When he says he's "manipulating" Shadow's memories, I think he means making him think that Maria wanted to destroy the earth instead of help it.
Well this just goes back to Sonic Adventure 2 having a really REALLY poor plot full of plotholes (ESPECIALLY "Last" story), if Shadow was created on Earth as many (not myself) believe, then Maria didn't fire anyone out of a pod because there was no one there to be fired.
I just say Shadow was on ARK, it was all real. Makes more sense.
As for Emerl, he wasn't the ultimate lifeform, persay, just a creation of the race which came before Echidna's (presumably wiping them out) I've not read Gerald's diary in a while, but I remember him being a side-project in which Emerl formed a link with Gerald because he shot a gun and he had to deactivate him and instal the failsafe because he feared those with power are not the type Emerl should form links with.
When he says he's "manipulating" Shadow's memories, I think he means making him think that Maria wanted to destroy the earth instead of help it.
Yes, that's what I thought the manipulation was too...
Argh! Sooooo many mysteries involving Shadow, the memories, the capsules, the original, the prototype, the clones...
if Shadow was created on Earth as many (not myself) believe, then Maria didn't fire anyone out of a pod because there was no one there to be fired.
It's not what Shadow actually saw, though - it's a false memory that Gerald implanted in his head
it's a false memory that Gerald implanted in his head
Why can't it be a true memory that Gerald implanted in his head?
MAYBE Gerald put all those memories in there. If so, then one of the following scenarios is true.
A) Gerald planted the memory because Maria actually did fire two pods, One containing something, and one containing porbably Emerl.
B) Gerald planted the memory because Maria actually fired one pod, containing just Emerl. However, Gerald wanted Shadow to know about Emerl, so the memory was inaccuratley created to have two pods. If only one pod was remembered, Shadow would assume that it was himself. With the two-pod memory, he would at least know that Maria had fired SOMEONE out in a pod.
C) Gerald planted the memory because, although no pods were actually fired, Gerald wanted Shadow to believe that two pods were fired for some reason.
D) Gerald planted the memory for no reason.
Scenario D is unlikely. Why would Gerald embark on a long process to plant such a useless memory in Shadow's head?
Scenario B is somewhat likely, but a little complicated and far-fetched.
Scenarios A and C are the most likely scenarios.
You don't have to agree. Check my title.
HOLY CRAP! It's Optimus Prime! and Chris with a Pokball!
And whats up with the pic of Sonic and Knuckles with their fists locked. It looks really funny, and that giant mech looks awesome. Chris... It looks like he is getting ready to throw a bomb. So Chris really is evil
Like you didn't know that already.D">
I really like the one of the four of them - it looks really cool!
So Chris really is evil
Episode 45 didn't tell you this already?
Chris is like the demon spawn of Satan and Scrappy Doo!
HOLY CRAP! It's Optimus Prime! and Chris with a Pokball!
The next Sonic Series will go like this:
~That Cosmos Arc
~Sonic Heroes Arc
~Sonic Random Game Boy Games Arc (PINBALL MACHINE, ANYONE!?)
~Sonic and friends need to rescue helpless Chris who ends up transporting to Optimus Prime's world via his teleport thingie Chaos Control machine...thingie.
~Neo Yi
From Solly, again:
So, we can see Cosmo and her "sisters"... but the most important thing is that this fabulous art from June 2004 was drawn by Mr Uekawa himself!!...
So, it may be a sign that Cosmo will appear in one the next SONIC games!!...
That top right one must be her BIG sister. *gets whacked* ~neo Yi
Sonic Shuffle 2. YAY.
Finaly, WPP have return from the drugery that was subing the transfromers sereies and in good form, release episode 16 of Sonic X.
This one is well known due to the signs that Chris and Sonic hold up when discussing how to get the chaos emerald which is laying on the oecean.
In the dub, they were left blank however WPP transed them and they seem to continue the joke about the children at home immatating Sonic's behaviour that started in EP 1.
I have also learned of Cream's rather anoying "Desu" habbit.
#53 A Messenger from Meteoric Shower
#54 The Space Ship Blue Typhoon
#55 The Water Planet, Hydoo
#56 Eggman Enters into the War!
#57 The Battle of Icepalace!
#58 Young Girl's Jungle Trap
#59 Chaotix Goes into Space
And #62 we know is "The Milestone of the Journey"
So... there are lots of space episodes?
Hedgehog Star Trek! I'm really interested to see #56, though. Eggman in space ^_^
Yes indeedy! Sounds like it'll be very sci-fi-ish, I really can't wait to see this new season ^^
Great... we get a series in Sonic's universe and they go planet hopping.
*Blasts Sonic X and Transformers Energon into the heart of the sun*
Planet hopping: A device used by writers to send characters on a grand exploration on the immense size of LOTR and usually failing to capture the feel for that grand adventure that was LOTR and usually angers the fans as well. Killing two birds with one stone!
Also used to get characters' noses into messes where they clearly don't belong...I don't know why this is so popular...*shrugs*
Great... we get a series in Sonic's universe and they go planet hopping.
Rumour has it the title of the show will be changed to Sonic Grand Tour.
Rumour has it the title of the show will be changed to Sonic Grand Tour.
Planet hopping.
Yellow haired powerplaying transformations?
Adults being transformed into kids because the writers preferred the child character from an earlier series?
Toriyama's gonna sue somebody!
Not to mention the obligatory magic "set of seven" that allows you to do pretty much whatever you want.
So I guess that could mean the chaos emeralds were scattered across numerous planets 😛
Sounds like the plot of Dragon Ball GT to me, or atleast it pretty much sums part of it up.
Toriyama's gonna sue somebody!
I'm surprised he hasn't sued anyone yet.
DragonBall was itself a parody. Because of this, it'd be an interesting lawsuit.
Toriyama's gonna sue somebody!
Toriyama didn't make DBGT, only the original and Z. GT was just a Toei Animation "fabrication".
But still, I don't think he's gonna sue just for something similar. If he were to, though, he would've done it when Super Sonic first appeared.
It's called a joke >.>;;
If it were George Lucas people would have instantly recognised the quote and humour, but say some Japanese dude and suddenly it's deadly serious o.o
Argh. I forbid myself from ever speaking of any Shadow/Ark/Dr. Gerald-anything theory.
And yes, Sonic may as well be the result of a Star Wars + Dragon Ball GT blender mix.
Meh, maybe they're parodying DB GT...which would be kind of interesting.
[imagines some granddaughter of Sonic from the future] Hmm...
Oh god, don't imagine the kids, you'll have the pairing wars start up again. Will she be pink, a chipmunk, Tails...?
I think people are reading too much into the apparent similarities with GT.
It's a joke. ha ha. We all laugh,then move on.
So what's the deal with Cosmo then? The episode titles give the impression that her story has something to do with a comet.
I read somewhere else she has power of empathy, or something.
That reminds me of that kid from Captain Planet. You know, the one who had the power of "Heart," the lamest of the buch.
I also spotted the similarity to DBGT, with Chris going from teenage-whiner back to child-size-whiner.
But, I still think this will be good. Im sure the series wont ALL be "planet-hopping". at least, I HOPE NOT! (O.O);
New info on Manas site.
And it really remembers a LOT Dragon Ball GT.
Planet Egg? O.o
In space, to save his planet, Super Sonic was fighting against Metalex great army, outnumbered had a tough game.
I'm not sure I like that. If he's Super Sonic at the beginning of the first episode, that probably means that we'll be seeing WAY too much Super Sonic this season.
He felt serious pressure from Dark Oak asking chaos emeralds, at last he did "chaos control" to scatter all chaos emeralds to vast region of space.
Oh no. It IS Dragonball GT!
Dark Oak's name reminds me of Imposter Professor Oak...
As far as "Planet Egg" is concerned, it seems that it isn't the name of a planet, rather a term for the soul of a planet.
In ep60, Shadow took a chaos emerald away and went to Eggmen.
And at last, Sonic X Shadow ceases to be the last remaining "ideal" Shadow. He has come back to life.
The new season's gonna be pretty interesting!
As for TOO much SS, I doubt it. He'll prolly show up when the SS VS metelex fight comes up.
Yeah, Super Sonic appearing 2-4 times in these new episodes would sound most likely. My bet, btw.
All they need to do with him is to drag out his fights longer so it'll be more interesting to watch. 1-3 minutes in the past 4 episodes was not enough for me. x.x;
Quote from Mana's website:
Sorry for my poor English
You're getting better. Good job, and thanks! 🙂
You're getting better. Good job, and thanks!
I agree with you there. I had pretty much no problems reading the summaries.
Also ep54 looks interesting, from what mana posted about ep58 [part of the script untranslated.] that I stuck through an online translator. I kinda got the impression that the ME was used to power the BT. It seems i was right!
I just hope its not space hopping for ALL 26 of the new episodes.
Jeez, what would we do without you, Mana?
Then, Chris who changed back into 12 appeared from the shine wearing too big clothes and shoes. He didn't expect what will happen on him...
I knew it all along! Although for a while, I had hoped otherwise. It seems like the stargate device has a "Narnia" effect.
I'm not sure I'm happy about Eggman's role, or apparent lack thereof, in this new series.
Chris piloted hyper-tornado to head to unconscious Sonic almost falling into the sea. Sonic recalled the hand of Chris that rescued him from that pool.
Poor Tails,guess It wasn't enough for Chris to steal Rouge and Amy role he had to steal Tails piloting too. I swear it only a matter of time before the show officially changes to Chris X.
Planet Egg? What about just calling it Life Stream or Gaia energy or something more original.
So far Season 2 sounds interesting (excepts for the above and TMS lame excuse turning into Chris back into a kid).I just hope it does'nt turn out to be as bad DBGT was.
Sonic vs Galactus? =O
Dammit!! How many freaking times will they go back to the freaking pool scene?! ARGH!!!!!!:">
EDIT: Yeah, I know. I went a little overboard. My bad.
Save yourself while you still can. The Edit button is your best friend.
...RE: the time thing. 6 months in Sonic's world = 6 years in Chris's?
Alright, someone didn't read the script to #52 properly... wasn't it one day in Chris's = one week in Sonic's?
I knew it all along! Although for a while, I had hoped otherwise. It seems like the stargate device has a "Narnia" effect.
I may be wrong but I don't recall characters becoming younger when they entered Narnia. There were times when the characters would be younger than other in Narnia due to a time difference but I don't recall any age regression. I assume you mean the Chronicles of Narnia.
No time passed at all whilst anyone from the human world was in Narnia, so no matter how long you stayed, you always reverted in age when you left. I can't see that working in reverse, with Chris inexplicably regressing. Especially not with the whole business of Chris' and Sonic's worlds having linked timelines.
I still suspect that they're going to have Chris hit one of those "time warps" that suddenly started being talked about in ep 52, which is going to regress him back to being a kid.
(I know I'm referring to the dub in this post, but I'm not sure I trust the original not to make changes along those lines, since they were permitted in the dub.