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Official Favorite Character Topic

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Yes now go read my post in the other topic.

Posts: 1355
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what the hell happened in here

As for me, my top guy is Sonic because I basically adore every single aspect of his character. Emerl comes next for bringing about Sonic Battle and being a font of hilarity throughout the entire game, Chaos gets special mention for being unique & awesome and Metal Sonic gets special mention for being Metal Sonic.

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i like emerl too

it was entertaining to watch his personality and abilities develop so rapidly throughout the game

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EMERL <3333333333333333333
This guy incorporates two elements I absolutely love about Sonic games:
- misterious ancient civilizations
- sci-finess
And the way he interacted with all the other characters, how his personality shaped up according to the characters he talked to..
He was totally awesome. :)

Now for Shadow... he's one of my top-favorites, too.
I don't like the treatment he's recieved post-SA2 with exception of Battle and I fully understand why so many people hate him, but I just can't stop liking him.
And the comics I've made mocking him made me like him even more. 😛

I pretty much like all Sonic characters, especially when I start using them "creatively" (ie, put them into comics), which is when I start liking them even more! :D

Posts: 981
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Note: I do like Shadow, but I was living in the moment with those unecessary threads. :D

I prefere other characters than Shadow. He's not at the top of my list, but there are a few below him.

Ditto about Emerl, Erika.

Knuckles-Hey Emerl, don't tell anybody about me being tricked by Eggman again, okay Emerl.
Hey Tails, Knuckles got tricked by Eggman again, but it's a secret, a secret.
*Knuckles turns angry at Emerl
*Sonic appears
Emerl-SONIC! It's a secret, but Knuckles got tricked by Eggman again.

It never gets old :lol

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My favourite character is Rouge she's very hawt and sexy! <3

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Emerl is the only thing that made Sonic Battle tolerable!

Even so I still never finished it =(

Posts: 1583
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For the mods/admins:

I'm assuming Shadow Hog was looking for this topic. Yes, it was decimated by the ezhack. I can't remember for certain if there ever was a replacement topic. I'd think that there probably was but I'm not searching for it.

My opinion on the side-discussion:

Reading some of the replies to this topic makes me shake my head as the whole off-topic stuff was totally unnecessary. I've never quite understood the fascination with posting in obvious "non-discussion" topics without at least attempting to be on-topic. At least to me, it was obvious this wasn't supposed to be a discussion topic just like the "favorite char/game" topics we used to have years ago where it was forbidden to basically go in and say anything other what your fave char/game was & why. There were other topics made to actually discuss the merits of liking/disliking chars/games that would come and go all the time. The title of this thread should've made it obvious what kind of thread this should've been treated as.

Finally on-topic:

To answer the question, I have an entire website dedicated to my favorite character: Knuckles. Why? He's dedicated, serious, stubborn, passionately fierce, loner/independent, and not "cutesy." As a bonus, I think his design is awesome. I don't even mind the fact that he's "gullible" because if he weren't, he'd be nearly perfect.

Rouge would be my second favorite. I like her for many of the reasons I like Knuckles with the added bonus of her being resourceful and being the first fighting female not basing her life around (re: continually chasing) a male. I like her "neutral goodness" as I call it.

I don't know any of the characters post-SA2 (save Cream) that I'd think about liking, such as Blaze, to judge them as I like to go by my impressions via playing the actual games, not what others say about characters.

Posts: 981
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Hate to point fingers, but Deckman started it after what Joeman said about Shadow. It was the third "poast," and he didn't have the decency to show respect. But it's not just him, for everyone continued.

True Red brought shame on all of us right now. :^^;

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TR's not staff anymore, you don't have to kiss up.

Posts: 981
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I know. But it's true Wonderbat. Don't deny it.

Posts: 23
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Well, I have to say Eggman, then Sonic, followed by SoJ (Games) Tails, if we're limited to just major game characters. Tails in the games didn't have all the sappy back-tragedy that Tails in the comics suffered from.

If we include comic and minor characters, then it's a 7-way tie between Sally, Bunnie, Mina, Fiona, Eggman, Tails Doll, and Metal Sonic. (Sonic taking 2nd)

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