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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 859
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Knuckles bit of Cannons core...

It's a mini level, a full mini level, but a significant section and theres no skipping it.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Having the Tornado Stages back would be cool. Hopefully there wont any of the Halloween Stages, I was never a fan of them.



Please let this guy be lying.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

SPOILERS: There's also this topic.

Posts: 899
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I choose not to believe that. If he's right, I will be VERY pissed, so please let it be BS.

Posts: 377
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I choose not to believe that. If he's right, I will be VERY pissed, so please let it be BS.

But wait! They have a month to reveal it, so let's give them this month. 🙂

Posts: 0
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Let's not. The second especially looks like utter tripe.

(By reading this post, the party agrees that if it turns out to be true, this post never existed.)

Posts: 1789
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Why are people believing "spoilers" that comes from gamefaqs of all places?

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

Funny. I heard developers explicitly stating that you shouldn't expect a difference between the PS3 and 360. Plus, the extra space won't mean jack, since most people will be designing their games around the least common denominator.

I didn't know developers said that, but the rest is kinda true.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Acid: I have no idea whether you were referring to the internet in general or just the thread, but not many believed and the spoiler warnings were nothing but a just-in-case precaution.

Anyways, it looks like OCB has confirmed the entire charade to be false and we also have 3 new mag scans.</a

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Eggman looks even odder now, but the rest looks cool.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Thanks for the scans HSW. Nothing new execept for the Eggman and Princess Elise full body shots. Btw I can't read japanese, so does the article mention anything new?

Posts: 308
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Well, at least we know it will be "hot" and "cool"...

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Spoilers (Select To Read): Sonic Wins. Dr. Eggman Loses. There will be something about teamwork in the middle against some giant monster.

Eggman really does look wierd. He looks actually more Egg-shaped. They have just made his limbs a bit wider.

Elise is all like "I wish I was in a Final Fantasy. Here I'm just a human Tikal."

I'm evil.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Acid: I have no idea whether you were referring to the internet in general or just the thread, but not many believed and the spoiler warnings were nothing but a just-in-case precaution.

Well, I was specifically refering to the people in this thread since there are not a lot of guillible people here.:) The Gamefaqs MBs(especially on a popular board like the Sonic ones) are not exactly a becon of reliabilty when it come to exclusive, never-before seen new info. Anybody can make up junk there to get attention and in fact, that's exactly what happened when OCB was playing along with the attention whore only to expose that person as a fake in the end.

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

*looks second scan* Gah! >_< Sonic and crew should quit calling him Eggman and start calling him thunder-thighs.

That image has helped me realize that Eggman really shouldn't be flaunting around in tight pants.

I miss his skinny lil' legs. :(

Posts: 9
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I do want it to come out on Wii though...

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I just realised something.
Elise has those feather horn crown things
The monster in Silver's level has horns...

Yeah. Probably not but still...

Posts: 3756
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OMG REALISM @ Eggface's fat legs

Posts: 931
Prominent Member


I just realised something.
Elise has those feather horn crown things
The monster in Silver's level has horns...

Yeah. Probably not but still...


Well, you never know. It wouldn't be a completely unlikely plotline...

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I just realised that its Eggman's coat that makes him look wierd. If it was a bit longer (Not Neo/Paul Heyman long) It wouldn't look so bad.

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

No argument there. Looks like the fat from Eggy's sides went to his gut as well as his legs. Believe it or not, I think he looks sillier now than he did in previous games.

Posts: 5
Active Member

I've already gotten quite used to the new Eggman. Those fat legs were bothering me a bit first... but then, he'd probably look quite funny if he still had those thin legs...

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

He looks pregnant...

...anyway, so long as he keeps his legs in a militaristic stance, rather than parted, I won't mind, he wasn't as noticably odd in the trailer,

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Ohnoes to the tight pants. It does add to the realism but...

Elise is pretty, and she does look at home in a FF game. (Will Sonic have a human love interest!? Gasp! Never! Oo)

My crazy theory:

Am I the only one who has noticed that Sonic has yet to use the full power of the Chaos Emeralds? Even in the earlier games, Sonic never went all out. He's either shared the power (as with SA1, SA2, and Heroes) or only used the positive energy.

If Silver has come to stop Sonic from making a terrible mistake, maybe it involves overpowering himself? Maybe he snaps and goes over the edge and doing so realeases Chaos' firey alter ego.

I don't know, just a thought.

Posts: 5
Active Member

I wonder if any of the characters will ever use the negative energy in the games. Is it actually been used in anywhere yet? And is it actually mentioned in any game or comic or TV-series... or is it all something that fans made up? I just can't remember...

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


I wonder if any of the characters will ever use the negative energy in the games. Is it actually been used in anywhere yet? And is it actually mentioned in any game or comic or TV-series... or is it all something that fans made up? I just can't remember...

Chaos used the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds when he became Perfect Chaos.

Posts: 5
Active Member

Thanks for reminding me, I had to go and check it out myself, though... I had forgotten it.

But then, why would Sonic become so angry that he'd use the negative energy of the Emeralds?

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


But then, why would Sonic become so angry that he'd use the negative energy of the Emeralds?

Sonic could use the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds if he was using them through a negative mean.

An example would be an occurance (Eggman killing Tails) that would cause Sonic to become negatively angry (rage, violence, revenge), instead of through a positive mean (justice).

Posts: 63
Trusted Member


I wonder if any of the characters will ever use the negative energy in the games. Is it actually been used in anywhere yet? And is it actually mentioned in any game or comic or TV-series... or is it all something that fans made up? I just can't remember...

Also in the third season of Sonic X, at one point he was in a chaos emerald factory and was being affected by the power of a massive stockpile of fabricated emeralds. When he saw when the aliens had kidnapped and knocked out a couple of his friends, his rage got the better of him and a dark aura began to surround him, turning him almost black.


"One million hits, baby! WHOO!"

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Yeah, but that's in Sonic X. Sonic's practically a symbol of purity in the games. He can do no wrong, or at least hasn't yet. Part of his personality is that he can always keep his cool in almost any situation. Really, if he lost it and used the negative energy or, even better, all of the chaos energy, his character would probably never be the same.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

Say for example, Robotnik went on a rampage, slaughtered billions and Sonic happened to be using the Emeralds at the time and got real pissed?

Posts: 79
Estimable Member

*whistles at the thought that even in the Super form we've seen isn't even half of the full power of what the emeralds are capable of*

now that's a scary thought! I'm thinking along the lines of Fleetway's Sonic the Comic here - now THAT'S power!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Well if that's power and the Super Emeralds are real then the Hyper forms are only half as well. =O Allow me to blow your mind. lol

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Sega now has a "mini-site" for this game. It gives a summary of the story, movies and screenshots; nothing major really, but it is nice to see higher quality screens.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Dude great find. I still don't understand the whole, "For the first time ever Sonic will be in a world with humans". Anyway I hope the story is good though, this game has such potential. You really are most helpful, Ray. =P

Posts: 308
Reputable Member

Considering that Sonic Team supervises the production of Sonic X, they may very well bring in Dark Sonic.

Sonic the symbol of purity? I disagree. Maybe the symbol of justice, but not purity. Tails is more suitable. Besides...
-Sonic's constantly fighting against the destruction of civilization (or something along those lines). Always taking the high road while your enemy (and even some of your "allies") double-cross and betray their way through any and everything is bound to make him snap. (Shadow figured this out and just took the shortcut. :P)
-Being a mortal means having light and darkness in your heart, no matter how "pure" you may seem. (Kingdom Hearts preaches a similar sermon, except for the Seven Princesses of Heart deal.)
-He's a friggin' teenager.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member


You really are most helpful, Ray.

Why, thank you, Neal!!!!:thumbsup

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I would love if there was a Dark Sonic. Don't know why but for those 3 minutes in that episode of Sonic X it made me smile. Might have been those surpressed Fleetway memories coming back though.

I don't think it will be though. Come on, Sega give their mascot a uber evil side. I know this game appears darker than the previous games but still no.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Sorry the quality isn't awesome, but here's some new mag scans (thanks Sonic Lightspeed for hosting 'em for me): page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | Eggman thingy closeup

There's some extra oddness in the scans as it's part of a japan-flavoured E3 report, but let's try to keep discussion mostly on Sonic the Hedgehog.

For anyone wondering, 'time to crate' refers to how long it takes from the time the first stage of a game begins until you encounter that wonderous videogame cliche, the crate :]

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

First, Razor Ramon scares me. The Eggman drawings on the other hand look pretty awesome. Other than that the article doesnt mention anything new.

Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Eggman keeps getting uglier and uglier...

Posts: 1789
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Hard Gay guest staring in this game would make it an automatic 10 out of 10.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

I wanna see Sonic eviscerate Amy, that'd be cool.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

*after looking up eviscerate on wikipedeia.*
In those scans it mentions that old levels might be revisited.
I don't ask a lot from Sega. Please relight the fanboy in me and give me Chemical Plant or Oil Ocean. In 3D goodness.

Posts: 0
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I am excited for the arrival of the new sonic's, but first i have to buy those systems, lol.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


I wanna see Sonic eviscerate Amy, that'd be cool.

I wanna see Amy eviscerate your CROTCH!

I keed tho'! I keed!

...but seriously, there needs to be a Hard Gay cameo just for poop and chortle. He can be the NPC that thrust his pelvis into characters' faces while screaming "Wooooo!" claiming he wants to improve the City of Solenna., so I guess we have to wait 'til TGS to get more info?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Can't we just use Ash from SoR3 and call it a day? At least Sega owns him.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Old levels...revisited. And by old do they mean from SA-ShtH. Yea probably. =(

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

Eggman's design is crap and has none of the charm, originality, or character of his other designs (well, it's better than the DiC versions). Silver's gameplay sounds like an interactive movie. I keep disliking this game more.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

I'm guessing(hoping) Sonic WiFi's/Sonic Rivals Eggman will look similar to the SA-incarnation since I assuming those games doesn't have an emphasis on realism.

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