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Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

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SS and SKnuckles and STails

I really doubt Knuckles and Tails would go Super in X. I'd place my bets on these two scenarios.

1. Shadow goes Super.
2. Sonic goes Hyper. (Come on, if "Nazo" doesn't appear this time, then they'll leave us fans wondering forever.)

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This could be the new theme song for the new season...

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Even if it's not... sweet song.

The filename puzzles me. Maybe it's the ending theme. That would explain the 4.

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Solly's been warned about making certain pieces of pre-production art available on her webspace. I hope Adamis realizes this, though I don't know if it applies to him as of yet.

Yes and I public-ly answered to her on

Some people who know me, are surely remembering, I am the one whose computer have been hacked by Sonic-Cult team for Sonic Heroes original PSD.

Then saying I'm acting like a thief for a few pictures wich have been public in a site, and wich are not in the same site anymore.
I did not enter her computer to steal those images.
Many people before me have been able to find those images on her site. Some people even did gave direct link to these.

All I did is proposing on my site, pictures I already found in internet and I saved on my hard drive, for french Sonic X fans... I never claim those images were mine.


Well, I don't know either.
I've bought 220 copies of Sonic X arts (the Chaotix/Vanilla/animals and more) to Solly, so there might not be any problem with it.
I don't know for the E-3000 and Cosmo's sisters. If they must be removed, I'll do.
I've only uploaded them to keep them somewhere...

I guess some poeple non authorized searched inside the directories.
Like happened to me long ago.

People on internet are considering "sites and un-protected directory as "PUBLIC"".


This could be the new theme song for the new season...

I don't really think so :
LUNA SEA - Tonight

Posts: 25
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Wow... I wasnt know about this about Sonic CulT hacking, you. How bad.

Also, I visited SONIC-ONLINE forums and I read you posted something about the Brazilian Sonics VA, Manolo Rey, about info on high audience ratings on France and the MIPCOM event. You can explain about it here, plz? ^^ Translators screw up the text. =P (And I dont really know if is this you told, I dont understand french very well)

And talking about the Brazilian VA, he is also the translator of the series, and he aldery received some piece of script and characters descriptions. The dub process here will start on May apparently.

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I really doubt Knuckles and Tails would go Super in X. I'd place my bets on these two scenarios.


1. Shadow goes Super.
2. Sonic goes Hyper. (Come on, if "Nazo" doesn't appear this time, then they'll leave us fans wondering forever.)

I doubt we'll get a FULL heroes adapt so instead Im guessing they'll stick some bits in. Its possible that they could do a SS+SK+ST VS Mettelex fight!

as for Nazo... *shrugs* i havent seen the full pilot yet [downloading it as I type this] but it would be cool, as Ive seen a piccy of it!


And talking about the Brazilian VA, he is also the translator of the series, and he aldery received some piece of script and characters descriptions. The dub process here will start on May apparently.

I heard that the VA for sonic in Brazil was the same as in SATAM? If so, did he help with the script-translations for that series too?

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Yes. Sonics VA from Sonic X is the same of Sonic SatAM and even Sonic Underground. Mr.Isaac Bardavid did Robotnik/Eggman in all 4 series, even AoStH (in my opnion, he is the perfect Eggman). And Iara Ria, did Tails in AoStH and Sonic X, but not in SatAm (and I dont know who did his voice).

I dont know if he translated the other Sonic series, but he translated all Sonic X.

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Sorry to interrupt, but none of those videos worked for me. I'll get like a 1 second sound check then it goes picture or anything. The Quicktime logo pops up and then goes away. I'm pissed...I wanna watch 'em. *wines*

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Try to re-install the codec or download again the video file. And... o_______O;

Thailand HAD the new episodes!

(Posted by Adamis in forums)

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Strange that they'd introduce SOAP shoes now and not in the SA2 adaptation. Metal X looks genericy and lame like most of Sonic X's machines have been. Cosmo replacing Big makes for a much better "Team Rose" thematically. And why is Sonic wearing Air Shoes like Shadow's here? Could they be delving further into the Project Shadow plot?

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Wow. Looks good. Cheers for sharing the screens Adamis.

I think Sonic is wearing Shadow's rocket shoes in that pic VCP linked to is why he's hovering on the water, how he got those shoes? Chris maybe? I dunno.

Oh, and...


That's CotW material. Right there. XD

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Chris works at WacDonald's? From, like, InuYasha? How odd.

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Are all these screens from one ep? o.O

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I believe these are from different episodes. According to Aun (the one who took the screen shots), these were episodes somewhere between episodes 54-58.

Aun's pages can be found at Aun's DeviantART Page and Aun's Dungeon.

Hopefully this help.

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There are just some things mankind was never supposed to see...

The soap shoes look pretty odd and cool though.

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Cosmo replacing Big makes for a much better "Team Rose" thematically.

No...NO....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! BIIIIIIG!!! *runs off, crying*

Posts: 5772
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Strange that they'd introduce SOAP shoes now and not in the SA2 adaptation.

Aha! So THAT'S where the funding for these eps came from.

Posts: 4885
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I actually wouldn't be suprised by that, PSX. Though, anyone else find the design of the shoes looks more like Shadow's shoes than the SOAP Shoe Scorcher.

Posts: 88
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They're almost certainly Shadow's rocket shoes in the third Sonic pic. What I'm most concerned about is this one:

*wants to see Sonic's expression properly*

Posts: 456
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I actually wouldn't be suprised by that, PSX. Though, anyone else find the design of the shoes looks more like Shadow's shoes than the SOAP Shoe Scorcher.

He has his Scorcher-based SA2 shoes AND some Air Shoe-ish shoes.

Posts: 5772
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Somebody hinted at the shoes being made by Chris for Sonic. That seems to gel well with the fact that he's some kind of young prodigy scientist before the age-down, having followed in the footsteps of his grandfather. I would assume the shoes were merely based off of Shadow's pair from Chris' memory, and the other one... a marketing tie-in in the guise of a cameo.

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Who the heck is Nazo?

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Just some guy...

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i attempted the answer the question some time ago with this. :p

but nazo was some rumour that happened over the naming of a screenshot of super sonic.

Posts: 4885
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I still think it's just easier to assume Nazo is an exaggerated picture of Super Sonic and to ignore it. It's better than all this "OMG HYPAH" "SWEEEET FUSHAAAAN" talk :p

If they turn Sonic X into Sonic Z, I will cry openly :(

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Why would you cry when it's already in canon that he can go Hyper? That picture looks *far* too different to be Super. The spines on his back, for one thing, and then there's his eyes.

To be quite honest, it looks as though Sonic's gone a bit loopy on Chaos energy, if indeed it *is* Sonic.

Posts: 286
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"Why would you cry when it's already in canon that he can go Hyper?"

Hyper Sonic was only in one game, as a sort of extra/bonus, and many people don't really consider him canon. Not all of course, but a lot.

That picture looks *far* too different to be Super. The spines on his back, for one thing, and then there's his eyes.

It was also the first thing we ever saw though, and while Super Sonic appeared in that original TGS preview, I have to wonder whether he just looks like that due to them playing around with his design in the beginning. I dunno, but it's a possibility.

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Hyper Sonic was only in one game, as a sort of extra/bonus, and many people don't really consider him canon. Not all of course, but a lot.

And Super Tails with the Mega Flickies *is* canon?!

It was also the first thing we ever saw though, and while Super Sonic appeared in that original TGS preview, I have to wonder whether he just looks like that due to them playing around with his design in the beginning. I dunno, but it's a possibility.

Super Sonic has always been yellow, though. 'Playing with his design' is tweaking the shapes of his spines and maybe his eyes, or giving him new shoes. Colouring Super silver is about the same as if they decided to make Sonic purple, or green. It's just not done.

I doubt it's Super, just based on the colour. The eyes are also pretty unlike Sonic, too. He's never looked that... I don't want to say 'evil', but it's certainly nothing like Super's previous expressions.

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i attempted the answer the question some time ago with this.


Posts: 28
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I have a higher quality and larger screenshot of that light blue hedgehog here.

I agree with smellslikeechidna. He looks way too different to be Super Sonic. Why tweak his design all of a sudden?

I think this guy is Hyper Sonic. The even-more spiked up quills and elongated back quills kinda screams Hyper to me. As for the eyes, well, its probably yet another tribute to DB, GT this time. When Goku goes SSJ4, red lines form around his eyes...

Posts: 880
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See... I think Nazo was just a marketting gimmic to get more people to watch the show. They would be like OMGWTF! HOOS DAT?! and then watch and see if it'd ever show up. It kinda worked 😛

Another example would be the second intro where in the end it had Super Sonic and Shadow fighting off for a couple seconds. Another marketting tool. Chances are you'll see something similar in the intro to season 2 (or 3, depending how you look at it).

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(or 3, depending how you look at it).

Technically, I think they call it season 4.

Let's kill them.

Posts: 94
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Hm...does anyone else see a resemblance between Cosmo and a Gardevoir (pokemon)? o_o

*Insert X-Files theme*

Btw, about the whole Nazo thing...I was thinking just now while looking at that pic.
Notice how there's no lines distinguishing the various parts of Sonic's (assuming it's Sonic) body. Isn't that typically how the nude transformations of various magical schoolgirl anime go? 😛

Perhaps 'Nazo' is just a concept image for Sonic transforming into his Super state, to be used over and over for however many times it'd happen <_<

Posts: 2097
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Heh, glad I'm not the only person that noticed the resemblance Shane.

Chaotix running a bar? That certainly looks cool. Though 4Kids might have something to say about that. 😛

Posts: 25
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The Chaotix destiny is to be censured by 4KIDS forever. =P

Just hope this season arrives on Brazil before 4KIDS put their hand of evil on it... =P

Posts: 22
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This is entirely off topic but, Craig, is your banner pic your infamous Tails Doll plush that we were all talking about in the Tails Doll Theory thread?

you can all return to the topic now, sorry for the interuption


Posts: 4885
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Yep, it's finally ready and made. I'll have him in hand within a few weeks :)

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Perhaps 'Nazo' is just a concept image for Sonic transforming into his Super state, to be used over and over for however many times it'd happen <_<

But we've seen Sonic go super no less than six times (episode 26, vs Perfect Chaos, vs Shadow, episode 52 and in both openings), and he didn't look like that. He stayed blue and then there's a flare of yellow and he goes Super.

Anyone have screenshots of the second opening? That's probably the best example.

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Episodes Titles:

#60:The Return of Shadow
#61:the Vessel of the Evil

Airdates in France:

05/04: Episode #65
06/04: Episode #66
07/04: Episode #67
08/04: Episode #68


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#60:The Return of Shadow

I'm actually looking forward to this episode. I used to think Shadow shouldn't return, but now I want him back!

Posts: 78
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Woo! Let's hope that means a Sonic Heroes adaptation then (the vessel in question just might be referring to the Egg Fleet)

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DAMN YOU! I don't WANT him back in this canon, dammit, unless it's as a ghost to haunt Sonic and scare the absolute crap out of him.

Posts: 90
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I think sonic's shoes [as seen in the new screenshots posted here earlier...and HOW did Tailand get it so early? what about the UK?...*sobs*] are for walking on water, wel it looks like it from one pic.

And I'll be suprised if 4kids leave chaotix's bar scene IN! I know... "Chaotix's BURGER BAR!!!!" [as in ep17]

Posts: 88
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I think sonic's shoes [as seen in the new screenshots posted here earlier...and HOW did Tailand get it so early? what about the UK?...*sobs*] are for walking on water, wel it looks like it from one pic.

Thailand dub it themselves. We have to wait for 4KIDS to dub it, then show it in the states, Canada and here.

France had it waaaaaaaaay before we did, and they left it virtually intact, too.

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Wooo... Eps 53 and 54 aired today in France and they're online if you know where to look **ahem**

Chris seems to retain his older voice after becoming young again which could be a good thing. Without the original mindset of a little kid, he shouldn't be as.... whiney. o.o

Posts: 77
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In french, Chris kept the same voice being a kid or a teen, even in episode 52 ;)

And eps 53 & 54 are good =)

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Oh, he kept the same voice? Heh... nevermind then. 😛

However... I must know... what did Chris say that made Sonic faint on the spot? XD

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