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Official Least Favorite Character Topic

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This thread is for posting your least favorite characters, and explaining why you hate them so much. You don't have to write an essay, but you should say something more reasonable than "big sucks i hate him". Now, everyone can have fun!

To start it off, I dislike Shadow because he is completely overpowered - he has about a million abilities thanks to his Chaos Control @#%$, and he's better than Sonic at the only real skill he actually has (for the slow-minded, I'm talking about running speed). His personality is filled with clichs (generic emo loner). Also, since Sega only brought him back because he's popular with kids, they didn't even bother giving him a backstory that isn't one giant plothole.

Spoilers (Select To Read): Nothing about this thread is official at all. Sorry if I disappointed anyone.

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My most favorite character is Sonic.

Well, Sonic before he could talk. After that he just got retarded. Like all the other characters who aren't Sonic or Eggman always were.

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omg this is for poasting your least favorite characters not your favs stop spamming!!!!!!!

Seriously, though, I agree. He and Eggman were my favorites before things started getting stupid.

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Tails Knuckles, Blaze, and Pretty much Amy Rose.

Tails: Overrated, totally whiny, and really not that appealing now since he went from Side kick to Side step for Sonic and his intrest in him building thing. Oh and can't stand his voice.

Knuckles: Went from Badass to Lameass, thank god for Shadow. Plus he's getting boring, and I hate being bored.

Blaze: A Female Shadow with unique clothes but not enough pazzaz like Shadow had when he was first introduced. And she's really cliched and un original with the fire powers to.

Amy Rose: Why is she still here, Sonic doesn't love her, thats all I need to say.

I really detest these characters.

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Plus he's getting boring, and I hate being bored.

Yeah it's a good thing that a red and black character who is TOTALLY BAD but on the side of the good guys and does thing BY HIS OWN RULES and says DAMN and HELL a lot and uses guns because he's TOTALLY BAD never gets boring, eh?

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That's funny, because your reasons for hating other characters are the same reasons that I dislike Shadow ("boring", "cliche", "whiny", "overrated"). What exactly makes Tails overrated? Why do you believe Knuckles "went from Badass to Lameass"?

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I gave my opinon on the matter and quite frankly I don't need to awnser you, since I'm allowed to Dislike any character from this franchise.

My opinion.

Tails is in every sonic game and he's the most ovverrated Sonic character ever.

And Knuckles, he hasn't been cool since SA2, while Shadow gets cooler and cooler every game.

And how is Shadow whiny and boring?

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since I'm allowed to Dislike any character from this franchise.


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No you were bashing and disliking him in a thread about favorite characters. So your at fault, this is a least favorite Topic, so I respect you opinion about you diliking SHadow.

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Well, I think it would be a good idea if you would explain yourself a little more. You're not giving us anything better than "Tails is overrated because he's in every game" and "Knuckles isn't cool".

Shadow is boring because I don't find him fun to play as at all. At least, not in Shadow the Hedgehog - trying to shoot people was just not enjoyable at all, and I saw no reason to play something so clumsy and boring when I could have been playing, say, Ratchet and Clank. His personality is boring, since he justs whines about how much of a loner he is and how much he misses Maria. It's just embarrassing to watch.

There, I've explained myself. Now it's your turn.

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I hate great bane motora gold. I never can beat him.

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And Knuckles, he hasn't been cool since SA2, while Shadow gets cooler and cooler every game.


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Stair, that's the easiest boss in the game!

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Shadow. He's beens been swiss cheesed by plot holes, and an attempt to appeal to 10 year olds. He really should of stayed dead, as in SA2 he was a good character I think for the most part, but since then has been ruined.

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I'm gonna have to jump on the bandwagon and say Shadow here. He's such a walking clich it's not even funny. I mean, originality is rare and fleeting these days, but god damn it. Shadow is a hopelessly uninteresting implementation of the brooding anti-hero with a troubled past who eventually comes around to the side of good archetype. But hey, it's a kids' game series, so whaddayagonnado? What really gets my goat, though, is that they kept bringing the little bastard back. For gods' sakes, the franchise is already stuffed to bursting with characters as it is, so what do they do? Take the most clichd character there is and plot hole him back, completely ruining what little sentiment there was in the ending of SA2, and then give him his own entire game. I mean what the hell.

Do you know who else I hate? Charmy Bee. Just ugh.

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i tried to shoot Charmy in Shadow the Hedgehog once

i was disappointed

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Um Shadow doesn't whine about Maria he remineses he hasn't even mentioned Maria in the Sonic Next Gen game, and his personality is like Seeshoumaru's Calm and Silent, yet mature and serious. Thats what I like about him. His gameplay in Shadow was fun to.

Tails is a nussanice, he's weak but smart, but really Sonic doesn't need useless weight to carry around since he can handle himself quite nicley in a fight or in saving the world, Tails is boring because he's shallow and his personality is underdeveloped, he's only good for Flying Sonic and thats it. He's so overrated because Tails makes the game good in most fans eyes, I don't believe that even for a second, he's just fan service for the retro fanboys and fangirls. He also gets out done by Amy and Cream in terms of fighting sprit and confidence, thats weak.

Knuckles needs to be killed off, his character and purpose as a rival is useless now that Shadow's around, and The MS isn't really nesssary neither is the Island he lives on, the seven chaos emralds in later games are unlimited power amplifers and are involved in every game, while the ME is a plot device that serves no purpose to the plot of the game but to keep Knuckles home from dropping like a rock. It's useless, Knuckles is useless. Shadow's saved the world and is considered by the world goverment a hero, Knuckles is a bumbling Muscle Headed Staple CHaracter with no development and no likable traits to him any more. He's Sonic's side buddie in the official profiles of Sonic Next. Only a fool would prefer him to better more competent Characters such as Shadow and Silver.

And thats my reason.

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You complain about people disliking characters in your favorite topic but in this least favorite topic you like a character?

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Yup, he want chicken

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You want to kill off classic characters that are actually decent, yet you view Shadow to be kingo-supremo? OOOOooookaaaayyy then. And yo usay Knuckles hasn't done much sicne SA2; well, he really had a major role. Kinda hard to do muchw ithotu a major role ya know?

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he's just fan service for the retro fanboys and fangirls

how is that different from shadow being fan service for the new-age fanboys and fangirls


Shadow is boring because he's shallow and his personality is underdeveloped, he's only good for Fighting Sonic and thats it.



Shadow needs to be killed off, his character and purpose as a rival is useless since Knuckles is still around


do you see where i'm getting at, here

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It makes me =( that they sapped the strong, silent and stoic aspects out of Knuckles over time and exaggerated the gullibility more and more. They should like go back to how it was before Adventure. Just the core three (maybe, MAYBE Amy but there's not much use to her with Tails around, since they both fulfill the young, weak character who looks up to the hero and learns to believe in themself and stand on their own feet archetype, but Tails can fly and that's way more awesome than having a hammer) and Eggy, maybe with the odd one off characters that never come back, and take the opportunity to develop the main characters more. Also, if they do this, Knuckles should be back to his old, cool, independent, not-a-bumbling-idiot self

Do you know what, Sonic Adventure got it right. It had a vaguely interesting plot and character development and while it introduced a whole bunch of new characters, most of them never came back except for the odd cameo here and there. If SEGA absolutely has to introduce new characters, that's the way they should do it. None of this fill the franchise to bursting cycle of redundancy crap.

EDIT: Why the hell am I still talking I don't even play Sonic games.

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Ya know I think I hate this board, Shadow's not that bad guys, how do you know he appeals to 10 year old children?(ironically since the whole series is aimed for children that age to) and he's a cliche of the brooding anti hero(like their alot of those cliches out in the sea and say he's the most overused sterotype)(sarcasm) I mean the only ones I know who act like SHadow are Bass, Punisher, Batman, and that basically it I don't see how thats overused. So really I don't get it, Shadow's a good character, he's cool he's original, he's unique, you guys don't like him because he's has a stertypical personality and traits like the rest of the Sonic Characters. Thats ****ed up. Sonic's a cliche, so is Knuckles, and Amy, and Eggman , Tails. Everybody in this game is a cliche. Shadow came out on 2001 right, so his character is based on a batman tyoe of guy who does his own vengenece and ideals, like batman or frank castle, so in a sense he's original since character like Sasuke or Zuko came after Shadow as broofing anti heroes. And he's a animal to.

Why do guy like originality so much that you have to strive for it in every single Sonic game? Nothing is original these day, do you know how hard it is to find an original thing these days? it's rare.

I don't see why you guys hate Shadow, while Sonic and the rest are no better than him in terms of character and cliche.

At least Shadow's more developed and more normal and human than most of the Sonic characters. He rocks, he's the perfect rival, not to perfect, but not to weak, either he's equal and balanced.

You know I thing you guys need to accept change and just go with the flow, Shadow there because he rules mostly and he's alot of peoples favorite character. He never going to go away because you don't like how he's presented in the games or his cliched attitude and powers, other people might disagree with you on that. Myself included.

So no I don't think this Sonic forums for me, Shadow haters like yourselfs are not my cup of tea.

I'm out, for good this time, you can just cancel my account and my posts as well mod. I'll never come here again.:(

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He's cliched because of what you said; characters from other series, like capcom's Megaman serious (notice I didn't call Zeor or Bass cliched per se); its been done before, its been done a million times, and he brings nothing new to the table for sonic game. And to say nothing is original is crap, as there are plenty of games and series still offering something new and different.

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Or you could just grow up. It isn't the end of the world that people don't like shadow.

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Millions of times?, where do you get your logic? And yes characters like Shadow have been done before, characters like Tails and Knuckles have been done before, that doesn't mean they suck.

It's the thought that counts thought Shadow is thought because he provides more charisma and depht to the Sonic games while Tails and Knuckles stand around their looking stupid.

And people should like Shadow, he saved the Dreamcast era for Sonic fans as we know it, SA2 is Sonic 4th best selling tile of all time and is regaurded as a masterpiece in 3d Sonic games and resposible for bring most new fans to Sonic.

Shadow deserves kudos for this, not hatred.

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Joe man sonic adventure was already a solid excellent game. The dreamcast era didn't need an emo anti-hero to save it. Why can't you stop complaining and just go on with your life?

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Shadow did not do this; the plot, graphics, and game play did. and 4th best selling title of all time on what list? And a by a million times, I mean pretty much EVERY SERIES has a character like Shadow, and when Sega did one in a Sonic game they did it in the most horribly cliche way.

EDIT: And +1 to what Stair said about the Sonic/Dreamcast era.

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I am thinking of a character.

He is black and red with a white bit on his chest.

He uses guns.

He was created by a man with the surname Robotnik.

He started out as a bad guy.

He spent a lot of time brooding about his past and his identity.

He was eventually turned to the side of good with help from Amy.

He turned against his creator and ended up destroying a one of said creator's closely related creations.

He died at the end of the battle.

Have you worked out who I'm thinking of yet kids?

That's right!


E-102 Gamma. 😀

In conclusion, Shadow is so hopelessly unoriginal that he's a rip-off of a character that SEGA introduced in the very previous game. At least Gamma brought new gameplay elements instead of being exactly identical to Sonic to play as in every way except a couple of power ups.

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Gamma is no Shadow, far from it he was portrayed as a robot with heart, a servent to Eggman and he didn't have a troubled past or friend to protect.

See what your guys problem is you over analaze thing wayyy to much, and you jump to conclusions.

Shadow presentation was pretty much more original and complex than gammas or Knuckles in SA.

Shadow was presented and portrayed originally, but he himself is not original which is okay since like I said it's the thought that counts.

And Shadow is the first antrmorpphic animal in video games to have a dark and depreesing plot line, so there originality for you.

And Shadow is not emo god***it why do people say that false accusation?

He's bitter and he's a loner, what makes him so emo that people say that he is because he silent, clam, and a loner?

I never got that.

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I really don't have much to add, to this topic but Shadow used to be my main character, Joeman. I once felt how you feel in terms of Shad's awesomeness, but you have to admit his character has been lacking since his debt. His story and stuff was great in SA2, but how he was cloned[robotically] and stuff in Heroes wasn't explained very well. I believe his impace would've been a lot larger if he remained dead and then in Battle he began redeeming himself some more. ShtH was not that great, but I did enjoy some of the plot[Shadow's creation mainly]. Haven't played Next Gen so I can't anything really. =/ But yes Joeman, Shadow was/is a great character in the eyes of some of the fanbase. I mean come on...this is a debate, there's going to be a rebuttal and you just have to stick to your gut, not get offended, yet understand the opposite side as well.

As for my least favorite...hmm this is actually kinda tough. I guess if I had to pick anyone it would be Big, only because he isn't very active and the fishing while fun for awhile, got old for me. He could surely be developed more and then possibly get off of this list, but for now, i'll leave it as Big.

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Actually joeman several times in sonic adventure one gamma saw images of his flicky family or something like that. So beign seperated from his family and being imprisoned in a robot shell devoid of passion is a pretty troubled past.

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And one more thing name one character from 2001 who had Shadow's traits, motives, sophitication, complexity, cunningness, Presentation and Backstory from a different work of fiction.

Then prove to me and compare it from here to now.

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Why do that when we already have gamma?

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And one more thing name one character from 2001 who had Shadow's traits, motives, sophitication, complexity, cunningness, Presentation and Backstory from a different work of fiction.

Every known cliche fan fic character and most every anti heroes?

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And Shadow lived for revenge, not for loyalty to the Eggman empire, it's totally diffent in a scenario sense.

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Name any other difference. And no troubled past does not count.

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You got it backwards man. Gamma was out for revenge for pretty much his entire storyline, Shadow was being loyal to his master (getting revenge on GUN/everybody on Earth for screwing up Gerald's research) throughout pretty much all of SA2 until final story.

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2001 didn't have much fan fiction in that time, and Shadow with a troubled past and the fact he's genetically engeneried and artificial, plus a weapon created for war makes him one of those Original Anti Hero Stertpyes.

Name one character that has that much back round and his a creation instead of natrual being.

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BTW, if you want to discuss this in real time, be sure to use the MFChat Joeman :D

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I regret doing this but I think we should solve this in a real time discussion joe.
Sign up on the chat so we can settle this pointless argument.

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Proof, Gamma lived for Eggman. One out of four models that were choosen to gaurd eggman.

Shadow he was an experiment gone renagade.

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I love how you yell at people for saying they don't like characters in the favorite characters topic but you're going about in here saying why you're so gay for Shadow.

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Gamma went renegade too, he turned against Eggman by letting Amy (as well as doing something else IIRC).

EDIT: Btw, chat is easier then trading one liners, and less spam-like.

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I mean the only ones I know who act like SHadow are Bass, Punisher, Batman, and that basically it I don't see how thats overused. So really I don't get it, Shadow's a good character, he's cool he's original, he's unique, you guys don't like him because he's has a stertypical personality and traits like the rest of the Sonic Characters. Thats ****ed up. Sonic's a cliche, so is Knuckles, and Amy, and Eggman , Tails. Everybody in this game is a cliche. Shadow came out on 2001 right, so his character is based on a batman tyoe of guy who does his own vengenece and ideals, like batman or frank castle, so in a sense he's original since character like Sasuke or Zuko came after Shadow as broofing anti heroes. And he's a animal to.

Batman was made in know, 62 years before Shadow...

You do realise that every claim you make to Shadow being unique and original has been squashed in the exact same paragraph as you claim him to be like many other characters of that archetype. Shadow has nothing unique going for him, at all. If Nutchos didn't prove this enough, there's also the fact that his moveset was ripped from Sonic, he's a hedgehog, like Sonic, he has Super Sonic's spike style, he's a rival to Sonic, which was Knuckles role, and he's designed to be an anti Sonic, which is Metal Sonic's role.

Hell, there's also no indication that he'd be able to keep up with Sonic without his hover boots, combine that with the use of guns and the need of a Chaos Emerald to use Chaos Control (the only thing that he brought to the table) and he's just a bio-engineered Hedgehog who has to relly on weapons to do anything useful.

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Robo's right; you're basically contradicting yourself. You say that Shadow's "a good character, he's cool he's original, he's unique", but you also agree that he's a clich just like "everybody in this game"? Make up your mind.

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what the hell happened in here

As for me, that stupid new raccoon thing. I don't care if she turns out to be amusing, she's the ugliest character to date by miles and is yet another unnecessary addition to the swollen roster. Everyone else I'm pretty much okay with besides the new crap that has been thrown around in Shadow and 06{not counting Blaze}. Oh, and I hate Rouge for no reason.

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ah yes, that raccoon thing that people won't shut up about

i just found out what she looks like about a minute ago

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EDIT: And I would like to nominate this black hedgehog called "Shadow" for second place. He is crap!

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Not even Shadow's backstory is original. Chaos is a Shadow who can't talk and thus can't openly show his angst.

And before you start spitting poison on me, let me tell you this: I'm also a Shadow fan. Actually I think I can say he's my favorite Sonic character.. but you have to admit they messed him up pretty good after SA2; so the hatred he gets is fully understandable.

As for a least favorite character...
The GUN commander. 😛

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