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Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

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Posts: 4885
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Don't feel bad, Sonknux. You still beat everyone to the finishing post on 54 about 2/3 days earlier.

Posts: 110
Estimable Member

From ep 55....

Friction! Normal force on an incline! Looks like Chris has studied physics a bit 😛

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Again, the fact he was making a Stargate, and had schematics for new frictionless shoes and such. Why the heck were Chris' family and friends suprised he jumped into the portal, and why did Chris assume they'd try to stop him. He's been practically wearing a sign saying "GOING TO GO TO SONIC'S WORLD!" for 6 years.

Posts: 15
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Maybe they didn't want to :p . I mean if bugger is like that to sonic makes you wonder what he is like when Sonic isn't around for such a long time. Scary.

Posts: 7
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From Episode 58:

And it looks like this time, the Sonic Spin was hand drawn.

Today's episode was SWEEEET! Just for the grinding part. And the animation was at the quality of the Super Sonic episodes (except ep. 53)

And for the Tails fans: He flew using his tails today. (even though it was for 0.4 second)

Posts: 270
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I swear, it looks like how Mick McMahon drew Sonic. Ew.

Posts: 7
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His quills weren't drawn like the whole episode. Only while he was grinding. Animated, it looks pretty cool.

Posts: 171
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his quills look like how they did in Sonic Advance 2&3 when he ran at top speed.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


I swear, it looks like how Mick McMahon drew Sonic. Ew.


Anyway, that scene is loads better when animated, with the camera swiveling around Sonic as he grinds. So much so that the quirkiness of it can be easily forgiven. Shame it doesn't last for long.

Episode 58 focuses on the girly trio and their trial and tribulations trying to outwit a lowly Mettalex flunky of his booty, that particular planet's heart. Cheese goes postal on it after they fall into one too many of its traps (hence the name of the ep "Young Girls' Jungle Trap") and Amy gets to plant a few on Sonic.

Ah, good times.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Mick is one of Fleetway's artists who was... really... REALLY awful. Worse than anyone Archie has to offer.

Downloaded recent eps while I was sleeping, will check them on the weekend.

Posts: 72
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This will be a spoiler I just know it I guess. When I on Elgueusard's site, I pretty much knew that episode 60 is called The return of Shadow .

Posts: 15
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I guess I didn't see that one coming*rolls eyes*. Wonder how gang is going to handle it after the tearful goodbye last time.
Sonic: Didn't you go with Maria, shadow?
Shadow:We broke up and hey Wesker came back didn't he.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member
Poor Bokkun, Rouge is been mean to him. Oh yeah looks like Team Artail has some of the new episodes screenshots.:]

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 110
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Kinda like 39 in a way XD

The Vector and Vanilla thing tho scares me o.o

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I was going to uploade my own screens, then I see that Artie has two pages worth at Team Artail.

"And on the 7th episode, He rested. Never mind he did jack squat beforehand..."

Posts: 110
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Ah o.o

I really need to pay attention there more often...

Posts: 77
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I really had a good laugh at this moment of the episode :lol

Posts: 78
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That's seriously messed up...I mean I know Vector is one of the oldest animal characters (he's 20), but it just seems like such a random pairing o_O

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Looking at the screenshots at Team Artail I been wondering what the deal with Bokkun and the heart necklace that Rouge has?

Posts: 19
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SHADONIC : because Bokkun have a girlfriend and he doesn't want that the others know...
Rouge has steal this pendant she said there were a picture wich were showing Bokkun with *someone* ;)

Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Team Artail has shots of Ep60 up.

While it has Shadow in it, something strange also appears in it, in the form of an old video...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Shadow returns to life in order to save Chris.

My two most despised elements of the Sonic universe are conspiring to kill me. I'm sure of it!

(Ok... so Shadow saves Chris, acts badass and steals the Chaos Emerald for Eggman and Rouge... but he saved the brat!)

*Shamefully admits Shadow was kind of cool by only saying those 2 words the entire ep*

Posts: 72
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Episode 60 looks like to be a good episode with Shadow in it of course! Yay! As for the character in the picture, I don't know.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

About the character.

First off, THANK HEAVENS THEY'RE FINALLY CREATING ORIGINAL FURRY CHARACTERS! Cosmo was a start, but seeing that person makes me happy, I love the design, it's sort of like a lion, but blue and cool looking.

Chris and Cosmo were exploring a broken space colony, they activate a video of that person describing the Metalex threat and how they destroyed their planet so they were forced to live in space, but the Metalex still came after them, or something similar.

I'll rewatch later.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

The new furry doesn't look bad.
Today I started watching some of the episodes and the quality of the show seems to have improved a lot.
One thing that bugs me though is why the hell this is getting released in france first instead of japan.. not that it is a bad thing. :b

BTW, was Shadow revived by aliens like in Archie? Or did he just misteriously appear?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

My theory is that the Japanese television channel is alot more organised than "Jetix" styled channels.

Whereas Jetix have a show in a timeslot and repeat it endlessly until new episodes are obtained. That Japanese channel favours weekly airings of shows which are designed to fit a seasonal calender, wether it be the "one year timeslot" of the 52 episode first series, or the "26 episode" half a year.

Due to this, they would have to wait for an openning in the timeslots, apparently the end of the 1st quater, which is in April, would be the best time to start.

Posts: 19
Active Member

I also think that TMS sold Sonic X2 a lot more faster than the first time.
Thailand is the proof ..
il looks they are also passing episodes everyday like on jetix France.

And France got nice ratings on Sonic X. I guess that's why france did not hesitated to buy the new serie "almost first". Well it looks like they did buy it before US anyway.

I guess the grey Lion is a Tezuka hommage.
The drawing style looks like Sonicish/Tezuka mix.
From Leo the Lion king.

In fact I wonder how Shadow have been able to wake up...
It looks like there were a link between Sonic/the Chaos Emerald/Master Emerald/and Shadow.

How Shadow alone were able to know what was happening ?

I guess Sonic did want to save Chris but since he was useless then he hoped from all of his heart to have the Chaos Emeralds, Master Emerald listened and then woke up Shadow.
After all as Cosmo says Sonic is the great hero who can control the Chaos Emeralds.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


That's seriously messed up...I mean I know Vector is one of the oldest animal characters (he's 20), but it just seems like such a random pairing o_O

While my French isn't perfect, I think it was a bit of self-delusion on Vector's part. Nothing really serious, especially from Vanilla's side. =P

Posts: 456
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They're not furries, just cartoon animals. =

Posts: 110
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Ep 60 was great. I wonder what that thing was that was able to manipulate surroudings. o.O

This series is so much better, IMO. Now there's a more definitive plot, Chris is more useful, original chars, and Tails fans should be pleased as he takes the role of commander of the Typhoon and not shoved off somewhere.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


I wonder what that thing was that was able to manipulate surroudings.

Going by the translation it was likely a Mettalex. It knew of the Chaos Emeralds and used the one it found to lure in Sonic's party.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

This series is so much better, IMO. Now there's a more definitive plot, Chris is more useful, original chars, and Tails fans should be pleased as he takes the role of commander of the Typhoon and not shoved off somewhere.

My thoughts exactly, Lighthead. This series is awesome.

It also helps that Sonic cannot destroy Metallex robots, so there's no "hold him off until Sonic arrives" attitude. I gotta wait for 57-59 to get subbed though, because I'm still at a loss to why Eggman and Rouge are following, and what's in Bokkun's locket.

Posts: 19
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Ep 57-58 subs will come soon =)
ep 59 might come monday/tuesday

Posts: 9
Active Member

I actually had this thought occur to me one night while busy at work.

Suppose Chris returns to his world and finds that 40 years have passed (or something to that effect), while Chris only ages perhaps 3-4 years.

So far, a few episodes into the series, at episoe 59, they showed Chuck, Nelson, and Linsey to look the same as we remember them from the first 52 episodes. Though this was just a thought on how the differences in time flow that each world has, and how Chris grew up to be 6 years older while only 6 months passed on Sonic's world.

Just a random thought.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

The problem is that time flows seven times faster in Sonic's world. So if six years pass in Chris's world, 42 years pass in Sonic's. If six months pass in Sonic's world, a little less than a month passes in Chris's.

This is confusing, because in that case, Chris should have arrived and met Sonic and friends in their fifties, right? Wrong. look at this quote from episode 53:

Chris: Wait a minute... I probably better change the variable concerning time.

This is apparently the explanation for why Chris arrived in the wrong time, and for why he was de-aged.

Posts: 9
Active Member

I see your point, but from what I read, Sonic and friends had aged only 6 months, while Chris had aged 6 years in Sonic X #52..

Then again, this is rather confusing..

Sorry about this..

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

Those episodes are really awesome. TMS did a really decent work this time (with scripts... #56 art is strange...:| ). Episodes #58 to #60 are the best yet!

#58: Team ROSE vs. King Ape! Very funny! Also loved the Soap Shoes!:^^
#59: Chaotix! Need to say more? :lol CHAOTIX @ LOL
#60: Awesome! I wasnt expecting theyre was going to use Sonic Heroes BGM :^^

I cant wait to get episode #61.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


I see your point, but from what I read, Sonic and friends had aged only 6 months, while Chris had aged 6 years in Sonic X #52..

Then again, this is rather confusing..

Sorry about this..

Yes, it is very confusing. But as I said, this is PROBABLY because Chris didn't just travel from his world to Sonic's. He also travelled backwards through time. This is apparently the time varible he mentioned. THIS is why only 6 months have passed in Sonic's world when it should have been 42 years. This is also presumably why he de-aged.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

See how you had to explain that concept twice?

That's why I mentioned earlier in this thread that this time thing is out of whack-- you really have to wrap your head around it to understand it. He didn't just go to Sonic's world, he went to Sonic's world 6 months after they returned to their world in episode 50. And it caused him to become 6 years younger (but possibly 6 months older than he was in Episode 51)... there's like two or three different concepts of space-time at work there it's bound to confuse just about anyone.

Posts: 78
Trusted Member

I thought it was quite simple, myself.
In Sonic's world, only six months have passed since Episode 52, but in Chris' world it's been six years, which is why Chris reverts to a 12-year old when he enters Sonic's world.
So it would seem that, roughly, a year in Chris' world is only a month in Sonic's.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

The dubbed episode 52 seems to explain it fairly stupidly.


Knuckles and Rouge argue that the time warp affect of travelling between two worlds (noted the fact that they arrived on Sonic's World as if no time had passed at all) would turn Sonic into an old man, this wasn't the case and thusly they have their playfight (100% different from the original dialouge, that said the whole "Here, Miss Rouge, a beautiful jewel for a beautiful woman" dialouge was silly)

So, there you have it. "Variable regarding time" and "TIME WARPS!"

That's all there is to it :p

Posts: 110
Estimable Member

Tails fans will love to see ep 62. Focused on him and Cosmo. 😀

Plus we get to see more Cosmo's parents/relatives in a flash back.

I'll comment later with subs o.o

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


So it would seem that, roughly, a year in Chris' world is only a month in Sonic's.

Ah, but subbed Episode 52 gives you a different impression, making it seem like Amy waited a week what for Sonic only amounted to a day. Hence, one week in Sonic's world = 1 day in Chris'.

Oh and Craig, the U.S. doesn't see #52 until next week at the earliest so I'll have to hold off on commenting about that 'till later. o.o

Also-- Episode 62's "Underground Secret" is a mass-production facility?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Odd... Every single one of those pods is empty, and yet for some reason I still see Shadow Clones floating inside them...

Posts: 13
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I'd be willing to bet that is what the Metalex have been doing to the world eggs. (Notice the clours within, look very much like the crystalized world eggs)

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He didn't just go to Sonic's world, he went to Sonic's world 6 months after they returned to their world in episode 50. And it caused him to become 6 years younger (but possibly 6 months older than he was in Episode 51)

You people torture yourselves. o.o

It's easier to just accept that Sonic Team (or whoever) sucks at explaining things in their stories. They'd never come up with something that complex.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


You people torture yourselves. o.o

You're shocked?


Odd... Every single one of those pods is empty, and yet for some reason I still see Shadow Clones floating inside them...


I'd be willing to bet that is what the Metalex have been doing to the world eggs. (Notice the clours within, look very much like the crystalized world eggs)


Look closely. They're Chaos Emeralds. At this time Cosmo goes into Exposition Mode and recalls how the ice planet's Mettalex used a real emerald to augment its power. My thinking (without knowing a lick of french) is that they're creating copies from that one emerald they found to strengthen their army.

Posts: 15
Active Member

And you got it right! =P They're all fake ones like the one found in the Blizzard Planet... Except for the middle one ^^;

Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Being the Frenchie I am, I confirm the rightness of this statement!

And yes, except for the middle one.

EDIT: I really need to take out that HTML sig out of there... -_-;

PS: 61 and 62 are on my count, I've sent 61 to Solly so she can subtitle them as soon as she can.

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