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Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

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Posts: 1789
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Judging from those screenshots and the episode, I don't really think Sonic have a "thing" for Amy(well at least not at this point in the series). At most he considers her a friend.

Those screenshots convey Sonic's nervousness because of Amy's "bearhugs-of-luv" and constant worrying of Sonic's health(I remember hearing him say "I'M FINE!" in English possibly because of Amy's concern). So I think Sonic's reactions are just reassurances that he's not seriously hurt after the hard battle. Nothing "secret lovin'" about it.

Posts: 5772
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Any channel that gets the FoxBox program block will have Sonic X. For me, that'd be my local FOX affiliate KDFX.

It's quite possible for a non-FOX network to carry FoxBox, since it depends on the affiliate. I remember someone mentioning they get FoxBox on UPN. 😮

Posts: 94
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Down here FoxBox airs on FOX...I thought that would be the norm...I mean, it is called the FoxBox after all..:p

Of course, things have been wierd with them since they sold their children's programming time slot to 4Kids...

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Do any of you know when Sonic X will be out in the US? I know in the fall, but I mean the realease date.

Posts: 1789
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September 6 at 9:30a.m.EST(or September 7 if the FoxBox airs on Sundays in your area).

Posts: 4
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Of course FoxBox would be on FOX. But I remember when KidsWB first got Pokemon and I was in Richmond,Virginia at the the time. And Pokemon was on FOX! I was kinda surprised at this. So it's possble it could on a channel other than Fox.
(remembers seeing Pokemon and Digimon on the same channel)Never thought I'd see that!^_^

Posts: 1789
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KidsWB(and possibly the WB network in general) is in the same vein as FoxBox(FoxKids formerlly). Any local network that isn't affiliated with the Big 3(NBC, ABC, CBS) can get it. So our WB affilate gets Kids WB on Saturdays and FoxBox on Sundays.

But we are getting a bit off topic, carry on the Sonic X discussion.

Posts: 148
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Power Rangers. o.o

Most of the furries has their own basic color, their own basic abilities, their own basic personalities...

And Sonic is the Megazord :p

...What? He DOES pop in at the end of the eps and destroy the enemy robot in a single hit or two. (granted, there are a few exceptions to this) Sonic is the megazord and his sword of d00m is his spindash technique.

Not to mention the use of a robot-a-week formula, tho with Sonic X it DOES have some sort of plot...usually...

Eh...whatever >.>

It seems to me that Tails is doomed to fly the plane, Cream is doomed to watch TV, Sonic is doomed to being a Megazord, Amy is doomed to just sorta...being there, and Chris is doomed to...uh...the same thing as his uncle--which is the same thing as Amy...just sorta being there.

At least, IMO

And again, there ARE exceptions to those things...but they seem to be a bit of a trend.

Just something to think about while waiting for episodes. o.o

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Not to mention the use of a robot-a-week formula, tho with Sonic X it DOES have some sort of plot...usually...

So does Power Rangers. :p Unless you're only watching, like, the first season. And so does Sentai. ;)


It seems to me that Tails is doomed to fly the plane, Cream is doomed to watch TV, Sonic is doomed to being a Megazord, Amy is doomed to just sorta...being there, and Chris is doomed to...uh...the same thing as his uncle--which is the same thing as Amy...just sorta being there.

At least, IMO

And again, there ARE exceptions to those things...but they seem to be a bit of a trend.

Well, in kids anime, it's often for the show to take up some kind of pattern, especially early on. I suspect things will change to some extent with time.

I'm STILL expecting Shadow appearing to be a major turning point for the plot. Now more than ever. Why? Because we haven't seen anything from him yet. Nothing. So, they've got to be holding out for something... I expect him to appear in the early to mid 20s.

It also reminds me of the anticipation in the Digimon fandom back when Tamers was on in Japan for Beelzebumon to appear... which happened turning a time when many things were changing at that point in the series, was a pretty big turning point itself when you think about it, and was in the mid/late 20s.
Same for Duskmon in Digimon Frontier, really...

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I'm guessing we are also seeing the start of a longer arc due to...

a)The granting of Sonic&co. a passport

b)Cream is actually coming along for the ride to adventure--for once based on previews for episode 16

c)The titles of the next episode seem to hint that they will be traveling more--out of the city as usual

...of course, I've could be wrong.

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does any one know when sonic x comes to the uk?

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There isn't a set date for the UK yet.

Posts: 26
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Wow only like a month and a half leftO.o and I just noticed that Rouge...cant open her eyes all the way. Arg, thats gonna bother me now >.<

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Bleh, I'm disappointed really. The whole thing seems cliched and pointless to me, and the storylines are very unoriginal. Sonic is used very weakly too, I agree with the Megazard statement. And Episode 15 was a disgrace, imo. Terrible animation and the most obvious rip-off of Sonic Adventure you could ever find.

Grr... do you something Sonic! You should be out running around, not sitting on top of rooftops looking bored and muttering a few words once every five minutes!

Grr! *throws a brick at the monitor*

Well, I am disappointed, but that's just me. Sonic X had the potential to be so much better, but as it is it feels nothing like the games and it just seems to be 'just another anime'. As with Sonic Advance 2, and with Charmee's new jacket for Sonic Heroes, I have to say Sonic is going through a tacky phase right now.

Imo, Fleetway's Sonic the Comic is the most accurate recreation of Sonic outside of the games so far, and also the best. But that's just me.

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And Episode 15 was a disgrace, imo. Terrible animation and the most obvious rip-off of Sonic Adventure you could ever find.

I don't really see a problem with the animation in episode 15.

And RIP-OFF of Sonic Adventure? How can someone rip off something that it's essentially BASED OFF OF?


Well, I am disappointed, but that's just me. Sonic X had the potential to be so much better, but as it is it feels nothing like the games and it just seems to be 'just another anime'.

You talk like the show is over. We're barely a quarter through it, and have really barely scratched the surface of it.

Though I can't quite grasp your problems with it, as you don't elaborate too much on your points. It doesn't give the exact same feeling of the games, but considering you're watching a television show rather than playing a video game... there are obviously going to be significant differences between the two.


As with Sonic Advance 2, and with Charmee's new jacket for Sonic Heroes, I have to say Sonic is going through a tacky phase right now.

*scratches head* Can I ask what is wrong with Sonic Advance 2 and Charmy's jacket, which seems perfectly fitting for the kind of purpose he serves? Just wondering...

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Anime quality variation between episodes isn't all that common, Gav. Many other popular anime suffer the same problem due to animators being on a tigher schedules than thier Western counterparts. So we have different animators working at different times. Also the animation budget can vary between episodes--the first and big important, plot n' action-ones usually involve the best animation with the highest budgets.

Also, like Duo said, usually with a 52 episode anime the point-turner episodes for the series are usually in the early to mid 20's. I mean we still haven't seen Shadow, the return of Big, and that mysterious hedgehog.

And I don't expect anything deep in this anime like Big O or Cowboy Bebop. I mean this anime--like all the other Sonic cartoons, is made for kids. I just want to see a new Sonic show that is close to the spirit of the games and this show comes close--it seems so far to be a remix of the Sonic Adventure games. I agree it could be better, but IMO it's turning out to be the best Sonic animated series to this this date.

So I'll keep watching after you stop.

And about Fleetway, being close to the spirit of the games than Sonic X, I don't remember Sonic being originally brown and outright rude to Tails, Amy using a crossbow and having A+ leadership skills, Knuckles being in statis for 8000 years, Super Sonic being Sonic's evil alter-ego, Robotnik being a man named Kintobor, and Chaos being a mutant entity for a fish-people empire. :p

Oh, and they better have a Sonic X manga and it better be better than the anime.

P.S. What do you mean Sonic is experiencing his tacky days?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Oh, and they better have a Sonic X manga and it better be better than the anime.

They can have Koshi Rikdo on pencils! *thwapped*

Posts: 456
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I honestly think that the Sonic OVAs are clsoer to the games than any other animated series or comic.

Posts: 142
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...the most obvious rip-off of Sonic Adventure you could ever find...


...but as it is it feels nothing like the games...

You lost Me.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Well, yeah I would agree with you on that also. Too bad it was only 2 episodes. =P

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I think that it should on Toonami seeing as how they would kep more in the show. But despite that, I still think it'll be good. :) btw, i think there is a manga out for it already.

Posts: 94
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Well, it doesn't seem that bad.
Heck, it's nice to see that they haven't forgotten about the chao other than Cheese. I guess the other chao also say nothing but "chao!". [wishes they would say whatever they say in the games...]

Posts: 148
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...Am I the only one that saw the robot as being completely unneccessary in this ep? I mean, it's not like it really even caused that much trouble. Sonic killed it with a spindash that BARELY NICKED IT. Then, Sonic oh-so-effortlessly cleans up the mud damage to the river.

If this were an RP, Sonic prolly woulda been yelled at for powerplaying far too many times by now...

It doesnt bother me much that Sonic is always the hero so much as it does that he does the hero job SO EASILY.


But aside from that, everything before the summoning of the robot was 100% lethally cute happy gold. o.o So...overall, I guess the ep's okay.

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Hey if you guys are wondering I got the 3 new sonic x titles from's boards.

Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Is it okay if I post it here?

Asa Moya
Watashi-tachi no sekai wa
Mamoru wo kakera mede
Ai suru toki me kisae
Namida ni fuchi jira wa teru
/Our world's fragments of protection, choose love, when intentions make brimmed tears shine./

BOY futa de jiu mon wo sabashii ni kou
kinji ra mata yume wo kanau rareru kunihe
/A boy dreams of freedom, and seals his loneliness behind a gate, and it wishes to go home.../

Nare ni mo nai shiyo de
Ashita machi o wa seshi you
Itsuka kotori wo u mata
Yo o he no oeru oka de
/Not before long, persistant like a small bird, you again head for tomorrow's town. Across night's hill./

Sumetai asa moya
Fumito te wo tsunai dara
Hikaru michi no fuuin ga tokeru yo....
/Amongst morning mist. Walking by, lazily holding hands. The road shines, and your seal melts as.../

...Watashi naku.
/...I cry./

Yes, that is indeed the 2nd ending song. Somebody asked me about the lyrics, the next thing I know, I had agreed to translating them @_@. (Not a bad thing,though.)So... ta-da!
I'm not sure what the name of the song is, I just assumed.
Enjoy ^_^.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Episode 23 Looks Better, Looks like were out of the filler eps For a bit , The episode Is About the 6th (Dark Blue) Emerald And looks good, and it looks like knuckles will be back soon, Because you can't get Super Sonic With Knuckles having one of the emeralds Right?

Hang on, how the heck did a chao garden Get on earth?Unless it was there before....Ahhh! I am confused!

Posts: 148
Estimable Member

Hmm...interesting translation. This is just my guess, but I'm betting it's referring to how Sonic feels, most likely about Amy, judging by how he also hides his feelings, and well, theres that scene with those two in the end of the credits there.

And as for how the chao garden got there, I'm guessing it was also transported. the big chaos control thingey was...well...big. o_o;

Posts: 94
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[finishes reading the lyrics]

Whoa...that's gotta be one of the prettiest songs I've heard in anything Sonic 00! Never expected to see something so...serious in a Sonic anime.
Though I'm not at all complaining. Nice to see Sonic X being done like other animes, with the more somber/serious songs for the ending credits....

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


And as for how the chao garden got there, I'm guessing it was also transported. the big chaos control thingey was...well...big. o_o;

Eggman would allow a Chao Garden to flourish near his base of operations? That kook.

And where's Big?!

Posts: 456
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He did have a teleporter to a Chao Garden on the Egg Carrier.

Posts: 148
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He did have a teleporter to a Chao Garden on the Egg Carrier.

Which has...nothing to do with this show. I think... I dun recall the Egg Carrier being near the base. It's still out in the ocean somewhere...

The closest thing to the Egg Carrier that's been in this show was the Eggfort, and apparently that thing is far different from the Egg Carrier.

In addition, how is it that a transporter in the Egg Carrier would take a chao garden with it?

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You people forget that the Eggman base in Sonic X is sort of based on that Chao Garden in SA1 ;P

Anyway, what with the Chao Garden, the Shovel Claw Temple and whatnot, I think Sonic X is trying to hint at something.

However, it would be cool if the Chaos Control was indeed massive and took the Angel Island with it as well, if only for the ultra-unlikely addition of the Chaotix if Sonic X gets a second series. Or Nack/Fang the Weasel. Mmm.

Posts: 73
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*looking at song* Ooh, pretty... and I *think* it's called Hikaru Michi. I think I've seen this before somewhere, but the translation's different. Lesse if I can find it again... here it is.

>>Watashitachi no sekai wa mahou wo kakerarete
Ai suru tokimeki sae namida ni fuujirareteru
Boy futari de jumon wo sagashi ni ikou
Kinjirareta yume wo kanaerareru kuni e
Dare ni mo naisho de ashita machiawaseshiyou.

Itsuka kotori wo umeta yoake no mieru oka de
Tsumetai asamoya kimi to te wo tsunaidara
Hikaru michi no fuuin ga tokeru yo

Our world is under a spell,
Even the excitement of love is sealed in our tears.
Boy, Together lets go to find that charm,
To the land where forbidden dreams may come true,
Alone, Tomorrow, let's secretly meet.

Someday, if I hold hands with you amidst the cold morning mist,
up on the hill where small birds are buried and you can see the sunrise,
The seal to the shining path will break.

So there it is. Pulverize it if you wish. It was found here. *inside voice* Now we get to have lyrics debates! */inside voice* Quiet, you! *smacks self*

As for the episode, there is always the possibility that they actually did go to the future (mentioned in ep. 1). Even though that's highly unlikely.

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Woah. Both songs are really beautiful, but the second one slightly scares me. Why, I have no idea.

Posts: 26
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Whichever one is the correct translated lyrics, it is a beautiful song ^_^ I WOULD go with the second one though, cuz it seems like its coming from Amy's POV when you watch it with the ending

Posts: 21
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Oh, I dunno. Either one :b Oh, by the way, did you know that the girl that sings the song is only 10 yrs old? ^_^. If I could, I would've asked my teacher for the lyrics, but alas he is a teacher thus, he is busy most of the time.

Episode 23(?)

Interesting, something's up with the negative and positive forces of the Chaos Emeralds, it seems.

It appears that Knuckles will be staying with the group for a bit. (Which means more interesting fight scenes!)

Tis all. Ja ne!

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Oh, I dunno. Either one Oh, by the way, did you know that the girl that sings the song is only 10 yrs old? ^_^. If I could, I would've asked my teacher for the lyrics, but alas he is a teacher thus, he is busy most of the time.

Isn't that Hikaru Utada? It oculd be. I am not sure.

Posts: 94
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I really don't think Hikaru Utada is 10 years old. From hearing her singing of "Simple and Clean", she sounds like an adult to me...oo;

Posts: 148
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I remember reading somewhere on this one website...I forget where, but if I come across it again, I'll try to link it. Erm, anyway, the single of that song has been released. The song is called "Hikaru Michi" (or maybe its the album...bah, cant remember @_@; ) and the girl's name is Aya Hiroshige.

Like I said, if I stumble across where I read that at, I'll try and remember to link it here ^^;

Posts: 5772
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Pikmin are a good source of protein. now has screenies for Episodes 15 and 17. ^_^

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Dur hur! Look at me! I have a gun!


Rouge: Oh no! My gun is gone, I'm left defenseless!!


Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Wow...Super looks really "super". Chaos looks awesome, but no I can't tell if his tail is there.(That sounded weird tell and tail:) ) If things go to plan America should get to see this awesome episode... sometime next year, aww man. That's cool though how Angel Island is falling and they're back at their "Mobius" or so we assume. The story is getting deeper and deeper and seems very much like SA,which does seem to explain the humans in the game if you think about it. I still can't get over how sweet Super Sonic looks. *clicks as favorites and prints out then enlarges to the size of a poster to tape on my wall* :lol I was thinking about Nazo again and is there a possibility he could be Super Shadow...I doubt he is but you never know.:

Posts: 15
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OMG!!!! Super Sonic looks terrific!!! Now I REALLY envy all of ya'll who get the episodes straight from Japan!

Hmmmm...if I recall correct;y, Big had the yellow emerald in SA too...

- Aki :)

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...yay, finally have time to comment on an episode! X_x

Episode 26 is just incredible. It's everything I could have hoped for Super Sonic's introduction and more. The level of emotion is even greater than I ever imagined this show would be able to reach, and this episode alone puts this show higher on my list of favorite anime. (It's already my favorite Sonic show)

Before I comment on the main event, one thing that really impressed me here was Rouge. She gets Chris out of E-99, and after dropping him, instead of going for the Chaos Emeralds, she saves him. That just really impressed me, in terms of her characterization.

But of course... Super Sonic. It's not really all that actiony, but the level emotion building up to it is just great. Despite not really DOING much, Super Sonic really gives a good impression of how much power he has. By just THINKING about it, he blew up the arm of E-99 that was holding Rouge and Chris, and then just tears apart E-99 in the blink of an eye.

The fact Super Sonic is also so CALM in comparison to normal was really cool, as well, I thought. ^^

And of course, next week... Big, Beta, Gamma, and Chaos 0.

I just have to wonder even more when we'll be seeing Shadow, as I expected it to be soon after the halfway mark, but I'm not as certain now... Will he be pulled into the Sonic Adventure storyline, like Rouge will most likely be, or will they wait until the very last storyline?

Posts: 73
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*reads reviews* Okay, I've gotta watch it now. *starts downloading episode* Be right back! Oh, and Super Sonic looks "way past cool." Boo-yeah!

Posts: 73
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... oh... my... gosh...
Wow. I mean, what can you say? That was an amazing episode, even if you don't speak Japanese and can't understand a thing. And also...


Super Sonic has healing powers! Coolness! Although in my little world, his voice is resonating with bass tones, but whatever works, ne? I wish I knew what Sonic said right at the end. And I love the part where Sonic catches Lucky and the hearts and bubbles get everywhere, even in the E-99! The part where it punches Sonic through a couple of buildings looked very DBZ-like, which isn't really a bad thing. Good emotion on Eggman's part when the machine went out of control and started beating the living hades out of Sonic (punch, punch, punch -- I winced every time), he really looked scared! And during the ending credits, Eggman's reading something. In SA, he says something like, "The tablets were correct! Just as I predicted," so I think we're definitely gonna get an SA story line. Games and anime being separate, my butt. The sound was great, which of course means that 4Kids is gonna replace the cool Japanese song with some "tense" muzak and ruin it completely. *knocks on wood to prevent that from happening* *scrolls up* Wow, I write a lot when I like an episode. So I'll stop now and let other people talk about it.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Well, this episode definitely is on my 'to-see' list (okay, so they all are :p ).

Anyway...I may be drawing a blank at the moment, so could someone refresh my mind on who Lucky is? oo;
And yes, Super Sonic looks freakin' awesome...out of curiousity, did he happen to look like the "nazo" pic when he powered up?

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Lucky is E-77, a robot that Eggman made which found the final Chaos Emerald. It isn't really evil, though, and gave the Emerald to Sonic.

We didn't see Super Sonic "powering up", however. Sometime after Sonic is tossed into the ocean, the remaining Emeralds fall from Chris' hands after Rouge drops (and then catches) him. There's a glow beneath the waves, the water parts, and we then see Super Sonic with his eyes closed. They open, the arm of E-99 holding Chris & Rouge blows into pieces, and he then rises up.

Posts: 148
Estimable Member

Lucky is E-77. That cute little bell robot composed of lucky charms...that is also a rather un-lucky robot at times. Tho it DID find the last emerald...and WASNT attacked by any of the I guess it COULD be considered lucky. oo

...But I'm rambling now.

And no, he didn't turn white at any point; at least not that I remember. Nazo may just be Super Sonic before his design for the show was finalized. That's my theory.

Posts: 51
Trusted Member

Well my guess is that the glowing hedge is a bad guy good guy
3.a level beyond super or hyper sonic, maybe... ultra sonic?
ps, that power rangers zord rip off was hillarious:lol

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