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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 25
Eminent Member

I had like zero interest in this game until I saw that trailer but I'm f*ckin pumped for it now. :D Haha, it's not what we're used to, and I've never been a big fan of the whole fantasy theme that many games have, but at least it's fresh and new, and it fits the series somehow, in a weird way. And if they're gonna eff up the series, they might as well do it in a way we've never seen before instead of a way we've already seen thousands of times.

And, you know, if it turns out that the game sucks, I'll just forget it ever happened, just like Heroes, and Sonic X, and Shadow the Hedgehog, and all that other stuff. As far as I'm concerned with the Sonic series, it's still 2002, I'm in the 9th grade, and I don't even know who Cream the Rabbit is yet. :p

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Thank you people who bought that steaming pile of a game to ensure that this gameplay will be encorparted to future Sonic console games from now on. ^_^

Thank you for not rubbing it in.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

If you watch the action scene carefully with Sonic attacking the robots, you'll notice something following him. It looks like a Chaos Emerald. Thoughts?

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Actually I think that is part of the whole improved abilities thing said a while back.

You see the same thing. some orange/yellow blurs hit Shadow and his body seems to have a blue charage around him. Just looking at the trailer again the blue charge happens on Sonic too.

Not a chaos emerald but stats improver. yeah.

Wow, the end of the trailer, Shadow of the Colossus drop out or what? 🙂

Blue Blur Things:
Just seconds after Sonic detroys robots
The Angstman cometh

The man who found Eggman in the Sonic Riders trailer comes up trumps again.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

It's te first level...

They've brightenedit up from the old version we saw... now much more colourfull, less realistic, with fancy glowing speed boosts and large red ring bouncers...

I'm officially annoyed.
I was all pumped for a realistic sonic game, now all you people who think that it should be fancy, bright and colourfull have got your wish... :p
But will you be happy, NO, because Shadow#s there and thats ENOUGh to put you off on it's own.

And, look what happens at the video, great way to make a first impression (falls off cliff and dies :thumbsup )

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Silver the hedgehog? Well at least they didnt name him after food.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

But is it confirmed that it's Silver or is it just a temporary name, like when we call him Mr.Whitey?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Well they did play the demo, so I think is it is confirmed.

Posts: 42
Eminent Member

I hope Silver "Whitey" the Hedgehog doesn't *SHOCK!* match Sonic for his speed. Its not like we've ever seen that before.
Regardless, I want him to play well, but differently from Sonic. Its already confirmed that Shadow will have vehicles and Silver will have magic psychic powers, so will they play like Sonic on steroids? What is it that Sonic is going to have to make him equal, if not better, skill-wise and in the gameplay?

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

*piles in*

More forgetting that Shadow can outrun and outfight any stoopid military vehicle and has no reason to use one for a gratuitous demolition derby!

(Gameplay-wise, the look of the whole video's reminding me of the Shadow engine, in fact. )

*bangs head on desk*

Loving the design detail of the Princess and Eggman, though - Eggy especially looks so much more of a credible villain, rather than pure comedy...

In fact, there seems to be a definite mythology being built up, from the number of locations and characters we're being introduced to here (I'm actually being put in mind of the Sonic: the Movie OAV) - if Sonic's finally getting a deep, codified universe, I hope they can keep it consistent (but after everything else we've put up with recently, I don't like the odds ).

Although, looking at the new gameplay footage from StH, there seems to be a heavy Eastern feel to it. It's Far East rather than Middle East (which Arabian Nights is - although we do have this "Iblis" thingie in with the Japanese stuff...), but whoever's coming up with the plots these days seems to be leaning heavily towards mythology traditions.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


Eggy especially looks so much more of a credible villain, rather than pure comedy...

They have run the comedy angle into the ground with the last few games, though, haven't they?

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

Actually, Silver sounds really cool to me... now all I need to see is a boss that doesn't have a health meter... and I might actually consider buying it... eventually.

Eh. Atleast Shadow's truck looks sortof bad-ass this time. Instead of a big grey cube. >_>; As long as he doesn't have a gun.

Posts: 63
Trusted Member

Does anyone how to take a screenshot with Media Player Classic?

Looking at Sonic hit the robots, it looks like Chaos Drives are popping out.

Edit: Here we go...


"One million hits, baby! WHOO!"

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

*Points at his last post* :(
I got those screens with Media Player new version so not much help. Plus I forgot how I changes Media Player so it wouldnt mess with print screens.
They probably are chaos drives but they home in on Sonic/Shadow and possible boost their power or whatever.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Maybe the Chaos Drives are use to upgrade those abilities that Gamespot spoke off in their article.

Posts: 120
Estimable Member

Just in case anyone still has trouble downloading the trailer off sites, I've uploaded it onto Google Video, as it's the easiest way to get media. It's the one titled "Sonic the Hedgehog E3 2006 Trailer"(Strangley enough!:nn; )

This game is REALLY looking good. I'm actually thinking of this as the next true console Sonic game since SA2. It has a very adventure-y feel to it, what with single character game play, and three different gameplay types...right down to chaos drives and Chao in Space IIIposters!

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

So... I see Super Sonic in what looks like a regular boss fight (SS may be properly playable. Good), truck driving (not so good) and some form of evil red chaos lookalike (Hmmm)

We'll see.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

I find the evil firey monster an homage to Chaos. Perhaps we may get lucky and hear mention of it?

I agree with Samanfur that this game having a princess is like the old Sonic Anime. I was half expecting Elise to have cat ears.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

I didn't see the fire monster too well, but if it looks like Chaos, I wonder if we will start seeing other elemental Chaos such as a wind or earth Chaos?

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

They traded in Silver the Hedgehog's speed for mondo-weirdo PSYCHO POWERS! o.o So, I guess his focus on the game is much less speed-oriented, but has his fair share of action, killing enemies in weird and wonderful ways.

For example: Smashing one armoured robot to death with another armoured robot. =D

The whole 'Iblis' thing, wasn't that meant to be some sort of fire/smokey demon thing, otherwise known as a 'Jinn'? There is the strong possibility that Sonic Wild Fire may have connection with this, seeing as how it's meant to be in like the 'Arabian Nights', which had Genie, or, 'Jinn'.

As for the Fire Monster Demon Thing (FMDT) itself, it didn't look so much like Chaos to me, but more of Devil Doom stuck in the ground.

My hopes are rising for this game. Here's hoping it won't turn out like Heroes or Shadow.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

New Hedgeohg's name confirmed by Sega of America

Plus new pictures of him in action. Wow its like Ermac for the Sonic series.

But without the cool backstory of being a glitch character in the first Sonic game and then made canon because Yuji Naka wanted a laugh. Probably.

Hullo? Players One-Four on Sonic the Hedgehog 06? Ooooooo.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Will this come out to PC or was that picture a fake?
The site says only XBOX 360 and PS3. :(

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


In his first adventure set in the human world

Why do they keep saying that? Were SA, SA2 and Shadow populated with tall, shaven apes?

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

New gameplay video over at Gamespot.

Shows Sonic moving really fast, and shows Silver doing some spiffy techniques.

I'm questioning the initial camera angels, and knowing when to jump when I'm moving almost uncontrollably fast.

You can see it at the video homepage.

Thus far, it seems that Silver isn't as fast as the blue hero.

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

I must say, I love Silver's gameplay. And when I actually get around to playing it, if I can choose my character, I'll definetly be picking him.

*Crosses fingers for Shadow not having a gun*

Posts: 42
Eminent Member

Could they think of a less inspired name than Silver? It sounds so fan-charactery.
Aside from that, he looks interesting. He doesn't spin when he jumps, so as long as his jump isn't some form of homing attack, it will add a neat form of balancing. He seems to have character context sensitive spots which seem to function as glorified stand bys- things like springs and speed boosts.
I see some hints of branching levels, but nothing definite. The speed with Sonic IS intense, but very linear, and I wonder how jumping/wall running will be implemented. I hope its not automatic, and I hope that it offers room for explorability.
Oh, and the town looks like a quaint Station Square.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


I wonder how jumping/wall running will be implemented. I hope its not automatic, and I hope that it offers room for explorability.

Same here. There was nothing more boring in Heroes and Shadow than times where you could actually set the controller down while the game played itself.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Please note:

That screenie of the giant flamey monster thing holding up a building like he's gonna splat you with it?

Yeah. That's teh sex.

That is all.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Whole load of ign videos, some suggesting that there are enemies which take more than one hit to kill.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Sweet. Silver can bend steel bars. I wonder if he can do the same to bosses?

Posts: 222
Estimable Member

God Damnit Sega.

STOP GIVING THE REGULAR GUYS HEALTH BARS. For that matter stop giving the bosses exorbant health bars so much so that it becomes a button-mash-fest =/.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I like what they are doing with Silver there's a sort of unstoppable force about him.

But then I'm reminded of the South Park episode where Cartman pretends to be a psychic.
"Well then this shall be the final battle!"
"Denna, denna, denna. ping, ping, ping."
Ah good times.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

Another hands-on.

After seeing footage and reading this, if they can just manage to perfect Sonic's controls, and make Shadow have a good gameplay experience, then this could be a solid game.

I honestly think the game could've have a 9.0ish potiental if it was ONLY Sonic, but oh well, I guess things will somewhat never change.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Lets put it like this:
Multiple Routes: Check. Every preview I have read has gone in to explicit detail about this.
Controls: Need tightening.
Camera: Needs more improvement.
Wow two thirds away from main issues being graphics style/music and storyline being problems with a 3D Sonic game. pretty big two thirds but it might be possible.

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

I don't belieive this has been mentioned (if so, apologies), but there's an EXTREMELY sweet vid of the ruins level on the official site.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


I don't belieive this has been mentioned (if so, apologies), but there's an EXTREMELY sweet vid of the ruins level on the official site.

Wow, that is the smoothest gameplay of Sonic I have ever seen in a 3D game. Though professionally done, it shows the gameplay's potiental.

EDIT: The whole demo played through from the start to beginning (With Sonic, anyways. As for Silver ... it's half of his experience, due to technical reasons). It's well worth it, I personally believe. As for you 56kers ... go for it!

Posts: 2016
Noble Member


But at least the Light Dash maneauver is incorporated into this. And the gameplay looks simply fast, stylish, and awesome.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

As I said in another topic... looks more like a Sonic Adventure clone with a few tweaks than anythign else, but even that wouldn't be bad...

EDIT: Hmmm.... seems Silver is some form of time-travelling loon, here to avert the apocolypse. Oh, and those speed sections look rather like Wildfire.

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

:fist :fist :fist :fist

SUNNAVA B****!!!

Silver is from the FUTURE?!!

:nono :nono :nono

Bad SEGA!! BAD!!

Silver: Sonic, you gotta come back with me...
Sonic: Where?
Silver: Back to the Future!!!!!!!

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


EDIT: Hmmm.... seems Silver is some form of time-travelling loon, here to avert the apocolypse. Oh, and those speed sections look rather like Wildfire.

So Silver is like Trunks(DBZ)then? I wonder if Shadow is his father?
Wait a minute.. OMG he his Shadow son. They do have the same chest hair and angts look after all. Could he Rouge be son too?

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

LOL!! That would explain the boots.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Please don't make him Shadow's son I mean Silver is having a hard enough time as it is. I mean he could even be bullied in the gaming schoolyard by Kirby. Yes Kirby.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


I mean he could even be bullied in the gaming schoolyard by Kirby. Yes Kirby.

Everyone could be bullied in the gaming schoolyard by Kirby.

Don't let the cute pink exterior fool you... he's badass.

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

Wait a second, if he has Shadow's looks, who do we know who uses tarot cards AND wears big boots.

:idea :eek

OMG!! Silver's mother is...

*Stares blankly down the barrels of several thousand tanks piloted by Sonimy fans*

:^^; Never mind...

Posts: 439
Reputable Member


EDIT: The whole demo played through from the start to beginning (With Sonic, anyways. As for Silver ... it's half of his experience, due to technical reasons). It's well worth it, I personally believe. As for you 56kers ... go for it!

That guy fell into the bottomless pits way too many times for my liking. Either he sucks, the controls still suck, or he sucks and the controls still suck. I vote three.

As for Silver being from the future, I wonder if there'll be time travelling like in Sonic CD. Good and bad futures, that'd make up for the lack of originality... a bit.

Posts: 68
Trusted Member

Is Silver really from the future or is a joke you guys are making up?

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

No, he really is a crazy time-travelling hedgehog, according to that complete demo video.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

But his gameplay looks to be the most droolworthy thing I've seen in a Sonic game in a good while.

Sonic's bit...meh. Seemed the same buggy stuff as usual. But the running on water, that also happened to be a wall, that was cool.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

The game looks ok from what I've seen. From what I've read and seen, the graphics aren't half bad either. I like Silver's design and such too.

I do hope this game is as good as I think it is though. I'm getting tired of all the half effort 3-D games so far. Aside from SA 1and 2. =/ That's me though.

Posts: 146
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