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Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

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Posts: 2116
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No time passed at all whilst anyone from the human world was in Narnia, so no matter how long you stayed, you always reverted in age when you left. I can't see that working in reverse, with Chris inexplicably regressing. Especially not with the whole business of Chris' and Sonic's worlds having linked timelines.

I still suspect that they're going to have Chris hit one of those "time warps" that suddenly started being talked about in ep 52, which is going to regress him back to being a kid.

(I know I'm referring to the dub in this post, but I'm not sure I trust the original not to make changes along those lines, since they were permitted in the dub.

Posts: 88
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I don't think Sonic Team vet the scripts every time 4KIDS do something... I know that wasn't the case for Pokemon.

Technically, there *is* a "time-warp", or at least, some sort of temporal anomaly thingy, because we know that time passes differently in each world.

The problem is if the new series is saying that six months in Sonic's world is six years in Chris's, because that buggers up what was said in #52, that one day/night in Chris's world was an entire week in Sonic's.

It's a blatant contradiction - by rights, if Chris is 18, and six years have passed in his world, 42 should have passed in Sonic's.

Posts: 308
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I made a similar calculation earlier in the topic. At least I wasn't off my rocker when I made it.:b [sarcasm]Isn't extracurricular mathmatical calculations fun?![/sarcasm]

Posts: 5772
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The simple answer? Chris' Stargate crosses space AND time. When he passes through, it returns him to a point in Sonic's time just shortly after he returned home instead of decades later. Side-effect being the age regression, something he certainly wasn't prepared for.

Yeah, it's not supposed to make sense. This is Sonic X after all. It's a cheat to get young Chris back. And if I'm wrong, let tiny Becca clones nibble at my ankles for all eternity.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

HOLY WATER! The only reason Chris is young is because of holy water! It makes perfect sense!

Or...the fountain of youth!

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"Planet Egg is a crystal of planet's life.
If a planet loses a planet egg, it loses the life force and will die."


It's turned into a season of Sailor Moon.

Posts: 88
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I'm thinking that Sonic X 2 is going to be a total parody of quite a few mainstream anime, then.

I just want to see Knuckles playing chess. That scene alone will be worth it.

Posts: 5772
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Others may disagree, but I like how the show doesn't take itself too seriously with its blatant spoofs of old-school anime and the way certain characters are sometimes cognizant of the audience.

Posts: 4885
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Heck yeah, I love things like that. It may be cheap laughs, but when Eggman breaks the forth wall I can't help but giggle.

The sad thing is, this enjoyment has caused me to sort of enjoy watching episodes of this card game thing on Toonami which takes the piss out of itself on so many levels it's unreal (almost like a fan-dub by people who can't speak Japanese, so just put random crap to go with the picture)

Sonic X was subtle about it though, and it did have it's moments. Monster of the Week was NOT one of them, but alas the dub decided to keep the 4th wall intact and all of the best jokes were replaced with random monolouge ;.;

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

but alas the dub decided to keep the 4th wall intact

Not all of the time.

"Kids, don't use Formula One racecars to chase hedgehogs!" for one thing.

Although, as I've already said: I prefer the 4th wall in place and was very relieved that the scene with Espio and the DVD player was removed from the dub.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member


The sad thing is, this enjoyment has caused me to sort of enjoy watching episodes of this card game thing on Toonami which takes the piss out of itself on so many levels it's unreal

I assume you mean Duel Masters, since that's the only card game show on Toonami.

Hell, I'm not even a fan of the show or the card game. I just watch it for it's 4th wall breaking and I just find the show hilarious at times. Truthfully, I barely even watched the show, and when I did that was only when there was nothing else on TV to watch and I was bored.

I don't think it comes on Toonami anymore, atleast in the US. Instead they've been showing rerun episodes of Teen Titans.

Posts: 456
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Although, as I've already said: I prefer the 4th wall in place and was very relieved that the scene with Espio and the DVD player was removed from the dub.


Posts: 4607
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Although it does have ties to Mega Man (specifically, the Battle Network variety), which is kinda neat...

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

How so? You've got me interested to find out why.

Posts: 4607
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MMBN5 has Duel Masters-themed battle chips in it.

Duel Masters has a Forte.EXE card, now.

Both are supposed to co-star in some film.

That help any?

Posts: 104
Estimable Member


How so?

If that was directed at me, I think it's bad because I don't mind fourth wall breaking, i really don't.But when the show does it so much, I can't take it.In short, I think the show is reeeeeeeeeeeally cheesy and is cashing in on the Yugioh craze.

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to Shadow Hog.

And thanks for the info, by the way, SH.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member


I explained in the UK dub thread at the time. I'll go and look for it when I get a moment or two; but this library closes in 15 minutes, so it might be tomorrow before I actually find it.

EDIT: Found it.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


HOLY WATER! The only reason Chris is young is because of holy water! It makes perfect sense!

Nah, that's more useful for tossing at random floors to break them open. It only costs, like, 50 hearts, too.

Posts: 880
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I've been thinking... You know how Cosmo was based off Sonic Shuffle right? Well what if Dark Oak is as well. Then it hit me. The boss in the Nature Zone.... So I took a screen....

I really do hope thats not him o.o

Posts: 94
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Hey, it could work XP...I mean, it happened in Digimon (and I would laugh if that tree started talking in a Godfather-ish tone :P).

Posts: 2354
Noble Member


"Planet Egg is a crystal of planet's life.
If a planet loses a planet egg, it loses the life force and will die."


It's turned into a season of Sailor Moon.

I thought those were "star seeds" that were inside people (sailors)? ** is shot **

Posts: 90
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Remember the picture of some new girl?

and now Maria...

Maria [from Team]

See a resemblence???

I do!

Posts: 88
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...uh? No. Sorry. That's kinda like saying that Satoshi and Masato from Pokemon look the same.

Posts: 5772
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At first glance my first thoughts were that she resembled the older Helen, mostly because of the ponytail. On second glance, the mystery girl's much more youthful than the older Helen we see in 52 (especially around the face), yet not quite as young as young Helen. And, of course, the fact that she's standing on her own two feet.

Until there's solid evidence to the contrary, I say consider this girl new to the series. Of course, that opens up a whole slew of new questions: If this new series takes place on and around Sonic's world, what's another human doing there? Does she even matter in the grand scheme of things? Is she a main character that shows up every other episode, a secondary character that surfaces maybe once every 6-7 epsisodes or a background character you see off-hand once on Chris' world and never again? And if so, why the need of a design sheet?

EDIT: At third glance, the only resemblance I see to link her to Maria is the headband and the possibility of their sharing the same age. Plus, as it would seem Shadow has been resurrected, why couldn't the same be said for Maria? Hmm...

Posts: 90
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# eyes,
# the hairband,
# the hair on her noggin [the bit above her eyes]

And yup, if shadow is back, its possible that so could Maria be brought back.

Perhaps its Sonic's Worlds version of her?

Posts: 308
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Does anybody have a premier date for this (Japanese or otherwise)? I really don't want to get my hopes up trying to guess what's going to happen.:insane

Posts: 880
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It's assumed to be in April. I don't think anything offical has been announced yet.

Posts: 72
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I found this website that has the names of episodes 53 to 61. Warning: May contain spoilers.

Posts: 18
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Enter Bomb and Heavy! Heavy vs Sonic!


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I didn't realise those names were considered "new" info, they've been on TVtome for quite a while, I had a similar reaction to Acrio when I saw the name of the latest ep we have a name for.

Bleeding rejects, what are they doing on our show? If they don't use Metal Sonic now there shall be no forgiveness!

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

To be honest, I've been half expecting Heavy and Bomb to pop up ever since the Chaotix did, since they debuted in the same game.

Posts: 4885
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Sarah, Mighty wants to give you a big hug, look up at you with his big round waterey eyes and ask why you'd expect the rejects, and not him.

Look at the poor guy, he's crying thanks to you!

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

Holy crap that's awesome. I wonder if they're in a new game or if it's just a cute acknowledgement from actual the Sonic fans working on the show (like the Flickies and classic animals appearing in the first series).

Posts: 78
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Aren't the episode numbers totally wrong on that site? @_@
I thought "Young Girl's Jungle Trap" was #58 and "Chaotix Goes to Space" was #59...
In fact from Manatia's info it should be like this;

EPISODE 53: A Messenger from Meteoric Shower
EPISODE 54: The Space Ship Blue Typhoon
EPISODE 55: The Water Planet, Hydoo
EPISODE 56: Eggman Enters into the War!
EPISODE 57: The Battle of Icepalace!
EPISODE 58: Young Girl's Jungle Trap
EPISODE 59: Chaotix Goes to Space
EPISODE 60: ???
EPISODE 61: ???
EPISODE 62: The Milestone of the Journey
EPISODE 63: ???
EPISODE 64: ???
EPISODE 65: ???
EPISODE 66: Cross the Galaxy Corridor!

So whether the Heavy and Bomb one is in fact #61 still needs to be confirmed, if you ask me.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ep 55 sounds fun. I'd love to see how Sonic handles himself on a water world. If it's half as entertaining as his reaction to being stuck on a cruise ship, I'll be very happy ^^

Posts: 88
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...I didn't even think of that. And considering Sonic's running himself off of spaceships because of Knuckles...

XD that's going to be brilliant!

Posts: 94
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You know, after reading about all this planet-hopping, it makes me wonder why Sonic Team hasn't tried that in the games 😛 (Little Planet doesn't count <_<; ).

Though, I suppose if it were to happen, we'd hear cries of "Ratchet & Clank ripoff!!!"....Still, sounds like an interesting gameplay me at least <.<;

Posts: 77
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Here you can see the Blue Typhoon on the storyboard of episode 69:

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Can I ask you something? Is Solly still in the process of collecting these things, or are they just being found around the 'Net? If that's so, who's selling these things, and why?

I can't help but feel that the ease (well) of collecting such rare items was made possible because TMS closed up shop on Sonic X back a few weeks before the final episode aired. Because of this, I still find myself doubting this new season will ever see the light of day. Seems like something an animation production company would hold onto until the show actually airs, rather than toss 'em up for auction long before the first airing. I'd chalk it up to a rogue screenwriter with extra copies pawning them off to a ready market of Sonic-philes, but then again--

Maybe something's rotten in Sumaru...

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought that it all seemed a bit odd that things were this easy. But I didn't want to spoil the proverbrial party by saying anything.

Posts: 77
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PSXPhile: Solly find some picture on japanese auctions. She also buy some things like storyboards and production sketches.

She also found these:

Posts: 16
Active Member

I can't see the images. it's too light

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I know what you two mean by this is all too convinient, but this art looks so real, I haven't a clue what type of fan of the show would be able to come up with all these. I'm still hopeful that it's all genuine. Us Sonic fans have a nack for getting ahold of things long before we're supposed to, like Chaotix's return, the CGI images from Heroes and the entire Sonic Advance 3 ROM!

It's not out of all possible imagination we'd get this stuff via leak aswell.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

I can't help but feel that the ease (well) of collecting such rare items was made possible because TMS closed up shop on Sonic X back a few weeks before the final episode aired. Because of this, I still find myself doubting this new season will ever see the light of day. Seems like something an animation production company would hold onto until the show actually airs, rather than toss 'em up for auction long before the first airing. I'd chalk it up to a rogue screenwriter with extra copies pawning them off to a ready market of Sonic-philes, but then again--

Maybe something's rotten in Sumaru...

MAYBE you're right. But what about this?

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

That's proof right there.It's real, folks.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


I know what you two mean by this is all too convinient, but this art looks so real, I haven't a clue what type of fan of the show would be able to come up with all these.

I'm not doubting the existence of these episodes, or whether the leaked items of interest are legit. I want them to be real as much as you are, and I'm convinced they are. What I'm doubting is whether or not we'll ever see them animated.


MAYBE you're right. But what about this?

It's only the same bit of info we've known for months now. What it means is that Jetix is banking on having another 26 episodes to air, as are we all. Gotta tell you, it's not doing much to alleviate my fears.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

It PROBABLY means that Jetix has acquired the rights to said episodes. I heard 4kids had as well (and I don't remember the source, and no, I don't know if it's valid). I doubt they bought episodes that do not exist.

Posts: 77
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Well, France will get the new episodes before Japan. On March 12th, they'll air 2 of them on JETIX France.
Solly will try to rip the trailer.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

WTF?:eek Why are they going to air the new season in France before Japan or the US?

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