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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 1396
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Considering her father looked like the lion out of the Wizard of Oz, I don't think Sera was human....

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

Now, listen everyone. I thought that if this game takes place in three timeframes (past, present, future), would it make sense that these three characters have a connection with a specific timeframe: Sonic/Present, Shadow/Past, and Silver/Future. Smells like Sonic CD (with a real princess to boot).

Spoilers (Select To Read): Also take note that the three main characters's names (sans Eggman and Elise) start with an "S".

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

HOLY CRAP! EVIL IS RIGHT! It's sonic cd all over angin! But Shadow is optinal to play. So he's not a main characters. But do agree with ya.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I have returned with unemployment beard. I missed Shadow and Purple Shadow. Shadow does look cool in next gen form though. And I missed the Date a Hog sim :( OCB you wilily wittle wascal.

Don't know about the whole Shadow = past theory though. Shadow sorted that one out in Shadow's very own game. But then again...

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

Then again, SA2 didn't leave any mystery but they added a load of crap to his past anyway.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Actually the game never explain why Shadow look like a hedgehog instead of a Black Arm. There still that mystery to solve.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Because Gerald didn't want to make an alien that looked... like an alien..

He chose something acceptable, something fast and quick and smooth and cool...
Apparently hedgehogs go in and out of fashion every 50 years...

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

*Lurks in hedges in a Richard Attenbourgh voice*
As we observe the Black Tenrec in its natural environment we notice it has been modified by an alien race known as the Black Arms. We can tell this because of the red markings on his face, arms and legs. Normally a shy docile creature...
Oh my goodness it is mating season. Now unfortuently the Black Arms Modified Black Tenrec is very rare. So his chances of a female hearing his calls are unlikely. Now lets leave before he discovers us... see now.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Shadow is based off of Sonic, in a way. I know, for a fact, that Gerald saw the mural that depicted a "super hedgehog" (Super Sonic) going against the evil that stole the Master Emerald (Dr. Eggman), and so Gerald based his Ultimate life form on this mysterious hedgehog, quills standing up.

So you see, Shadow was based off of the hedgehog in the mural that can be seen in S&K3 when you fight Knuckles. It's in the background.

Posts: 247
Reputable Member

Yes, we know that for sure because it's been stating within the game so many times.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


I know, for a fact, that Gerald saw the mural that depicted a "super hedgehog" (Super Sonic) going against the evil that stole the Master Emerald (Dr. Eggman), and so Gerald based his Ultimate life form on this mysterious hedgehog, quills standing up.

For a fact? I thought this was a fan-created theory. It's a good one, sure, but that doesn't stop it from being a theory... unless you have evidence of that in the games themselves?

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Uh, Were, not to be nitpicky or anything, but why do you always call S3&K "S&K3"? It's Sonic 3 and Knuckles not Sonic and Knuckles 3. No offense intended; I've just been curious.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Yes, I always call it that. And by the way, IT'S NOT SPECULATION OR A FAN CREATED THEORY!!! I GOT THAT OFF OF AN OFFICIAL SITE!!! (Finding that info on the site took forever X( )

No, it has not been stated in the games yet (directly, anyway), but let's hope for next gen, 'k? In the meantime, Crazy Cham Lee, do you know when in one of the games says how Shadow survived the fall to Earth in SA2? I think it was in Shadow the Hedgehog, but I don't remember anyone in the ending mentioning me out here, God plays tricks on me. X0

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

It is in Shadow. If you survive and waste time during the last boss fight (something like 7-9 minutes in?) Eggman will eventually give the explanation.

So... which site? Sonic Channel?

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Not sure. I remember using the translator, which is why it took so long. X(.

So, you're saying that if you hang around and keep rings on you whilst doing nothing against Devil Doom, Eggman'll say that? Hmmm....well, I guess that makes sense. I always beat him 6 some minutes in. :) .

Silver is supposed to be you think he knows when the girls get horny? (DIRTY THOUGHTS ABOUT CAT GIRLS!!!)

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with your mind, not read thoughts. Regardless there's going to be no horny characters in any Sonic game, so you're out of luck. Also? Ew.

If the Shadow = Super Sonic theory is true, it'll be on Sonic Channel, and it's not there so we just have to leave it as a fan theory.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

I think that theory is true, but I also think Sonic was made by Ivo Robotnik, who was inspired by his Grandad.

Sonic and Shadow were based off of each other!

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Yet Robotnik only seemed to find out about Shadow durin the gap between SA1 and 2, or at least how to get to his Grandfather's secret. I'me sure he thought Shadow was Sonic initially... *goes off to check*

Edit: Yep, now I'm possitive, Robotnik first thought Shadow was Sonic playing a trick when he released the ceal, thus making it obvious that Robotnik was unaware of Shadow at all before that point.

Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Eggman knew of "Project Shadow," and knew it was a weapon, but that's it. As Robo pointed out, the Doc did think Shadow was Sonic at first. Hell, he thought the central computer governing the Cryogenic Chamber was the secret weapon when he first saw it.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Sonic and Shadow were based off of each other!

Woah my friend! That is out there! Sonic is born (or made), and God thought "I'll base it off this black hedgehog here," and then Shadow comes and then we learn that Gerald (most likely) based his Project Shadow off of this "Super Hedgehog" in this mural he found, quills standing up. Then we find out that that hedgehog was Super Sonic. Go figure!

THIS is the great circle of life!

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Were, I think he was jokeing. If Sonic and Shadow was created thean there both fake. Sonic was born, Shadow was created. Which will make Shadow the fake. Or if Shadow was created 50 years ago and Sonic was born which make Sonic the fake. It can go any way! And I always thought hegehogs was fast cretures in the game (but sonic being faster thean most hegehogs) So prof. made a hegehog (with real hegehog DNA?) and rocket shoes whill Black Doom suppled the DNA. And BAM - SHADOW THE HEGEHOG! (Gun sold seperately) And half of our stuff make more sense thean the game. Kinda sad.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

You think I didn't already know that? Well, yeah, that is kinda sad, ain't it? Shadow's is the faker. He was made, and he's not "faster then Sonic", it's those damn roller skate shoe thingies that make him fast. I bet if Sonic ever got a pair, he would be faster.
Shadow was MADE, Sonic was born. Shadow is a mockery of life, not to mention a clone of Black Doom. God noticed Gerald make Shadow, along with Black Doom, and so 35 years after Shadow's creation, he made a response; Sonic.
But if you want me to say something FOR Shadow instead of against, I guess I should say that he seriously needs a side kick. Rouge doesn't count. She's a chick and we know where that's going.

(Note: Telekinetic and telepathic are ALMOST [notice how I put this in caps] the same thing. "Tele" is the key prefix here. Telekinetic is to manipulate objects. Brains are objects, so maybe Silver can do the Jedi Mind trick. Then again, thoughts aren't objects, so maybe Silver can't read minds. Or maybe he can go into the future a few minutes later and learn what that person was thinking [via when that person says what was on his/her mind] a few minutes before. I guess that's kinda complicated.)

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

Telekinesis and telepathy are not almost the same thing. By your logic, "telephone", "teleport", and "television" all mean the same thing. Telekinesis and telepathy are very different abilities, linked only by the common use of the mind and the root word "tele", meaning "distant". Telekinesis is moving objects with your mind, telepathy is reading minds. Period. You're right in saying that time travel, in this context, is far too complicated though.

Also, can we not bring god into this please? Sonic games have thankfully been ambiguous about any higher beings so far, so claiming "god did THIS" and "god did THAT" does not fit into the game universe or continuity in any way.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Also, can we not bring god into this please? Sonic games have thankfully been ambiguous about any higher beings so far, so claiming "god did THIS" and "god did THAT" does not fit into the game universe or continuity in any way.


"The legend of West Side Island, the Island of Illusion, tells that many years ago, a people here based the development of their civilization on a collection of strange stones, and employed their greatest philosophers to theorize on the true power of these stones. In order to gain these powers, some attempted to channel the energy of the stones for their own evil intents. These attempts, however, came to naught. Since, the legends tell that the stones have been sealed by the gods somewhere on this island." -Sonic 2

"The civilization was wiped out in a second, erased from history. Time passed, and a god descended from the sky to the newly created "mystery island". The sky god restored part of the civilization to the island, and threw the "Mighty Stone" into the open sky..." -Sonic 3


But technically you're right. It's not like they were named or have distinct personalities. Hell, they might just be exaggerations of something much less supernatural.

This one's real, though.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

There's a big difference between a "sky god" and others of that ilk, and the idea of an ultimate "creator" god. The type of gods you're refering to are very different from the type that Weresheep was infering. But lets not Marble Garden this.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


"The legend of West Side Island, the Island of Illusion, tells that many years ago, a people here based the development of their civilization on a collection of strange stones, and employed their greatest philosophers to theorize on the true power of these stones. In order to gain these powers, some attempted to channel the energy of the stones for their own evil intents. These attempts, however, came to naught. Since, the legends tell that the stones have been sealed by the gods somewhere on this island." -Sonic 2

"The civilization was wiped out in a second, erased from history. Time passed, and a god descended from the sky to the newly created "mystery island". The sky god restored part of the civilization to the island, and threw the "Mighty Stone" into the open sky..." -Sonic 3

Those aren't actually gods, just legends the the ancient people explained away with Gods. Gods didn't seal the stones away, they just do it themselves. It's just in the nature of the Chaos Emeralds's power.
Perfect Chaos wiped out the Echidnas "In a second", and then was sealed in the Master Emerald. The emerald's power launched (at Tikal's request) the shrine and the surrounding mountain into the sky so Chaos would never be freed again, and the remaining Echidnas protected it with their lives to prevent another catastrophe. The only "God" involved in the backstory of S2 and S3 was Chaos.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

'YOU FOOL! IT'S CHAOS - GOD OF DESTRUSTION! HAHAHAHAHAHA!'-Eggman, Sa1-DX. And I belive that the gods were (are) urban myths that ancient people made up to explane things. (Like Ancient Egypt and there myths) and I belive that Chaos was the god they was refereing to In Sonic 2 & 3. And I also beleave that Tikal and Chaos was in the ME in Sonic 3 because they was only out whean Eggman and Knuckles broke it. Sense the ME was not broken in sonic 3, Chaos and Tikal was trapped in. Knuckles, who was buzy gurding the ME, probly never saw the ancient tabloids his ancient race left behind before they was wiped out by Chaos. even if he did it's a good chanse he dont know how read it (if that chant that tikal and knuckles used count). So other thean Chaos, there no other gods.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

I don't think Chaos necessarily has to be a god, the ancient echidnas thought he was one due to his huge power, just like the japanese thought the monsoon that destroyed the mongolian fleet (preventing them from attacking Japan) was a divine wind.
Eggman calls him god of destruction because that's how he's referred to in ancient echidna writings, he could be just an overpowered chao after all. 😛

Posts: 170
Estimable Member


There's a big difference between a "sky god" and others of that ilk, and the idea of an ultimate "creator" god. The type of gods you're refering to are very different from the type that Weresheep was infering.

Amy: "Oh my God!" <_

But, on a serious note, I'm questionable on whether there were any real gods or not. First off, Chaos, by many stretches of the imagination, really could not be seen as a 'sky god.' Water; sure. And, after he was put into the Master Emerald, who exactly sent him flying onto Angel Island? I'm fairly sure a real god, the sky god, was the one that sent it away to prevent further destruction.

But, that's just how I see it. Could be wrong.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


And, after he was put into the Master Emerald, who exactly sent him flying onto Angel Island?


The emerald's power launched (at Tikal's request) the shrine and the surrounding mountain into the sky so Chaos would never be freed again,

And it's logical to assume that the neighboring civilizations assumed it was a sky god, and not the Emerald, that did it.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Hmm, that's what I always thought about Chaos (and the Ancient Walkers in the comics), Erica. There's plenty of instances on our world where powerful beings and even nature, itself were considered gods; it wouldn't be surprising if in Sonic world, with all the mystical and powerful things there, that something was mistaken as a god.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

I thought every one should now now that sonic games have gods. come one people! Half the suff is inpossible to do. Super Sonic is considered a mystical creature in my book because that painting of Super Sonic is in that back ground were you fight Knuckles. Sonic was 15 the last time i checked, not a god. Now that I think about it do you thing sonic come from a blood line of heros? It have to be one of his relitives in that super sonic panting.I makes perfit sense to me.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


It have to be one of his relitives in that super sonic panting.

Not if it's a prophecy of a future event.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Did'ed think about that crazy cham. It make perfict sense.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

New screens featuring Sonic.

Also I hear that we might new info about the game and possibly a new trailer for this week Leipzig Games Convention.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

It has to be said it does look purdy. Real purdy.

I want to see more of the Adventure Fields really. I think they might talk about the Purple Shadow Thing.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Im already in love with this. Too bad i can't afford a PS3 or 360. ;.;

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Well, at least in Europe it comes out for the PC, right?

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

so we've heard, although of course sega has said nothing about it.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

How will SEGA produce a Sonic game without Yuji Naka? He left to found his own company, called "PROPE". I wonder, did he take some of the Sonic owning rights with him or what? The guys at SEGA will miss him, but as for us, I know we haven't seen the last of him yet.

I'd buy you a PS3 or 360, but I can't afford it. But if you can find my house, on January, then you can play it for free then. Then again.....that has problems. X(

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

No. But Sega get 10% of the money that PROPE makes. (According to EGM)

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


Also I hear that we might new info about the game and possibly a new trailer for this week Leipzig Games Convention.

Really? Where'd you hear that? That would be really nice -- I hope we see Shadow gameplay, or a few more levels.

Mainly, I'd like to see if Sonic Team made any fixes at all towards the faults that were reported from hand-on articles. Anyone think this'll hit Xbox Live MarketPlace, as a demo, before this game ships?

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

It's a possibilty deus. Have any one seen ads on tv for this?

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Nope. Not a one.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

There won't be any adds on TV until they're ready to make them, which will be closer to release in November sometime.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Really? Where'd you hear that? That would be really nice -- I hope we see Shadow gameplay, or a few more levels.

At IGN. They mention that Sonic The Hedgehog, Rivals and Wild Fire/Secrets Rings along with other SEGA titles will be shown. The event starts tomorrow so hopefully we see something early in the morning since Germany has like 5 or so hours ahead of the States.

Posts: 5
Active Member

I agree IGN will have first dibs on info/movies tomorrow by 12pm (U.K) time. wonder if old/new characters will be shown. Also wheres RIDERS 2. It's meant to be on the PS3/360 soon but no trailers.


Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Riders 2 hasn't even been 100% confirmed by Sega. The bloke in charge mentioned the possibility of more Riders in the future but nothing yet.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

I thought Riders was a spin off. (Because it have nothing about the other gamse) And what whill be the plot? Jet and Sonic burryed the hacket, The genie is bottled up. And if they make Riders 2 ther might make SHADOW 2. THE HORROR!

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Yeah but if Spin-offs are successful they can have sequels and stuff. Read: Mario Kart.
It wont be too hard to think of a new story.
Jet: HAI SONIC. YOU SUCK. Bahahahahahaha
Eggman: Lol Internets. I'm going to make another racing championship where I will win and hopefully get the Chaos Emeralds and thus power my new invention.
Knuckles: I will forget my sworn duty to protect the Master Emerald again so I can mindlessly follow Sonic around.
Tails: Why haven't I eaten Sonic. Apparently I'm the top of the food chain here?
Rouge: Maybe I can actually be used in the storyline. According the Sonic Riders Japanese site apparently I dislike Wave.
And so on.

So that German game convention tomorrow. Could be interesting.

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