. The dude kicks tail.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Shadow. Come on who would have ever thought that the hedgehog would add swearing and guns to the Sonic series. (Gamma and Omega don't count. Kay? K.) And he cant remember anything about his past but knows how to reload many guns including alien guns. He isn't the type of person to relie on to remember your wedding ring. or to lend money to.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

>Shadow. Come on who would have ever thought that the hedgehog would add swearing and guns to the Sonic series. (Gamma and Omega don't count. Kay? K.)

Okay, fair enough, but surely Tails and Eggman, and the badniks in every 2D sonic game that shoot balls of fire/lasers/whatever at you do? :cuckoo

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well, the Badniks are robots so they dont know what they are doing really.

Tails is a living walking talking parody of the fox hunt supporters.

Eggman just wants to rule the world. To do that you need guns and hovering machines with a very slow ball swinging beneath it.

Okay it was just a blast at Shadow.

Well I havent played Shadow yet so I have a choice of Perfect Chaos, Biolizard, Metal Overlord. Metal Sonic is just too darn lovable (You crazy mixed up Sonic replica you!). I just wanted Biolizard just to say Please Kill Me! really. and Perfect Chaos was just like wow!

The problem is there is no villian Sonic would run away from so I dont find any of the main bosses etc. threatening. The only villian I found threatening ever was the Big Black Dude/Thing from Prince of Persia Warrior Within. Everytime it would appear you had to run away from it and fast because of the long reaching tentcles and you die. (Actually became the reason why I got rid of it, couldn't get past a bit). So maybe there needs to be a villian that make Sonic run away from it.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

The killer whale in Sonic Adventure?
The truck in Sonic Adventure 2?
GUN? (he was escaping from them after all)

Btw, I can't really make up my mind. I'll probably go for Perfect Chaos, though.
There are many boss fights against Eggman that I found to be threatening though, mostly the fight against the "Eggsterminator" in Sonic3 and Knuckles. What's more threatening than a giant laser being shot at you while moving on a falling platform, running from a giant machine that has fire coming out of the nostrils? 😛

Posts: 286
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Lost World's flaming rock? Final Rush's tumbling debris? Ocean Palace's spiked rollers? Lost Jungle's giant crocodile? Heh.

But you don't have to attack those.

Posts: 721
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Actually, that was a giant alligator.

...I was waiting for Charmy to say, "Relative of yours, Vector?"

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

It's Chaos, really. Think about it, the mere fact of Perfect Chaos' existence, Station Square was destroyed.

But if Shadow hadn't have been there I would've said the Final Hazard, it took Super Sonic AND Super Shadow to kill him.

If he hadn't been incarcerated and need a life support system he would've been indestructible.

Black Doom did a lot of damage but he was flawed. One second he's ranting about his evil next he's a misguided idealist.


Posts: 222
Estimable Member

OHMYGOD I LOVED THE DAHAKA. (Prince of Persia monster.) I'd love a Dahaka-like chase. (More than just: "Run in one direction until it stops chasing you. You know, make it like the rest of the level, with lots of loops and jumping.)

Oh! And who could forget the FORBODING WALL OF DOOM!? from the Sonic 3? or was that mentioned?

It was cool, anyway.

Dahaka <3

Posts: 378
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One thig's for sure- it's not Fang:lol . I'd say Black Doom.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

A majority of the villains aren't evil really.
PC - Just really pissed off.

BD - Misguided idealist.

Shadow - See PC.

Robotnik - He's proved enough times he doesn't want ayone to die. He is evil though.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

The barrel in Carnival Night Zone, Act 2.

Never before, nor after, has there ever been a villain so ruthless, so maniacal, so seemingly impossible to overcome. Thousands of players reached the barrel, few escaped its evil power. Once the door closed behind you, you knew you were finished.

The barrel had no seeming weaknesses. You could jump on it, and it would give way for a moment, but it would immediately shove you up an equal amount, rendering such an attack useless. Many tried to use this tactic to overcome the fiendish foe, but rarely did they ever make it through, and those that did had wasted enough time that the barrel indirectly killed them anyway, through the timer. Black Doom? Shadow? All wusses compared to the barrel's inconceivable wrath.

Then, one day, word spread of a weapon that could defeat the wicked barrel once and for all... the up and down buttons. From this point onward, the forsaken barrel was severely weakened (though through no fault of its own - it maintained its secret as well as it possibly could), and most all players who knew of its secret not only succeeded in passing the evils of the barrel, but found similar barrels hiding plenty of desirable items.

However, not all know of its weakness, and the poor souls who do not may well forever be stuck at the terrible barrel's mercy...

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

On top of that, if you are working with that moronic kitsune, he screws you up even if you know it's weakness.

EDIT: This will soon be the second creepiest pic on the internet, second to that bloody Tails Doll pic. =P

*image courtesy of Screencap Inc and Emulatorcorp

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Serious: Perfect Chaos. That just made me go wide-eye from the first time I played it.

Seriously. The whole game is about how he'll destroy the world (Again? WTF?) if he goes perfect. Then I beat all the listed stories. Stopped at Six. Whee.

Then came the big ?.

And BAM. Station Square gets flooded, in pretty good CG too.

Then BAM. Perfect Chaos appears from the floods. He looks pretty sharp in the CG.

Then BAM. He's all finnu looking and has long watery arms with chao paws and tries to b*tchslap you or laser you into submission!

Seriously. Perfect Chaos had the best buildup, and was thus, IMO, the best villian. Biolizard/FinalHazard? He first appears IN THE LAST FEW SCENES.

Black/Devil Doom? Eh. Too Darth-Vaderish.

Metal Overlord? The game ruined it. The crappyness of the game really ruined it.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Although the moment I saw the post, I began to laugh, it's true! The barrel was what always cuased me to stop playing S3&K! I never realized the up and down trick until after I had learned debug and level select.

Since my PS2 is broken and gone, I haven't played any of Shadow, but I have played though Heroes. I say Chaos, for all of the above reasons. Misguided and pissed or not, he was the most threatening.

Posts: 68
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Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic is strong in his normal mode and his super self (Metal Overlord).

Posts: 143
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Seriously, the barrel? I got past it on my first try o.O

Posts: 3756
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Yeah, but come on.


It's just creepy. =P

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who knows if is out there waiting for teh right moment this time over ocming its weakness by pushing up with even more force so that if you attemtp that tactic may get crushed by the roof 1

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

In time, the barrel may become as feared as Tails Doll.

Slag it, of all the things for my muse to give me fic ideas for.

Posts: 663
Honorable Member

Actually...I think it really WAS that barrel that stopped my progress in S3&K! (I just know I once got stuck by something frustrating that involved not being able to jump high enough!) Don't remember if I eventually got passed it, then just never got around to playing the game again (though I've been meaning to for the past year or so), or if I was still stuck at that point when I decided to stop playing for 'a while.'

In terms of non-boss baddies...(since I can't decide on a boss yet)
That seahorse badnik (forgot name) in Oil Ocean always seemed quite threatening to me when I played S2.
So did Metal Knuckles when I was playing Sonic R (took me many tries before I could win that race!).

Oh, yeah... and don't forget about those double bumpers! ...You know...The ones that kept you bouncing back and forth and back and forth until you finally managed to jump at the right time? And those bumpers in the casino zone of S2 where you had to jump over and under and around (or something like that) a bunch of bumpers in order to get past them (jump incorrectly and they'd bounce you back or I think into something that was quite annoying (it's been a while since I've played S2))?

Also, I also remember one time where I probably would have said that Super Sonic was threatening...he turned Super RIGHT BEFORE I needed to jump on those opening and closing gun? slots in Wing Fortress (I hope that's the right name). I couldn't control his jumping properly, and ended up falling to my doom! (I think I eventually just either waited until Sonic got out of Super mode, or purposely avoided collecting all that many rings in order to get past that part!)

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

The Spike Trap will always be the greatest enemy Sonic will ever face. The always silent, ever so abusive, clearly in view but difficult to ignore spike trap. Sometimes, it hides in wait... sometimes it blocks your way... and sometimes it's a Badnik in disguise!

o~Stabbing is what it does... So look out if you fall from above... Threatening all with loss of blood...!

Super Effective But Simple In Design SPIKE TRAP!

Its pointy ends will be the end of yooooooou!!~o

Sonic Next Generation should be about a giant spike trap that threatens the planet. o.o

Shake shake...

Posts: 663
Honorable Member

Ooh.. Spike Trap! o0
But they can occasionally be useful (i.e. land on Spike Trap, lose all of your rings, run along them during those few invincible seconds, and then jump to an area of the level that you couldn't get back to because the ledge was too high...I used that recently, too, but I forgot which game. Spike Trap is also useful for stopping falls of death...if you manage to stay ON them after the initial hit, and then have somewhere you can go once you're there!)

Now don't forget about the dreaded Air Bubble! I think those things PLAN it so that when the counter of doom starts up, you reach the Air Bubble right as it floats out of reach! And then it takes *just* a split second too long for the next one to appear...o0

Posts: 33
Eminent Member

I'll argue Nack the Weasel as the most threatening villain.

While dire threats such as Chaos, Void, Rouge and Shadow have continually rejected their inner evil and converted to the side of the hero, the Sniper remains the only villain not to display any sympathy for the good guys. Nack represents the 'untainted' best of these rogues: out for himself, no allegiance to anyone, and ready to stab his employer in the back once his pay is delivered.

And while Robotnik is continually scrambling to save the world from his own blundering mistakes and poor choices in allies, Nack has sat back and let the goody-good saps do all the saving while he enjoys the show.

Black Doom for all his pomp and grandeur, got himself killed at the end of Shadow. Nack, a natural survivor, is doing much better, thank you very much. He's no one-shot threat: he's still out there and very much a danger to all who cross his path.

This bounty hunter has the sniping talents of Gamma, the arsenal of Omega and his own custom-built airbike, complete with as much clip-on artillery as the Eggman's hoverpod. With no allegiance to anyone, even the villains must count him the most threatening and dangerous nemesis in the Sonic universe.
