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New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

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Posts: 622
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WEll, I think that Sonic Team are dragging this whole "Shadow Story" On for too long.
One Question: Is this Shadow the REAL Shadow? Or is it just another robot?
Anywayz, I have mixed feelings about this game. And I'm getting tired of this whole "Hero or Villan?" Thing. If the guy saved the world TWICE he must be some kind of hero.
But, no doubt I'll get the damn game, anyway. I just love playing on my Gamecube too much.

visit my website!

Posts: 859
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The gun is large because he is small, beign the same height of Sonic and Sonic only coming up to humans waists (see SA1)


Also, the Shadow thing has only been going on for 3 ED games (4 in total if you count battle)...

He was introduced in SA2...

Heroes brought him back, presumably to set him up for this game...
This game will explain his story and the questions that heroes failed to do more than just address.

Plus Battle, which he was in, but not in a Shadow's story, he was there to compliment Emerl.

So, it's a 3 game plot arc. Hardly been going on for THAT logn has it...

Posts: 139
Estimable Member


but I hardly see and chance of their being blood and lifelike murder.

ah, how'd you miss that and your a shadow fan?!
don't you remember maria?


Mario throws balls of fire. In the real world, kids should never play with fire

again an adult hero(tiny one, though).
i'm against shadow holding the gun. even if he was just shooting robots he's still a child figure and the pistol is very real looking, if he used a laser gun it'd be a different story(cause the threat would be gone. kids can't get ahold of a laser gun, can they?)

anyway, i'm not buying the game :bored even if sonic was in it(sonic will just have to understand).
but'll try to find out if yuji nakka made it, it's too stupid an idea to be his.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


again an adult hero(tiny one, though).

Shadow's over 50 freakin' years old, he's older than Mario in that sense, and what's more Mario's designed to look child friendly, Shadow's designed to look like Sonic turned evil. I still object to the gun, but there's no point in saying "he shouldn't use it cause he's a kid" because that isn't the case, he shouldn't use it cause kids will be playing the game, and though I'm pretty sure the average 11 year old gamer is quite fluent with GTA, it still doesn't make it any better.

Still, it is true that this is a Shadow game as oposed to a Sonic game, they should never let Sonic grab a gun ever.

Posts: 7
Active Member

shadow is trying to find what happened in his life and you can choose who to side with:sonic or eggman which i think is a cool twist:thumbsup ps email me for help on bosses from sa2b and sh

Posts: 270
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Thank you for not only NOT paying attention to the topic, but also NOT paying attention to us telling you that you SHOULD pay attention to the topic, and then spamming as well. It's like you're ASKING to get warned.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


ah, how'd you miss that and your a shadow fan?!
don't you remember maria?

Of course I do. But in all versions of Sonic Adventure 2 and it's story, we have never seen Maria bleeding out of her wounds. It WAS amazing dark, and the camera did linger on her while dying, but It wasn't overly gratuitous. We didn't SEE her body jerking under the impact of the bullet. There was no ghastly blood-spray. She died in a very cinematic, yet remarkably clean fashion.

(furthermore, you prove my point that this kind of Mature Storytelling isn't new. Both Sonic Adventure 2 and even Sonic Battle have moments that are darker then a Goth Chick's Coffee.)


i'm against shadow holding the gun. even if he was just shooting robots he's still a child figure and the pistol is very real looking, if he used a laser gun it'd be a different story(cause the threat would be gone. kids can't get ahold of a laser gun, can they?)

Ah ha! I knew it! You ARE the president of 4Kids, aren't you?! :insane

In any case, that is severely flawed logic. A gun is a gun. I think it's wishful thinking to assume that Kids make that kind of distinction. As a kid, I played with suction dart guns, cap guns, Nerf blasters and water guns, and I never got the urge to actually shoot someone in the face with a bullet. I knew the entire time that they were ersatz firearms. You can't trick children that easily.

Kids need to be taught the value of life. That's the only way to protect them from gun violence.

Personally, I am buying the game. I like Shadow, and feel intrigued that they are willing to try something new. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 dragged me back into Sonic Fandom, as they reminded me that Sonic is evolving with the times. My beloved franchise was was capable of delivering poignant epics, set in three dimensional worlds, that dealt with ageless issues. Then Sonic Heros came out and I felt almost embarrassed at times. Even Mr. Rogers employed the word Teamwork more conservatively then Sonic. The game was talking down to us.

Now, they have a specific spin off for the long-term fans that enjoyed the more mature aspects of the recent Sonic titles. That's cool with me. Remember, it's a Spin off, and not the future of all things Sonic.


but'll try to find out if yuji nakka made it, it's too stupid an idea to be his

You don't have to buy it, and you don't have to like it, but I personally do. That shouldn't make me stupid, shallow or violent.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

You know, I'm really doubting that this game is going to be something that totally flips the FCC (or whoever) on its head.

Sure, they'll be guns and the like, but I'm not expecting violence along the lines of GTA.
Don't think this is anything to freak out about :p

Besides, can't we just focus more on the other aspects of the game? I mean, anyone actually taking the time to notice just how neat the level designs are? (Bring on that Windy Valley-esque level!)

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

We've had cityscapes, a bleak desert area, windy valleyish place, some metallic (spaceship maybe), air battles and something completely freaky whic im assuming is a labratory flowing with green ooze and thosr red pipes???

It definitely does look quite interesting. I want to know exactly HOW many levels there are going to be...


Posts: 270
Reputable Member


You know, I'm really doubting that this game is going to be something that totally flips the FCC (or whoever) on its head.

US Senate, most likely.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Hm, Shadow takes on the White House; there's a plot to die for....

My guess on level numbers is about ten or so. All the info so far is boasting stuff about "50 missions", but I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that it'll be like in the SA games with each level having separate tasks to fulfill.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I just pray for lots of levels that aren't so huge that one could get lost in them for some of the later Sonic Heroes stages that lasted for too darn long! Though we don't need to see a huge variety of stages, than it'd be just too silly...can you imagine Shadow gunning down penguins in an ice level...

Posts: 91
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Maybe not penguins but an arctic facility run by G.U.N. maybe...

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I hope there's not two different endings to the story - I mean, I get the feeling that depending on which side you pick, you'll find out if you're the robot or the clone, and it'll end with something like the original being found and released.

Just a total guess, but it's my own personal thoughts on how it'll go. After all, in Sonic Heroes, doesn't Gamma (or Omega, what difference does it make) say something like "For a copy to be made, the original has to exist... somewhere."

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

I think the different ending depending on which Shadow you are idea works better than just an open ended ending.

I can imagine different actions influencing which Shadow you turn out to be, and therefore the ending. The thing I havea problem with if there are just multiple endings and none of them say "this one is the good ending," or so om...

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Yeah, you need the 'good' ending so that fans know which is the real end. And then they'll write fanfiction about it.

I wonder if there will be a Chao Garden in Shadow the Hedgehog. They're pretty popular, but he doesn't seem like the type to raise Chao.

Posts: 15
Active Member

Following the path of other Sonic games, there'd probably be a secret third mission that's unlocked once you finish the "Sonic" and "Eggman" storylines. Something like once you have all the emeralds, you face off against the clone of Shadow, or such.

Personally I'd love there to be a storyline option where you effectively say "screw you!" to both Sonic and Eggman, and go solo. Or the ability to swap between sides during the game...

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

hey guys! not sure if anybody posted this yet, but SEGA of America now has Shadow up in their site. check it out:

it has the second trailer, a little more info and a modified version of the official logo!

...not sure if this is old.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Love that picture...
Hmm, by the way, it confirms, around 20 levels and 50 missions and a 2 player mode as well.
Great, thats me happy, I was scared this would be a short game, but there are more levels here than there were in Sonic Heroes...
And I wont have to do each one four times either :)

Posts: 1567
Noble Member


And I wont have to do each one four times either

Some of us actually liked playing those levels over again...well except the pinball levels which confound me to no end and any level where I have to hear Charmy...

Posts: 110
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Speed away on a motorcycle, an alien craft or an SUV.


Posts: 1037
Noble Member

It's alright if some like to replay a level multiple times and others don't. But I think the problem is that Heroes forced you to replay the level, whereas in other Sonic games you could choose whether to play through it again or not.

BTW, that red-glowing-possesed Shadow looks awesome. o.o

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I haven't been following too closely, but is this the first time they've confirmed release on all three current consoles?

New allies, huh...

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

It's been announced already that it'd come out for all 3 current consoles a while ago...I think I even remember seeing a news item on the newsboard about that a while ago...

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

Is that a slightly different logo?

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

yup!...but i think that it's more recolored. the one in the trailers was uncolored.

Posts: 512
Honorable Member


pick up and use environmental objects like poles, sticks and debris to plow your way through the mission

Hi I'm Omochao. Press the X button to pick up the toilet, and press X again to throw it.

*Throws toilet at Omochao.*

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

XD! Well well, he's finally up on their site. this was supposed to be my last weekend looking up Shadow stuff until November(or whenever it comes out). Hopefully they'll have another Sonic game in the works at E3 to take my mind off of Shadow, because I want it to be a surprise. I'm not gonna do like I did with Heroes and find out everything in the game three months before I even play it. :jester

Posts: 270
Reputable Member


Is that a slightly different logo?

No, it's a VERY different logo.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member


Some of us actually liked playing those levels over again...well except the pinball levels which confound me to no end and any level where I have to hear Charmy...

The problems was there were barely any differences between the levels when you played through it as a different team. Atleast in SA when you played a familiar stage with any character you were always at some different area of the stage, with all kinds of changes. To keep things fresh.

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

Wow, that's a slew of new info for about seven lines. :p

At first I was a tad sceptical about this, I didn't go 'OMGROFLMYBBQ! SHADOHASAGUN!!!! OMG!!!!,' but I did find it a tad odd.

Understand that I am not a big Shadow fan (as I really don't even have a favorite Sonic character...), neither did I dislike him, but this game has gone beyond the awesome scale judging by these few trailers. O_o

It may not be pure Sonic, but geez, I wouldn't be suprised if this became my favorite Sonic game of all time! (over Sonic Adventure)

It's to be the fastest of all Sonic games, surely. (Basic Chaos Control looks uncontrollable, to be frank) It has many similiar (and some... well... wacky) vehicles used in past Sonic games. (Go-Karts, egg-mobiles, trains, etc.)

Using the environment to your liking was often used in Sonic games, from platforms to Ivo and Tails' little sticks of dynamite. (How conveniently placed they were)

Okay, I was really expecting this to be a spin-off, away from anyone in the Sonic cannon, but there's supposed to be a bunch of people in here.
Who do you think's gonna make the cut? Sonic? Ivo? Tails? RandomcharactersnoonehasseenfortenyearsliketheydidwithChaotixinHeroes?

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 5
Active Member

Somebody pinch me, I'm dreaming!!

The first time I heard about this I was skeptical as well... As much as I fantasized Shadow wielding heavy munitions, stylized small-arms, or anything else involving destruction and explosions, this sounded "too good" to be true. After watching the trailer at the Sega website it's like a dream come true.

I almost feel violated with the sheer perfection this game gives off ( to me of course ). Oh, there is a God...!!

Maybe I'm just your average cookie-cutter fanatical Shadow fan... Can't say I don't love it though. Now if only he wore sunglasses... And pants.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


Now if only he wore sunglasses... And pants.

Yes, baggy jeans, and holding up those jeans a black belt with a giant gold buckle, or a buckle in the shape of a skull and cross bones.... j/k:nn;

On the topic of clothing though, I hope they do not apply the aspect they did with SA power-ups by adding bracelets and what-not. Maybe this is the old-school fan boy speaking, but I prefer Sonic characters (aside from humans) to be wearing nothing more than gloves and shoes since they are animals after all.

Posts: 15
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An all-star cast of characters! All of your favorite characters from the Sonic series, as well as an interesting lineup of new allies and adversaries!

Think that means we're gonna see Mighty and Fang? :p

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Mighty and Fang don't usually top most people's lists for "favourite characters from the Sonci series".

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I actually loved the addition of bracelets/whatever to show the power-up. ^^ Amy's warrior feather is my favourite!

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Well, to be honest, that's the first trailer I've seen for Shadow, and it doesn't actually give you any real information on the game. It's just Shadow running around blowing things up. You get more information in the text on the page than the trailer.

In SA2B, they said you could choose a side, but ultimatelly, the sides team up and the ending is the same.

I like the 'new allies' part. I wonder if we're going to see any of them in future Sonic Team games. I suppose if any new characters get a very good reaction, they might come back.

I wonder if this Shadow game means that there will be things like Rouge games and more Chaotix games.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


I actually loved the addition of bracelets/whatever to show the power-up. ^^ Amy's warrior feather is my favourite!

Amy's feather did look cool, I'll give you that. I just didn't like Sonic's bracelets or Knuckles sunglasses and how Knuckles' gloves ended up being nearly twice their normal size with the gold and other stuff all over them. But it looks like I won't have to worry about that with Shadow, because it appears his weapons are only the fire arms and chaos powers.


You know you've played too much Sonic games when your MP3 player is filled with Sonic game songs >.<

Heck yes. I have 191 Sonic-related tracks on my Ipod. Granted one-third of that is the SA OST, but I love it when one comes on in the car and someone goes, "Is that Sonic?" And when I say "yes" they think it's awesome.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Sorry to drag it off topic, but I've been looking for SA, SA2 and SH Mp3 for ages now...

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

For Swift:

And to pull the thread back on topic, I'd like to know how a multiplayer would work, The only playable character is Shadow right? So will it just be two Shadow's racing through a level? Hmm...

I'd like to see them put some effort into the multiplayer though, because they certainly didn't in Heroes...

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

So will it just be two Shadow's racing through a level? Hmm...

That sounds plausible. There are a whole lot of Shadows in existence.

Posts: 250
Reputable Member

There's another Video Preview.
It shows two interesting things, one is Shadow riding on a Dragon like creature in a level that looks like Sky Chase from Sonic Adventure.

The second thing is that one of Shadow's weapons is in fact a Sword!
A dark crimson looking blade, so he has other weapons, not just guns.
I'll post up the site I got the video from soon.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

We kinda.. knew that already. o.o
I think it was in the leaked video.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member


How about this:

The two sides are the two stories.

In the "Last" storymode, you find out that there are accually TWO Shadows, one is a Clone-Like-Robot one serving Dr. Eggman, the other is the Ultimate Life form, or something like that. There's a battle between the two. That works, doesn't it?

Also, as for multiplayer, you control one Shadow, while the other player controls the opposite Shadow?


Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I expect that since all the other characters will be in the game (it says so) and that there will be new characters, there will be a choice out of them as who you can race as. I expect the twoplayer mode may well be something like SA2b's two-player mode.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


I expect the twoplayer mode may well be something like SA2b's two-player mode.

Most likely. However, with the addition of guns, there is the possibility of a deathmatch mode for multiplayer. That could be fun.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

For the last time, IT'S NOT A--

... wait, what? Okay, who are you and what've you done with our Harley? o.o

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member


Posts: 1269
Noble Member

If it is a hoax, it's a bloody good one. The images in the trailer were a bit blurred.

I prefer to take rumours with a pinch of salt, ever since I started spreading them myself. Some people will believe anything.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

I think you spoke too soon, Psx.

I think we might need a "It's not a hoax!" pic, just to go along with that image.

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