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Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

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Posts: 880
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Oh, he kept the same voice? Heh... nevermind then. 😛

However... I must know... what did Chris say that made Sonic faint on the spot? XD

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Darn it! Without S0nicfreak I am lost. *Pouts and waits for fansubs wherever they may be found*


Watched both episodes. I wish they were in AVI so I could get screens, but here is the lowdown.

Spoilers (Select To Read)
Ok. So we have the set up, it's Dragonball GT. The series starts with Goku, I mean Sonic, battling a mech in space (no one knows how he got there, as everyone is impressed Tails has a space machine in the next ep), he scatters the emeralds across space and then falls (where he is revived by Eggman who saw him while jogging and lets him go without even TRYING to be evil).

Cosmo falls from space and is picked up by Amy, Tails and Cream, I cannot understand what's going on so wont try.

Stuff happens. Eventually we get to Angel Island where Knux is sleeping, a mech falls from space and starts burning everything to piss Knuckles off, he fights, all the characters suddenly appear with Tails in the X-Tornado (WTF?! Why the hell do they introduce HYPER TORNADO in the series finale only to invalidate it). They fight, they fight, a crystal with a galaxy inside appears, the mech takes it and it escapes. In the human world, Chris finishes his Stargate and instead of taking a day to say goodbye to his friends and family, he leaves them a note and goes to Narnia. Very selfish of him, if he thought they'd stop him they wouldn't have let him waste his life on the Stargate... anywho, he turns into a child, and the episode ends.

Episode 54, however I ADORE. It reknews my faith in the series.

I wont bother play by play spoiling, but here's what it includes:

Knuckles and Rouge dialouge. Knucklles flies after her, when he returns Sonic and co stole the emerald.
He rants and raves at the crew and is triple teamed by Team Jubilee (add Cosmo), and he is convinced to let them use the Master Emerald (which allows him to join the space adventures)
Sonic and Knuckles fight a mech in a really awesome way, teaming up and showing off their skills.
Chris and Tails build the space-ship together, in a way you'd expect from Tails and Chuck. Chris HAS grown up, that's important to remember, and if his character works to compliment Tails' (as Cosmo compliments the girls and Sonic and Knuckles work as a team) then I wont mind at all... I mean Chris isn't useless now.
Sonic is shot out of a cannon to kill the mech of the day.
Oh... and Chris saves Sonic from a big fall, flying his own plane, despite the fact he survived FALLING FROM SPACE in the previous ep.
All the girls do in this episode is move shopping bags
Eggman and co blast off to follow. and... umm... Rouge has a pink spaceship?

Problems with the series so far:

"I've got some bad news boys, it looks like you're in space"
Mechs are from space and have nothing to do with Eggman. They have odd designs.
Blue Typhoon has palm trees on the front... WHY?!?

Posts: 270
Reputable Member

Your opinion is to break the tables? o.o;

Posts: 880
Member Admin

Well I know I didn't get that upset when I saw Chris return that I had to go around and destroy every table in the house. 😛

Edit: Here's a collection of images from 53 and 54.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sorry, Shadow. My post got screwed. I was editting, took a while.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

"I've got some bad news boys, it looks like you're in space"

If only the Brothers Chaps knew how right they were.

In any case, excellent two episodes overall, nicely animated and everything, and I have to say I like Cosmo's character. I would, however, like more Eggman involvement, and it wouldn't hurt to see the human characters I actually liked.

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

I did it at the Moogle Cavern, so I thought I might as well go and do it here too. Full summary and translation of every single line said. I plan on doing it for 54 tomorrow.

Spoilers (Select To Read)

Sonic X Episode 53 : The Space Messenger
The episode starts in space, several stars suddenly show a yellow light. It's followed by what seems to be many spaceships. Out of nowhere, Super Sonic appears, he's exhausted and he seems to be hurt. Whatever Sonic said here, it has far from understandable. The screen scrolls up and reveals who Sonic is fighting, whoever that is. He pulls out a sword and he and Super Sonic both charge. BANG! Sonic is thrown away, even more exhausted.

Bad guy: It's useless to resist. Give me all the Chaos Emeralds now.

All 7 Chaos Emeralds come out and surround Super Sonic.

Super Sonic: CHAOS CONTROL!!

With that said, the emeralds light up and each one flies into a different direction in space! Sonic just spread the chaos emeralds all over space! The emeralds gone, Super Sonic loses all his power and falls back down on his planet. We get a shot at the bad guy, and we see that Super Sonic did at least hurt him a little. He laughs.

Bad guy: Anyway my chances of beating him were thing if I'd fight him alone. I send this message accross space, search the chaos emeralds that were spread and bring them to me. It's a priority mission.

Tons of red eyes shine behind this guy.

Bad guy: Heading to phase 2 of our strategy. May the advanced elements attack the planets previously designed and get their heart!

Bad guy leaves the area. Screen switches back to Super Sonic still falling at full speed and now returning to his normal Sonic state.

Camera shows a shot of the moon and scrolls down to reveal three characters. Amy, Cream and Tails are sitting there and watching the sky.

Cream: So do you see anything?
Tails: No, still nothing. We could see better if it was darker.
Amy: We should be able to see a falling stars show like it rarely happen. It will be very romantic to see all these meteorites in the sky!
Tails: According to what I heard on the news, we should see hundreds of stars falling in only a few seconds. Just like a firework!
Cream: I propose we play a game see who counts the most.
Amy: It's really sad that Sonic isn't here, it would have been even more romantic. Talking about it, I wonder where he is now.
Tails: He's probably having another adventure like he always does.
Cream: Amy, why don't you make a wish for Sonic and yourself when you will see the falling stars?
Amy: Yes, it's a very good idea.

Tails turns around to the girls

Tails: But I don't know this...
Cream: If you can repeat your wish 3 times before your chosen star disappear it will become true everyone knows that.
Amy: Yes, I remember. It's Chris who told us.
Tails: Really? I've got to admit they've got very surprising traditions in their world.
Cream: Yes, and I'd like to know what Chris and the others are doing during this time on Earth.

They all look up and see the first star to fall.

Girls: It's starting!

We get to see many more falling stars.

Cream: Look! It's wonderful!
Tails: There's so many coming from everywhere!

Suddenly, there's one to seems to be detached from the others, it's coming toward their direction!

Amy: Look at that one! It's weird!
Cream: I don't know if it's really a falling star it's gonna crash very close!

Whatever it is, they all have to crouch down to avoid it. It then crashes a little further. They all go see what happened.

Amy: Look! There's someone on the ground!

Indeed there is someone, it's Lumina! No actually, it's not. But it's a green character who does look like her to me. Big shot of the character who actually seems unconscious. Tails is the first to get there, followed by the girls. He picks the green one.

Tails: It's a girl, and she's alive.
Amy: We'll bring her at your place Cream, you live near from here. We got to help her quickly.
Cream: I'll go tell me immediately.

Cream leaves the place using her ears to fly up and cheese follows her.

Tails, in his mind: She's coming from somewhere in space, but where?

Tails looks up to see the falling stars show is still on. Final shot on the new girl's face and the scene changes.

In the background, the falling stars keep happening, and in front we have... a base, who's could it be? Inside we get to see Sonic who's apparently sleeping on a bed, so maybe it's his house?(No it's not) Sonic slowly wakes up and we see he still has the injury on his arm from the previous fight he had at the beginning. Then he goes into "HUH!?" mode. He turns around to see who rescued him...

Eggman: Ah, finally you're awake!
Sonic: Eggman!
Eggman: We found you by luck on the beach in a very bad state.

Flashback scene to how Eggman found Sonic, he's jogging with Bokkun! He then sees Sonic laying unconscious.

Eggman: I don't know who put in such a state, but I didn't want you to be found dead so close to my home. I hope you will appreciate this chivalry comportment who pushed me to save my most tenacious ennemy. Hahahahaha!
Bocoe: Yes, It's a gesture of kindness and humanity to save an ennemy.
Decoe: Yes, it's true. But it's surprising from doctor Eggman.
Bokkun, dropping with a tea cup: Could you tell who put you in such a state?
Sonic: No, sorry. I don't have time.

Sonic gets up and accidently spill the tea on Bokkun.

Sonic: Oh, really, I'm sorry. But I really have to go.

He speeds off and stops in front of Eggman.

Eggman: Ah, you're leaving?
Sonic: Yep! Thanks for everything!

Sonic speeds off again, this time leaving the place.

Decoe: Oh! It's very impolite to leave so fast!
Bocoe: Yea and he could have done something to thank us like inviting us to the restaurant!
Decoe: Yea!
Bokkun: Yea! Wait until we find you unconscious and you will see!
Decoe: Yes, we'll leave you and surely won't save you!
Bocoe: And us we could even finish you off!
Decoe: Yea, that's all you deserve!

As the robots keep complaining, the screen moves upward to reveal Rouge who's been watching the scene from above. She smiles, more likely she heard or saw something that caught her ineterest.

Back to Cream's house now, and the falling stars are still not over! How long will this last!? The green girl is laying in a bed. She seems to be dreaming of what happened before she got on this planet. She's running away from something. An explosion happens just in front of her! She sees a big weird red eyed thing whatever it is. From afar, a female voice is heard.

Female voice: Cosmo! Go away! Quickly!

Cosmo wakes up.

Tails: She's finally regaining her consciousness!
Vanilla: Watch it don't make too much efforts.
Amy: Yes, don't hurry, you fell from the sky and you crashed. Take time to rest.
Cream: It's true, explain to us on which planet you come from and where it is?
Amy: Let her breath!
Cream: Okay but at least tell us what's your name?
Cosmo: My name is...

She gasps and covers her mouth.

Cosmo: ...sorry.
Cream: What? You don't want to tell us what your name is?
Cosmo: That's not it. I must not talk to you.
Tails: What!?
Cosmo: It's true. From what I know there's someone by the name of Sonic who lives on this planet. And I came because I needed to see him immediately about an urgent thing.
Amy: Yes it's true that Sonic lives on this planet, but he's hard to find.
Cosmo: That's not good..
Amy: I'd like to know why he interests you so much!
Cosmo: Excuse me?
Amy: Yes because I warn you now before you get some wrong ideas I am Sonic's official girlfriend! So don't go near him or else...!
Cream: Stop it Amy, calm down, or you'll go nuts for nothing!
Tails: You've got much luck we're Sonic's friends.
Cosmo: Friends?
Tails: Of course, you can trust me, and I'm Tails.
Cream: I'm Cream and glad to meet you.
Amy: And I'm Amy, Sonic's promised ... when he will be decided.
Tails: Unfortunately for her, he's not in a hurry. I wonder what we could do to help you. .. Of course! You just have to stay with us and eventually he will come around.
Cosmo: Oh but it will be too late.
Tails: It's that urgent?

Cosmo lowers her head to reply in a yes.

Tails: Yea then it really is not good...

There's a loud boom heard outside and Tails, Amy and Cream face the window.

Cream: What was that?
Tails: I don't know but it's very worrying.

Behind them Cosmo tries to get up.

Vanilla: Oh wait you shouldn't get up this soon.

With the help of Cream's mom, Cosmo walks to the window.

A weird monster can be seen outside and it's identified by Cosmo, it's a...

Cosmo: They already sent a Metalex?

Screen switches to the Floating Island, then Knuckles laying down next to the Master Emerald. He sees the Metalex drop in the forest below.

Knuckles: I wonder what this steel monster is doing here.

Metalex: I was sent here to destroy. So I will destroy.

Red lasers come out from him and he attacks the forest destroying it!

Knuckles: He's crazy! What does he think he's doing!? It looks like he's trying to destroy the forest!

Knuckles decides to strike back, how he got down there so fast is beyond me..

Knuckles: Hey you up there! THAT'S ENOUGH!

Knuckles' attack fails, the Metalex fights back sending him flying far enough. Out of nowhere suddenly come some missiles, they were shot by... THE X-TORNADO!

Tails: Hey there Knuckles!
Knuckles: Hey! Do you know where this monster comes from?
Tails: No, I've got no idea!

Knuckles charges again the Metalex

Knuckles: Tails, cover me please! I will try to stop this monster!
Tails: Good.. we're going to fight, can you handle it?
Cosmo: Yes.

Tails gets the X-Tornado to shoot projectiles in the Metalex's direction. Below on the ground, Amy, Cream and Cheese witness the scene.

Cream: Oh it's terrible! The poor forest!
Amy: But who sent this robot do that!? ... I don't really appreciate that this unknown went in the X-Tornado, espcially since according to her earlier she knew that robot. I wonder who is this girl.

Knuckles is still fighting powerlessly and being thrown back. The shots from the X-Tornado don't even seem to leave a single scratch.

Tails: Our attacks do nothing!
Cosmo: Unfortunately, classical attacks do nothing on the Metalex's shielding.
Tails: And apparently you know these monsters well. Could you tell me about them?
Cosmo: Yes, if you want. They are creatures without pity who destroy planets and their inhabitants.
Tails: Ah...

It's about time it happens now, out of nowhere, Sonic spins attack and gets the robot to fall down!

Girls: That's much better!
Cheese: Yes!

Tails: Yes! Bravo Sonic!
Cosmo: Oooh Oooh...
Tails: Are you sure you're okay?
Cosmo: Yes... so it's him... the famous Sonic.

Now the robot got back up... Both him and Sonic are face to face.

Sonic: This time you have an opponent to talk to! Hehehehe


We move on to Earth, it seems to sunrise. I have no idea what this building is supposed to be, but Chris is inside talking to himself and doing what seems to be some research on his computer while eating a hamburger.

Chris: Wait a minute... I probably better change the variable concerning time.

When he does, some things on his screen changes to red.

Chris: Yes, that's better. I've got it! It wasn't so complicated after all!

Chris gets up and look at his stuff.

Chris: Thanks to my theory and my material I can go in Sonic's world! I used the past 6 years to work on this but it was worth it.

He turns and looks at a picture of him, Sonic, Tails and Amy from 6 years ago. Then, the wind pushes it off the desk and the glass it was in breaks.

Chris: Ah!

Chris runs to pick it up.

Chris: This isn't a good sign.

We now switch back to Sonic's world and apparently the fight is still going! From the X-Tornado, Tails throws a ring!

Tails: Catch Sonic!
Sonic: Got it!

He spins attack the robot but this time it barely moved and some weird things come out from his sides. Sonic avoids all the weird things. Switch to Knuckles who makes anotehr attempt to attack! But he's not as lucky and gets hit by those things whatever they are. He flies away and lands next to Sonic.

Knuckles: he doesn't even feel my hits...
Sonic: He's got a shielding quite phenomenal.
Knuckles: What's wrong?
Sonic: Nothing. Let's go!

From above, Cosmo watches Sonic running.

Cosmo: Yes, here's the hero who gathered all of the chaos emeralds.
Tails: Sonic isn't normal... I don't know what he has but he's usually faster than that!

The robot pulls his laser show around Sonic & Knuckles, but they're not hit. Tails with the X-Tornado attacks again uselessly.

Tails: It doesn't even hurt him, they have no chance of beating him like that.
Knuckles: Listen to me, use the chaos emeralds. I'll make a diversion and get his attention. Use this time to defeat it!
Sonic: That seems hard to me, I don't have the chaos emeralds anymore. They're all spread over space.
Knuckles: You're kidding now?
Sonic: I'm unfortunately not kidding, it's the sad reality. I was forced to send them in space. And now I don't know where they are.
Knuckles: If I get that right, at the moment we're speaking, there are no more chaos emeralds on this planet?
Sonic: No, not a single one.
Sonic: Yea, of course, only I didn't have much of a choice.

Sonic & Knuckles spoke so much that know the Metalex robot used this moment to attack them and throw them far away!

Amy: Oh no! Sonic!
Cream: Oh no! Poor them!
Amykal: Crouch down!

Something barely misses them and Cheese screams.

Girls: oooh..

When they look up there's a blue light coming from the ground in front of the robot.

Metalex: To make order and tranquility reign in space.

The ground is opening and Cosmo watches in horror.

Cosmo: No not that!

Everyone watches as the blue light blinds them. When the light leaves, all that remains is some kind of crater. Something comes out inside of a crystalized box.

Knuckles: What is that thing?
Cosmo: It's the planet's heart.
Tails: What do you mean the planet's heart?
Cosmo: he emprisoned it in a crystal.

We get shots of Sonic's planet, the plants especially, who seem to be dying.

Cosmo: The stars or the planets who lose their heart, are deprived from their vital energy and die.

As Sonic & co. watch in terror, the robot makes his good byes.

Metalex: My collection is enriched I can leave.

Sonic: NO! WAIT!

Sonic attempts one last spin attack at the robot but it just throws him down to the ground.

Knuckles: I'm coming Sonic!

Knuckles runs and he jumps in order to catch Sonic just before he hits the ground. The girls arrive on the place.

Amy: Sonic! Are you hurt?
Tails: I won't let you go away!

The Metalex makes his way for space and Tails with the X-Tornado
attempts to catch up to him. But in vain.

Tails: No it's useless this was not conceived to fly into space.

He then turns to Cosmo who has those crazy anime spiral eyes.

Tails: Hey, you don't look well!
Cosmo: Uh? What? Yes I'm okay don't worry.
Tails: You scared me. We only have to join the others now...
Cosmo: Say, can you open this please?
Tails: What?
Cosmo: Yes, it was open earlier and you closed it later.
Tails: I can but if I open it there will be much air and it's not comfortable.
Cosmo: oh please!
Tails: Oh well okay if you really insist.

He opens the cockpit.

Tails: Is it okay like that? OH! .. HEY!

As he said that, Tails spotted Cosmo jumping off the X-Tornado!

On the ground, the others are discussing.

Knuckles: You seem to have been quite shocked in a recent battle. Who could have put you in such a state?
Amy: It's true what he says, you're hurt?
Sonic: Ah, don't worry, that really is nothing. (that refers to his arm injury)

They all then spot Cosmo is dropping slowly from the sky.

Cosmo: Hello everybody, I'm Cosmo! And from what I heard, you're Sonic.
Sonic: That's me, yes.
Cosmo: It's wonderful to meet you, you are the only hero who can control the chaos emeralds! So I beg you to save the universe from the danger it's being menaced of.
Sonic: But how?

Tails who's still flying in the X-Tornado takes a look at the Master Emerald and he can clearly see it shining. Then out of nowhere Tails is back on the ground and runs to Sonic & Knuckles.

Tails: Sonic! Knuckles! The Master Emerald! It started to shine!
Knuckles: That, is not normal!

Now we have a shot of the shining Master Emerald, and we can hear Chris' voice: "I beg you to forgive me for leaving without telling you, ..." before he continues, the screen switches back to the Earth World and it shows a letter on a desk who later moves to Chris standing in front of the machine that sent Sonic & co. back to their world in the previous season. Then it continues: "...this experiment could have an unforseen danger and I know you would have dissuaded me from trying it. Which is why I decided to act without waiting your advice. But don't worry, I promise you that I will come back someday. Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Danny, Francis, Helen, I love you all from the bottom of my heart. See you soon, Christopher Thorndyke." Chris stands in front of the light, and it absorbs him and disappears, leaving an empty room.

Back in Sonic's world, the Master Emerald is still shining and everyone stands in front of it. In order, Cheese, Cream, Cosmo, Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Tails. A shadow suddenly appears inside of the Master Emerald.

?????: Sonic!
Everyone: Oh! But that's Chris!
Chris: I did it! I did it! I joined Sonic's world and the others! Sonic!

As he gets inside the world, Chris falls to his knees and it's then that he realizes... his clothes just became way too big for him! And it seems to freak him out. And is it just me, or we can hear him crying before the episode ends?

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

I watched both episodes and liked so much. ^^ The battles are much beter than the ones in the first season. In ep 54, just some (4, I counted) scenes arent so good draw. But theyre fast. But what is the best thing on this new series, Chris and Cream are more useful than before. Chris isnt the same from the first season. =P

Posts: 419
Honorable Member

As if it didnt have enough Dragonball similarities before, now its finally official - Sonic X Season 3 (?) has become Dragonball GT.

Spoilers (Select To Read)
A quest to find Chaos Emeralds/Dragonballs in deep space
Chris returns from adulthood only to get turned into a child upon entry.

Now all we need is Cosmo to randomly utter GIRUGIRUGIRU every couple of minutes and we've got a full-on rip. 🙂

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

"And Super Tails with the Mega Flickies *is* canon?!"

Why ask that? I don't think I said anything to suggest I did think Super Tails and the 'Mega Flickies' were canon...

Anyway, I never hated Chris myself, per se, admittedly though I was reasonably irked by some of his screen hogging, and am pleased to hear he may be more useful this time around.

Oh, and SonKnux, mammoth effort!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I thank you so very very much for the translation, it makes sense out of things and so far I am not seeing anything I don't like. Nice start to the series, though I'll have to wait for world hopping before making a decision, plus I wanna know what role Eggman plays...

Posts: 1437
Noble Member
Spoilers (Select To Read)
Chris: Wait a minute... I probably better change the variable concerning time.

And that's all the explanation we're likely to get.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

The time thing is still confusing. It's already been stated in the show that Sonic's timeline moves at a faster clip than Chris'. Yet there are still people claiming the reverse is true-- why? Because Chris ages down when he uses the gate.

Because that's the simplest answer, and we all know the simplest answer is more often than not the right one. But since it contradicts what happened previously in the show, it drives me batty. Further episodes may shed more light on this dilemma and I'll await them with bated breath.

But for now-- Courage.

Damn, I'm such a paradox whore.

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

I did it for episode 53 yesterday, so now you can all enjoy it for episode 54! Summary with translation of every single lines said can be found here!

Spoilers (Select To Read)Sonic X54: The Typhoon Take-off
The episode begins where it left off in episode 53, so I will not bother retranslating Chris' letter as it was already translated before. In fact, the whole bit before the title screen appears is the end of episode 53.

Chris is still freaked out at the fact his clothes suddenly became way too big for him.

Chris: What happened?! I don't understand anything it looks like my body shrank!
Tails: Chris! Glad to see you!
Chris: Me too..
Cream: Hello Chris how are you?
Amy: How did you get here, eh?
Chris: It's wonderful.
Knuckles: It's a nice surprise you're doing to us. So, tell us.

Now don't ask me to translate when everybody speaks at the same time, it's totally incomprehensible. But they basicly all ask him to tell how the heck he got there.

Cosmo: Do you know him?
Sonic: It's an old friend.
Chris: Ah, it's really wonderful.
Sonic: So, feeling well Chris?
Chris: Yea I'm fine and you? I finally managed to get in your world. And I did it alone.
Sonic: I knew you'd be able to do it.
Chris: Anyway you really haven't changed. None of you have. You're like before.
Sonic: Apparently, you too haven't changed, but explain me this, why are you wearing clothes way too big for you?
Chris: But they were of my size!

For an unexplainable reason, Sonic suddenly gasps and faints.

Chris: Uh? Sonic?
All: Oh no!
Chris: What's wrong?!
Knuckles: Sonic!
Amy: Oh I beg you Sonic wake up!
Tails: Not too bad, he only lost his consciousness.
Knuckles: Yea, he wasn't himself I felt it.
Chris: But none of you know what happened?

The scene changes, it's day time and we're now at Cream's house where Sonic is laying in a bed. Vanilla takes care of him.

Vanilla: Definitely it's the day of sick and hurt people...

Scene changes to Chris watching himself in a mirror.

Scene changes again to probably what is the living room, Knuckles, Amy, Chris, Tails and Cosmo are there talking to each other.

Cosmo makes a speech, and during this speech there's scenes showing what she says.

Cosmo: This sinister you robot that you saw is a Metalex. Numerous planets have already been victims to these robots without pity. Their goal is to put the whole universe under their control using violence to unify it under their domination. Many planets of the galaxy have already fallen in their power since a few years. They steal the heart of the planets, puts them in a crystal, and add them to their collection. I have no idea of what they're searching bu doing this, but I know that a high number of planets have already disappeared. And all the planets that suffers this fate see all trace of life disappear before they disappear too.

Amy: It could happen here?
Cosmo: Hm Hm.
Knuckles: I completely understand your explainations but who are you really?
Cosmo: Who? Me?
Knuckles: Yea, therefore isn't it you who sent this Metalex here at the same time as you?
Cosmo: Oh no! Surely not! I surely have absolutely nothing to do with these terrible robots who have no heart! I can swear that I'm not on their side!
Knuckles: I trust nobody!
Chris: HEY! That's not nice!
Cosmo: And that's why I wanted to see Sonic, the wonderful hero who can control the power of the chaos emeralds. He will be able to oppose them. All the population of my planet was killed by these Metalex. I don't want someone else to go through the terrible things I've been through.


Scene changes now and Chris, Tails and Amy are in what seems to be the hallway, Amy standing in the stairs. Chris is closing the doors and turns to them.

Chris: It's really horrible what Cosmo just told us.
Amy: Yes and we've got to admit you got here just in time it's recomforting to see you here.
Tails: Anyway it's wonderful to have made up your machine to work in only six months and alone.
Chris: What are you saying!? In 6 months it really is normal that you haven't changed...
Amy: If it can make you happy, you haven't changed either.
Chris: In our world, it's been 6 years in reality and today I'm 18 years old.
Amy&Tails: WHAT!?
Chris: Yes, I'm 18.
Tails: You heard that Amy? He's 18 years old!
Amy: He's kinda small for his age.
Chris: That's what I told you! I grew up but I suddenly shrank! I assume something unexpected happened in the teleportation.
Tails: If you made a mistake you got to correct this quickly.
Chris: Don't worry about this it's a little late now but I'll find a solution.
Amy: Chris, you're talking like Sonic.

They all head upstair into the room which Sonic is supposed to be resting but, as Amy opens the door.

Amy: Uh? Where'd he go!?
Tails: He's gone.
Chris: This way! Yea!
Amy: He dared leaving while we were curing him!
Tails: It's incredible as soon as he feels better he gotta go. He's unable to stay still a moment.
Chris: He hasn't changed if I get that right.

Scene switches to Sonic running outside, at full speed. He goes through a bunch of trees and then runs up to the top of a mountain. He looks to what I assume was their fighting spot in the previous episode.

Sonic: Hmm.. There's no more wind. It stopped.

Scene changes to Knuckles standing in front of the Master Emerald, he's talking to himself.

Knuckles: Chris appeared here. Everybody saw him. I'd like to understand why.

Then, coming from nowhere, Rouge is there.

Rouge: What are you doing here?
Knuckles: Oh, you again.
Rouge: Yes, it's me. It's true that the Chaos Emeralds are unavailable?
Knuckles: Yes, Sonic told me that he spread them all over space. Admit that it's weird. First there's this Metalex that attacks us, and then there's Chris appearing. Two unexpected events but that must have a signification.

As Knuckles is ranting, Rouge just left without saying a single word and Knuckles turns around to notice.

Knuckles: Hey! Where are you?! Yea! Bravo! That's really like you! You grab info from others with your charms and disappear when you want! IT SUCKS!!! I won't tell you anything anymore!

The scene changes back to Cream's house, Vanilla and Chris are there. She hands him a shirt which is exactly the same as the one he wore before.

Vanilla: Here Chris, I did it from memory. You will see I'm sure it will fit you well.
Chris: Thank you very much, thank you. (In his mind): It's for the kids what she made me there...

Scene changes to outside the house. Cream and Cheese are playing together, laughing, and Cosmo looks up.

Cosmo: There's a beautiful sky today.
Cream: It would make us all happy if you found our planet nice enough for you Cosmo.
Cheese: Yes!
Cosmo: Yes. (In her mind): I must protect this planet, the Metalex have no rights to attack it. And even less to attack its inhabitants. (Out loud): I don't want to see the Metalex do ravages to the planets of the universe anymore.
Cream: Cosmo! There's no need to worry Sonic is here to protect us.
Cosmo: Oh yes but I remind you that he doesn't have the chaos emeralds anymore to help him.

Out of nowhere, Sonic arrives on place.

Sonic: Then it's simple, we'll have to find them back quickly.
Cosmo: Why were you gone?
Sonic: Sorry, but since I'm the one responsible for the loss of the Chaos Emeralds, it's also my duty to find them back.

There's a quickflashback to the beginning of episode 53, however this time instead of saying "CHAOS CONTROL!" to spread the Chaos Emeralds, he screams "CHAOS EMERALDS!".

Sonic: It's tiresome when we think we're in security.

Amy, Chris and Tails come out of the house just in time to hear Sonic's last line.

Tails: So in summary, you let yourself get surprised by your last opponent.
Sonic: A little, but it,s the first time that someone resists me while I have Super Sonic's powers.
Cosmo: Listen to me Sonic. Some people of my kind searched space to find the way to fight and defeat the Metalex. But they were all deceived. It's for all these poor innocent victims I decided to come talk to you. You must do something!
Sonic: Don't worry. We'll retreive the Chaos Emeralds to start off and then we'll defeat the Metalex and save the menaced planets! Do you agree?
Amy: You bring us with you? It's wonderful! Us too will participate to the search of the Chaos Emeralds!
Cream: Oh yes everyone agrees to live new adventures!
Cheese: Oh yes yes yes yes yes!
Tails: We need a spaceship!
Chris: You can count on me! It's not a chance if fate sent me here now!
Sonic: Then if everybody is okay with this, to us the far away space!


Chris and Tails can be seen in shadow form in the far back of a room. The others can't be seen but they're there too.

Chris: But if we start to build a spaceship now, it will take us months!
Tails: Have a little patience. TADA!

Tails pulls a switch to light up the room and there indeed is something that could be looking like a spaceship!

Amy: It's incredible!
Tails: It's a modern combat ship that I built named the typhoon in order to push back Eggman if he attacked us. It had been done to fly on our planet like a normal plane but we only need to add more power to its reactors to go in space. Only....
Chris: Only what?
Tails: I was counting on using a Chaos Emerald to give it energy we don't have anymore today.
Chris: Hm... I know what could help us!

Scene changes back to Knuckles in the forest, he seems to be looking for someone.

Knuckles: AH this can't be true... She's never there when we need her.

As he turns around, he spots something that really does NOT make him happy.

Knuckles: WHAT!? The Master Emerald disappeared!

The scene changes back to Sonic, Tails and Chris who are putting up the Master Emerald on the spaceship.

Tails: There. All seems perfect.
Chris: With this we should have enough energy to accomplish a fly accross space.

Knuckles arrives on place in a hurry and stops in front of the girls.

Knuckles: Hey hey hey! Just a minute! WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS!
Sonic: Hey, how are you Knuckles? We borrowed the Master Emerald for the ship.
Knuckles: And who told you that I'd be okay with this?
Amy: We're all leaving to go in space.
Knuckles: OH! What for?
Cosmo: We must absolutely retreive the Chaos Emeralds if we want to succeed in defeating the Metalex.
Cream: Yes, and if we want to succeed we will need you and the Master Emerald and its energy. You should be happy to join us all!
Knuckles: No, I'm not happy at all! And you're going to give me back this emerald you hear me?
Cream: Now then Knuckles it really saddens me to hear you say that!
Cosmo: Especially in such a perilous period for the universe!
Amy: You're just an egoist! You won't keep the emerald just for you, you could lend it a little! (She's holding her hammer to make herself look more dangerous)
Knuckles: Calm down... calm down...

The girls all jump on him and he calls Sonic to get some help.

Sonic: You should know that you must not refuse anything to the girls Knuckles, it's very dangerous.

Scene change, everyone is shown working on the spaceship.

Tails: And all we'll need is to transfer all of the energy to the entire ship you understand the principle now Sonic?

Scene change, Sonic & Knuckles bring tons of material for the ship.

Scene change, Tails and Chris are at the front of the ship.

Tails: Chris, I'm sorry to get you into this mission as you just got here.
Chris: Oh no, don't excuse yourself, to the contrary, I'm really happy to go with you and this time at least I know I can be useful to you. I manipulate the computer much better than before and it will allow me to participate to research and experiments.
Tails: It reminds me of Chuck when I see you work with me.
Chris: Anyway since we work on this spaceship I suggest we add every possible weapons in order to make grandpa jealous if he ever finds out.
Tails: Yes, good idea.

Several areas of the ship are seen on a computer screen before the scene changes to something else. Meanwhile, in space, there's this weird thing, which I assume as another Metalex, who says:

Metalex: They must not go in space. Putting an end to the construction of this spaceship now.

With that said, he goes down on Sonic's planet.


Amy and Cream are bringing tons of bags full of food.

Amy: Tails said that he would load the water himself by pumping it. He clearly told us to only bother with the food.
Cream: Really?
Amy: Yes.
Cream: So we won't much longer anymore. Especially since Tails and Chris are working at full speed.

As they talk, the two girls suddenly spot Cosmo sitting on a tree log. They go to her.

Cream: Say Cosmo, can we ask you to help us?

With that, Cream puts her bags on the ground.

Cosmo: Oh yes of course. I'll take this.

She gets up and tries to pick up all of Cream's bags.

Cream: Watch it, it's heavy.
Cosmo: It's nothing, I'll be fine.

But she's not fine at all and falls rolling down the hill they were on and spilling the content of the bags all around.

Cream: Oh... poor her...
Cosmo: Oh... I'm sorry...
Cream: That's nothing.
Amy: You did not hurt yourself at least?
Cosmo: No, I'm okay.

Above them there's the robot flying and Cosmo spots it.

Cosmo: Oh no, what is this now?
Girls: Oooooh!!

As they watch it lands so hard it's as if there had just big explosion. Cosmo finally gets up and the three girls in the direction of the robot.

Cosmo: Oh I don't like this...

Scene changes to the robot and we see why it made such a big boom, it didn't land it actually crashed, but it quickly gets up and ready to fire. I'm just gonna assume it's another Metalex.

Metalex: For the safety of order and tranquility. I will eliminate the unconscious who are trying to resist.

he fires and stupidly misses his target by far...

Metalex: Shot failed. Correction of 0.28 on the right.

Before it can shoot again though, Sonic arrives at full speed and gets it to fall down with Knuckles help it gets buried in the ground. However, he quickly get back on his feet pulling out a sword at the same time. He attacks and both Sonic and Knuckles jump to avoid it. The sword cuts a tree down.

Knuckles: I'm having the impression that he will resist to classical attacks.
Sonic: Yes, I know. We'll just need to improvise a little.
Metalex: You will not trouble order and tranquility! I won't let you leave this planet!

From afar and inside the spaceship, Chris and Tails are watching the battle.

Chris: Did you see? It's a Metalex!
Tails: He seems to be aiming for our ship!
Chris: It's worrying... Can you check everything?

Tails heads up to the main computer and checks everything.

Tails: The @#%$, the instruments and diverse circuits are practically finished. There are details left to fix in electronic circuits but we can do it once in the air.
Chris: Lets go then?
Tails: Yes!

The scene changes to Amy talking to Tails on some kind of watch. It reminds me of Penny when she talks to her dog in Inspector Gadget...

Amy: Ah you're already ready?
Tails: Yes, we'll put the ship under tension in order to take off we gotta warn Knuckles. And we're sorry to push you.

Amy closes down the little watch box.

Amy: Yes and I don't like this. Cream, go tell Knuckles to immediately go to the spaceship! You, Cosmo, come with me. We continue to bring the food on board.
Cosmo: So we're already going to take off?
Amy: It looks like Tails and Chris changed their plan. They will put the reactor under tension and take off right away.

This news apparently puts Cosmo and Cream under a shock of surprise! now we head back to Sonic & Knuckles still battling the Metalex. For the second time, the Metalex chops down a tree trying to attack Sonic who dodges everything to then land on a tree branch.

Sonic: Missed! Too slow!

It flies up and tries to attack with lasers, but Knuckles stops it by attacking from behind and giving it some punches. He jumps up on the same tree next to Sonic.

Knuckles: Come on big guy, what are you waiting for?

From holes forming a triangle on the metalex's stomach, come out a good bunch of missiles.

Sonic: Watch out Knuckles!

The metalex shoots but Sonic and Knuckles manage to avoid all of the missiles that were shot. However they were not the main target, the spaceship was!

Tails: Establishing contact! ... Whoaaaaaa!!!

And Sonic notices so he runs and spins attack in order to destroy the one missile that was about to hit them.

Sonic: It's not simple missiles that are going to get us!

The Metalex reappears and this time instead of missiles it shoots lasers. But he stupidly misses whatever he was targetting... Knuckles is running in circle around it.

Knuckles: You, you're too tall and you're way too heavy! tatatatatatatata eyop! tatatata

Eventually, running in circle made the ground unstable and the Metalex fell into a very well circled hole in the ground.

Knuckles: See? Told you!

In the air, Cream arrives on place. Yes, Cream is flying again! Twice in two episodes!

Cream: Hey! Knuckles! Go to the ship immediately! Tails wants to take off once we're all there!
Knuckles: Already!?

The Metalex gets out of his hole and is about to hit Cream but Sonic gets back on the place just in time to save her.

Sonic: Go Knuckles! I take care of him!

On the ship, Amy and Cosmo finally arrive with the food, totally exhausted.

Amy: There, everything is here. We will put all the food in the reserve.
Cosmo: Yes, okay.

Cosmo falls down on her back with her heavy bag.

Amy: I don't know what you would do if you were alone.

The scene switches to the cockpit with Tails and Chris testing everything.

Tails: All circuits functional. We will see if the commands respond to the orders. Here we go!
Chris: Connection established with energy source!

The scene changes again, this time to Knuckles in the room of where the Master Emerald is.

Knuckles: The seven chaos emeralds are there to be used. Their power is reinforced by the purity of the heart. The controller of the chaos is governed by the Master Emerald!

Back to Chris, and he pulls a lever.

Chris: Here we go!
Chris: The reactor functions normally.

The scene changes to Cream who's getting back at her house. Her mom is doing some knitting.

Cream: Mom.
Vanilla: Huh?
Cream: Say mom can I stay a little with Tails and the others?
Vanilla: You want to live an adventure again? Yes you can go dear but then be very careful.
Cream: It's promised.

Cream hugs her mom. The scene then gets back to the battlefield with Sonic and the Metalex. Neither of 'em seem to be having the upper hand. But most of Sonic's attacks are being blocked.

Sonic: What's Tails doing?!

The ground is starting to shake as the ship is about to take off, both Sonic and the Metalex look in this direction.

Tails: I'm raising the power. Everything seems to work. Yes, it's good!

The ship takes off from below the ground.

Metalex: It will not take off!

Obviously you guessed it, it's now attempting to attack the spaceship with his missiles.

Sonic: Oh no!

Sonic super speeds and spins attack all of the missiles to destroy them and he lands on the ship.

Sonic: There's no way I will let him damage this nice looking spaceship!

Inside, Knukles is still talking to the Master Emerald.

Knuckles: Powerful Master Emerald, give me the needed power please!

Back in another room of the ship we have Chris checking things up.

Chris: Level raising regularly. 70, 80, 90, and 100! Maximum energy ready to be used!
Tails: Sonic, we're going to use the main canon get ready. ... Master Emerald energy connected to main canon!
Chris: Energy ring set in place! Maximum pressurization! It's your turn Sonic!

Sonic runs inside the canon and jumps on a platform. He then spins attack in place and there seems to be bolts of energy surrounding him. In the reserve, Amy just finished placing the food and Cosmo and Cream are sitting down.

Amy: There.
Chris: Watch out everybody! Hang on tight!

Instead of hanging on, Amy just falls to sit down with the two other girls and seems to be quite exhausted. In front of the ship, the Metalex seems to be ready to shoot some more missiles.

Tails: Shot security removed. Searching target. There!

The metalex shoots all of his missiles at once.

Chris, Knuckles and Tails: Aim well Sonic! Don't miss him!

Coming out from the spaceship's main coming is Sonic who has just been shot like a canon ball! In his track, all of the missiles are being destroyed and when he hits the Metalex, he goes right through it getting it to explode! Sonic is still flying up but he's no longer in canon ball mode! The spaceship takes off for real, finally. Out of it comes Chris with the X-Tornado! Wait... no! It's not the X-Tornado it's ... THE TORNADO 2!

Chris: Don't worry Sonic! Sonic!
Sonic: It's Chris!
Chris: Giiiiiive me your haaaaaaand!

They both grab hands.

Chris: There we go! I got Sonic back!

With that done, they head back on the spaceship.

Tails: Bravo! Good job! Now bring him back! Main canon back in! Energy back to maximum! Setting additional wings. Spaceship ready to fly! Yes! Lets go!

In the reserve, Amy gets up.

Amy: Come to the command post!

The two other girls get up and follow her.

Cream: When I think that we're leaving for space... It will be wonderful to see our planet there at the bottom.
Sonic: Hehehe... (He scratches himself behind his ear and finds something) Uh? What's that? And since when do I have it in my spines?

The scene switches to Eggman's base. It's about time since the episode is almost over now.

Decoe: Oh, bad news, it looks like Sonic found the mini micro-transmitter.
Eggman: Hahahaha we had put it on his head when we found him unconsciouss and cured him. Go! We've waited long enough! You're all ready to take off?
Bocoe: We're ready. Attention... fire!
Bokkun: Lets go and this time we will win!
Eggman: What?! You're not allowed to say that! I'm the one who says that! You hear me?

Behind the two spaceships, there's a third one. Who's in there? Rouge!


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Thanks again for the translation, again, Chris sounds alot more mature and seems to be taking Chuck's role as Tails' partner.

By the way, that Metalex Sonic was fighting in space, with the two sashes trailing behind him. Does he remind you of another big blue mech who fights Sonic and has two sashes hanging off his back?

I really do hope that he will become our beloved bot-baddy. For he needs love!

Posts: 880
Member Admin

I think thats Dark Oak.. whom gave Super Sonic trouble in the beginning of ep 53. I can't wait to get the back story on these new villains. Who created them... ect. And I don't know who you're referring to Craig...

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

I assume Craig was talking about Metal Overlord, the battle bewteen Team Sonic and Metal Sonic.

Would I love to see Metal make an appearance in this new series for a Sonic CD or Heroes adaption. Even if for an original plot, as long as he appears and battles Sonic in an intense fight or race, a la Sonic CD.

Posts: 28
Eminent Member


Does he remind you of another big blue mech who fights Sonic and has two sashes hanging off his back?

Metal Sonic didn't have two sashes like Dark Oak does. I thought Metal wore a waist cape instead...

Posts: 880
Member Admin

Ep 55 was great XD

They're these pirahnas that talk in this hilarious voice that I could NOT take them seriously for a second. They reminded me of an old TMNT episode called 'Raphael Meets His Match' where these swamp like creatures communicated through weird bizzare sounds. 😛

Oh and Amy was good too. XD

I'd make screens if I knew how. Using a digital camera just isn't that efficient for me.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Wait, we're on 55 already?!


Posts: 880
Member Admin

1 a day Craigles... til 64 I believe.

55 was a little more trickier to get o.o;

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Ah, I see...

For some reason the torrent isn't working for me, which is a shame.

Still, AVI files are good for screencaps.

*Waits until he gets home from work before downloading*

Posts: 880
Member Admin

You have to unfortunately sign up... thats the only way I could get it... (hence the trickyness)

And if you have bitspirit, you can get just the file you want instead of everything else that comes with it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Oh, as for screenshots. I'll easily be able to get them with the AVI files. I'll see what I can do 🙂

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

That's fine, saves me the trouble. Plus, I got to go to work now. o.o

Posts: 880
Member Admin

May I ask what you use to get the screens?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

BS Player.

When I downloaded a bunch of OGM files I was told that was the only decent player to open them with, apparently it takes screens aswell, which is a plus.

Posts: 148
Estimable Member

Hmm. I'm liking the new eppies, so far. ^^ The characters' roles seem a bit more balanced, and Sonic's not quite as much of a powerplayer. XD I, too, wanna see what role Eggy plays in all of this, however. o.o And it's at least somewhat likely that the Metalex army has its origins in good ol' Metal Sonic, which would explain why he was absent from the first season. =p

Oh, and as for the fish people in ep 55...


Posts: 90
Trusted Member

It took over 2 hours to download EP53 from Elgueusard yesterday [muchos thanks to all involved with uploading the new episodes!] but it was worth it! [im on dial-up *sniff*]

I found the episode to be both good and bad [in places]
Since the bads are less I'll start with them.

# The OPN theme is the same one as what we get here in the UK with 1-52. at LEAST include clips from 53-78, what they did was just plain lazy. [Bet the UK will get the same old OPN again :( ]
# Decoe sounds like Miss Piggy from the muppets! (o.O);
# Some voices were a, though I'm most used to the English voices, so that prolly explains that 😛

and now the good parts! :)

# The "metalex" music is damn impressive.
# Sonic VS Dark Oak is awesome! [sonic's VA is very impressive here! I LOVE Dark Oaks voice too!]
# Its nice to see Cream getting some decent screen time! And... she fliiiies! ^ ^
# Amy getting PO'ed at Cosmo when she mentions Sonic.
# The animation was very good.

# The "egg" or planets "heart" looked like one of the chaos emeralds as they were drawn in the old MD games!

# Now, people from the UK will know or may [I'd say if your in your 20's or maybe your parents will know] what Im about to refer to. The puffing noise Eggman makes when he's jogging sounds like "Ivor the engine" XD

# Dark Oak resembles Shark Blast from Transformers Energon!!!

Overall a good start to the new series/saga. And I had thought that we would get to see flashbacks of Cosmo's past, and wadda ya know we did!

Cosmo comes across as a fragile and scared little girl, and considering what shes gone through [going by info and summaries from Manaita's site] its understandable. Hopefully she'll open up a bit as the episodes go further on.

And as for the "DBGT ripp-off" that Ive read some people moaning about, lots of other shows ahev nicked plotline ideas from other shows. This doesnt come as a suprise to me, and it doesnt bother me one bit. besides... Ive only seen a few clips and the odd episodes of DBGT anyway so I wont notice any further blatent plot-rips! 😛

next on my hit-list: episode 54! *is downloading it as we speak!*

as for those piranha things mentioned earlier... they remind me of Sharkacons from the original Transformer show from the 80's!

and yup, that baddy that SS was fighting @ the begining of EP53 is Dark Oak [according to mana's summary from a whule back.]

Posts: 28
Eminent Member

You know, I really wonder what will happen at the end of this "Metal X" saga. Since Super Sonic barely damaged Dark Oak and losing against him...

Didn't Manaita mention on her page that there are other leaders of Metal X, besides Dark Oak? If they're just as powerful as him, how is Super Sonic going to defeat them all?

I'd bet my money on these ending scenarios:

a. Since we'll see Shadow in ep 60, maybe he'll team up with Sonic to defeat Metal X.
b. In ep 54, Sonic is shot out of the Blue Typhoon to destroy one of MX's mechas. Maybe he'll destroy the leaders using this, only except when Super?
c. (most likely, IMO) Sonic goes Hyper, destroying MX with ease.

That's what I think, anyway.

Posts: 4885
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Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Posts: 1437
Noble Member
Spoilers (Select To Read)
Don't jump to conclusions. She was apparently "consoling" him because she feels sorry that he got tricked by Eggman AGAIN.

I want a translation of that scene. Can anybody help?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Don't jump to conclusions.

Can I skip to an ambigious inference? o.o

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

By all means.

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Don't worry guys, as soon as I get the episodes downloaded and watched, I'll get over to the translation once more! However, from now on, it might take a while before I do it since spring break is over for me and now it's back to College time...

But have no fear, translation will come ASAP!

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

I loving this new season! ^-^

I just want to request if somebody who downloaded the RMs, make a torrent for them... o Elguesards site it is impossible to download! ><

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Hm, really starting to look intriguing now oo

Wait...something's familiar...

Boy with spiky hair travels to different worlds with emerald bases, accompanied by cartoon characters...heck, get Chris a keyblade and he's all set XP

Okay, ookay, so I'm dwelling too much on it...

Btw, where's some nice screens of this Dark Oak guy? I'm dying to see what makes him so bad@$$-ish oo;

Posts: 880
Member Admin

I'll get better ones later.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Woo! Thanks to SonKnux's translation of ep 54, and Solly's srt file of 55, I've now seen the first 3 episodes with translated dialouge and am enjoying the heck out of it.

For the sake of not spoiling myself for when tomorrow (or the day after)'s srt is released, I've opted not to watch 56. So *Avoids this topic until he's seen that subbed*

PS: 55 has a quote I adore and a quote I hate.

^__^ @ Tails: "Hey, this ship is under my command!" (Regarding Amy shouting "FULL SPEED!" on the deck of the Typhoon.

-___- @ Chris: "I'm not a child anymore, they can't mother me, I shall do whatever I want!"

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

It's like God looked down and decided to destroy all humans! (Except for Chris. :( ) So this season is obviously better.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

What about Eggman! He's a human too! Eggman needs more love than the brat.

*Remembers that none of the robot of the week's are made by Eggman anymore*

...Well... maybe the series will have a twist saying that Eggman made the Metallex army...



Posts: 880
Member Admin

Indeed. It makes you wonder what they're gonna do for 78. Kill off Chris? Unlikely. That would cap it off leaving any chance of continuation very difficult. Kill off Cosmo? Maybe... She seems to be one of those characters that only serve for plot advancement... then discarded. o.o Of course its possible no one dies or anything.

And since we know Shadow will be in this series, I think it'd be safe to say that he won't have any guns with him. 😛

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

On the plus side, if Shadow did have his guns, we'd be safe in the knowledge that 4Kids couldn't touch the second series :D

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

Because 4Kids would never dream of licensing a show and then editting out the guns.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

But it's HOPE dang it. I've read Going Postal aswell and know HOPE shall destroy humanity, but it's still good!

I mean it's not like they'll buy it and then change the gun into a walkie talkey, or Shadow's fingers... or replace the gun noise with a laser noi...

*Hope dies*


Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Artie's going to start capping the episodes again once he's got his hands on some eps. Coincidently, why is it you're stuck using a digital camera Lighthead? I know you said you can't take caps with your comp... I wonder if maybe you have that problem where there's a blank space where the picture should be?

You know you can just lower Hardware Acceleration for Media Player to be able to get a picture with Prt Scrn, right?

Posts: 0
New Member Guest


What about Eggman! He's a human too! Eggman needs more love than the brat.

We've had this discussion before. He's an anthropomorphic human.

Posts: 110
Estimable Member

Those screens aren't from me. Same with the vid clip. I just figured on mirroring it for convenience.

And yea, I do get the problem. So just lowering the hardware acceleration makes it work... didn't think of that. I knew I've gotten it work before... could just never figure out how 😛

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Wha!! I just spent the whole day since I got back from College translating and summarizing and once I get here... I find out someone has already gone through the trouble... And from those quotes I read, my and her translations are much alike... oh well, guess it can't be helped... at least I'll use this thing some place else...

SonKnuck was beaten to the finish line! (No I am not considering this a competition... I'm just kidding here apparently some people didn't get it)

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