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Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

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Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Oi, oi. Calm down, ey?

You're only angry because it's Chris. I highly doubt Chuck will be making much of an appearance given his age in the next series (assuming this stuff is true), so Chris'd be slipping into Chuck's position rather than Tails.

And I remember you saying that having someone to parralel Tails was a good thing.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Parallel is OK, it's usurping I take a dislike to. Chris can usurp Chuck if he wants, but Tails is a mechanical genius and the viewers need to be reminded of this. Pipedreams, I know...


Posts: 2116
Noble Member

And I remember you saying that having someone to parralel Tails was a good thing.

Parallel and mentor, yes.

Outright usurp, no.

Thank you, DW. 🙂

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Right, but seeings as from episode 52 we can tell Chris is working for his dad's company and become a scientist like his uncle, it'd make more sense for him to be just like his grandfather in adulthood.

Anyways, I think now he's an adult we can at least give the kid another try, the point I was making about his scientist status isn't that he's adding a new and wonderful thing to the formula, we know that will NEVER happen, but he IS going to be more than a crybaby this time, he'll have at least a tiny bit of use.

None of us know how this is going to pan out, but I'd rather look at this with optimism rather than pessimism.

Posts: 308
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That's the spirit, Craig!;)

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he IS going to be more than a crybaby this time, he'll have at least a tiny bit of use.

Anyone who can send 4KIDS-dubbed Chaotix into space gets my vote.

Posts: 25
Eminent Member

Everybody is talking about the adult Chris... For me, if he is an adult, it is ok now. But I want to know what the new character, Cosmo, reading the little summary of #59 by Manaita, apparently Cosmo, can discover the personality of other characters... that is my impression when reading.

(Note: Terrible English... I know! =P)

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

but he IS going to be more than a crybaby this time, he'll have at least a tiny bit of use.

Which is why he's spent seven years obsessing over building a dimension gate. Yeah. Right, Craig. You keep thinking that. 😉

I'm not even touching on the fact he's still a kid in those drawings, since I don't think we know which series they come from...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Fair enough, I give up. I don't like the brat enough to be defending him.

Plus, as you pointed out in Knothole, my blind optimism is usually wrong anyway :/

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Maybe when he enters Sonic's world, he becomes a child again.


Posts: 308
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If that happens, then will Sonic and the other be affected?
They better have a good reason for putting such a huge time gap between the two worlds...:">

Posts: 88
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It's an alternate universe, so most things are different. Saying "They better have a good reason for putting such a huge time gap between the two worlds" is a bit like saying "They better have a good reason for making the entire population furries".

It's there. It's canon fact.

What the writers need to do now is explain how Sonic is still 15/16, when, based on evidence from the last series, he should theoretically be mid-fifties. Can Chris' stargate manipulate time as well as space? It'd be cliche, but it'd be the only feasible explaination.

Posts: 90
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For most things the most simple and reasonable answer is sufice. In this case...

Chris somehow creates Chaos Control and gets transported to Sonics world say, a few days/weeks after ep52.

For this you could say that Chaos Control can transport someone through time. because Sonics still 16 and Chris is a 18 now.

[Sonic does mention in Ep01 that he might have travelled through time. Well, he does in the english version...]

Its quite possible that CC could do that and I dont see any reason to think of anything more complicated to answer the conundrum. Im sure some of you diss-agree, and thats fine.

After all, its just my opinion! ^^

Posts: 98
Estimable Member

I will ask this again since I was so nicely ignored completely when I first asked this. Does anyone know any site that has translated the songs in the Japanese version or at least the T.O.P. single?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Nope, sorry RT :(

I didn't ignore you, by the way, I just don't reply "no" everytime someone asks if someone knows/has something, as it's a wasted reply. I'm only replying this time to acknowledge you so you don't feel ignored.

Posts: 88
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Real Tails, has Mi-ra-i [ED1] and Sonic Drive [OP].

The rest can be found here. There's The Shining Road [ED2], T.O.P.[ED3] and Kotoba Ni Dekinai [song from episode 26], about halfway down the page. ^^

Posts: 98
Estimable Member

Thank you for the links very much.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

SonikuUK, if that's true, then there's even more of a chance that Chris would be a kid. If his stargate can manipulate time, then it may manipulate time so that he is a child again.

Posts: 88
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It'd have to, if Chris goes to Sonic's world theoretically aged 18, and Sonic's still a teenager.

Posts: 308
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I can't wait until the new season comes out and we can get some "definite" answers.:read

Posts: 72
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Hey, look at what I found! Some of these scetches I already know about, but some of them I did not see before! Wow!

Posts: 90
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SonikuUK, if that's true, then there's even more of a chance that Chris would be a kid. If his stargate can manipulate time, then it may manipulate time so that he is a child again.

very true. But he could still remain a teenager/adult.
We wont know untill concrete official info is released.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

This post I've just written in the UK thread contains some spoilers for the dub, but may offer a theory on the whole time difference issue.

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

The one thing that really gets on my nerve in SX is the possibility that Eggman and Sonic are just "playing" a game. I always thought that the reason why Eggman didn't want to finish Sonic off (EX: #26) was because he wanted a challege--he wanted a worthy adversary to defeat to show his power once he actually got it.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

That sure is a stupidly reckless game.. just think of what might have happened in the SA2 adaptation 😛
and flooding an entire city isn't fun either..

Posts: 308
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Exactly. And we really don't know how the game "started" either, or whether it was ever really serious.

Posts: 2116
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Sonic, however, has always bveen a rather reckless guy. He might not like risking his friends in his little stunts, but he doesn't necessarily think about that beforehand.

Posts: 88
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But it's only really in #26 and #52 that that impression is given. #52, depending on how the new episodes pan out, could potentially go straight to hell.

As for #26, it wasn't so much that Eggman didn't want Sonic dead, as it was that the mech had gone completely bat-@#%$ crazy, out of Eggman's control and was seemingly enjoying beating the absolute tar out of Sonic, rather than gloating over a quick, inevitable death, which Eggman seems to prefer, if we go by SA2 and its' adaptation.

Sonic and Eggman have been rivals for years, and as SX showed, Eggman does have a somewhat decent side. Seeing Sonic flattened across buildings and THEN getting booted around some more and THEN dropped into the sea to finally drown was probably what went against that, particularly when he has no control over the situation.

SH: We need to add bats*** to the filter...

Posts: 77
Trusted Member


Hey, look at what I found! Some of these scetches I already know about, but some of them I did not see before! Wow!

Nice find, thanks for sharing ^_^
I hope to see Chaotix's sheets too...

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

At the very least he thinks about others before himself when things go horrible... I think...
Wow. So basically whenever Sonic defeats Eggman, he's really winning a game, not exactly saving the world--just playing a f***ing game...
And what do you mean, "could potentially go straight to hell"? As far as I'm concerned, it already has.:">

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

I must be the only one who likes the possibility that Sonic and Eggman are just playing a life threatening game...
Sh well. St least "I'M" happy with it. :p

Posts: 880
Member Admin,metal.gif

If Metal looks like that in this new series, I'll be amazed.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

That looks like fan-art to me Doc, wheredya get it?

Posts: 5772
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Posts: 880
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I never said it was real, but only if he looked like that, I'd be amazed. 😛

Posts: 72
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I noticed something on this picture. Does it say 03-02-05 or no?

Posts: 72
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I found a summary script for episode 59.
SH: Yeesh, it says specifically on the page you link to "DO NOT DIRECTLY LINK TO THIS PAGE" yet you do it anyway? Now THERE'S following directions for ya.

It also kinda helps if you keep HTML encoding on; it keeps ugly code from appearing in your post. ;P

DrL: There's also the edit tool that will enable you to add this to previous posts (regardless that if you scroll up it's already been covered). Try to avoid double posting.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Somewhat old news.

The script itself is there too, if you'd like to wrestle with a translation site.

Posts: 90
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I noticed something on this picture. Does it say 03-02-05 or no?

certainly looks that way. Though Im unable to view the fullsize version.

Posts: 88
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I noticed something on this picture. Does it say 03-02-05 or no?

Japanese dating has the year, month, day. So, today would be [20]05-01-15. That sketch is from 5th Feb, 2003, when the series would have been in development.

The cel was added on 18/3/04, so it's impossible for that to be a new sketch. It's one of the very early ones for the first series.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Nodnod* Well said that man!

Last thing we need is coincidental dates getting peoples hopes up ;p

Posts: 2116
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Posts: 78
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And the title for Episode 62 is "The Milestone of the Journey";

*looks at link Sam gave*
Hmm..Season 2 seems like it's gonna be kinda sci-fi.

Posts: 88
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With an episode called Chaotix In Space, it better be!

It sounds brill!

Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Aww, I felt I had better explain about the title of #62.
As you know, the story sheet of #62 is revealed. I noticed the Japanese words which is under the title jbNX@#62. That is "TABI NO MICHI SHIRUBE" means "The Milestone of the Journey".
I thought this maybe the title of #62.
Notice again, that is only my thought.

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Some more new pics from Solly, at the same link... but scroll down this time:

Posts: 880
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However... I think our hopes in Chris being his older age can now be thrown out the window >.>

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I like the new shots, especially the double one of Amy and the one with Sonic and Knuckles facing off.

Looks like it'll be an interesting little series, even if Chris is a kid again.

I want to know more about Cosmo.

Posts: 94
Estimable Member

With as much as Cosmo looks like Lumina (or is it Illumina?...shoot, going blank...), it makes me wonder why the writers didn't just go ahead and use her to begin with :/

At least now it's starting to look more..."Sonic-ish". I still don't get how Chris is reverted to a kid again, though...

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Lumina. Illumina is Void and Lumina combined.

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