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New Sonic action figures

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From the New York Toy Fair.

Gotta say that Werehog sure looks adorable .

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They're not action figures, they're dolls.

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The one from Sonic and the Black Knight looks like action figure to me.

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That's not an action figure. That's a doll that holds a female sex toy for women who wants to get freaky with Sonic.

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That's not an action figure. That's a doll that holds a female sex toy for women who wants to get freaky with Sonic

I- You See-Well-

... WTH is wrong with you?.

Posts: 286
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Before we start getting into Mighty Muggs-esque SD stylised figures could we perhaps get some good normal Sonic figures? I took a look back at some of the more recent Toy Island ones, they're... better. The Eggman was always good. But in general I'm tired of Sonic figures with misshapen heads, drunk-looking expressions, blunt ears, coloring issues and dorky poses. It's the reason I own very few Sonic figures. The Toys R Us/Australian preorder bonus Werehog figure is, in my opinion, the best action figure we've ever had. Shame it's not the Sonic we know and love, but I still like it a lot. Can anyone confirm something for me? I saw a scan of a black and white ad from the back of the Unleashed instruction manual, which shows figures of normal Sonic and Super Sonic in addition to WereSonic. Is this for real, or did I see a hoax? See, this ad is not in the Australian version of the games's manual. It'd be nice to get Sonic and Super Sonic in as good quality as the Werehog figure (though the smaller limbs will likely result in ugly joints and balance issues).

It's a shame Sonic's not very popular in Japan. We only get the odd anniversary figurine. I did love the little Sonic X mini figures, and more of those would be nice (game-based ones this time, I want Tikal, Silver, Shade etc), but I'd like larger figures too, whether they be static models or action figures. Imagine if a company like Good Smile did Sonic figures - you could have beautiful and detailed display models, well-sculpted action figures (think of their Figma line) and even cute SD figures with accessories (ala Nendoroids). I have a strange urge to see awesomely sculpted models of side characters like Omega (metallic paint! Ooh, Metal Sonic too), Chaos (transparent plastic!), Mephiles (his crystalline form - detail ahoy!) and Finitevus - yeah, a side character from the comics getting a figure, talk about a pipe dream. But how awesome would he be in an evil laughing pose with his cape sweeping around him?

First 4 Figures has the license to make figurines based on the classic version of Sonic - fat lot of good that turned out to be. I've had the three smaller figures pre-ordered since July 2008. Every time Play-Asia sends me notification that the release date for these figures has changed I just laugh, knowing that they are probably going to turn out to be the Duke Nukem Forever of Sonic figures. That said, these have begun to appear for pre-order at other online stores in the last few weeks, so maybe, just maybe they'll finally be released. Unlike those figures, the 12-inch tall deluxe Sonic figure is still advertised on First 4 Figures' website, but I doubt it's going to see release this year (it's 5 months past its original release date, too). I don't know what's taking them so long, it can't be that hard to make these things.

Anyway, all this said, these new figures at least look like they're trying. Articulating the thin limbs of Sonic characters always results in uglyness, but asides from that the Black Knight Sonic looks good (would like to see a close up of the face though). Nice detail on the gauntlet and sword. The small static Sonic looks to be nicely moulded. I like SD figures when it comes to anime and manga, but I've not been quite as fond of those based on american comics (not quite sure why) - and these Mighty Muggs Sonics seem weird as a result. I like that they'd try something like this with Sonic, but the result doesn't make me want to part with the money they'd cost. It's the terrible placement of the joining on the head (looks like the all have eye scars), the bizarre look of the 2D/3D contrast on the head and the crude feet 'artwork'. Hopefully the finished product is better than the prototypes.

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Ew. lol

Posts: 980
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Uh...That just looks awful, I'm sorry. Oo;;;

The balls are inert. ...*Ahem*....Sorry, bad meme's repeating themselves on me - I must go and lobotomise myself!!!

Posts: 2809
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I tell you what too bad that Resaurus went under cuz they were pretty good figures, and then don't forget that company that made those Sonic and Shadow figures to promote SA2B, they were good too.

Posts: 51
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I tell you what too bad that Resaurus went under cuz they were pretty good figures, and then don't forget that company that made those Sonic and Shadow figures to promote SA2B, they were good too.

Yeah, that was a shame, I still have my SA2B Sonic & Shadow figures in good condition, but I have a good feeling about First 4 Figures even though they they tend to take their time on release dates. Their light-up Phazon Suit Samus is to die for...

that is, if you happen to have 220 bucks lying around.

Posts: 2809
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Oh, crap! Their Samus figures are freakin' awesome, and the Zero Suit Samus is hot!!...what?

Posts: 286
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I got another email a few weeks ago from Play-Asia saying the three smaller Sonic figurines by First 4 Figures had been pushed back yet again (development hell for figures?!) so I cancelled my, what - nine month old? - preorder for them. I did this so that P-A would send the rest of the things I'd ordered alongside those figures (they have a new system where they won't ship items separately anymore unless you place separate orders). I just clicked the 'notify me when this product is available' box for the Sonic figures and have otherwise forgotten (read; given up on) them.

These are the figures I'm talking about by the way, for anyone who is interested:
12" Sonic

(And yes, the Metroid ship and Samus figures are awesome looking. Wonder if they'll ever be released...)

Posts: 377
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I got another email a few weeks ago from Play-Asia saying the three smaller Sonic figurines by First 4 Figures had been pushed back yet again (development hell for figures?!) so I cancelled my, what - nine month old? - preorder for them. I did this so that P-A would send the rest of the things I'd ordered alongside those figures (they have a new system where they won't ship items separately anymore unless you place separate orders). I just clicked the 'notify me when this product is available' box for the Sonic figures and have otherwise forgotten (read; given up on) them.

These are the figures I'm talking about by the way, for anyone who is interested:
12" Sonic

(And yes, the Metroid ship and Samus figures are awesome looking. Wonder if they'll ever be released...)

NICE! I think the classic Knuckles look is so much better. Though he hasn't entirely changed in design all that much.

Posts: 4885
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First4Figures do have huge delays. I have a GIANTDANG Link in the basement which I bought for Tricia as a Christmas present year before last. Ended up delayed for so long I got her a tablet instead, during the summer it arrived, so two pressies. Yay.

I'd lust after the 12" Sonic statue, but it looks too dangerously close to a bubble bath bottle that I kept for years and years as a bit of psuedo-memorabila. Probably a better material than clunky old HDPE, but danged if it doesn't look just about the same.

The Vinyl Knuckles figure, though. That's just purdy.

Posts: 286
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Have you guys seen this yet? ToyFare magazine has pictures of the Urban Vinyl Metal Sonic (the Mighty Muggs type range) as well as large, normally-proportioned Knuckles and Metal Sonic figures (Metal is an unpainted prototype). Apologies if this has already been posted elsewhere.

EDIT: Perhaps actually posting the picture here will alert you to the potential awesome of this.

Now imagine this prototype painted in the same shiny metallic paint as the Juvi Metal Sonic there. Yes, want.

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I mistook the Knuckles figure for a CGI image for a moment there. It looks much better than the Sonic and Shadow figures, and Metal Sonic's looks pretty sweet as well.

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These are AWESOME! I can't wait to get my hands on them. I've wanted a Metal Sonic figure for ages now! Hehe, and I've gotta get 2 of Rad Red for me and my friend! X3

Posts: 2809
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This is the fully colored Metal Sonic figures!!!

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Shadow, Werehog and Silver action figures spotted a Toys R' Us. They appear to be smaller than the Metal Sonic figure but are highly possable.

Posts: 1127
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Eh. I really dislike how knobby they are.

Posts: 1656
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i'm not pleased with any sonic action figures still.

but that metal sonic is totally awsome and fitting his image.... i have a purpose in life, i must get him!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Metal Sonic action figure.

That--- that---

Damn it, my lust for Sonic collectables has been ignited oncemore.

$16 is a small price for something that cool to stand next to my Yuki, Ryoko, Batman, Belldandy and Fierce Diety models.

Posts: 1656
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wow craig you have that many... all i got is miniture sonic and tails dolls i won at the arcades, and a final fantasy 7 cloud action figure, the only prized item i have <crying in shame>

hey sonic is a kids game, why havent they made a hand painting sonic stationary collection. i have a warhammer one and it's very fun, there's no doubt painting sonic and the other characters ourselves would be even more enjoyable. we can change the colors or keep it close to the original.
if i could change their colors, tails would be brown and cream would be purple..... hmm... silver would be gold sonic will go light blue and amy dark pink.

Posts: 1758
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This is the fully colored Metal Sonic figures!!!

Wow. It looks like a CG model. Awesome.







Posts: 1789
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The knobby joints ruins each of the figures with sole exception of Metal Sonic.

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More action figures. This time is from Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing. Please let there be a Ryo Hazuki action figure.

Posts: 1656
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umm shadonic, you really can't see the action figure, all i see is a drawing. i'm sure the plastic model would look very differnt (alhtough i hope it has the characters inside like the illustration does)

i'm interested in seeing only Amy and Sonic's race cars, the rest arent too original.

Posts: 4885
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They're probably just advertizing that in Feb 2010 these will exist, but as they are not built yet they don't have detailed shots.

I, too, am holding out hope for a Ryo Hazuki. If he is in a forklift truck it will win my world. If it is capsule sized, it will make me even happier. ---man I am so glad he is in this game.

Posts: 1656
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can anyone list the naems of all the other characters in sonic and sega all star racing? so at least we can guess what are the rest of the action figures.

Posts: 4885
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Confirmed characters:

Sonic the Hedgehog
Miles "Tails" Prower
Knuckles the Echidna
Doctor Eggman
Amy Rose
Shadow the Hedgehog
Big the Cat
AiAi (From Monkey Ball)
Amigo (Samba di Amigo)
Ryo Hazuki (Shenmue)
Beat (Jet Set Radio)
Alex Kidd
Billy Hatcher (from Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg)
Zobio and Zobiko (House of The Dead) --- Yes, a zombie couple.

Those are the confirmed characters. People theorize that Ulala from Space Channel 5 will be there (and her action figure will sell for the sheer virtue it exists), aswell as rumors of Gilius Thunderhead from Golden Axe, Akira from Virtual Fighter and Vyse from Skies of Arcadia.

Those last ones are purely rumor, however.

Oh and Segata Sanshiro, also... maybe. (Would buy 10 Segata statues if given the opportunity. Just saying.)

Posts: 1656
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Akira? what's he gonna ride on? the most sensible choice from the virtual fighters is Jackie since he's the only one with a race car.... although i'd rather have a sarah action figure.
anyway they really picked out some bad choices but mostly it's good.

<Oh and Segata Sanshiro, also... maybe. (Would buy 10 Segata statues if given the opportunity. Just saying.) >

he looks awsome, i always felt like samurai jack was inspired by segata...... although i don't know if he has a game or who he is, other than he makes dreamcast adds.

what they could've done really is bring panzer dragoon one, i just love that dragon it was a sega satrun icon. and since tails is on a plane why not get a dragon rider.

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He was in Japan's ad campaign for the Saturn. He did have a Japan-exclusive game.

Posts: 4885
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I doubt we'll be seeing action figures made of any of the characters not in the final line-up of the launch title, so it may very well be limited to the ones we already have confirmed.

Though, as some internet fools have pointed out, the lack of NiGHTS is highly conspicuous.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

He was in Japan's ad campaign for the Saturn. He did have a Japan-exclusive game.

the satrun? i thought it was the bald woman. here i found the ad for the satrun ( remember it was a CD that came with the system?) SatrunAd

<Though, as some internet fools have pointed out, the lack of NiGHTS is highly conspicuous>
Nights, vitual fighter, panzer dragoon, daytona, honey from fighting vipers, clockwork Knights, Bug ..... these all were considered icons for the satrun.

Posts: 2116
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It's SatURN - like the planet. Not SatRUN.

Posts: 981
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Those are the confirmed characters. People theorize that Ulala from Space Channel 5 will be there (and her action figure will sell for the sheer virtue it exists), aswell as rumors of Gilius Thunderhead from Golden Axe, Akira from Virtual Fighter and Vyse from Skies of Arcadia.

Ulala was confirmed from Nintendo Power, iirc. Scans of the article can be read here.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

So, thanks to a Secret Santa and a trip to Toys'R'Us I now possess the 10" T'R'U exclusive Metal Sonic figure.


A large portion of me wants to buy more of these because they will be worth craptons in a short while, undoubtably. The website is sold out and the manufacturer is charging $50 (TRU is $17), the thing looks PERFECT, upon close inspection the articulation points are just what the articulation points would be for the actual robot, it has a neat little shimmer effect to the plastic and it's painted to perfection. The only weakness it has is the engine fan's yellow paint is ontop of the same shining plastic and looks dull compared to the vibrant dynamic color shift of the original design.

Also the thing is just huge, poses well and is just... well, it's a plastic version of Metal.

I have already named mine Metallix and shall open him on Christmas day... and then zoom him around the room while humming Cosmic Eternity.

I wish I had this action figure in 1993.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

so it's big and better than the pictures? i'm dying of envy.
but as a fellow fan of metal sonic I'm glad you got it, i know how awsome it is.."keep it safe keep it hidden"

<It's SatURN - like the planet. Not SatRUN. >
don't let me pull your tails! (always wanted to do that )

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Okay, to anyone who was thinking about buying the Metal Sonic action figure, I noticed this blog post made yesterday.

Please notice the level of detail below the shoe and the intracacies inside the engine fan. Once again, I remind this thing is $17 and freaking huge. This thing should be a mandatory purchase for any Sonic fan. Or at least for the 70% of us who nigh on wet ourselves when the first images of Sonic Heroes showed Metal Sonic's LED light eyes.

The annoying fanboy portion of my soul is compelled to say that Metal Sonic's soles are smooth and red, rather than intricate and yellow/gold. But screw that idiot fandumb part of my soul. The rational side doesn't care.

/Dang it, now I want a Metal Overlord action figure >=[

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Videos of you running round the room with Metallix singing Cosmic Eternity plz.

Ah, happy times. I recall walking down a street in Bristol doing a similar thing - only without the Metal Sonic figurine. I also recall running down Constitution Hill in Sonic style. How I did not break my neck (or Craig's) I do not know...,-1.328059&sspn=3.509719,9.854736&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Constitution+Hill,+Bristol,+Avon+BS8,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.45279,-2.611592&spn=0,359.980752&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.452784,-2.611449&panoid=Qft8NF9A9Tz-uyNFedV5pQ&cbp=12,74.05,,0,5


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darkwinguk HAS PASSED

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Scabbat'n yatchin yaa
zibbity bop bop
deetle deetle deetle doom doom

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Finally a new Big the Cat action figure.

Posts: 3756
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Ooh, cool. I always did like to draw Big.

Posts: 3756
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Ooh, cool. I always did like to draw Big.

Posts: 5772
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Thread replies. Now in Stereo where available.

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That Big action figure is tight, but where's Froggy?

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