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New Dialog for SA2 found

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TapamN wrote:

I've been cataloging in-level text from Sonic Adventure 2. Things like billboards in City Escape and warning signs. My sig is one example of my favorite; I had never noticed the small, white-on-yellow text at the bottom of the sign before. There were many, interesting looking, but hard to read signs do to camera limitations. So I set out to find the original textures to read off of in a 1:1 ratio, undistorted by 3D.

It took me a while, but I... found them. I bulk uncompressed the PRS files with predec auto.

In the event directory of SA2, there were a few files that stuck out from the rest. Most of the cutscene files came in groups of nine. But there were some like, "EVESD4.BIN" that didn't match the naming system. I opened it in a hex editor, so see if it has any ASCII. (Many of the files have bits of ASCII for what seems to be for things like referencing textures.)

Instead, I found the German subtitles for dark side.

Ok, so the number in the filename is the language. The second to last character is what story is goes with. I guess S means script or subtitle. Unfortuantly, there doesn't seem to be anything (obvious) that shows who is saying what, just what is said.

Quite funny... the sound effect have onomatapeas. The ARK goes "wub wub wub wub," when it viberates, for example. Huh. Even the FMVs have subtitles...

I looked though the last story file a bit more (EVMESL1.BIN)... Huh, Sonic called Robotnik an egghead during their reunion... Then I read pass the transformation sequence... (Quuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebam!)

(By the way, these are ordered as they are in the English last story file, just formated a bit-- nothing cut out.)


The space colony is still
accelerating toward earth.

In five minutes, there
will be no way to stop it.

Nothing can stop the colony now.

Mr. President. Don't give up
just yet! Sonic and his friends

can still help us!

I've located the two hedgehogs,
there in the lower quadrant. The

space colony has entered the earth's
atmosphere and is accelerating.

That's ridiculous! There's no way two
hedgehogs can stop the colony now!

They can! I believe in them!

Together...they can do it.
I just know it!

No way that's getting through!
Go for it Sonic!

Shadow, we're counting on you!
I'm counting on both of you!

Hang in there, Sonic, Shadow!

Shadow, I beg of you...

give them a chance to be happy.

Now Shadow!

Chaos Control!

Maria...this is what you wanted, right?
This is my promise I made to you.

clap clap clap clap

There's an emergency message
from the Space Bureau.

They are tracking the space colony's
re-entry trajectory and it seems to

have reappeared in Quadrant L1.

You know, when I was a kid,
I used to dream about heroes like

them and their heroic deeds.

Mr. President, that's why YOU
should be like them. Never give
up believing in your dreams.

Where is Shadow?

Do you really think that the
professor created him, Shadow...

to carry out the revenge on
all those who live here on earth?

He was what he was. A brave and
heroic hedgehog who gave his life

to save this planet...
Shadow the Hedgehog.

I guess you're right.

As a child, I looked up to
my grandfather because of all

the great things he accomplished in
his life. He was my hero and I

wanted to be a great scientist like
him. But...did he really mean to

destroy us?

I don't know, but what
I do know is...

We all did it together!

You're right.

Where are you going?

Next time I will pull this off without
anyone's help. I will use my own

power to take over the world!

Next time we meet, all bets are off!

Same here!

So what's next for you Rouge?
Off again to find those jewels

you love so much?

Nah, I think I'm going to give
this line of work up! Too much

work for too little pay!

Anyway, I have something better
than jewels that I'm thinking about

right now.

It will all work out, you'll see!

If you say so.

Created the ultimate life form...

What's the matter Sonic?

Oh, it's nothing. Come on,
let's go home! To the planet

as cool and blue as me.

Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog!

So... does anyone else know about this? I find it really hard to believe no one has stumbled onto some plain ASCII before. I haven't found any references on Google. I mean, it plain ASCII! Surely, someone has found it before, or maybe my... version... was changed when it was released as some kind of joke? I haven't actually put this version in my DC. I thought it was cool at first, when I found the subtitles with the sound effects, FMVs, and ending put in. But after finding such seeming important text, the more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm being tricked...

Interesting find; I'd have liked Eggman's "all bets are off" comment to have stayed in the game, myself; it helps leave no doubt that everything returned to the status quo at the end of that game...

Posts: 721
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Explains why the President seems fixated on the heroics of Sonic and Shadow in the latter's solo title.

Posts: 3666
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Is it me, or are these extra bits pretty much mirrored in the Sonic X version of the scene? (Well, the Japanese version at very least. I've not seen the US/UK version of it, so for all I know they cuts some. Unlikely but possible) I've not seen it for a while, but from what I recall it does seem pretty familiar...

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

"That hedgehog that's been stealing from us and blowing up our military's robots and Sonic are in orbit!"


Though I like Eggman's "All bets are off" line.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Yeah, the first episode of SA2's arc DEFINATELY contains the childhood dream quote, in all versions. Seems that the X guys knew about this scene.

I like it, first off it lets us give a hoot about the president's personality (which is consistant with his minor role in Shadow), and lets us see Eggman in a really different light which only Sonic X touched on (during episodes 39-41, specifically), that he's just in it for the fun of the game and doesn't really want to hurt anyone. Here we have him, in game, regretting all of this and feeling horrified that the planet could have been destroyed, then a moment later saying "but I'm still going to keep trying"

I love it.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

WOW I wish they had keep those lines of dialogue. It does explain the President reaction to Shadow in his game. Does anyone know why they remove it from the final game?

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Just out of curiousity, was recorded versions of those lines found anywhere on the game disk?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

No, which is why it's taken this long to discover these abnormalities in the script even existed.

The written out sound effects make me think SA2: Closed Captioned for the hearing impaired.

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Hey, if HL2 can do it...

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

That's really strange. And I may be wrong, but maybe the reason why the dialogue is off from the game is becuase subtitles didn't play during that scene. The credits were rolling instead. The sound affects part, however, is strange.
