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New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

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But what if Sega were the ones that decided to do this as a hoax? It'd make just as much sense as the game itself. 😛

Posts: 88
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Shadow was staying at Club Rouge in Night Babylon for at least some part of the game, as Rouge returns there, and says "Shadow, I'm home! ...must be still sleeping" when he doesn't reply. They may not have been dating, but they'd almost certainly kept in touch after Heroes.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That'd be one hell of a hoax. Kind of the type that gives heart attacks when the jump out and yell SUPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Posts: 36
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This makes me wonder - there must be somebody at SEGA who goes on the web and looks at all the usual Sonic digs and gauges general opinion. I mean, the general response to this announcement has been highly volatile, to say the least - so much so that somebody at SEGA must have noticed. Right?


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Yeah, but the Sonic fandom are like the little Boy who cried "CRAP!", we hate things so often, I doubt they listen when we whine anymore :p

Posts: 36
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But this is overwhelming, though. They must have noticed that the only person who is going to buy this is Shadowglass?

Well, the only person from the fanbase. Which is a nagging fear.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I'd buy it to see how it is. I want to be a fair judge of it anyway...besides it looks cartoony and cartoony shooters are great... (See Rachet and Clank 3)

Posts: 456
Reputable Member


Shadow was staying at Club Rouge in Night Babylon for at least some part of the game, as Rouge returns there, and says "Shadow, I'm home! ...must be still sleeping" when he doesn't reply. They may not have been dating, but they'd almost certainly kept in touch after Heroes.

That is explained in Shadow's story. Shadow is knocked unconscious so Rouge carries him to her place to rest up.


For one thing, I have been reading quite a bit of responses on the subject of "rip-offs".

Before I talk about why Sonic Team may be doing a Shadow + Gun spin-off, and why a lot of you aren't really happy about all of this, I just have to take a little moment to correct this ...

It is not a so called "rip-off", it is called a TREND. Which, by definition, is something that basically follows a line and sometimes makes a move. For example, aqueducts!

These are water pipes, right? Well, perhaps that this type of matter helped us make other common types of pipes like sewer pipes! The same thing comes into play here, and you will see a lot of trends in the Gaming Industry. From Mario, we have Sonic! Without Mario, would we have Sonic? To tell you the truth, probably not.

SEGA developed this blue-hedgehog to fight against Mario, well, according to this article.

Would we have the games you held up with, like Jak or such and such without Sonic? Who knows, maybe not!

Whilst Sonic was made to compete with Mario the final product did so in very original and defining ways. Sonic didn't stand on the back of current trends so much as it created its own trends to compete with those trends. Shadow the Hedgehog is just following the latest trend by tacking on a gun.


Now, we all know, as well as I, that the majority, or pratically all Sonic games, are rated "E" for everyone, right? Well, usually these "E" games may seem kiddy to people like me. (To be honest, I could not stand some aspects on Sonic Heroes, like how Charmy acted, anyone with me?).

Well, these guys want to try some more new stuff (not really new, they did past spin-offs like Sonic R, Knuckles Chaotix, etc), and they also want to really get other types of markets into the hedgehog's universe. They are starting to get the picture that they need to cut a lot of things, and really bring it all up a notch. (I hope they are, because the competition is about flushing out the hedgehog).

The best games truly were "E" for "Everyone", some of the newer ones seem to lean towards "E" for "Children". It's more important to get the series back to GREAT games (not mediocre and poor like the more recent ones) that appeal to EVERYONE (not just one particular age group).


So, what they have here is a game that targets the older market, hopefully making things "cool" to all the guys like me again with the Sonic series. They bring out a sick game with a sick creature we all call Shadow, and they upgrade him with, uh-oh cover your children's eyes, a GUN!

This is pratically the biggest twist ever to the Sonic universe. Who expected any of the characters to wield a realistic (not really) weapon that parents stress their children to stay away from or bam-bam they're dead!?

Blatant shock value is the cheap and easy way out. I'd rather play a good game rather than one that was designed from shock value upwards. It's immature, simple-minded, and short-sighted. Enough of the entertainment industry already revolves around the lowest common denomenator. Children's series should be children's series, all ages series should be all ages series, adult series should be adult series. Nobody would dream of making a Godfather film for children.

If Sonic has to be badass and T+ to appeal to some people then they should move on and look elsewhere. Having children's Sonic games, T+ Sonic games and maybe even a few *gasp* all ages Sonic games dilutes and damages the identity of the series. Sonic had a strong identity as a great all ages series, it's something that should never be compromised.

Marvel and DC have done this a lot with their super hero licenses and it has been very damaging for them. They've been trying to appeal more and more to existing older fans who've decided that they want all ages series to "mature" with them and sales have dwindled as they fail to bring in any young readers. Marvel and DC have desparately been trying to appeal to the audience they did initially again with projects such as Marvel Age. They are becoming slowly building successes but Marvel wouldn't even have to be struggling uphill like they are doing if they hadn't abandoned the audience in the first place to appeal to the older fans with shock value.

All ages and children's series should concentrate on the 5 year turnover audience - people get into a series when they're young, stick around for 5 years or so and then most of them move on to something more "mature", this loss of audience is no problem though as a new wave will take their place. This is why Archie Comics sell better than Marvel and DC do nowadays.

Posts: 63
Trusted Member

I was willing to buy a Shadow-centered game before anything like this came out. And after seeing the video, I'd have to say ShTH is about as far away from Sonic Heroes as you can get. Bonus.


Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Wow, so there's actually people in existance who aren't bashing what's not even out yet. (At least people PLAYED Heroes before passing judgement...).

After watching the trailers, I don't see what's to get so uptight about. The gameplay looks decent; just a bit different. No idea what to think about the gun, but it could work, I suppose.

While I wouldn't mind a 'Ratchet & Clank'-style of gameplay, chances are we won't see it in a Sonic game :/

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Shadow with a gun.


I'm actually not surprised. Shadow is a dark and mysterious character, and ts not like this is the first time weaponry has been used in the Sonic games. Look at SA2.

Maybe this is the end of 2005 game that was mentioned...?

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

I'm actually looking forward to the game. The Gameplay indeed looks good, I guess the gun could work as a secondary attack (the homing attack being the primary one), and it looks from the trailer that there will be as much focus on the story as the "adventure" games.
Also, this will be the first Sonic Game with only one playable character since...when? At least, it looks like there will only be one playable character...

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


But this is overwhelming, though. They must have noticed that the only person who is going to buy this is Shadowglass?

Grow up and get however yourself Spontaneous. If you can't be bothered to acknowledge the large number of intelligent Shadow fans, or the fact that SEVERAL people on this forum have mentioned that they will either buy the game, or reserve judgment until it comes closer to release, then your snarky remarks are a wast of time. Yes, there has been a knee-jerk reaction, but there have been plenty of positive responses as well.

If every franchise gave up because of initial fan-boy criticism, we'd have no Star Wars prequels, no Windwaker, and the Kingdom Hearts.

Posts: 59
Trusted Member

Personally, I like the look of it. The gun seems to suit Shadow in a way. Also, the game's original, and the only other non-evil character who a gun could really go with a gun is Rouge, and I doubt many people would want a Rouge spin-off.

Posts: 76
Trusted Member

I'll try and keep an open mind, though i feel cheated that im not getting a sonic game :( and that they took the ridiculous idea of putting a gun as a main weapon in a sonic game.

Frankly, I think this might have potential, the way it shows shadow as either a villain or a hero, maybe it'll have the same kind of consequences like fable, with whether u decide how shadow will be...

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Well, I doubt it'll share Fable's 'good or evil' element (thought that would be pretty sweet). But at least it looks like the [almost] standard Sonic fare.

And hopefully the player will have a choice between blasting away and using old-school techniques like spin-dashing. From the looks of the trailer, that appears to be the case so far.

Or better yet, a combination of attacks would be fun. Imagine, homing-attacking an enemy, bouncing up above it, and finishing it off with a rain of bullets.

...and I pray that the somersault's been dumped...

Posts: 36
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About the 'Don't knock it until you've tried it' nonsense:

Excretion - You wouldn't want to eat it, but have you ever tried it before?

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

Yeah, but in excretion's case, there probably WERE people who've tried it before. How else do you think we know it's bad?

And Spon, there are TONS of people interested in this... just not around here, the GHZ, SFGHQ, SRB2... in fact, most of them were at GameFAQs, actually, so it's not saying much. But honestly, there are about as many of them THERE that want the game as there are those I've seen who think it won't be good, myself included.

Posts: 36
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The GHZ? Is that really really true?
Because I remember something about tomb stones, a lot of cursing, and somebody getting banned for listening to Muse. Looking over the thread, actually - not one person has expressed anticipation - oh except for one person, but it turned out to be a joke. CulT seemed to hate it all over too.

And Gamefaqs, just... let's not go that way.

And the hate for excretion is genetic, I assure you. Just like the hate for this. So all people who like it are mutants. Yeah.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

Reread what I wrote, and you'll notice a "not" in there. As in, people at The GHZ aren't thrilled. And no "edited" thing, either.

And stop playing around with the people who want to like the game. As far as I can tell, it isn't appreciated.

Posts: 36
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And Spon, there are TONS of people interested in this... just not around here, the GHZ, SFGHQ, SRB2... in fact, most of them were at GameFAQs, actually, so it's not saying much.

Hang on, what I get from that is that some people from those groups like the idea. It's not exactly the most consistent sentence in the world. But hey, mistakes happen.

And yeah. I'll stop with the happyslapping.

Posts: 68
Trusted Member

This is horrendously disappointing. Not because of the gun (although it looks downright BORING and generic; if Shadow has a gun it should at least look interesting), but because I wanted a real Sonic & co. game. I have very little interest in Shadow, and this means it might be 2007 or 2008 before we get a proper Sonic game.

The gameplay actually might be pretty good if they combine Sonic and Gamma from SA. But I have no interest in this "as a fan." There's no reason to pick this over any other game. For all my talk about gameplay I have to admit that I also care about the world and characters on the screen. And if the game doesn't have even one of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, the Chaotix, Rouge, or even Eggman, it's just not a Sonic game to me. *shrug* I'm going to check it out as if it was a whole new game, and then buy or not buy it based on how good it looks. And there are a lot of non-Sonic games that look better.

To be honest, if this was Tails, and the gun actually looked like something he invented rather than some mass produced thing, I'd probably be somewhat more interested.

This really does look like a hoax, even though it isn't. The reason it looks like a hoax is that the whole thing feels marketing-inspired and tacked-on. Buzz Bunny looked like a hoax too. What we saw of the levels doesn't suggest much new stuff in the game besides a VERY generic gun and the "hero or villain" thing, which is very vague. Sonic is about, among other things, unique designs and an abstract feel.

The biggest problem with marketing-inspired and tacked on is that it creates the impression that Sammy execs are pulling the strings instead of letting creatives do their thing. If that happens the whole series and SEGA itself are in trouble. We don't want Poochie the Rockin Hog.

The best case scenario would be Shadow getting his own series that does not interfere with the production schedule of other Sonic games. As I said, most of my disappointment is about this game probably pushing back another Sonic game.

Posts: 880
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I know... Sonic Babies was more believable than this new Shadow game.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member


The gameplay actually might be pretty good if they combine Sonic and Gamma from SA. But I have no interest in this "as a fan." There's no reason to pick this over any other game. For all my talk about gameplay I have to admit that I also care about the world and characters on the screen. And if the game doesn't have even one of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, the Chaotix, Rouge, or even Eggman, it's just not a Sonic game to me. *shrug* I'm going to check it out as if it was a whole new game, and then buy or not buy it based on how good it looks. And there are a lot of non-Sonic games that look better.

It'll probably have atleast Metal and Omega, possibly Rouge or even Eggman... those are the characters with the strongest connection to Shadow atleast.

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

On the point as to what other characters will turn up, I have to say that if Sonic does't appear as some kind of cameo somewhere in the game I'll be extremely surprised.

I wouldn't expect him to have any large role, but not including Sonic somewhere would be a little perplexing. Whatever way you look at it, Sonic has more market recognisability than Shadow.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


It'll probably have atleast Metal and Omega, possibly Rouge or even Eggman... those are the characters with the strongest connection to Shadow atleast.

I don't know about that. I see no evidence of Eggman's tampering in the shot's we've witnessed so far. I'm guessing there may be a cameo by Rouge, since she's not only Shadow's "Friend", but she also actually knows a bit about his past.

Metal and Omega? Maybe, but there's no real proof 'till we see a concrete storyline.

Then again, I'm sticking to my crack pot theory that Fang might show up...

Posts: 222
Estimable Member


Spoilers (Select To Read)
Metal and Omega went away with Shadow at the end of SH, after all. So I'd assume they'd be in it.

old news, but whatever.

Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Hmm, found something on SoA's FTP site:

So this Shadow game and Sonic DS aren't the only Sonic titles out this year...

Posts: 0
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Since his introduction on the Sega Genesis in 1992

o.o Lies.

Also, what it says about a new game pretty much sounds like it could just be talking about the ones we know of. O_o

Posts: 23
Eminent Member

After watching the trailer, I've gotten the idea that this game could be very promising. The single-character gameplay featured in the trailer looks great, and it's awesome that all the team aspects have been ditched, and it's back to playing as just one character like in good ol' Sonic Adventure.

Sure the gun looks tacky on Shadow, but from what I've seen the gun doesn't really hamper the gameplay badly, and it's refreshing to see a new style of gameplay in the Sonic series that isn't a complete dropoff of all the moves we've gotten used to; Shadow still has the speed of the Sonic games, and now the fighting's starting to get interesting.

Now getting to the character... I can see why some of you are upset that Shadow's usurping Sonic's status. I see no reason as to why Shadow would have Sonic's speed, regardless of his "hover boots," and there's a great possibility that Shadow could replace Sonic if this game does well, much to the dismay of those of us who have gotten used to our cool blue which faces the threat of being replaced by a "darker", edgier version.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

BTW, if anyone cares, this game now ranks both #1 and #3 at GameSpot's "most popular games". It seems to be popular. This isn't really too much of an indication of whether it's good or not, but...

I'm surprised Zelda isn't at the top, myself; you'd have half-expected the Nintendo fanboys to flock to the trailer like flies to an open jar of honey. Or hey, maybe even UT2K4, which is where GameSpot currently has the video of the sexcellent Unreal Engine 3 (it's really boggling how they can render all those bricks, and yet have the wall (polygon-wise) as flat as a wall from DOOM... the original DOOM...). But no, it's Shadow. Meh.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Wait... that's just weird. I mean I can understand Shadow getting alot of views from around the universe, that stands to reason due to the WTF factor it has sent rippling through the fandom.

But how on Earth did it get to be a more popular download than the new Zelda trailer, which is like joy trapped in a video.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

First, off I'm gonna give my impressions. I think this game could be good and as a Sonic fan(Shadow's a Sonic character so I have to be a fan of his) I gonna buy this more than likely. I have mixed feelings on the gun; I am by no means anti-gun but Shadow is the ultimate lifeform and don't see why he has a gun, but I got me a little theory as to why he has it.


You CAN choose to be "Evil" or "Good" (I doubt it, even though it looks like that's how it'll be) and the Evil Shadow uses a gun throughout the game.

That's what I was thinking Deus; maybe that's when he has a gun: when he's a villain. Personally, I think, and I'm actually surprised no body's mentioned this, that maybe the evil Shadow(and the one that holds a gun) is one of the many Shadow clones we see in Heroes, and he does not completely weld the power the real Shadow has and therefore has to use a gun to compensate for the lost power. The hero Shadow is the real Shadow(I'm gonna go on a limb and say this is the one from SA2B, SH, and SB), and he is the one that just uses homing attacks, etc. Throughout the game, we will think evil Shadow and good Shadow are the same, but we may get some hints in each story that they maybe more than one Shadow, a little bit of foreSHADOWing if you will.(Sorry, I could not pass up the pun.:p ) In both stories, the Shadows will have their own separate and different final bosses, and then in the final story, the Shadows will met each other and they will have a final dukeout with the real Shadow chaos controlling the gun-toting Shadow into a stasis tube like the ones in heroes. If my theory proves to hold water, would you be more open to it, and hey, is this a good theory? On a side note, Shadowglass, you sound as thoughtful and eloquent as always, sir!:thumbsup

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Good guys can weild guns aswell. Why instantly assume that "evil Shadow" is gun-tooting, whereas "good Shadow" (mysteriously missing from the video, screenshots and box art preview) has no gun.

That's silly ;p

Posts: 27
Eminent Member

*remembers the RE4 commercial* and stangely, the movie set up such ....coincidence.

Announcer: Forget everything you knew about the Sonic the Hedgehog series, because Shadow blows crap up with a gun now.

That lame sounding announcer: This game has not been rated, but it'll probably be T. If at the very most a M with those realistic looking guns Shadow has, I mean, seriously...

Humor aside, it looks intresting.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member


Good guys can weild guns aswell. Why instantly assume that "evil Shadow" is gun-tooting, whereas "good Shadow" (mysteriously missing from the video, screenshots and box art preview) has no gun.

Craig, I(nor Deus as far as I know) am not saying good guys cannot weild a gun; just saying the Shadow we know may not use a gun, but an evil, not-as-powerful Shadow clone may use, and may even need, to use a gun. And just because a "good" Shadow is not being shown does not mean he does not, or cannot, exist because let's face it over half of that trailer was talking about the former Sonic games and therefore the "good" Shadow may have been left out for spoiler reasons. But heck, for all I know maybe the possible "good" Shadow channels chaos energy through his gun, and the "evil" Shadow uses bullets, pellets, lasers, or what ever from his. It's all just speculation, Craig, relax.;)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I knew one of the webcomics would take a stance on this, I'm glad Penny-Arcade was the first to do it, though they're more worried about Sega than the Sonic series (as it's pretty established that the duo hate the Sonic series, even if Gabe keeps getting in the neighbours pool and playing with the old toys)

So, I present ye:

LMAO!!! (Very bad language used)

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Look what I found in my boredom.

And no, I still think it's a hoax.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I prefer PSX's movie poster, it has alot more effort put into it than that one.


Posts: 79
Estimable Member

I personally think this will be the start of hammering the nails into the coffin for the Sonic franchise!

If they are resorting charaters to using guns... they REALLY must be desperate for ideas! I think it's stupid that the only one Shadow loved was Maria... and SHE was shot with a gun, so why would Shadow would want one himself??

I think we should start a petition to CANCEL this game... either that, or make them change their minds about the gun thing.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Only thing that could really push this rating if Sega adds a lot of blood and makes it very realistic...let's all hope Sega doesn't give him a dog...this could be like Max Payne...

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Quote from The Growler:

I think it's stupid that the only one Shadow loved was Maria... and SHE was shot with a gun, so why would Shadow would want one himself??

Perhaps somewhere between storylines (or what looks like a storyline **coughSonicHeroescough**), Shadow looks for revenge and what's the best generic way to punish those who have wrong you? Why with the same thing they used to attack you.

Now if the storyline doesn't explain why Shadow has a gun, then I would agree with you.

Posts: 79
Estimable Member

that doesn't explain what we saw in the trailer - that Shadow has a range of different guns [see bottom-right where at one point it shows you can chose from 2 guns (that are shown, of course)]

I think all Shadow needs now is a cowboy outfit :rolleyes :annoyed

Posts: 79
Estimable Member


Another Gun point:

:cackle *hears western music in the background* "do you feel... lucky, punk?" *is shot by Shadow at gun point*

Posts: 270
Reputable Member


I think we should start a petition to CANCEL this game... either that, or make them change their minds about the gun thing.

It's not going to work... not to mention there seems to be a positive response to the game OUTSIDE our circles, as odd as that is.

Posts: 11
Active Member

I'm not really a Shadow fan, but I am curious about this game. I actually was hoping for a Sonic game that had a bit of a darker side to it, but what concerns me about this game is that it's possible it could have a higher rating than "E". I mean, a game can be serious and have depth to it and still be suitable for all ages, but using realistic guns could possibly change that. I know I'm going to be criticized for bringing this up here, but what I always like about Sonic SatAM (I'm only using it as an example...the fact that it's a Sonic-verse is irrelevent), is that it, in my opinion, had a good story and could be kind of dark, yet didn't need to revert to violence to keep a lot of older fans.
Someone said something about it a few pages back...Sonic has never had anything really objectionable in it (unless you want to count Rouge's outfits, lol), but some people are going to be turned off but Shadow's arsenal, which would leave a bad image on Sonic games as a whole. I'm not saying it doesn't suit Shadow, just that there may have been other ways to go about presenting his story.

Posts: 456
Reputable Member


It's not going to work... not to mention there seems to be a positive response to the game OUTSIDE our circles, as odd as that is.

Where? Even at non-gaming communities such as AnimeNation the reception is pretty much the same.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I turn on my computer to find out about this...
After reading through 12 pages I still haven't overcome the WTF feeling in me. O_O
OK, I'm a Shadow fan girl, but somehow all of this sounds very wrong...I mean the gun and...I dunno, I preferred Shadow to be left out completely from Sonic games or only appearing in cameos or as a bonus char than this.
Though the gameplay does look promising, running, homing-attacking and shooting at high speeds, hmm..
I don't know I've got mixed feelings about this, I think I'm going to wait for the game to be released before I give my judgment.

Posts: 763
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Posts: 22
Eminent Member


I think we should start a petition to CANCEL this game...

I think thats a bit extreme, I mean, its got quite a while before it comes out, they might actualy be able to improve some if the things like the graphics, and further news items might explainjust WHY the ultimate life form has the gun, (although, taking down GUN with a gun does sound kinda Ironic, those who live by the gun, die by the gun)

you do of course realise that if this actually turns out to be a good game we're probably gonna be feeling a little sheepish for torching it beforehand

<points up> and I think Jaffa Cake needs some semi-permenant sarcasm tags :cuckoo

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