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My god....

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Posts: 1986
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Hell really has frozen over.

UK magazine Ngamer has posted an interesting tweet
on Twitter this afternoon, making a rather bold claim that not only
comes right out of the left field and has left us all a bit dazed and
confused here at Nintendo Life Towers.

We should stress this is currently deep in the realms of rumour
territory for now, with no confirmed word from Sega or Nintendo, so
please take it with a rather large pinch of salt for the time being.

Here's the Tweet in question:

We've just had some shocking news from an inside source at Nintendo: Sonic will be a playable character in Mario Galaxy 2! Wha?

sound about as surprised as we are! As always we'll keep you posted if
the blue speedster and the world's favourite plumber do indeed join
forces outside of the Olympics.

Posts: 880
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Can you reedit the link back in 😮

Yuku did something when I tried editting it to fix it.

Posts: 1986
Noble Member
Topic starter

Can you reedit the link back in 😮

Yuku did something when I tried editting it to fix it.

Edited 😛

Posts: 1100
Noble Member

Yup. Seems like it's really cold... In Michigan...

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

This could easily be a prank...let's not fall into it. XD;

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

Weirder things have happened.


Posts: 980
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It just takes you to the MoFo Chat. o.O

Posts: 2417
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And guess what! You just fell into a prank.

Posts: 2809
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Ah, I was wondering if there was something I was missing. Sorry bout popping in and then out twice, heh, heh.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Oh god, not another Rickroll. D:

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

"Nintendo's superior ninjas were quick to silence the leak, but it was too late. They have failed to prevent company secrets from getting out, and for this they inflict upon themselves the ultimate punishment. Meanwhile, Sega's ninjas enjoy ice tea and trolling Sonic forums online at their leisure, all the while grateful that this time it wasn't their fault."

I don't believe it. I've always thought of Miyamoto as a bit too proud to include a non-Mario Universe character into one of his projects. Even as a superflous extra. I can see Intelligent Systems doing this for Paper Mario, but EAD? No way. I think someone's having a bit of fun at Ngamer's expense.


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

April's coming, did you bring your coat?

You know, with the industry the way it is these days, it must be harder for these magazines to fool people on April. I guess pre-emptive tweets is a bit meta, but hey. Let's get with the times, it's cheaper than producing a Hollywood epic trailer for a movie we all (don't) want made.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

xD! Nice one GT. But yea...Sonic in Galaxy way. Don't believe it for a second.

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Thank you, Twitter, for adding fuel to the fire.

Let the insanity begin.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Judging by that screenshot, Tails will also feature, and both in their  Pre-Adventure designs.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

You forgot your .

Some people might think you're serious.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Oh, I am serious. Deadly serious.

*j-j-j-joker face, j-j-joker face*

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

I'd rather Nintendo just bought out SEGA, or at least the franchise.

It's obvious SEGA is not competent enough to make a decent Sonic game.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I'd rather Nintendo just bought out SEGA, or at least the franchise.

It's obvious SEGA is not competent enough to make a decent Sonic game.

I think it says something when you end up having a bestiality undertone in what should be an all ages game.

*is still disturbed by Sonic's resurrection scene in Sonic 06*

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

I think it says something when you end up having a bestiality undertone in what should be an all ages game.

*is still disturbed by Sonic's resurrection scene in Sonic 06*

I'm starting to get irritated when the Sonic/Elise gets refered to as "beastiality". I mean, she just kissed him. She didn't +@%% him.

And besides, its not like its new. No one so much as bats an eyelid when Brian gets into an intimate relationship with human women in Family Guy. And who's fussing over Roger Rabbit's marriage to Jessica Rabbit (who most definately is not a Leporid).

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Not to mention that Sonic has had inter-species romance at some level since 1993(or 2001 if you want to limit things to the games).

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Not to mention that Sonic has had inter-species romance at some level since 1993(or 2001 if you want to limit things to the games).

OK, I'll bite. Explain your second point there - are you meaning Sonic the character himself, or the Sonic games overall? Cos if you're meaning the latter, and referring as I think you are to Shadow and Maria in SA2, then that doesn't really count as "romance". That was more a brother/sister kind of relationship, nothing more. =P

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

Considering the Sonic Multiverse as a whole, the Sonic/Sally pairing has been around since Sonic's earliest forays into media other than video games. Limiting it to the games themselves, a significant portion of the fanbase has charged Rogue with flirting with various male characters(Knuckles and Shadow being the most common targets), and some even seriously support such pairings. Whether the latter is legitimate or the result of overactive imaiginations is debatable, but I have never seen anyone criticize these pairings for being interspecies.

I too interpret the Shadow/Maria relationship as being fraternal in nature.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

At least those are still animal-animal. Sonic and Elise is animal-human and brings up lots of horrible images. Of course it wouldn't be the first time it's been considered. Remember Sonic x Madonna?

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

That was creepy too, and it never got out of the concept stage.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

At least those are still animal-animal. Sonic and Elise is animal-human and brings up lots of horrible images.

Considering that humans are part of kingdom animalia, Sonic and Elise would still be animal-animal, and mammal-mammal to be more specific. Crossing of orders, but so is Hedgehog-Squirrel, Hedgehog-Bat, and Echidna-Bat.

I wonder if so many would complain about Sonic and Elise if Sonic 2K6 had been the S3K of 3D Sonics.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I would. The very ideas disturbs me to no end.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I'm sorry, but did someone in this thread actually attempt to rationalize a love affair between a mascot costume and a Real Doll? And did they compare it to comedic/non-serious romances between really cartoon-ish characters?

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

Ooh! Yeah, that was me! Hi~!

This topic has gone way off track, so if anyone wants I'll start a new topic for this off-shoot discussion.

Posts: 84
Trusted Member

I will take care of both for ya' Blue.

Getting back on track... firstly on the note of Nintendo taking over altogether. I think Nintendo buying out SEGA would be more likely than them buying out Sonic as a franchise. Honestly, I'd be welcome to either scenario. Perhaps if Sega became a studio under Nintendo, the big N would be able to provide SEGA with better budgets and time frames for Sonic games. Or if Ninendo took over in general... well? If you asked me about this five years ago, I'd say no... just no... but I believe it's just gotten to the point where ANY change would be an improvement. I mean, as it is, between taking in Sega as a third-party developer, and the constant crossovers, Sonic the Hedgehog is clearly on Nintendo's life-support system. Considering all of his multi-console games typically sell more on Nintendo's console than the other two COMBINED, the statement that Sonic would not have survived this long without Nintendo, doesn't sound very unsupported.

That being said, I'd say, given the opportunity, I'd give Nintendo a chance with Sonic.

Secondly, on the MAIN topic, of Sonic being playable in SMG2. Clearly this is a blatant lie. Believe it or not, I'd welcome the idea. But it just doesn't seem possible. But just to play devil's advocate, we once thought we'd never see Sonic in Smash Bros. What happened? We never thought we'd see an all-out Sonic/Mario crossover game. What happened? I think though, if Sonic was a playable character, and the two were joining forces in an all-out platformer game, the title from the very start would have been announce with "Mario and Sonic" included in it.

Thus, this = lie. I wouldn't put an idea like this out of the realm of possibility, but in this case, it's simply not true.

Posts: 257
Reputable Member

I think though, if Sonic was a playable character, and the two were joining forces in an all-out platformer game, the title from the very start would have been announce with "Mario and Sonic" included in it.

Silv's just nailed this one.


But while I'm here, I'll put an end to the Sonic/Elise inter-species arguement. Ahem.

It's fictional. Its not real. It never really happened. Get over it.

I thank you.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Well, it was erased from time, so, no, it didn't happen.
