Wacky Workbench?
lol 200
No 😯
Lave Reef from S3&K?
Nuh uh.
4. Something Remenescent of a Desert
EDIT *is Acrio* #^_^#
Reminder of clues
1. Bouncey wall pads! Wheeee *shoots up to the next floor*
2. Elevator screws
3. Lots of machinery
4. Something Remenescent of a Desert
Is it Sand Hill from Sonic Adventure?
Jet's nighttime desert race in Story Mode in Riders?
It's been 3 days, so I call it.
1)It's name involves a massive death
2)I seriously doubt you've played it
3)Newb's won't have a clue about this classic zone
Genocide City Zone.
It hasn't been three days. :"> | Turtle Guy guessed just yesterday
I knew someone would get it right away. Genocide City Zone was one of the levels cut out of Sonic 2 before it was released.
I thought is wasn't us, SonicV, it was the one who last issued the clues. Acrio hadn't responded to our guesses in three days, so I called it.
Anyway, my guess for Acrio's was Sandopolis, but if anything it's Wonderbat's turn.
My guess for Acrio's is Egg Rocket from Sonic Advance!
I just want to know if it's right, it's still Wonderbat's turn. ^w^
They are right, it's not my turn. I forgotz about this place. :< It was Gigantic Angel from Pocket Adventure, btw.
Ummmmm like
HINT ZE FIRST: What happened to this place?
HINT ZE SECOND: Oh no, not fast enough!
HINT ZE THIRD: They're in the trees, man, Charlie's in the trees!
Angel Island Zone in Sonic 3?
It's been 8 days. 😯
I call it.
1) Noah
2) False Gods
3) Memories...
Makes me think of Perfect Chaos.. what with the flood (Noah), him being the "god of destruction" and the memories would be Tikal's past.
Of course maybe you made the clues purposedly so to remind people of Perfect Chaos when in truth you were referring to something else entirely.. hmmm...
Whatever, my guess is Station Square/Super Sonic's level in SA. 😛
No, but that's clever.
And it also makes mine look even more clever. XD
1) Noah
Noah's ARK
2) False Gods
Artificial Chaos; aboard he ARK- They're based off of the God of Destruction, Chaos.
3) Memories...
Shadow has many memories of Maria and the ARK.
Space Colony ARK, and any sub-zone would apply.
Close, but you need to say which actual level it is, and the game. YOu got it mostly right; it is on the Ark, it does have Artifical Chaos's.
Is it Cosmic Fall on Shadow?
Memories... lead me to believe that its the level after the Shadow / GUN Commander encounter.
No. I forgot there was ACs in that level. Nn;
New clue.
4) This level has them, it's darker dopelganger does not.
Lost Impact?
1) It is on the Ark.
2) It has artificial chaos all through out.
3) It takes place in the past with Maria.
4) You need to complete mostly hero missions to reach it.
lalala Final Rush
Eternal Engine from Sonic Adventure 2?
4) Its Darker Doppleganger would be Lost Colony
Koivo got it.
1) On the ARK.
2) Artificial Chaos.
3) It's a flashback.
4) It has gun platforms and the Doom doesn't.
Your go.
Ok then.
1) Round and round and round you go.
2) The newer Sonic games have had way too many.
3) Spike shafts.
Is it Lost World from Sonic Adventure?
I'd say Death Egg from Sonic & Knuckles. Based solely on the "too many in recent games" thing; there were bottomless pits in act 2.
Nope try again.
Mystic Cave from Sonic 2?
Spike shafts make me think of being Super Sonic, blazing along, forgetting that huge ass pit of spikes is inescapable...
Lava Reef Zone from Sonic and Knuckles?
Nope and no.
New clue.
4) Holy metal tiles, Batman.
Metropolis Zone from Sonic 2 on Genesis?
Try again.
Is it Scrap Brain Zone of that there Sonic 1?
Sorry no, but close.
Ok, another clue.
5) Railcarts!
Underground Zone, from Sonic 2 GG?
Electric Egg Zone from Sonic Chaos?
No to both.
Atomic Destroyer from Sonic Triple Trouble?
Sunset Park in Sonic Triple Trouble?
Spike shafts and railcarts makes me think of this.
Still, no. Hmm... another clue?
Let me think. Ahh... I know.
6) Not a valley.
Mt. Gimmick (I think that's what it's called) in Sonic 2 GG/SMS?
Gimmick Mountain but close enough. Erika got it.
1) There are wheels which Sonic jumps on and spin around to get higher.
2) The newer games have had too many gimmicks.
3) Thin narrow spaces to jump through with spikes on both sides.
4) The whole level is metal... I think.
5) Self-explantory.
6) So is this.
Erika's turn.
1)Yellow submarine!
2)Are those chemicals?
3)My dream of knocking down the cones on the road comes true.
Sonic R's Reactive Factory?
1)There's a yellow submarine
2)Reactivce Factory.. some tubes with weird liquids
3)There are cones! And you can knock them down! =D
Btw, that was quick. 😛
I can't WAIT for the next one!