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Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

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Mmm, looks like theyve copied the logo from my webcomic XD

Anyway, is this Super Sonic? A fusion? Shadow? A new hedgehog?

I'm sure we'll find out soon, since the rest of the text suggests the anime could be airing as soon as 'Spring'.

Posts: 1583
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Cool! Nice find. ^^

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props where props are due, someone called 'grap3fruitman' posted it at the Moogle Cavern, and i was surprised to not see it here, so i posted it.

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It's great... just... what exactly is it supposed to be? It looks like a Sonic/ Shadow Hybrid dipped in glow-in-the-dark pudding. :0o

Posts: 216
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Wait...are you sure this is the anime?

What if the new Sonic game were to impliment anime cut-scenes like Sonic CD? Perhaps "Sonic X" is the new game?!

Posts: 1583
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The translation of the page it came from called it an animation, so this is definitely the upcoming anime series. <--That's the page the pic comes from.

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I was being sarcastic.

Posts: 216
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Hmm..."Sonic X"

I hope that is the name of the character as apposed to the series.

Maybe that is the real Ultimate Life Form? The successful one?

Posts: 333
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Shadow!!! I saw a poster for this anime and a pic that said it was him

(rocketdarkness sent this to me so all credit goes to him, I haven't gotten into the anime til today so I bet what I posted was old news)


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Yep, it's a separate topic. But it could be Shadow, I guess.

Posts: 333
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Well somebody at some board said it was shadow, I am not sure if he was right though.


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tthat is obviously Sonic...notice that shadow's chest fur does NOT go away when he goes super..and yet this being has a smooth belly like sonic.

Posts: 333
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I don't know the face and the spikes look more like Shadow, we will know soon though :thumbsup


Posts: 980
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What's with the shoulder-pads and evil glare?

I'm in the belief it's an unknown char' to be announced at a later date. It's just so...not...sonikku. :nn;

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Those arent shoulder pads, theyre his back spikes elongated.

Perhaps this is a new Super Form for Sonic? Further elongated spikes, perhaps a different colour glow, and different eyes.

Posts: 1789
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Or it could be a hedgehog in the middle of transformation.

Oh that pic make me so giddy with antici-----pation for this series.

Can't wait for the fansubs. XD

Posts: 3291
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*cries* the picture and the website have both been blocked by 'websence'. stupid college comps..

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Ashide: EHEHE! Rocky Horror!

I don't know about you guys but his eyes look sort of....wacky. But other than that, I like it. OMG MAYBE ITS SUPER AMY! Oh wait, it has no bosom and clothing. Nevermind.

*Edit* Stupid spelling errors..

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It looks like Sonic JUST as he's about to become Super Sonic.

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*cries* the picture and the website have both been blocked by 'websence'. stupid college comps..

Poor Chibs. I can attempt to email the pic to you if you give me your email addy.

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Looks like a combination of Sonic, Vegeta and Yami Yugi. o_O;;

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Personally I would like to see the video shown at the Hobby show and I want to get an MP3 of the opening theme when it airs.

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Aight, dont flame me if this was already posted,plz, but I'm not going to go through all the pages to check it. Here is the best website on Sonic X that I've seen yet...

~ ~

(LOL, hopefully its not a re-post):annoyed

Posts: 47
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Yep, it's been linked to already. I don't mind. It means we can re-acces the page without having to look for the first time it was posted.

Posts: 16
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Is Sonic X coming to America or not?:? I going to be very POed if it doesn't:">

Posts: 8
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I'd be surprised if it didn't, personally.

Posts: 1789
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People, check this out yo:

Source:Sega of Japan and Sonic Classic(Where I actually first seen this)

More new characters and hey there's Big and Froggy. Wait, where's Metal Sonic?!

Posts: 15
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Don't worry! it will come to America...
If you arent patient enough, you can always download the fansubbed episodes... If it ever exists.

EDIT: I mean if any fansubber will pick it (which I hope it will)

Posts: 148
Estimable Member

The way the characters are drawn...they just look...I dunno...weird.

Tails's eyes are just a little too small, IMO.

And Sonic's quills don't look right.

And I'm not just talking about that picture, but about all of the Sonic X pictures.

And it'd be a shame not to include Metal Sonic.

I hope this show doesn't turn out like a bad fanfic, because it's starting to look like one.

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Is it just me or in that poster dose the kid look photoshoped in. Look and be amazed..

I hope that this show won't have any self aware talking hotdogs, that is all I ask..

Posts: 1789
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Talking hotdogs?


The way the characters are drawn...they just look...I dunno...weird.

Tails's eyes are just a little too small, IMO.

And Sonic's quills don't look right.

And I'm not just talking about that picture, but about all of the Sonic X pictures.

In game/manga to anime conversions different people design the characters. Example in the Inuyasha manga, Rumiko Takahashi drew all the characters in her manga, however a different person designed the characters for the anime. Compare the character designs in the orignal manga to the anime and you notice differences. However, the anime designs are also similar to the manga designs--not exact, but similar.

That's what the Sonic X designs are similar to Uekawa's designs and not exact. At least it's close to model, unlike some other Sonic animated shows.

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Whats with the thing in the top right corner?...It looks like a pokemon o_0

Posts: 4607
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Talking hotdogs?

Methinks he's talking about Fighting Foodons... *twitch*

Yes, the fact that this is a new, different continuity is going to confuzzle newbies... but let's be honest - it's already confusing enough, I don't think a new universe, which is closer to the games than any so far (well, maybe AoStH was closer... or was it?), the gap may not be as hard to close than, say, going from Archie to the games.



Whats with the thing in the top right corner?...It looks like a pokemon o_0

I'd say it and the other robots in the picture are to Sonic X as Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts were to AoStH. Hopefully, though, these robots will actually do a reasonably decent job against Sonic...

Posts: 1789
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I say that top right thing looks like a mutant Chao with hands. Maybe that's what it is...

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It has no emotion bubble above his head though!

Posts: 12
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It kinda resembles a Demon Chaos Chao. Perhaps a robotic one.

What's with all the rings? Think they'll have some sort of gimmick with the rings in this? Like SatAM did with the Power Rings?

The old guy looks like Professor Oak O_o;

Posts: 4607
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The old guy looks like Professor Oak O_o;

I don't know about Professor Oak, but he certainly does look like somebody from the Pokmon anime. I can't remember who... and I don't want to.

As for the thing in the top right corner, I repeat, I really think it's one of Eggman's cronies like Scratch and Grounnder were in AoStH.

And the rings... Probably just for detail, but you never know...

Posts: 1789
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It has no emotion bubble above his head though!

That's why I said it could be a mutant chao--maybe a mutant robot chao that is like Cluck to Robotnik in SatAM.

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I think it's Orco from He-man that got lost. I saw froggie in there, this pleases me.

Posts: 1037
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that little thing on the top right corner is the ultimate lifeform!:b

Posts: 148
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That's what the Sonic X designs are similar to Uekawa's designs and not exact. At least it's close to model, unlike some other Sonic animated shows.

Yes, I know. But I've seen the Sonic characters drawn in many styles by many people, and almost none of them struck me as weird. But these ones...there's just something about them that I can't quite put my finger on.

Meh, maybe I'll figure it out someday...

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

There is a picture of her falling with her ears up in the air and they look right with the inner ear at the right spot, but when her ears are down, the inner ear seems to be on the back side of her ear instead of the front side. All of these animation errors, minor ones however, kinda bother me.

Uhh, check Cream's design. Those aren't errors the "inner ear" is supposed to be on the back side based on the way Sonic Team designed her.

As I said before, those pics of Cream are exact rips from Sonic Advance 2 as I've seen the screenshots of Cream's ending as well as when Sonic rescues her. She's in those exact same poses. The only one that I can't say I've seen before is the one on the top right corner (in the second pic) with her looking up at someone.

Posts: 25
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I wouldn't start complaining about the design artists yet until I've seen more. For one thing, they can't make the images too complex for the TV screens, which would explain Sonic's apparent lack of spikes. I know the CD artists pulled it off, but that was just a 3 minute (max?) episode clip. Plus Sonic's spikes were smaller back then and easier to draw. Sonic X is supposed to be putting out numerous episodes with larger spikes so it's gonna be a lot harder. Plus, after seeing all of the differences this has from the games, does it really matter what types of spikes he has?

Also, the reason that Chris's family may be stereotypical could be that the artists are trying to make the setting of Sonic X seem more "American"-esque. Since they're Japanese everything they know about America has come from stereotypes.

I'm just not gonna start complaining until I see some MAJOR changes...

But on a side note, I kinda like Sonic's design. He's not too human-shaped like in SA2, but he still retains the modern SegaSonic design. Plus, judging by some of the facial expressions in the artwork, it seems like he'll be the same old Sonic we've seen in other animations. As far as attitude is concerned I mean.

Posts: 18
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If you read the sentence before that quote, I said that it wasn't just on the anime. And I was pointing out that on a real rabbit, that shouldn't look like that and when her ears are straight up in the air, they appear "normal". I was just making a point.

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Have their been any correct translations of the voice actors? The babelfish one doesn't help ^^;

Posts: 1789
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And I was pointing out that on a real rabbit, that shouldn't look like that and when her ears are straight up in the air, they appear "normal".

On a real fox, they should have one tail not two.

On a real echidna, they should have claw-like "fingers" not claw-like knuckles.

And real hedgehogs don't look like Sonic.

Since when did Sega have the characters look exactly like real animals?

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

And I was pointing out that on a real rabbit, that shouldn't look like that and when her ears are straight up in the air, they appear "normal". I was just making a point.

Then you should've said compared to a real rabbit and I wouldn't have said anything. Saying you've seen it elsewhere doesn't mean you realize that Sonic Team designed her that way. Some have been commenting on Sonic's spines, but that's because it deviates from the way Sonic Team has them designed and since you didn't specify you meant on RL terms, that's the logic I'm following. However, considering Sonic, Knuckles, & Rouge (for example) don't resemble their species exactly (and have lots of licenses taken), it's to be expected that Cream wouldn't either.

Posts: 622
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I don't think it's a matter of Cream being designed to have backwards ears. Rabbits' ears can pretty much pivot backwards; that's how they keep aware of their surroundings. She just has hers down and back most of the time.

Posts: 286
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Quite a few pages back I brought up the point that Sonic only has three quills in Sonic X, but people passed it off that I wasn't considering viewpoint. In every Sonic X artwork or screenshot, no matter what the viewpoint, he has three quills - I used that picture of him rushing at Shadow (who is standing atop a mech) as proof. But anyway, yeah, the missing three quills on Sonic and the missing two on Shadow really get to me.

"I'm just glad they got Knux's dreads right. At least it's something."

Yeah, that rocks! They have Knux's quills down so precisely I wonder what went wrong with the hedgies. I wonder if Amy has her correct number of quills (5).

"They'll probably show more spines in the back."

They don't. The screenshot I mentioned earlier, whilst blurry and not directly looking at Sonic's back, leaves no doubt in my mind, at least.

"and I don't think Chris is that generic..."

Ditto, though he could look a little less like Kingdom Heart's Sora - there's getting to be quite a band of lookalikes now, what with Digimon Chronicle's human hero being a Sora lookalike as well. Still, I don't have huge gripes with Chris' design.

"I dislike Eggman's design in this as a whole, and Amy's second sheet, the emotional one, looks like they tried to draw it really quickly."

Eggman's design is pretty much identical to the official art of the games. You dislike Eggman's drawn nowadays design overall?

As for Amy's second sheet - it probably was drawn quickly - it's concept art, after all.

"i might see one episode and give it a chance."

Always give things a chance :)

"and chris looks like somehting outta digimon."

Is that so bad? He looks like something out of many anime aimed at children, not just Digimon..

"Hopefully they wont be those "extremely annoying" kind of characters..."

I didn't believe what I heard about Transformers Armada when I heard it. Then I actually saw the show. I never knew there could be such annoying characters. The kids actually completely ruined the show (well.. it's not like the firefights were exactly great anyway, but still..).

"It doesn't seem to be really any Danny all. Which makes me wonder if he's really just a one-episode character."

I'm not against there being humans in the show, but I am a little concerned that perhaps indeed Chris is going to be more of a main character than Tails. That's why I'm pleased that Danny looks to only be a very seldom occuring character.

"For one thing, they can't make the images too complex for the TV screens, which would explain Sonic's apparent lack of spikes. I know the CD artists pulled it off, but that was just a 3 minute (max?) episode clip. Plus Sonic's spikes were smaller back then and easier to draw. Sonic X is supposed to be putting out numerous episodes with larger spikes so it's gonna be a lot harder. Plus, after seeing all of the differences this has from the games, does it really matter what types of spikes he has?"

If that was why Sonic only has three quills then surely there'd be other things to go before that. If Sonic's spikes were so much harder to draw in his nowadays style (all they are is longer..), I'd expect to see things like Eggman's clothing design being far less complex. But no, it doesn't really matter, but it's a pretty big change, and it annoys some people, me included, though I'm not quite sure why. It's not going to make me dislike the show or anything though.

"Also, the reason that Chris's family may be stereotypical could be that the artists are trying to make the setting of Sonic X seem more "American"-esque."

I was thinking the same. Sonic is more popular in the west, after all.

"I don't think it's a matter of Cream being designed to have backwards ears. Rabbits' ears can pretty much pivot backwards; that's how they keep aware of their surroundings. She just has hers down and back most of the time."

That's a really good point!

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

Sorry, I should have been clearer.:nn; And Ashide, although echidnas don't looks like Knuckles, he is different than other echidnas. Tikal doesn't have those Knuckles and in the archie universe at least, only the guardians of the master emerald have gloves like that.

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