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Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

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Posts: 1789
Noble Member

DAY-AMN! Even if you don't care for Sonic X that much, you have to search and look for both episodes 25 & 26 for the supreme awesomness effect that you will see in a Sonic animation ever, as of now.

Man o man, Super Sonic was badass. Sure he was already badass in the games, but it was really badass seeing him in anime form--especially since he seems to have telekinetic powers in Sonic X. And the emotion in those last 10 minutes and how the song just fit with those scenes was just beautiful. Too bad 4Kids is going to change the music with something missing emotionally with the scenes. Man, I really felt for Chris--even though I couldn't really understad the dialogue. It's times like this that I wish I can understand Japanese 100% or wish that Funimation or ADV got the rights to this instead of 4Kids. At least there would have been a chance to get subs with the original soundtrack. =(

And Virus, as far as I concerned this is still an alternative universe than the games--just like the original Sonic OAV was. Although I have to give props to the folks of Project Sonic of tying this to the SA series very evenly--even though it seems pretty unnessarccy.(They could have started the series with a SA adaption in the first place without the gimmick of anthros and egg-people CCing into another world/time/dimension/etc.)

And who was the one who called Sonic would use Chaos Control to merge the two worlds together? I think it was Lee. VCP, you deserve a free King-size pack of Orange Smarties(Nestle brand) for the call. Good Job. :)


The only thing that would have made this episode truly perfect, they left out. Chris and his family's death. ^_^

What!?! You are wishing the death of Sam Speed, Grandpa Chuck, and Tanaka(well, technically he's not related to them, but he's the butler) and that's blasphemy, you hear! BLASPHEMY!!1 :b :] Especially with Tanaka, who is so great, he could probably kick Norman's arse from the Big O. :]

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

English translation corner.
Preview announcement of EP27 by Chris.

What is going on?
Though the chaos control had occurred, but Sonic is in this world still.
And, whatever are these islands which burst out?
Say Sonic, what happens to the world?
Such a time, Dr.Eggman is conspireing to some secret ambition.
Oh no! The forbidding monster began to go on a rampage in the city.

Translation courtesy of manaita's website, hope she doesn't mind me placing this here (hey, she even has name/band info on the new song).

Okay, from this we can confirm two things:

-Sonic and friends are still in the human world.
-The islands (we know of two, could there be more?) came from Sonic's world via Chaos Control.

Though, judging by the next line, Chris seems to suspect something more to it.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


The fact Super Sonic is also so CALM in comparison to normal was really cool, as well, I thought. ^^

Super Sonic also seemed so formal. Example, he said "Arigatou, Chris." instead of the usual Engrish--"Sankyuu, Chris".

Posts: 12
Active Member

I'd rather that be the case myself Acid. But who's gonna <i>tell</i> everybody that Sonic X is separate from the games? The logical assumption to most people is that Sonic X fills in what SA1 left out. That's what my cousin assumed when I showed him ep 1 - "So this is how they got to the human world in Sonic Adventure?"

Posts: 28
Eminent Member



Translation courtesy of manaita's website, hope she doesn't mind me placing this here

Never mind.
I am happy to help you out.;)


hey, she even has name/band info on the new song

It is not new song for SonicX. Just specially used for only this episode, perhaps.
The song "KOTOBANI-DEKINAI" (I think it means too many memories to words) is farewell song.
Sonic and Crith could not find suitable words at farewell, because they have too many memories to words.
So Sonic said only "CRITH-ARIGATOU"(Thank you, crith), Crith only cryed "SONIC!".


Though, judging by the next line, Chris seems to suspect something more to it.

Crith (and human in the world) who looked at the islands which burst out (I checked two, Angel island and Mystic ruin),are surprised and confuseing.



"So this is how they got to the human world in Sonic Adventure?"

It is really interesting opinion!

Posts: 456
Reputable Member


And who was the one who called Sonic would use Chaos Control to merge the two worlds together? I think it was Lee. VCP, you deserve a free King-size pack of Orange Smarties(Nestle brand) for the call. Good Job. :)

I'll hold you to that. :]

Posts: 0
New Member

In the preview for next weeks episode, am I the only one who noticed Shadow? When it shows the hill and the bright sunlight, pause the screen and look at the legs of the figure on the hill. Unless I'm mistaken, they're black and red, which are definetly Shadow's legs...

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


In the preview for next weeks episode, am I the only one who noticed Shadow? When it shows the hill and the bright sunlight, pause the screen and look at the legs of the figure on the hill. Unless I'm mistaken, they're black and red, which are definetly Shadow's legs...

That's not Shadow. Notice the blue legs, the peach belly, the mostly red shoes. Tis Soni on that blue hill.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Tunage, thanks to Solly

(I'm iffy about posting this here. What's EZboard mandate for a 20 year old japanese song track?)

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Ok...Ashide...where did that SS idiom thing come from. It's sweet I like it;)

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


I think that accurately describes this episodes goodness, hmm?

As for your theory, V, it's already happening. BnG's Sonic X thread:

From VidGamer123:


I kinda liked the first epsiode of Sonic X., where were Sonic and Co. BEFORE they warped into the real world? Mobius??

Monikku's response (and the only one he got)



Now, I really wanted to register just to correct them, but since I didn't, a better point would be - yes, it is happening. I can't say how much, but it is occurring.

Oh, and Psx, looks like you won that argument with SS over whether Aeris should've been "Aerith". *points at manaita's repeated use of "Chrith"*

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Here we go again. Episode 33 fansub is available so I downloaded and, again, copied the script. Part 1 for now. It contains ALOT of interesting stuff about Shadow, it seems Sonic X favours the fake memory theory.

Enjoy 🙂

-Sonic is running through the ruins of Station Square, people are rebuilding everywhere-

*Sonic hears a child crying*

Sonic: That sound is... Over there!

-Chris's house, people are cleaning and renovating-

*Construction crew are carrying off some furniture*

Chris' Mom: Wait! That's still useful! Please carry it over here!

-The school playground-

*A helicopter is in there, the kids and teacher are gather*

Stuart: Carry the rescue materials to the dining-room!

Kids: OKAY!

*Chris' dad opens the door to the helicopter*

Dad: Chris! I brought food here with me

Chris: Papa?

*The kids carry the supplies inside, the school is being used as a rescue shelter*

Frances: This is hard word!
Danny: Damn right, you were carrying the heaviest thing!
Frances: What?! Mocking me?
*A father and mother are speaking to a police officer*
Father: Didn't you find him?
Mother: Didn't you found our child yet?

*Sonic arrives child in tow*

Sonic: Is this the kid?
Child: MAMA!
Mother: Jim, oh boy!
Father: Sonic, thank you!
Mother: Thanks a million
Sonic: It's alright.

-White house-

Prez: When I was young, the president in my mind... was just a super hero who confronts devils in front of te citizens (Craig note: Prez is signing papers as Michael. R)
*A TV is showing the Super Sonic-Chaos fight*
Prez: Just like Sonic! Next one (form)
Asst: It's the reduce tax project to the disaster area residents.
Prez: Never thougth the real president...
Asst: *Slids another form Michael. R's way* The lst tenement loan will be laid out in the temporary budget
Prez: Everyday he's signing!
Asst: The military budget and the special budget
Prez: What super hero is this...
Asst: Of course, the new-model robot production plan is a part of them (Craig note: GUN bots)
*He signs*
Prez: All right! Is that it?
*she slides another form his way*
Prez: What's this?
Asst: It's the driver for the presidence mobile office, who was chosen by the counsellors
*The form has a picture of Sam Speed on it*
Asst: His driving skill are welled versed to deal with the emergency

-Outside Chris' home. Tanaka, Ella, Chris & parents, Chuck, Frances, Daddy, Helen, Cream & Cheese, Tails and Amy...-

Chris' Mom: Take care, Chris!
Chris: I will Mama!
Cream: (to Amy & Tails) I feel so sad since we're going our seperate ways
Chuck: How exaggerated!
Chris' Dad: Even though we're parting... the time is just till our house is rebuilt. About one or two months.
Danny (to Chris): When you get to the new home you must call me!
Frances: By all means!
Chris: Certainly!
Helen: But I'll be lonely. Not only Chris, but Mr. Stuart shall leave

-Mr Stuart is driving through the desert in his funky car*

Stuart: It's been so hard on me to get used to it

-Back outside Chris' home-

Chris: Where's Sonic?!
Amy: He seems very busy. Yes, he asked me to tell you, see you later!
Chris: I see...
Tails: Chris, stop it! Downtown is not too far from here! It'll only take a few minutes to reach using the X Tornado... and even faster for Sonic.
Chris: I know that
Amy: If Chris moves downtown with Sonic... he won't calm down as easily.
Chris: Damn right!

-The caravan leaves taking Chris, Tanaka, Cream/Cheese & Ella-

Everyone: SEE YOU!
Chris: See you, everyone!

-Area 99-

*Scientists are creating the GUN robots we all come to hate in SA2*

Blonde Scientist: With these new models we'll be able to contend with Eggman's robots!
Brown Hair Scientist: So Dr. Eggman wont outmatch us anymore!

-The camera zooms up revealing a survalence robot, then we cut to-

Dr Eggman: What?! So ignorant! Obviously copied from my robots
Decoe: But is it okay?
Becoe: We'll be in serious danger once GUN starts approaching.
Eggman: I know that too! I'll intrude GUN's computer to make an investigation

-A console at Area 99 activates, asking for password-

Eggman: Easy!

-He types it in, we see a GUN screen appear-

Eggman: Let me see...

-Shots of various robots including GUN Beetle, GUN Hawk, Laser Hunter, Shield Hunter.

As a sidenote, I freezed the frame before the pictures appeared. Here's the text. Note, it's in English on the episode. Very interesting stuff, it appears later in the episode in it's entirety though, so I wrote it there-

Eggman: So many varieties!

-The screen fades out with PROF. GERALD ROBOTNIK written at the top-

Eggman: What?!

Decoe&Becoe: What's wrong Eggman(sama)?

Eggman: This is the world I was born! The great scientific genius Professor Gerald Robotnik! He is my grandfather!

Decoe: If this is the original world...
Bcoe: What's wrong?
Eggman: It's in the same space... but that's a completely different world! Just the so-called echo universe! But why is there my grandfather's name in GUN's data? *pressed a button and is prompted for PASSWARD again* Password again? *Types and recieves an error* DAMN! *Error* Dam it, all are wrong (passwords)

-Memory of the photo of Gerald and Maria-

Eggman: MARIA! Could it be? M-A-R-I-A

-Screen displays TOP GUN SECRET and plays a fanfare*

Eggman: YES!

-Alarms sound at Area 99-

Person: What's wrong?!
Other guy: There's a problem! He entered that file which hasn't been opened for 50 years! A hacker has intruded!
Person: What?! Which file!
Other: It's found!

-A humorous screen of a police officer finding Eggman-

Decoe: Hurry up!
Becoe: I know! It's downloading

-Police officer chases Eggman on computer screen-

Decoe: Start to download the source file!

Person @ Area 99: Hurry and shut the mainframe!
Guy: I AM!

Decoe & Becoe: Finished downloading the file!

-The police officer trips on the screen, compie Eggman dances-

Eggman: Almost!

Eggman: Let's see... This! My grandfather's diary!

-Text on screen reads


How could you possibly believe someone should throw ME into jail?!
Union Army Prison? Oh, hell
I am the father of the pseudo-perpetual mobile "Chaos Drive" for christ's sakes.
Could this possible be the sinister conspiracy of those attempting to acquire and take over "Eclipse Cannon" and "Artificial Chaos"?
Then I'll show them that I am not going to succumb to such immorality. For the complete picture of the ultimate biosis development project "Shadow" he's only in my mind.-


Gerald *typing on a computer*: Finally I finished the ultimate lifeform "Shadow" and its memory was controlled very well. All was reposed on the "Shadow" Speaking of my expectation for my children... that is to get him to relive...

If you wish to destroy the world

Eggman: Ultimate Creature SHADOW?!

-The Prez's mobile office-

Rouge: Project Shadow?
Prez: Don't ask me what it is, Miss Rouge! Because I honestly have no idea
Rouge: What did you mean?
prez: All the records about this plan... were destroyed by the president government... 50 years ago! At this time it's the 13th
Rouge: But only one hasn't been destroyed. It's reserved in the army's data store.
Asst: In fact there's no means to destroy it... Since they couldn't find out the password, no way of deleting it as they couldn't open it at all.
Rouge; But Eggman was able to enter?
Prez: Yes
Topaz: So what is our task? Detect project Shadow?
Male asst: No! Someone else will go!
Prez: I hope you could go to find out Eggman's reasons to steal the data
Rouge: No problem!
*Asst presses button to speak to the driver*: Smart commander! Please shut down!
Sam Speed: That's my name for yesterday! Today call me "Farewell, youth's spotlight"

-Topaz and Rouge are dropped off-

Topaz: What should we do?
Rouge: Let's sneak into research! How do you think?
Topaz: Very reckless! But sure, it's a good idea
Rouge: We need a little bait... Bait to lure out the quarry


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Part 2.

-Downtown Station Square. Chris and co are settling in-

Cream: Chris! Good morning!
Chris: ...morning...
Cream: What's your problem?
Chris: I'm depressed
Ella: You'll get used to it soon
Chris: You're right...

*Chuck is setting a satellite on the roof. Chris is sitting on the stairs back into the building*

Chuck: What's up Chris?
Chris: Nothing
Chuck: It'll take you some time to get used to a new environment. So did I when I was young. It's a kind of experience too! Think about it! Sonic and the others were stranded here after Chaos Control and now can't go back to their world. But they've not given up yet

*Chris has memories of all the characters. Even Big*

Chris: Certainly! How could I forget?! I should learn from them!
Chuck: Yes!

-Sonic is still helping out in the Station Square ruins. He hears another "child" crying-

Sonic: Where are you?!
"Child": I'm so scared!!!
Sonic: Where are you? I shall save you right now!
*Sonic crashes through the rocks*
Sonic: Are you alright?!
*Dust clears to reveal*
Bokkun: Yes, I'm fine!
*They realise who the other person is*
Bokkun: AH!
Sonic: It's you...
*Bokkun shakes his hands frantically, then rants*
Bokkun: SONIC! You did go too far! I didn't ask you, why did you come to save me?!
Sonic: I'm sorry! I'm off!
Bokkun: Wait!
Sonic: What?
Bokkun: Listen to me, I wont say to you thank you for saving me
Sonic: You don't have to
Bokkun: So you can't say 'That's all right' *Shakes arms angrily* If you do I wont pardon you! You know?!
Sonic: Ok. I see. I'm going now! *RUN*

*Rustling in trash cans, Bokkun turns to see President's old male assistant who is now homeless as we found out in the SA1 arc*

Homeless d00d: Sorry! Nowbody will want this now...
Homeless guy: SORRY!! *RUN*

-Angel Island-

Topaz: In fact it's you who wanted to find that stone (Master Emerald)
Rouge: How impolite! I said that, didn't I? Now that our opponent is Eggman, he should have the Chaos Emeralds. But, is it the right way?
Topaz: We're there right now!

*Rouge spots the Emerald Alter*

-NNT building-

Scarlet: I came from the Station Square News! I'm Scarley Garcia. Nice to meet you.

-Inside, the staff surround her-

Person: You're just... I watched the live program of Perfect Chaos! That must have been very horrible.
Scarlet: Eh...

*She is lead into the boss' office*

Scarley: Everyone has watched that
Boss: HAHAHAHA! It seems very difficult to find someone who didn't!
*Stuart is standing in the office looking out the window*

Boss: Franklin! How nice of you to come!
Stuart: Hi
Boss: Allow me to introduce
Scarlet: Ok!
Boss: This is director Franklin
Scarlet: Hello, I'm Scarlet Garcia.
Stuart: It's my honour to meet you, Miss Garcia

*The two sit down to read a book title THE SECRET OF THE PROJECT SHADOW*

Scarlet: You're going to find the riddle of project Shadow? Is it true?
Stuart: Yes, are you interested in it?
Scarlet: But?
Stuart: This is just the subject matter your father has been tracing it before he died.
Scarlet: To tell the truth, it's very dangerous.
Stuart: I know. Some people don't want project Shadow to be public knowledge. That's an organisation which the government doesn't know about.
Scarlet: In that case
*Stuart darts up*: But I really want to know that! You too, right? In spite of being a reporter... or being yourself
Stuart: I pledge myself to protect you, no matter what happens. Will you join us?

-Angel Isle. Rouge in her ninja suit is flying off with The Master Emerald-

Rouge: It might not be Chaos Emeralds... So heavy...
Knux: WAIT!!! HAND THE MASTER EMERALD TO ME! All right. *Smashes a rock at Rouge. She is hit*
Topaz: ROUGE! *Trips over a blue rock*
Rouge: It hurts!
Topaz: Rouge! I found a Chaos Emerald
Rouge: But now I... I WANT THIS! *Grabs the ropes she tied around The Master Emerald*
Knux: You!
Topaz: She's so greedy...
Knux: I don't care who you are, but do you know what you're doing right now? That Master Emerald can stop the Chaos Emerald's power! A grain of important emeralds! HEY! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!
Rouge: No! *runs*
Knux: (explicit deleted)
*Jumps over and kicks her very hard into a tree. Her mask slips off*
Knux: How is it?! ...A woman?
*She flies pu, grabs the emerald and escapes*
Knux: Damn it...

-Prison Island-

Announcer: Emergancy! Someone has broken through the gates, the enemy is heading into headqauters! All prepare for battle! Attack after spot confirmation. Hurry to stop the enemy approach. This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill.

Eggman: How simple! So give me some time, te greatest secret weapon my grandfather designed for GUN.

Be/Decoe: Wait for us Master Eggman! We want to go aswell!

Eggman: You're rubbish.

Decoe: Don't be too reckless!

*A GUN bot lands before them*

Eggman: A laser hunter? *It fires, Eggman uses a shield* Cut round your pettty trick! *Fires back, destroying it*

Eggman: You can't match me at all!

-Prez's mobile office-

Asst: Dr Eggman has intruded the Prison Island!
*Prez looks serious*

-Back at Prison Isle-

*GUN Beetle is firing on Eggman. He blasts it*

Eggman: What are you doing! Let's go

Be/Decoe: Wait for us, Eggman!

Decoe: Eggman, is it here for sure?
Eggman: Yes, inside.

*A robot trie to attack, but nothing is there, it looks up and finds them ontop of it, they crash down*


Decoe: Be tender... no problem
Eggman:You're really good at taking a point...

Eggman: I didn't think it'd be this small... well I'm entering the password. MARIA and entering the Chaos Emerald.

*The chamber opens revealing Shadow's sillhoute*

Eggman: You're!!


Posts: 0
New Member

Uhm... Let see.

1) Samanfur the Fox wrote: I only go by illegal routes if I can't find a product legally.
2) Neo, you answerd: That's the exact same thing I am doing now. At the curren moment, I'm looking for Sonic X epsiode 27 to 52 in a boxed set since there is no other method I can get it with...
3) Neo, later post: The boxed set (bootleg, lol) I got has 26.

First you agreed that to buy the legit products if there are any, and as there is problem is solved. But now you say you are lazy. Lazy? You are looking for them, meaning you are working toward getting them, not doing anything as lazy is. Plus! You have already purchased the first HK-DVDs, and there are legit DVDs out of those.

So I can sum it up what you won't say; You don't want to "invest" that kind of money on Sonic X DVDs.

I have suported Sonic X, you haven't. 😛

And about three episodes on each DVD, there are only two DVDs that got three episodes, and there will be two DVDs with five episodes (first and last one). The rest gor four episodes per DVD is just like what a normal show in US get on DVD. And do not forget about the extras on the first nine DVDs also.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

And I'd be all for it! I'm constantly on the verge of ordering all available volumes of official Sonic X DVDs so that I can watch them in all their legitamized glory.

But, darn it... I lack a fundamental ingrediant for said enjoyment, having something to do with a serious case of non-japanese-understanding-ness.

I hear quite a few of us are afflicted, btw.

I don't want to support 4Kids because they seemed to have missed the point of the DVD experience: to transcend the far-too-limited television experience. I mean, where's the incentive? I can watch reruns if I'm so inclined, otherwise there's nothing that says 'buy me' in these dub releases.

I cant' support TMS because I can't understand the freakin' language. I'm not going to pay for something and only get half the experience, it's just not economically sound. :

I won't be getting any of the bootlegs, either FYI. I'm not paying for crack-induced subbing.

Seems all the roads are closed for me.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

So you, what about the legit Japanese DVDs?

In my case, I only know a few words of Japanese, so buying the series raw would be a waste.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

First you agreed that to buy the legit products if there are any, and as there is problem is solved. But now you say you are lazy. Lazy? You are looking for them, meaning you are working toward getting them, not doing anything as lazy is. Plus! You have already purchased the first HK-DVDs, and there are legit DVDs out of those.

So I can sum it up what you won't say; You don't want to "invest" that kind of money on Sonic X DVDs.

I have suported Sonic X, you haven't. 😛

LOL. You ever heard of the phrase, "Poking fun?" or the word, "Joke?" or maybe even "sarcasm" or anything that doesn't really mean mean it? :]

I cannot also purchase th legit ones because,well, I no speakth japanese, I'm still practicing my own native language for pete's sake! There is NO reason for me to buy it if there will be no English subtitles. It's not fun to just watch and understand, no matter how much I get it.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Well... here's my 2 cents.

I can watch Sonic X in Japanese and roughly understand what's going on. But Subtitles are a maaaajor plus.

Also, my DVD player only plays region one (or Zero ::p ats HK Bootleg::) and I haven't the money to go looking for a region-free DVD player, when the only thing I'll probably ever watch on it is whatever Sonic X DVDs I buy.

Besides, region-free DVD players are illegal I believe, so it's no more "legitimate" for me to get one than it is for me to download the eps.

Posts: 0
New Member


LOL. You ever heard of the phrase, "Poking fun?" or the word, "Joke?" or maybe even "sarcasm" or anything that doesn't really mean mean it?

Well, you know as much I do, that wasn't a joke or sarcasm from your side...

But, do I know fluid japanese? No.
I understand some basic things, like you must probally. But I have still bought them, and enjoyed them much. You know that the story isn't that demanding.

Those wondering why they didn't include english subtitles. Ever thought of why US DVDs doesn't have japanese subtitles? (I think you have your answer now)

But, they should at least have included japanese subtitles on them.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Oh come on, the entire series would cost somewhere around 650$ for the Hi-Spec edition with no subtitles at all. For a MAJORITY of the people here, you have to realize that it's not worth it. The HK sets are merely a paying for a TV BROADCAST version of the show with so-so quality subtitles. It's not like they're DVD rips in this case, so you're clearly getting what you "pay for".

I also realize that the show isn't incredibly hard to watch without subs. I saw the entire series ubsubbed as it aired like many of us did. But let me just say that subbed > unsubbed. The series has some funny dialogue that will just fly over your head without subs and didn't transfer to the English dub at all.

Essentially, if 4Kids ever gives Funimation the rights for an uncut subtitled version, we should stop the distribution where possible, and people really won't NEED to buy bad quality bootlegs. That's what most fansubbers do, and most american anime companies are fine with that. However, quite frankly, I don't want to take a chance and "kill" our only means of getting the series subbed just to wait years to hear nothing from Funi/4Kids.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Since when were multi-region DVD players illegal?

I bought mine from here in the UK, plenty of places sell them over the counter, and if you're talking about the US, then hadn't someone better tell

DVD players not being region-free is against competition laws. Sony already got slapped for putting region locks on the PS2.

Svan was reading this over my shoulder, and remarked that you might as well render the English language illegal because books in it can be read both in the UK and the US.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

I should have worded that differently. From what I have heard (and I have no idea where this was), there is an issue about Region encoding that makes region-free DVD players (or perhaps it was DVDs) illegal. I know next to nothing about it, and it doesn't matter to me anyway because there's not a chance I'd be able to afford one anyway. But the entire concept of region-encoding is to prevent bootlegging (isn't it?) so region-free DVD players are basically bypassing this whole region thing and are therefore (from what I heard from I now don't rcall where) illegal.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Odd... I've heard this stated by quite a few Americans and Canadians (most imfamously The Cycle). I want to know where this belief started... EVERYONE in the UK knows Region-Free is not just legal, but a way of life here, you couldn't pay someone to take a DVD player from you without the promise it could play Region 1.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Well, you know as much I do, that wasn't a joke or sarcasm from your side...

Why I say it's a "joke" and "sarcasm" if I don't mean it? The one who made their own posts know what they're saying most of the time.
Even if I was busy or lazy or whatever, I don't expect to search every single day of my life. I'm not obsessed.

But, do I know fluid japanese? No.
I understand some basic things, like you must probally. But I have still bought them, and enjoyed them much. You know that the story isn't that demanding.

So? That's how you view things. I have my own. I need subs because I like to hear because there will be parts I won't know. You have your own way,I have my own way. Let's leave it at that.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

No matter how loyal I am to a company, franchise or concept, if I am faced between something which is convinient for me or inconvinient for me, I'll pick the convinient.

Bootlegs are convinient for me. They have the original and uncut audio, which has the MAJOR bonus of the original music, and it has subtitles in a language I can read.

If they released a full series box set in America, I'd import.

Only one show I have ever bought 1 DVD at a time and I regretted it. Box sets or full season bootleg only, or I'm downloading.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member


From what I have heard (and I have no idea where this was), there is an issue about Region encoding that makes region-free DVD players (or perhaps it was DVDs) illegal.

I heard that too, though I was under the impression that it was only for the DVDs, so that movie theaters would still get to show the movie without everyone just buying the region-free DVD instead. You know, so that they could stay in business. (... That made no sense.)

And I'm facing the same kinds of problems with DVDs.
1) I cannot play the r2 DVDs on my r1 player.
2) I don't know where to buy the bootlegs, even if I wanted them (which I don't, having had a good laugh from other bootlegs and only a good laugh *coughCastleInTheSkycough*).

Posts: 90
Trusted Member

I prefer the cheap way! If able to then, tape them of TV.
Im currently doing this with SonicX. [eng dubb]

I'd like to get the jap versions but:
1] im on dial-up so downloading them would take too long. Plus my net connection seems to go kaput after 30mins, but not allways.

2] I cant buy online due to no credit card, and parents say no.

If its available to buy in the UK on duel lang DVD, Then i'll buy it. As Ive bought vol1-3 of Excel Saga, Spirited Away, and the Sakura Wars OVA collection.

BTW, can you play an NTSC Region 2 DVD on a PAL Region2 DVD player??



In the old Sonic X promo video, theres a bit where Tails gives sonic
two jewels to power-up from instead of rings.

Is this from an episode in the series or just for the promo?
Also, any theories as to what TMS could of been planning with it?

Posts: 0
New Member

Are we supposed to believe the Genesis games (Sonic 1-3&K) took place before Sonic X started storyline-wise? Did they happen in the Sonic X universe?

And if so, are we supposed to believe places like Green Hill Zone, Starlight Zone, Casino Night Zone, Emerald Hill Zone, etc. exist somewhere in Sonic's world? This would throw out the idea that there are no cities in Sonic's world, see Starlight Zone and Casino Night, etc.

Just something I've been pondering...

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Who said there aren't any cities in Sonic's world? Episode 52 clearly gives us a good shot of one when Eggman comes to harass the citizens. And you think that city in the 1st opening intro is a human colony?

Posts: 0
New Member


Who said there aren't any cities in Sonic's world?

Mr. Craig Bayfield. :b


Well from what we see of "Sonic's World" which was transported to Chris' world after episode 26 it's basically The Mystic Ruins. In episode 52 we see that Sonic's world has large forests, white picket fence houses and, from the -Cky animals fleeing Eggman larger buildings aswell. I'd say small town style, certainly not city scale, just houses and buildings in a forest area with all grass trees and happiness :D

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I never said there weren't any cities. I even remember mentioning the -Cky's running from a town/city area.

Posts: 0
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It's on page 148 (for me, anyway).

The "certainly not city scale" led me to believe there aren't metropolin cities in Sonic's world.

Posts: 0
New Member


Is this from an episode in the series or just for the promo? Also, any theories as to what TMS could of been planning with it?

It is from the English Promo, shown to channels in US for them buying the Sonic X license. This comes as an extra on the Sonic X Hi-Spec DVD.

The English narotor over the video segment is calling the emerald shards: "The mysterious crystal rainbow-stones."

And this entire video-segment is what then later became the first opening. But ofcourse it's a full version.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Blinks* So I say that the place that we see isn't city sized. That doesn't suggest that there AREN'T cities, just that the one we saw was kind of too small to be a city.

Posts: 0
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Ah, my mistake then.

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

You know how Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes all take place on Earth? Perhaps the planet that Sonic X starts on is Mobius! This would make even more sense, due to the Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure adaptation that will take place later on.

Didn't know if anyone thought of that yet, but... Just thought I'd let you know.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That's how I like to look at it, but the logic is flawed once you realise that Mobius doesn't exist in Japan. It was always Earth there.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


That's how I like to look at it, but the logic is flawed once you realise that Mobius doesn't exist in Japan. It was always Earth there.

True, but the art house that did some of the animation also worked on SatAM. As such, there seem to be a couple refernces/nods to the old American series, such as the characters coming from another world (Mobius), the power Rings (Where does Tails get them?!), and a family member named Chuck.

Another hypothesis is that they knew that Sonic X would be distributed internationally, and saying that Sonic and Pals were from an unknown world means that Sonic X pretty much fits into any other previously existing Continuity. Heck, it even fits into Sonic Underground or Sonic OVA.

Lastly, although it seems counter intuitive, there have been cities in the 16 bit games. Just look at the backgrounds of Chemical Plant, Casino Night, and Starlight Zone (I think). I doubt those were all built by Robotnik. We just have never gotten up close enough to see the citizens and workers.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

The true reason for the different planet as explained by someone involved (I think Naka himself) was simply to leave a bit of room for creative liberties.

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I like the idea that pretty much all past Sonic continuities very loosely fit into Sonic X in some way or another. People who grew up with Archie, the OVA, SatAM, AoSTH, or just the games can go into Sonic X and it fits in pretty well. Just imagine Sonic was warped to another planet from whatever planet the previous took place on.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Plus, I thought it was implied in the series that Sonic's world is from an echo universe. So it's still "Earth", but just an alternate one.

Just like the games you can call it whatever you wish.

I prefer the terms "Sonic's World" and "Chris' World"

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

It stated to be an echo universe yes.

I don't think it really works with AOSTH, SU, or SATAM. Why? Eggman does not even have a minor resemblance to the Botnik of those cartoons. I don't really follow archie to know his personality there. I know next to nothing about the OVA character's personalities either.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Remember, the Robotnik's are all directly modeled off of Eggman's original design, which was updated to his SA look.

As for Archie, Robotnik and Eggman are different people, Eggman is from an alternate reality I believe. The OVA is an exact copy of his original classic design, personality is much like current Eggman.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member


I don't think it really works with AOSTH, SU, or SATAM. Why? Eggman does not even have a minor resemblance to the Botnik of those cartoons.

Physically, yes. That much is definitely true, but you must remember that in cartoons, style isn't really part of continuity. Daffy Duck looks entirely different, depending on which of the original animators that drew him, but it was always the same character.

Personality wise, there are certainly a few inconsistencies, but there is nothing that really "contradicts" any of the universes. I mean, for all we know, Eggman's henchbots could just be upgraded versions of Scratch and Grounder. There's no reason why SatAM Robotnik, after being ousted from Robotropolis (since Sonic X doesn't open there) couldn't discover the chaos emeralds and harness Chaos Control. Does this mean that these happened? No. But the open ended approach which backstory keeps all of the other Sonic Cartoons a possibility.

Craig is also quite right when he says that Eggman OVA and Eggman Sonic X have very similar personalities. Indeed, they both seem to have a slightly comical edge, and often find their relationship with Sonic precariously between playful competition and homicidal rage.

Posts: 72
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i have known this for a while. But this is a Sonic X beta picture isn't it?

Posts: 72
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How do I delete one of the post that I did? I don't know how to sorry.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

YOU don't, you wait for US to do the job. Posting more isn't reccomended, either, as that's just more work for us to do. Plus the whole "no double-posting" rule.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

By saying you want to delete a post, and allowing time for a mod to come in and take care of it for ya.

Yes, that's a "beta" shots of the Sonic-Chris lovefest meeting.

Edit: Couldn't you have waited a tad, Shadow? I'm TRYING to be helpful here, you lout. 🙂

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Anyone know if that picture appeared in the pilot episode which the majority of the opening clips come from?

Posts: 30
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Topic starter

The TMS site appears to have removed Sonic X. I think it's doubtful a second series is in the pipeline, and I am now doubtful of that old news' source :/

Hopefully, news will turn up of a second series though.

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