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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Really? Now I seriously doubt that the hedgehog's real name.

Yeah, really. What is up with that rumor?
Pssst! It's called a joke.

I sincerely doubt Silver is Nazo.

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I hear there's a boss fight with the new hedgehog at the end of the game and the only way to beat him is to talk into the XBOX360's microphone and say his name backwards :D

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Sounds Intresting, and fun to do.

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I hear there's a boss fight with the new hedgehog at the end of the game and the only way to beat him is to talk into the XBOX360's microphone and say his name backwards 😀

Let me guess; since the PS3 doesn't have a mic to my knowledge, he's instead replaced by more giant enemy crabs?

Posts: 159
Estimable Member


Let me guess; since the PS3 doesn't have a mic to my knowledge, he's instead replaced by more giant enemy crabs?

Doubt it. I'm sure the PS3 will come with a microphone. They just can't package it with the system because then, of course, it would just be too expensive.


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God forbid the PS3 be expensive! :O



Also, for some reason, they've decided to include a sort of dating sim. You control Elisa like a normal character. However, depending on how you play through the levels, you'll meet different characters. You then get these training sessions where you can learn one the characters ablities. Apparently you'll have a lot of choice. So you could train Elisa to have the speed of Sonic and the psychic powers of Silver. Depending on how you play through her story will effect who Elisa confesses her love to.

Basicly, Emerl is back...

One Classy Bloke strikes again!

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Wait Elise is playable and her story is a dating sim? :eek :eek .And Emerl back,too?

Posts: 37
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I only hope that bringing the best of the previous games does not end up in a hodgepodge of features and it's smoothly integrated with the other parts of the game.

Basically, I hope this is not a four-games-into-one-title thingy.

Posts: 21
Eminent Member


Wait Elise is playable and her story is a dating sim? .And Emerl back,too?

I think he means that Elise is like Emerl since you have to train her and learn other characters ablities like you did with Emerl.

And dating sim? I hope Eggman is a choice so I can get her to fall for him instead.

Posts: 114
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That would be funny "Why did I choose a man that CRUSHES ME in the bedroom?! And the park bench."

Posts: 1037
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Lol, what? xD

I bet that in the final story she confesses her true love to Eggman. n.N

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


I think he means that Elise is like Emerl since you have to train her and learn other characters ablities like you did with Emerl.

I wonder how is that going to work? Elise is human and to my knowledge she doesnt have Emerl copy ability... or does she? I hope she get a different clothes when she using their powers. She will look pretty stupid doing Chaos Blast or a Homing Spin in a dress.


I bet that in the final story she confesses her true love to Eggman

:lol What if she confesses her love to Shadow?

Elise: "Shadow, I love you."

Shadow: "Sorry Elise, my heart belong to someone else."

Elise: "Maria?"

Shadow: "No, my gun"

*goes back to shooting people*


Posts: 350
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Elise is the princess of the place or something. She has knowledge of the "Flames of Disaster". And I seriously don't think saying Silver's name backwards will beat him. The traditional Sonic-bouncing has always been more then enough. :)
Where are you getting this Emerl? In the game series, he comes back as "Gemerl". It was in Sonic Advance 3. But you may be right.
The PS3 IS expensive. About $699+. Like I said in another topic, my brother ordered one without my consent. I'm not paying him back. :P. And now he has his eyes on the Wii.....
I don't remember a microphone being in the presentation of the PS3, either. And I'm just noting the Nazo/Silver thing. Nazo may have just been a prototype.....but for what?

side note: Who thinks Dark Sonic will make an appearance?

Posts: 4607
Famed Member


  • Backward name is another reference to Mxyzptlk, which was a JOKE. I thought more people read Superman? Anyway, stop bringing it up, it's not a serious comment.
  • Emerl was from Sonic Battle. Also Sonic X.
  • Seriously doubt Dark Sonic would show up either. People, it's already been said that Sonic X doesn't affect the games, so stop trying to use it to guess what's coming up. It's a bad idea.
    Posts: 504
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    In my brand new EGM mag, theres a picture of Silver hovering and here some thing that some people whould like to here............. playing Shadow is optional. I tryed to scan the page but it looked all grainy whean I put it on image shack. Sorry. :(

    Posts: 194
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    Shadow is extra? He's probably not much part of the story then.

    Elise is playable and can learn abilities from the guys? One Classy Bloke is brilliant. I'm buying a 360 now.

    Posts: 377
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    Elise ... playable? That has to be a joke.

    Please, just Sonic, Silver, and Shadow. They're just gold-plating the game now, and that's noooo good.

    Posts: 1789
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    Also, for some reason, they've decided to include a sort of dating sim. You control Elisa like a normal character. However, depending on how you play through the levels, you'll meet different characters. You then get these training sessions where you can learn one the characters ablities. Apparently you'll have a lot of choice. So you could train Elisa to have the speed of Sonic and the psychic powers of Silver. Depending on how you play through her story will effect who Elisa confesses her love to.

    This sounds like one of the worse things ever to come out from the Sonic games. :lol :lol :lol

    I hope OCB is really BS'ing on this statement.

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    I second AB =/

    Posts: 114
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    "I think the new dude could be called 'Umbra', as he may be "the darkest part of a Shadow"

    "Will there be swearing (oh sure hope not, just look at 'Damn' in Shadow, if they take it up to the next level, dear God!)?"

    I doubt there will be cussing in this one, as it looks to be aimed at the same crew as SA1 & 2, Heroes, etc. Shadow's game was aimed at a slightly older audience. Shadow doesn't seem to have his guns in this one either, so that agrees.

    Are you personally offended by the cussing in Shadow? I'm not, as I'm a swearholic myself (and find 'hell' and 'damn' very mild and inoffensive, and actually fitting with the character of Shadow. I'd also say I find it realistic if it weren't for the emphasis put on it. That.. ~DAMN~ ..fourth emerald *Shadow looks into camera*), but ironically, I verge on being offended by your casual use of the phrase "Dear God!"

    Anyway, even in Shadow the Hedgehog 5 I doubt they'd ever have Shadow flinging "F"s, "B"s or "S"

    V2: I said we had a bit (as in, a little bit) of debate - that is, nothing 'real' - I just recall a few people saying they might have disagreed with some of the points or that you should tweak certain statements a bit.. but I don't know, it's been a while and I'm a weary old man. Anyway, good work. "

    I wasn't really offended or anything, it's just it was used when it wasn't needed and when it was, it wasn't used, and to me this looks like it's aimed at a slightly older audience. Besides the only 'Older audience' thing in Shadow was the word 'Damn' and 'Hell' (and they STILL said 'what the heck!?') it was actually pretty damned kiddy too, you can't kill anyone and that sucks, and look at Black Doom's lines 'It will disrupt the evil within you' what kind of non-kids villain KNOWS they're evil and likes it? It's not even as though he's a sadist. SA2 was darker, just less edgy (don't say they had the same backstory, because Shadow lacked the insane Gerald which is the darkest thing ever to come out of Sonic) I'm just saying if there was swearing, it would be used stupidly.

    Posts: 1413
    Noble Member


    Shadow is extra? He's probably not much part of the story then.

    Looking at the article, when they say he is optional I think they refering that you aren't forced to play as him like in his game.That you can choose other characters to play as from the very beginning.


    I hope OCB is really BS'ing on this statement.

    I dont know maybe Sonic Team added that mode so that Sonic could sell well in Japan. For some odd reason dating sims seem to be very popular in Japan. I never understod why

    Posts: 377
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    Responding to the topic of Shadow cussing, I think that's a matter of perspective.

    In a world where kids see guts flying around on television, yet cannot see a single tit, I think it's okay.

    The only "kiddy" games that I recall playing was Sonic Schoolhouse, Sonic Heroes, and Sonic Riders. There's probably a few random others, but Sonic really does market both children through adults, making it unnecessary to try and grab an already existing market.

    If Shadow has a gun in this game, then I'm probably going to have one myself, except it'll be to my head.

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    You think sonic riders and Heros are kiddy games?
    Sure Sonic heros is but ... riders?

    Posts: 1789
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    The only Sonic games I would really consider kiddy are those Sega Pico games and Sonic Schoolhouse which was made specifically for a younger audience. Most Sonic games(including Heroes and Riders) was made to appeal to the same audience since the first Sonic game--everyone. However, kids are Sonic's largest demo and I would not be surprised if Shadow the Hedgehog despite how "mature" it tries to be sold more to the 12 and under crowd than the teens and adult market.


    I dont know maybe Sonic Team added that mode so that Sonic could sell well in Japan. For some odd reason dating sims seem to be very popular in Japan.

    However, most dating sims are about a human boy or a girl trying to court a member opposite sex bred from a gaggle of anime stereotypes and are of the same species. They don't usually involve a girl trying to court a hedgehog.:lol

    Posts: 350
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    Date Sim?.....G Collections has nothing on this. (G-collections; pornographic date sims :) ) Who do you have to sway? Silver? Or....Dr. Eggman? XP I honestly don't wish it to be date sim for Elise, although I'm an ace at date sims, but I just don't think that it's Sonic material. Then again, they ARE trying some new stuff.

    Who do YOU want to pair with Elise? I think Silver. She'd be like "No, don't kill Sonic, because....I LOVE YOU!!!" Silver says: "WTF?"

    Posts: 1789
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    Okay, the Dating Sim schitck was confirmed as a joke. Nothing to see here people. :lol :lol :lol

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    LOL@ the dating sim...

    Posts: 350
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    You think I didn't know? Then you're an idiot if you did. I was just having some fun with it. :) lol!
    I am very good at convincing people. ;)

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    And you're an idiot if you think we can't see that was asscovering to hide the fact that you didn't know it was OCB having some fun with us 😀

    Posts: 3756
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    LMAO! OCB, you stinker. ^^


    Backward name is another reference to Mxyzptlk, which was a JOKE. I thought more people read Superman? Anyway, stop bringing it up, it's not a serious comment.

    I got it, SH. =D

    Posts: 377
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    You think sonic riders and Heros are kiddy games?

    Again, it's all perspective.

    I feel the original Sonic games were much more serious than Sonic Heroes and Riders. It's simply the feeling I get. I do not feel that the two games were entirely kiddy, but from the typical balance of fun/serious, I think they leaned a bit more to the fun and happy side than usual -- which makes them appeal more to children than adults, unless you grow up in places like Japan.

    I think this game is on the right track, however.

    Posts: 350
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    And you're an idiot if you think we can't see that was asscovering to hide the fact that you didn't know it was OCB having some fun with us

    Yeah, right. I know where to find the right info on anything. I just wanted to mess with some of the meager minded.....usually what people think I am. They do it a lot, but I'm smart and then they act surprised. Does that make me a bad person? :(

    I hear ya, Deus. The old ones, they were far more serious. Like in spinball, if you beat it, Sonic says "Goodbye, Robotnik," as egg-belly falls, kinda like in a dramatic way. Nowadays, you hear Eggman say "I'll get you next time, Sonic!" All smiles. But this next one....I get this feeling someone's going to go down on the level of happiness on this one.

    Posts: 1789
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    Again, it's all perspective.

    I feel the original Sonic games were much more serious than Sonic Heroes and Riders. It's simply the feeling I get. I do not feel that the two games were entirely kiddy, but from the typical balance of fun/serious, I think they leaned a bit more to the fun and happy side than usual -- which makes them appeal more to children than adults, unless you grow up in places like Japan.

    Maybe it's because Sonic never uttered any Nickelodeon-approved catchphrases in the original games because the are direction in those two games are as bright and colorful as the original games. *shrugs*

    Posts: 504
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    I thought Riders was a spin off. Must of been me. And Riders (IN MY HUMBLE OPTION) was some what challengeing and have a mix of humor and SOME WHAT serious. Heros was kiddy like whille Riders was challengeing and hade a nice plot, unlike Heros and Shadow. Or maybe im crazy to think this? Your pick.

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    Im leaning towards crazy.

    Posts: 1446
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    Yeah, right. I know where to find the right info on anything. I just wanted to mess with some of the meager minded.....usually what people think I am. They do it a lot, but I'm smart and then they act surprised. Does that make me a bad person?

    If you "know where to find the right info on anything", why didn't you just tell us that the dating sim was a joke?

    And no, it doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes you look immature.

    Now here's hoping there's no more talk of Elise x anyone....

    Posts: 350
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    If you had paid attention, I was making it sound like THERE WAS a date sim.


    Posts: 1446
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    Your logic does not resemble our Earth logic.

    Posts: 286
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    Now Elise will never have a Station Square Burger Shop Romance.

    I wonder what ever became of those two crazy kids...
    *flashes of giant tidal waves*
    ..Oh, right.

    Posts: 3756
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    That was a funny show. I liked the mailman. I think he's in those newfangled 3D movies now.

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    Speaking of Cheers, man, did George Wendt die or something?
    Because after the show most of the people went on to be heard of again, but George just disappeared into the mists. =/

    Posts: 3756
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    IMdb says he's around, little cameos in TV shows here and there, but not anything important. :(

    Posts: 194
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    Where did the Cheers conversation come from?

    Weresheep, it's practically impossible to act like that on a forum becuase we can't hear or see you, we just read what you typed. Turning around like you did saying "I knew it was a joke!" makes you look bad.

    I honestly didn't have a clue. I doubted it (like with what most of what OCB says) but I could completely envision how that would work in the game. O.o

    Posts: 504
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    A human version of ermal and the sim thing sounded stupid to me and im not surprised it was a joke. sonic is a action/adv/whatever gams. plus, Sonic Sims? Humans running at the speed of sound? (not eggy) You people are loony. :jester HOWEVER, I am confused on how priceses elis came all a sudden. none of the old or present games meationed kings and queens. just the president and Blaze. or maybe Elise is from the future? how she came? I don't know.


    TUS:Im leaning towards crazy.

    Me? Crazy? Im perfictly Sane.:)

    Posts: 1396
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    none of the old or present games meationed kings and queens. just the president and Blaze. or maybe Elise is from the future? how she came? I don't know.

    None of the old games mentioned Presidents until SA2, same for GUN. It's not hard to believe that there are other Countries, Cities, Kingdoms and/or Cultures in Sonic's world, our own has enough.

    Posts: 91
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    Most of the old games took place on lone islands as well if I remember correctly so maybe humans have always existed in Sonic's world.

    Posts: 2191
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    And that's my biggest gripe about the 3D games minus Heroes and Riders. There are WAY too many humans running around. I wouldn't mind them if there were a nice balance of hybrid animals walking around in cities with them. How come the animals have to be confined on islands? They're human intelligent too.

    Posts: 504
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    I know Station Squares is not the only city in the game. And I think the old games didet have humans simply because Sega didet think about it putting humans in the games 'til SA. And I always thought that (Some) furrys liked to Traval and have Advtures. Sure they might stop in the city it they need help or need Food other stuff but don't settle down in the city because there always looking for an advture. And what better way to find a advture? travling. (Plus, did'et Wendy Which Craft live on a island? I know she don't count but still...)

    Posts: 194
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    Speaking of royalty, what about Sara from the anime? She was a princess. She also appeared hybrid (she had cat ears and a tail but was otherwise human). I know the movie was another universe, but it was endorsed by Sega and it came out in like '94.

    Posts: 504
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    I thought the cat ears and tail was fake. But I never saw the movie.. wait, maybe Sera was inspired them to make Elise? Time to bump the prototype thread!

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