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Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

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Lumina. Illumina is Void and Lumina combined.

Posts: 1195
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This Cosmos character sounds very interesting and quite a little cutie, too. Tempt to draw her (it?) as soon as I see an official coloring of that thing.

As for the Chris issue, well, if they plan to keep him, could they at least not let him hog so much of the spotlight?
~Neo Yi

Posts: 1037
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If the Lumina-lookalike is named Cosmo, will the Void-lookalike be named Wanda? :b

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These look good thusfar and who's to say that 56 won't be concidered, Teen Chris isn't exactly the sharpest tack in the box and even though he was trying to safely induce Chaos Controll (without the whole ending the world thing happening) who's to say that time won't be an important factor in the comming episodes?

EDIT: My mistake, according to the ep summeries, Chris seems to have regressed from Teen to his child form when going to Sonic's world.

And Luimana looks cute for a NiGHTs lookilike.

As long as they introduce Metal in the next series (And Seara-chan woudln't hurt ehter, PLEASE SEGA?!) I would be estatic.

Anyway. If it goes Like how sonic x 1 went, at least 5 eps will be spent dealing with New world (Presonaly, I bet Shuffle will be incorperated with it) then we get to the Game adapations (Heros, def and maybe Advance 3 (Robotnik's Copy Ginizoid) and hopefuly some other sorces (OVA...)

Posts: 5772
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If the Lumina-lookalike is named Cosmo, will the Void-lookalike be named Wanda?

**scrambles your fairies DEAD**

Posts: 1044
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In the new season I would like to see the almighty Death Egg! I don't care how I just want to see it! I know I'm old school, but how could you have a Sega Sonic cartoon without some history of Sonic's first battles.

Posts: 72
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Maybe there will be a Sonic Shuffle saga or episode? Or maybe not. I don't know.

Posts: 4885
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Well the Death Egg is moore or less ARK, so it's been done in a sense, whereas the whole Metal Sonic, Little Planet is still open.

Come on, Sonic and Amy are a couple now, FLASHBACK TO THEIR FIRST MEETING! For heavens sake *Twitch*

Posts: 33
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I wonder what 4kids would call the Death Egg..

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BIG thankies to Vlad the Vampire for posting the link to the pics Solly posted on SonicOnline board. Ive been wating for new pics to emerge!!


sheesh... it looks like the Backgrounds will be even better than the ones in the OVA [which I think were much more high quality that X season01's backgrounds]

anyone notice Shadow in the background pics? I wonder why they stuck him on those sketches?

and Cosmo looks like some leaf fairy thing. Very cute! ^^

And whos the new girl?? I had heard that a new human would be in the 2nd series, guess that rumour was true after all!

As for Chris being young again, I guess CC somehow changes him to child size [like what happens to Goku in DB GT]

HOW did these pics come about anyway? from a friend at TMS?

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

anyone notice Shadow in the background pics? I wonder why they stuck him on those sketches?

~Neo Yi

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Now that you mention it.. I saw him, too!
But then again, the script on manaita's page talked about Rouge making a discovery in Eggman's base which hints towards Heroes.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Now that you mention it.. I saw him, too!
But then again, the script on manaita's page talked about Rouge making a discovery in Eggman's base which hints towards Heroes.

*curls up and cries*
~Neo Yi

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Bah, I defy you and say "this'd be great assuming they figure out how to give him some kind of motivation in life and a revival story that doesn't suck"! TAKE THAT!

*is utterly killed*

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

NO! I REFUSE! I still dislike Shadow! *wears the Dislike Shadow Shirt* I SHALL DISLIKE HIM FOREVER!
~Neo Yi

Posts: 1044
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I really loved Shadow in SA2B, but I think he should have remained dead. He be one of those characters you really love, but should stay dead. Everyone probally knew that Sega Sonic would have found someway to bring him back (even if it isn't explained). I know they will also find someway of bringing the dark hedgehog back from the dead in Sonic X. Hey it's only logical.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

If Shadow does come back in Sonic X I hope they atleast give some reason how he survived, unlike in Heroes. Even if it was that he used Chaos Control to save his life, which would be expected. I'm already not a fan of cheap deaths but some reason is better than nothing.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I usually would care if someone was brought back to life IF there still was a purpose left. Shadow, to me, filled his purpose in SA2. I also don't like it when characters are brought back to life when they died for a good cause, a sacrifice and such. I mean, we get a dramatic and sad scene with certain characters who die for the greater good and BOOM, they're brought back like it didn't even matter. Talk about killing the emotion.
~Neo Yi

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

But I like Shadow. Of course it is kind of silly when they bring back characters fromthe dead for no good reason. What I really want to see is Nack! But I doubt they they'll have him. *sobs* Sega should bring him back as a rival for Rouge or do a flashback to early SegaSonic adventures and use him. I just want my favorite villain to return!

Posts: 33
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quote: I usually would care if someone was brought back to life IF there still was a purpose left. Shadow, to me, filled his purpose in SA2. I also don't like it when characters are brought back to life when they died for a good cause, a sacrifice and such. I mean, we get a dramatic and sad scene with certain characters who die for the greater good and BOOM, they're brought back like it didn't even matter. Talk about killing the emotion.
~Neo Yi

I guess you could say we're getting first-hand experience of how Amy felt in ep. 52.

Posts: 88
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How can they POSSIBLY bring him back?! We saw his ghost! I want that hedgehog DEAD, darnit!

Posts: 527
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Cloning, perhaps? That's the only possible reason I can think of at the moment.

Of course, I don't want Shadow to return either, as I already stated.

Posts: 209
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How can they POSSIBLY bring him back?!

The dragon balls.

Well maybe we might see that robot clone army in action or at least see a purpose for it.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

If the new season has a Sonic Heroes adaption they must explain what the game didn't. Anyway wasn't there an episode where Rouge confronts Shadow explaining that Shadow might not be the real deal, because of two ejected capsules? That might have something to do with it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

The second ejected capsule almost certainly contained Emerl, who was also on the ARK, according to Sonic Battle.

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I thought Sonic Battle had Shadow and Gerald (and Emerl) on Earth - because Gerald wasn't there during the ARK raid.

Posts: 120
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If the new season has a Sonic Heroes adaption they must explain what the game didn't. Anyway wasn't there an episode where Rouge confronts Shadow explaining that Shadow might not be the real deal, because of two ejected capsules? That might have something to do with it.

Agreed. At least we could get some answers to the "Heroes" Shadow's Idendity, if he is brought back.

Posts: 88
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But they wouldn't be game-canon answers, because Sonic X has huge differences between it and the games.

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With specific facts like that isn't the show usually faithful to the games?

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With specific facts like that isn't the show usually faithful to the games?

*shrugs* That depends. Shadow's death wasn't completely and utterly finalised in SA2. It was in Sonic X.

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How was Shadow's death any more finalized in Sonic X than SA2? o.o

Posts: 120
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I think you mean the scene that was cut from the dub, showing Shadow and Maria's ghosts holding hands in episode 50, "Morning of Farewells"

Posts: 4885
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Yeah. Ghosts activated ARK to shoot the Eclipse Cannon to give the stargate enough power to send Tails and Co home, the reason Chris was unable to create his Stargate good enough to get to Sonic's World is because he cannot generate that amount of power.

*Imagines him using the Emmet Brown method. LIGHTNING STRIKE, BABY!*

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I saw the japanese episode and do not recall... ANY of this.. O.o Grargle.

Posts: 88
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Am I allowed to post screenshots here?

If not, kill the post. Or me. Either way.

^ Shadow/Maria's ghosts.

^ ARK powering up the Stargate.

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Screenshots are very okay.


Posts: 439
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Can anybody tell me the name of the song that plays in episode 26 when Sonic goes into his super form, I really liked it.

And possibly where to download it from. ^_^;

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Can anybody tell me the name of the song that plays in episode 26 when Sonic goes into his super form, I really liked it.

And possibly where to download it from. ^_^;

It's Kotoba Ni Dekinai last time I checked. Tell me if I'm wrong. A few pages back in this topic, Sam manage to have that song (among others Sonic X music) as downloads. No clue if it still works now.
~Neo Yi

Posts: 8
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Someone wrote a letter to 4Kids on the Sonicanime forums I saw the other day, and actually got a decent response back, and CONFIRMING Sonic X to be continuing past episode 52 here in the states, which is good for those who like the dub (I perfer to watch the original, the Japanese version is supreme in comparison). I like what I'm seeing so far...but I wonder how this new series will play out. Since ol' Christer uses the Stargate (assuming he does) and becomes young again, I'm thinking the Stargate may actually be a fountain of youth/time machine...causing Chris to be jettisoned to a time when Sonic and the gang are still the ages Chris and co. last saw them. I feel sorry for Sonic already, having to deal with that kid again.:P

Posts: 88
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Kotoba Ni Dekinai is the episode 26 song. Episode 52 had Natsu no Hi (Amy/Sonic scenes) and Midori no Hibi (Chris/Sonic flashback thing). All of them are by Off Course.

(Elgueusard has the lot of them. ^_^)

And oh. Yay. 4KIDS are dubbing the next series. Bokkun makes me weep.

Posts: 2116
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My downloads're all still up.

Posts: 439
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Cool I got it, thanks Samanfur. ;)

I'm not familair with the Sonic X music after episode 39, as I have only seen up to that point in Japanese. So unless those other MP3's are instant classics, I can do wihtout.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Appologies for the off-topic post, but is that a Lacus Clyne avatar there? And if so, where did you get the pic, I've not seen anything like that before.

Posts: 439
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Yes it is Lacus, I'm a big Gundam SEED fan. :)

Though to be honest I really wouldn't know where I got this avatar from (and the set it came with), it was just something I stumbled across awhile ago. I have a whole set of them in similar art style, but this one was the best IMHO.

I guess I should use the full version, the other one was shortened for this other forum I post at which only allows 80 x 80... *fixes*

Here's one of Cagalli if you're interested:


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ok, I officially love you and want to father your children, whatever gender you may be ;p

Sorry, but Gundam SEED is one of my huge obsessions and it's so rare to stumble across a fellow fan.

I'll take this to PM as it's off-topic though.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

If they were bringing Heroes in the mix, then of course they would have to bring in Shadow. But has anybody else wondered about this: during the SA2 arc, when Rouge was telling Shadow about the "true" Project: Shadow, she mentioned that two pods were realeased. What if Eggman had gotten a hold of one of those pods and took it with him to his original world (or whatever...)? That could be an option, even though we still wouldn't know what's in the other pod, but it almost makes sense. After all, Heroes Shadow didn't have a darn clue who anybody was (including himself) and if he's been in that pod for the past +50 years, then maybe....shutting up....

Hey Craig, isn't it funny how they've repeated the same damn flashback of Sonic falling in Chris' pool and Chris saving him, and they won't show anything else practically?:jester I do agree with you, I'd wish we'd see a little more of Sonic and Amy's past, but I want to know more about Sonic's past in particular. (Like why he and Eggman are "playing a game"...yes, I'm still pissed about that....)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

The second pod probably contained Emerl.

Plus Sonic X makes no sense anyway, as it states that Shadow's memories are false, so technically there were no capsules at all.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

When are Shadow's memories stated to be "false?"

From my impression, they just aren't "real." That doesn't mean that remembered facts are untrue, though. They could be manufactured memories of mostly-true events.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

In the ep where Eggman gets Gerald's diary from the GUN computers, the Japanese translation shows Gerald on Earth typing about completing Project Shadow and how the memory manipulation is going well.

Note that there is lightning in the window which adds to the fact he is on Earth.

Thusly, if Shadow's memories are fake then he wasn't really shot out of ARK as he was never on ARK and if there was no capsule for Shadow, the other one doesn't count either.

This is why I ignore it and say "he was there, it did happen, other capsule contains Emerl"

Makes more sense.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Thusly, if Shadow's memories are fake then he wasn't really shot out of ARK as he was never on ARK and if there was no capsule for Shadow, the other one doesn't count either.

But as you said, Shadow's memories aren't "fake," they are merely manipulated. What I'm saying is that just because Shadow and Emerl weren't shot out of the ARK doesn't mean Someone and Emerl weren't shot out of the ARK. Shadow's "manipulated" memories could be based on those that belonged to "Someone." "Someone" could be an earlier prototype of Shadow, or somethign else entirely.

Also, think of this. Even if there weren't two pods fired, Shadow still thinks there were two pods fired. That memory had been placed in his head. If there were no pods, then why did Gerald place such an idea in Shadow's head?

Nothing in Shadow's memory can be "ignored" on the basis that they didn't actually happen to Shadow.

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