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New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

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Posts: 91
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Careful what you say around me, Craig....:spin

Shadow is soooo gonna kill me...:^^;

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

It's days like this that make me glad to be a Mobius Forummer ^__^ *Hugs Koivo* You win THE PRIZE!

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

At one point in the trailer you see a short scene of Shadow in a first person view, as he fires off one of his weapons in this view. Is it possible this game might contain short FPS shooter segments?

Only time will tell, though it does feel like they got this idea from a few famous FPS. 😛

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

here's a Gamerankings link to Gamespy. looks like they have more on this game:

the aliens are called "black arms", there will be 10 different vehicles and 10 different endings.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member


there will be 10 different vehicles and 10 different endings.

Depending on the vehicle you choose you'll change the ending?

*runs away dodging bullets* XD

The trailer looks mighty awesome. o.o
But I still don't like the guns..<.< and Sonic looks so cute!:3

Posts: 42
Trusted Member

Now, by the tagline "You decide" do they mean that it's left ambiguous, or that the choices you make in playing the game affect the outcome?

If it's the latter, we can forget about continuity...
Unless they plan to make up for plot holes by saying "It was an alternate possibility" or some other cop-out.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I bet it'll mean it is an alternate future which happens in another dimension 😛 they seem to be doing an Archie-like thing with another dimension in Sonic Rush as well.
Sonic looks just sooo sweet in the trailer.. :3 I want to hug him.
I think I'm entering Amy mode.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'd be interested in what range the endings are and how much the effect the course of the game. I assume there'd be a good and evil side to the story, with various endings.

I'd also assume that you have Good GUN, Evil GUN, Good Aliens and Evil Aliens.

Perhaps Neutral endings aswell.

Posts: 42
Trusted Member

This is kind of what Sonic Team was going for in SA2, I think - the option to play "good" or "evil". Only here you don't pick play on a side, per se, but in a direction. Perhaps if you play out all the possibile endings a Last Stage will unlock and unite them all?

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Imagine 10 different Shadows playing together. o.O

I know what the real ending is! Shadow wakes up and sees it was all a dream! *shot*

BTW, the Sonic in the trailer is officially mine to hug. *enters Amy mode and swings a giant mallet while hugging Sonic*

Posts: 527
Honorable Member


He's hopped into one of the mounted gun turrets, it's not one of his own handheld weapons.

I said that only because in the trailer I saw they didn't show any scenes of Shadow hoping into any mounted gun turret, just him in a first person view firing off his weapon.

But now that I've seen the extended trailer (which basically shows all the scenes from the other one, with a few added) I saw Shadow jumping into a torrent this time around, then firing off his weapon.

So at the time I assumed that was his, as they didn't show any signs of that in the original trailer I saw.

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

Gamespot has more on this game like the storyline:

as well as their own trailer:

it's the one titled "Official Movie 1".

Posts: 42
Trusted Member


So are they completely disregarding Sonic Heroes?
Or maybe this will be the link between SA2 and SH.

Looks to me like the hero/dark setup from SA2 is making a comeback. I wonder what they mean by "how you go about gathering the emeralds is up to you." Does it just mean hero/good, or is it like shooting/hunting? Probably just me reading beyond the words.

Oh *greaaat*, restoring lost memories. Hooray for Maria flashbacks! Hooray for the falsified memories debate!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

So this is gonna be more or less an answer to SA2's ending(more so than Heroes we can confirm). I like the idea of collecting the CEs your own way. With 10 different endings...I see uber-replayability. :] This I like. Seems I know enough about the game now and to keep the rest of the game a secret this is my last post in this thread. I want this to be a surprise come Christmas so I gotta devote my time to looking up Gems Collection and Sonic Rush(which in time can end up being very good). Six more months and Shadow's first solo outing will be available to's gonna be sweet. *needs to change his avatar, sig, etc* :idea

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i've tried three times now to see gamespots 'official movie'. but all it will play is some jeep advert (after taking 10 minutues to load) before IE errors and closes the window.

anyone else having problems seeing it, or doesn't it contain anything new?

i apologise for the 'game sprites' comment. but really, you should be used to me confusing names for things by now. i do it way too often. ox;

Posts: 456
Reputable Member


We've been curious to see just what Sega has up its sleeve with the upcoming Shadow the Hedgehog, which gives the brooding one a platforming showcase. The game serves up an original story that catches the spiky-coiffed hog after the events seen at the end of Sonic Adventure 2. For those who missed the drama-filled finale of that game, Shadow set out for parts unknown in an escape pod once Sonic showed him the business.



Posts: 363
Reputable Member


but all it will play is some jeep advert (after taking 10 minutues to load) before IE errors and closes the window.

The problem may be Internet Explorer itself. I don't recommend using IE unless as a last resort, as it has countless bugs. Mozilla Firefox is a pretty safe bet.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

TBH, I think people TERRIBLY exxagerate FireFox's superiority... it's better, yeah, but not that much.

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

looks like IGN is comin' along with game info as well:

ability to kill humans?!?!? deciding who lives or dies?!?! your mortality bar rises each time you have more blood on your hands?!?!?! this is gettin' more darker!:eek

...not really surprising though...

Posts: 76
Trusted Member


Shadow supposedly crash lands on this alien world after the conclusion of Sonic 2, which is being torn apart by two factions at war. This brings up one of Shadow's new gameplay hooks: morality

No way, shadow was in Sonic 2? i missed him this whole time...

Posts: 880
Member Admin

There's not a doubt in my mind this game will get a T rating.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Well, for what it's worth, I've PLAYED the game (at E3). Three levels actually, and I must say that it was quite fun. MUCH better then heroes. The ability to pick up weapons is hella sweet. It adds depth and variety to the game-play, but is far from necessary for the Sonic Purists amongst us. If you want to just run non-stop, there's plenty of occasions for that too.

The violence is far from gratuitous. All the GUN soldiers are wearing padding of some sort, and they merely "fall down" when attacked. Their "demise" is the same whether Shadow blasts them with a rifle, kicks them in the head, just simply spin-dashes them.

The Good VS Evil thing is set up like this:

As you play a level, you have three possible mission goals.

1. Help Black Arms do something nefarious. (Aka: Kill GUN soldiers)
2. Simply finish the level (and usually snatch an Emerald)
3. Help a Sonic character fight the aliens. (Be it Sonic or Eggman --both showed up)

Honestly, those three mission goals set up for a lot a fun, because completing # 1 or 3 means being VERY careful about who you attack.

If you have any other questions about the demo, just ask them, and I'll try my best to answer if I have a second. :cackle

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


TBH, I think people TERRIBLY exxagerate FireFox's superiority... it's better, yeah, but not that much.

I only suggest Firefox because I assume she does not have a Mac and therefor cannot use Safari.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

Yes, actually; have you played Sonic Gems Collection, and if so, what soundtrack does Sonic CD have (I don't care if you have to put your ear right up to the TV to find out, WE MUST KNOW).

Other than that, no, I'll just wait for a rental. 🙂

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Ah, very interesting Shadowglass. The differing goals in each stage remind me of Sonic CD's different choices for producing a Good Future (of where there are two: collecting Time Stones and locating a machine in the Past screwing things up). The third choice, of course, simply completing the zone and getting the default Bad Future.

Ditto on Gem's Sonic CD music selection. It literally will make or break the collection for quite a constigent of fans.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Yes, l did play Sonic Gems, but mostly on "Fighters" mode, since it was still new to me.

I really should have checked. It was noisy as heck. I was listening for the KHII trailer at the next booth. I'm sorry...I've let you down. |I

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Twice over... I want some dish on that KHII trailer, too! 😀

Posts: 363
Reputable Member

So how well does Fighters play with a Gamecube controller (assuming you played it on GC)? I'm looking forward to that game the most.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

...ya think you can play it again, just to be sure?

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

no problem. it's alright. STF is addictive so i understand how you were glued to it.

i've got a question. i know that you've just played a demo, but since you already say that it's much better than Heroes, then how do you compare the demo/what you've seen with the Adventure series? do you feel that it's better? how about with Sonic games in general? does it do justice to the Sonic name so far?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I've got a Q: Can you confirm Arcade/Sega Saturn modes for Sonic The Fighters?

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


Twice over... I want some dish on that KHII trailer, too!

I missed the one with PotC, but the one I saw had added footage of the Blond Haired Kid near Sora's Chrysalis from CoM, and featured him attacking DiZ. For some reason, DiZ turned into binary numbers when slashed. I did play several levels of the game, however, and it was gorgeous. The fighting is even better then before, and the cut-scenes already have spoken ENGLISH dialogue.


...ya think you can play it again, just to be sure?

Sorry, man. Today was a one shot deal for me, and the whole thing closed two hours ago.


then how do you compare the demo/what you've seen with the Adventure series? do you feel that it's better? how about with Sonic games in general? does it do justice to the Sonic name so far?

Hmmm.... I'd say that if the story and overall game is polished correctly, it could end up sitting pretty close to the Adventure titles. It had all the diverse styles available in the adventure series, but this time, it's all built into a single character in speed based levels. I will say this, I was able to turn the bloody camera around without it fighting me tooth and nail.

It does feel amazingly Sonic-like. More then Heroes, really. Just imagine a Sonic game where you had hundreds of different possible attacks besides spinning. The environments are grittier and darker then usual, but they are still the sort of twisting, turning fantasy courses you'd expect from a Sonic Title. Shadow was also very well animated, if not a little too elastic.

Unfortunately, the pits of doom are still lurking around some corners, but by now they themselves have become a staple of the series. ;)


I've got a Q: Can you confirm Arcade/Sega Saturn modes for Sonic The Fighters?

Not that I could see. It was only Arcade. Although, if I recall the "options" option was locked on the demo, so perhaps it's a hidden feature.

Posts: 78
Trusted Member

Are any of the level names known yet?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

From Shadowglass description this game keep getting cooler.
Question Shadowglass,those the glow of Shadow aura, where ever it was blue or red, did it mean anything on Shadow actions? Who he attack or help?

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

Bazil of the boards managed to make a clip of the official song from the trailer:

also, Gamespot has a new interview with one of the producers, Kieth Palmer. it seems that the leader of the black arms will be called "Black Doom". it doesn't show any scenes with him but Mr. Palmer does say that Black Doom will be a key character in this game.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


Are any of the level names known yet?

Yes. There's Westopolis, which is the city that's being vaporized from above. Otherwise, I forget the names of the others, but there was a boss fight against Black Doom (?), a Floating Ruins-type dealie where The Egg-Fleet could be see all around you, and that bizarre Jungle one with the purple ooze, and the orange slingshot catapults.


those the glow of Shadow aura, where ever it was blue or red, did it mean anything on Shadow actions?

If I did enough GOOD deeds, the right-hand meter filled up and I could Chaos Control, which was pretty awesome. Instead of time just freezing time, you are also launched forward at great speeds. You can see it in the trailer -- it's when his rocketing forward without actually moving his feet, or using his jets.


also, Gamespot has a new interview with one of the producers, Kieth Palmer. it seems that the leader of the black arms will be called "Black Doom". it doesn't show any scenes with him but Mr. Palmer does say that Black Doom will be a key character in this game.

Yes. He looks like a giant, one-eyed, back starfish that floats about, emitting a bit of black smoke/gas.

Posts: 42
Trusted Member


Do you help the police or shoot them in the back?

From what Shadowglass said, I take it to mean that the police are GUN. (But what is GUN doing on an alien planet?)


Instead of switching guns using a menu, you now hold one weapon at a time but can swap weapons instantaneously when you find them.

Like Sonic Heroes - but with guns instead of teammates!


The enviornments are pretty varied, ranging from gloomy urban landscapes to funky alien landscapes.

A departure from the typical level settings? No!

My problem now is that I'm going to college, and won't have my trusty GameCube... Perhaps my brother will convince my mom to buy him one of them newfangled systems, and then I can take the GC...

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


(But what is GUN doing on an alien planet?)

The gameplay gave the impression of taking place on Sonic's Earth.

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

yeah. i think the alien war continues on earth...for some reason...

anyway, i've got another question. how are the controls? are they good enough?

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


how are the controls? are they good enough?

Good enough, yes. Better then Heroes, but they still had some of the twitchy, slippery feeling that could be felt in the Adventure Series. They weren't detrimental, mind you -- just not "Mario" quality.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Do you mean Adventure games slippery or Heroes slippery, because the Sonic ad Shadow levels in the Adventure games were MUCH less slippery than Heroes was to control...

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

yeah. he means Adventure series slippery.

so it's good news i guess...

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Good, because I thought the Adventure seris were fine, it's impossible to go at those speeds with that acceleration and NOT be a bit slippy.

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

lol! true.

the controls should be just fine if they are Adventure quality. i never had a problem with the Adventure controls anyway.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Sonic Heroes control was pretty good too...I even found out how to avoid the falling through random rails trick as well but I did notice it is a little more fluid at times and also slow as molasses...

Here's hoping this game is as fast as the old Sonic games...teh goodness!

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

I've got nothing against Heroes but you have to admit that it is MUCH easier to loose control of your team when running around in small areas and small platforms than it was in SA1 or 2 for example...

If they can keep the speed of Heroes with the control of the Adventure games, and a decent camera (which incidentally i have NEVER had any problems with) it'll be a fantastic engine.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Easy to lose control of your team with Charmy's death inducing cries...:cuckoo

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

i don't have a problem with the Heroes controls much either, but it's still good to hear that these controls are Adventure-esque.

to date, i've never played a Sonic game that i thought had stinky controls...

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

You kidding? In Heroes, if you hit a spring running at full speed you keep that momentum even if the spring only sends you straight upwards... if you move slightly forward to land on a nearby platform you'll find yourself, upong landing, flying off at the speed you hit the spring.

That's not good control physics there. Having to compensate for poor mechanics = NOT FUN.

Posts: 171
Estimable Member

well i guess your happy that these controls aren't like that then.

*back on topic* anyway, i hope you don't mind me asking Shadowglass, but do you remember what the controls were exactly? what button did you use to perform the chaos moves or weapons?

and what button do you have to use to control the camera? i believe that it was the analog stick? was it that?

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