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Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

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Posts: 1437
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Maybe they're pulling an Ultimate Muscle on us.

:: reads above sentence, cracks up::

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I know what you two mean by this is all too convinient, but this art looks so real, I haven't a clue what type of fan of the show would be able to come up with all these.

You misunderstand. We're posotive it's all real, we just don't know if how easy it's been to come by these means that it was scrapped, CANNED, given to LNR to rub over himself alluringly.


Well, France will get the new episodes before Japan. On March 12th, they'll air 2 of them on JETIX France.
Solly will try to rip the trailer.

Um nevermind. ^.^

Posts: 1195
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given to LNR to rub over himself alluringly.

WHY MUST YOU FILL MY HEAD WITH SUCH THOUGHTS!? I already have enough disturbing images in my brain as it is!

Posts: 4607
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To save us all some time, Solly posted this link which has the trailer on it, somewhere.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

The trailer is on the extras page.You click the thing that say something in french then 2 on it, then you go to the first link you see.

Why won't my comp run it?

Edit: Gah! It runs, but only plays audio...

Posts: 19
Active Member


Actually, we've been discussing it in the JPN topic, so could you be so kind as to post it in there? Thanks.

It may be true there were a discussion in this topic...
But all you were talking about is some japanese drawings coming from Yahoo Japanese Auctions ...
and some rumors about episodes passing in France...
nothing "real" then...

But there it is an OFFICIAL VIDEO I capture from a FRENCH CHANNEL and where they are speaking FRENCH.

That's why I opened it in a new topic...
this topic is for japanese things.

Posts: 110
Estimable Member

Plus there are screens 😀

AND there you have it, folks.

Also, SH's right. Even tho its in French, discussion remains here since we already also got US and UK.

BTW, Solly... could you by chance translate what the guy says in the preview?

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

The topic splits are based mainly on airings, not countries.

Japanese was the original topic from the instant stuff was posted on the net.
US was created for those that didn't want to be spoiled by the online episodes provided (which were discussed in the original topic).
UK was created as well for those that didn't want to be spoiled, but the UK got it after Japan & the US which is why a third topic was created.

All the topics have theories and stuff that isn't real as well as things that are real. This topic (Japanese) is where all the first stuff goes: theories or factual. The only other topic where theories or factual stuff could go in at the moment is the UK topic since they finished airing the first 52 episodes.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Actually, US topic came first, the UK got the show about 6 months later, however we show an episode a day and got through it far quicker, overtaking you in about September :p

*Watches the trailer with a sense of awe and wonder*

Ok, it's OFFICIAL now! No doubt about it :D

I'd like to know why Solly's site has it listed for 12th of March at 6pm on (The French) Jetix. Surely that's far too early..

You realise this means we'll be wanting fansubs ;)

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Forgive me for being very, very dense, but I still can't seem to find the trailer. Any chance of a more direct link? :-/

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

High quality (Video 640x480 / STEREO / XVID / 11,5 Mbytes):

Low Quality (Video 320x240 / STEREO / MPEG1-v2 / 2,1 Mbytes):

From the website:

"For english people : The Vocal on the trailer is not saying much only "advertise" ^_^i :
"Red Alert !! "What's Going on ?" The new Sonic Episodes are coming on Jetix, Sparkle Adventures, More Evil Powers than Ever, A Quest Always More Heroic, The new Sonic Episodes on Jetix starting from 12 March with 2 new episodes at 18h05. The Adventures of the SuperSonic Hedgehog it's on Jetix.

More Evil Power's' = I mean "Powerful Evil People" "
Full credit to Solly.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

*sets up download manager* 🙂

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

Very cool! The trailer have parts of episodes 53 and 54 and some from the 1st season. ^^ Episode 53 looks very well draw, but 54 is strange... I think this wasnt going to happen on this season... But I liked a lot Cosmos colors. Very cute. =)

And Sonic is using "Sonic Driver" on the last scene.

EDIT: Why the French topic was closed?

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

It was closed because we were discussing this same thing in this topic.

Anyway, I think that Cosmo's coloring is very good, but her lips look a little weird, IMO.

Posts: 88
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Blimey! So... when (if?) are Japan getting the episodes?

*wants Nobutoshi Kanna love*

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

So it's really real. The stuff being sold off was post-production. 🙂

If France and Jetix Europe're getting it first, I wonder if the UK'll get it fairly soon, too?

And on a totally different note:

Does anyone know where there's still an available, downloadable copy of the promo of the first season, which the Japanese opening credits took a lot of their shots from?

EDIT: Scratch that. Found one. For anyone else who wants it, it's at the bottom of this page.

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

I imagined that Cosmo would be flower-pink with only small bits of green here and there. It's good though, she looks less like Lumina this way.

Posts: 104
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EDIT: Scratch that. Found one. For anyone else who wants it, it's at the bottom of this page.

It doesnt respond on my computer!

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

EDIT: Oh, now I see what the problem was with Sam's link. Just copy the link and fix mee.ia to media and you're good to go.

Oh, thank GOD I can put my fears to rest. ^_^ And actually, although I too imagined Cosmo in Lumina-tastic coloring, I think green's an okay choice for an alien flower child. Perhaps her race vary in color schemes and won't all follow the same scheme, for that path leads to madness.

'sides, it's like the only part of the color wheel missing from the main cast's designs. Until Bean shows up, anyway. o.o

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


Actually, US topic came first

No it didn't. The US topic was created in August of 2003 when it first aired in the U.S. The Japanese topic was the original topic created once screenshots of Sonic X started appearing on the internet back in either December 2002 or January 2003. ;p

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ah, mis-understanding, gotcha. I thought you was referring to the US/UK ones, rather than the Japanese (as that one obviously came first, as this is the thread where we first heard about Sonic X, long before the first ep aired)

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Well, that was the Osaka Hobby Fair movie, but still no shots of Cream and Knux riding in a car or any of the other opening stuff. I know that someone (Solly?) mentioned where those shots came from and had it for download at some point, but I'm trying to find accommodation for a new job at the moment, so I haven't got time to dissect this thread fully.

Can anyone remember what I'm describing or help me find it, or is my memory playing tricks?

*goes back to trawling lettings agents*

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I know the video you mean (the pilot ep), alas I've not seen a working download for it in a looooong time. Only time I did find it there were no seeders for the torrent.

This is the movie which has Sonic smashing up the tower and all the highway robots, Rouge and Knuckles talking on a road, Decoe and Becoe looking very very odd and each character getting a pose with lighted background, ending with the imfamous "Super Sonic" shot.

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

I've seen the video before, and I'll try to remember where.

When I find it, I'll let you know.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

I remember it being available for download; but it was whilst I was still at university in Birmingham, so I couldn't download it myself, since I hadn't got anything big enough to transfer it to my own PC.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'll get my detective hat on and have a search for you when I get home :)

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

*watches trailer*


I'm intriuged. I like the look of this. A lot. Looks like I'm interested in SX again. Of course, I also got interested in Series 1, and found {IMO, of course...} the only truly good ep to be the first.

*hasn't been keeping up to date at all since SX debuted in the UK* ...Is Chris gonna be in it? >.>

Posts: 104
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Yes. And he's a kid again.<<;

Posts: 1355
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Posts: 880
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I've got that pilot you're talking about and may upload it. It's about 83 MB tho o.O;

Posts: 9
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I'm really not sure if this question's been asked before, but this is something that I'm really curious about.

Does anybody know what the differences are between the Hi-Spec Edition and Regular Edition versions of the Japanese Sonic X Official DVD's?

I know that the Hi-Spec Editions have the special features, option for 5.2 Dolby-Digital Surround Sound, and the likes.

Thank you in advance. ^ ^

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Rouge and Knuckles talking on a road

I've got the pilot too , and I don't recall that particular scene. Was there a different version of the pilot floating about, and if so, was it the one that also shows Rouge and Shadow overlooking a city in chaos on some non-descript rooftop? I've been looking for a good quality version of that scene for some time now.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sadly I've only seen screenshots of the promo/pilot so didn't know wether that was there or not, but I do remember seeing images of that exchange somewhere before, I assumed as it's similar to the shot of Shadow sitting on a building looking bored from the intro that it was also in the pilot. I guess I be wrong x.x

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

No, that's the one i have and suspect Dr. L has too. The Knuckles and Rouge thing is new to me, though.

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I think that whoever mentioned it meant Rouge and Shadow talking on a road ;P

Other interesting Beta stuff that never appeared was Shadow atop that technological looking tower and what looked like a very technological base.

Anyway, wow, glad to see my post refuses to die thanks now to the extension of Sonic X! I am certainly looking forward to the new episodes, hoping that there will be a japanese version as well since I am quite used to their respective voices and hearing Sonic and co. in french will just be a bit too...weird!

I sort of see this new series as a mixture of Sonic X, Dragonball GT and even Outlaw Star now with the inclusion of space vessels! I half expected the Blue Typhoon to have grappler arms ;P

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Realises his mistake and goes completely red*

...I did mean Shadow and Rouge x.x

*Whimpers and hides under a table, hiding from his ditziness of saying the completely wrong name* x.x

Posts: 72
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I found some scetches of some of the characters that I didin't see before really. There's even the Cosmo's tribe scetch too. Yay! They even have a scetch of the animal friends too! *hugs*

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Interesting. Vanilla seems to play a more important role, and from the picture of her and Sonic, a recreation of Sonic Advance 2's ending might make it's way into the anime.

and, is it me, or does E-3000's art look nothing like the rest of it?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


I found some scetches of some of the characters that I didin't see before really.

You and everyone else who visited Dub's Art topic in Knothole since yesterday.


Interesting. Vanilla seems to play a more important role, and from the picture of her and Sonic, a recreation of Sonic Advance 2's ending might make it's way into the anime.


Those sheets regarding already introduced characters are for the first season, they don't reflect what will happen in the new episodes. That includes the Sonic Advance 2 "rips", which are likely design sheets supplied to TMS by Uekawa.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ah, I assumed they were new stuff because of E3000 and Cosmo's tribe being featured.

I didn't overly care about Sonic X until the Sonic Adventure adaptions aired, so I missed the original art.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

So did most people I'd imagine. I know I haven't seen these before until yesterday. But it's reasonable to assume that Vanilla/Charmy/Espio/Vector design sheets are for the first season, that's when they were introduced.


Solly's been warned about making certain pieces of pre-production art available on her webspace. I hope Adamis realizes this, though I don't know if it applies to him as of yet.

Posts: 5
Active Member

i wanted to kill them for cpoying the SA2 story into SonicX.

As if dying once wasnt good enough,threy introduced Shadow to Sonic X and killed him off again!! *pissed*

those people dont spare a thought for huge Shadow fans.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

In all honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Shadow DOES come back in the new Sonic X, so don't start crying yet, kiddo. Frankly, for me, I would care less (well, I might groan a lot) since I don't even like Shadow to begin with.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Wait, the E-3000 art is from the batch of designs for the original series? Man, have I missed something...o_o;

Either way, that's a pretty sweet design, and calls to mind the Zakus from various Gundam series :p

Posts: 880
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It says Sonic #68 in the corner. I don't think the E-3000s were for the original series. 😛

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

those people dont spare a thought for huge Shadow fans.

Yeah. How dare they give Shadow a noble and moving death instead of keeping him around and making him a useless lump?

But He almost certainly is returning so... Yay [/sarcasm].

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Wait, the E-3000 art is from the batch of designs for the original series?


Those sheets regarding already introduced characters are for the first season

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

*jaw-drops* Ok hold on. So this new season is for real now. See what happens when you purposely don't come to a topic for like a year, The Element of Surprise and Not having a clue about what's going on. :p Atleast now I have something to look in to. As for that site Sam posted...sweet goodness. It has like every intro and closing. Too bad I don't have Quicktime.

Posts: 77
Trusted Member


Solly's been warned about making certain pieces of pre-production art available on her webspace. I hope Adamis realizes this, though I don't know if it applies to him as of yet.

Well, I don't know either.
I've bought 220 copies of Sonic X arts (the Chaotix/Vanilla/animals and more) to Solly, so there might not be any problem with it.
I don't know for the E-3000 and Cosmo's sisters. If they must be removed, I'll do.
I've only uploaded them to keep them somewhere...

Posts: 90
Trusted Member

#1: Cosmo.
I would guess that cosmo's family will appear in flashbacks during the series. Maybe they arent dead and pop up
towards the end of the series. [4Kids will prolly changed them "dieing" to being "lost in space" or something like that anyway.] For the finale, Cosmo will either join Sonics team full time or she will return home.

#2: Chris
perhaps another ending like ep51? or maybe he'll stay in sonics world ...FOR...EVER..*cackles like mad*

#3: Mettelex aka "that-really-big-scary-lookin-robot"
Possibly: SS and SKnuckles and STails [like the finale of S-Heroes] I;d also bet that Eggman will join forces with Sonic & CO do beat Mettelex. [Cant conquer a dead world now can he? No one to boss around and stuff ]

and if he DOES pop up...

#5: Shadow.
Spends most of the first half wandering about trying to regain his lost memories. Eggman might say: "Get me more chaos emeralds and I'll tell you what you want to know!" hence, of goes Shadow to nab the emeralds.

anyone else wanna cast some ideas??

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