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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 504
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:lol You do have a point there Jhon. And you are right about spin offs. but the Wave being Rouge Rival sound stupid because wave is not a tresure hunter. (And don't get me started on Fang japan profile.)

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


wave is not a tresure hunter.

Uh, yes she is. The Babylon Rogues are decendants of a tribe of theives. In Riders they were looking for a long-lost treasure. I'm pretty sure "treasure hunter" is an appropriate term for that.

Posts: 350
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If there is a Sonic Riders 2, then maybe more racers will come. Ya know, like maybe Big? Big on an Extreme Gear....

Big: "Ahhhh! Froggy! I can't hold it in!

But seriously, sequels need to be better. Riders, like Shadow game, was basically a "test" game in the sense. Think about it; few racers, lots of hoverboards, blatent all makes sense. Oh, and John, you can't be funnier then me. (Just braggin here. :) )

Jet: "I declare these boards to be, 'EXTREME'!"

Wave: "I don't know. They seem kind of gimmicky."

Jet: "Come on....h-hoverboards! Let's bust out some phat moves and grind those rhythms, and all the kids will think we're cool!"

Eggman: "I say, my boy!"

[all turn to Eggman on the E-Bike thing]

Eggman: "Eggman is ready to punch the fakey and blast a dookey. AHEM! This wack dogg be all about the bling!"

Jet: *After a few minutes* "Ok, I tried. I'm going to go race some go-karts or something."

Posts: 1446
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...Nope. John's was far funnier. The Tails line had me giggling for a good thirty seconds.

Posts: 350
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Yeah...I kinda halfied that one. God forbid any Shadow sequels. My Metal Sonic idea a while back would be cool, though.

You can find it in the "Best Sonic villain" thread.

I'll admit that John's was better. I concede! He's always been funny. But in the wise words of Eggman....


Posts: 504
Honorable Member

I can't belive i forgot that Jet's crew was theifs! Stupid heat! And Were, whean I read Eggman first line, I picture him with a british accent.

Posts: 889
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How did the conversation change to Sonic Riders?

Posts: 504
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We always get off topic here. No need to worry about it. ;) I DO wish that this game was on the Wii though.

Posts: 4607
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Actually, I've been wondering about that too. We don't always get off-topic here, and definitely not for this length of time.

Back on-topic, people. Discuss Riders 2 in some other topic.

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

No, Shadow Hog. We were supposed to talk about Elise x Sonic and your FACE. :p

Actually, we were supposed to talk about Sonic 360 and speculate on whether there's a connection between the hedgies and time.

Posts: 350
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And besides, Sonic Riders 2 will have to be on next gen. I mean, it's just a big "iffie", and if it's a big iffie right now, next gen could be the only answer. But I guess this thread was referring to the game with Elise in it.

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We always get off topic here.

How would you know? You've been her for like a month and you don't do anything but talk about how great Bean the Duck is.

Posts: 1446
Noble Member

If Riders 2 does eventuaute it'll be next-gen because Sega's not making anymore Sonic games for the current gen.

and as long as this game DOES come out on PC, I'll be fine with it not being on the Wii.

Posts: 350
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Wasn't there a fourth hedgehog in the trailer? I found a pic of him. Here it is.

He looks evil. He's bad. We don't know yet. He could just be high for all we know. But it's highly likely he is evil.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I don't think is the Brand New Hedgehog character OCB was talking about. It looks too much like Shadow. Even in Sonic Team terms.
It could be whats left of Black Doom in one simple Shadow sized bundle of boss fun.
I blame The God Father for the change of topic into Sonic Riders 2. *Finds Tails's head in hs bed.*

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

that shadow-like character seems to just be a boss of some kind. you can see what appears to be him in shadow's shadow along the ground in other screenshots. it could be some sort of creature that just takes on a form of the person it's opposing. (but hey, i'm just speculating here)

i don't think he's the 4th hedgehog either.

Posts: 350
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I like the other guy's theory; THIS MIGHT BE BLACK DOOM! There are little evil looking thingies in the background. And like Gabriel in Constantine, Doom might try to use the "Iblis Trigger" to "save the Earth from self destruction". Course I'm just kinda pitching here.

Posts: 114
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He claims to want to save the world from self-destruction, he wants to kill every human, he wants to save the humans from self-destruction, he wants to use the humans as batteries, what a conflicted d*ck head.

Posts: 5
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Well nothing has turned up on IGN yet people might be 2morrow that media will pop up or even tonight. Sorry to make everyone go off topic about Riders 2, i was just wondering thats all. Really wonder if they'll show anything new, I hope so if not it'll be at the TGS in September most likely ala what SEGA did with SHADOW last year.


Posts: 1396
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Game Trailers has some new clips here.

They're only short, and don't really show much new though.

Posts: 504
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Thanks for the clips rob. but every i played a video and tryed to play another, they tell me that a error occored and close the windows down. It happened 3 times. Is it just me?

Posts: 350
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Like I said in another thread, nope. It happens a lot to me, too. Try using an alternative movie viewer, cause WMV has a bug on the loose. My friends have problems with it, too. You are not alone, my friend.

Posts: 504
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Thanks. I'll check it out on google :)

Posts: 377
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Game Trailers has some new clips here.

Is it me, or does Sonic seem faster? Regardless, hopefully we'll get a little more than this. I'd say it looks to play smooth, but it's too short to tell.

Posts: 1413
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Language warning ~HSW

Mephiles? Must have run out S names apparently :read .

Posts: 377
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Mephiles? Must have run out S names apparently.

Looks like he was released from ice or crystals or something.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Or maybe the Chaos Emaralds? Or maybe a new Emarald is where 'Mephiles' came from..WAIT... Sliver..'Merphiles'..! Spoilers (Select To Read): Maybe 'Merphiles' is Sliver dad!? DUN DUN DUUUNN!

Posts: 377
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More videos. Very short, nothing really new -- but the music is nice. Personally, I hope those songs aren't the actual BGM because the one for Silver doesn't fit too well, IMO.


Posts: 504
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Nice. Too bad I can only get the Wii. ;.;

Posts: 16
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Mephiles isn't bad...they could have called him another S Shiny the Hedgehog or something..:insane

Posts: 37
Eminent Member


Personally, I hope those songs aren't the actual BGM because the one for Silver doesn't fit too well, IMO.

I agree with the fact that the BGM does not fit with Silver but I disagree with you and hope that becomes the BGM for the actual level: it fits the destroyed city very well.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Sardonyx, Sioux , Staurolite, Serpentine and Staurotide Make good names for 'Mephiles' IMO sense he look like he came from or out of something that's ice, crystals, Gem, or rock substanse. And thouse names are in fact crystals. Some may or may not fit in. I'll have to check later.

Posts: 194
Estimable Member

Sardonyx has a surprisingly masculine sound to it...

With all these characters appearing, I wonder how large the roles of certain characters will be. Like where are Tails, Knuckles, or Amy? Will Blaze play a big role (since rumors say she will make an appearance).

All this could make or break the game, and that has me worried.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


I agree with the fact that the BGM does not fit with Silver but I disagree with you and hope that becomes the BGM for the actual level: it fits the destroyed city very well.

I just don't think apocalyptic-city when I hear that song. It's a really good song though, but it seems to upbeat for a level of that atmosphere.

Though, our feelings aren't always the same.

I like the song for the first level, actually. It has an ancient templeish feeling towards it on video 5.

Posts: 99
Estimable Member

I was pretty sure it's been confirmed that other characters like tails, knuckles, amy etc. won't be appearing in this game. Unless of course I'm mistaken.

As far as Mephilies goes... that is one fugly unoriginal looking hedgehog. oooh... shadow with red eyes and flames instead of gloves... It'd make an interesting boss I guess.

Name's really bad though, boss or not. Sounds like a disease you can catch by walking barefoot in a locker room.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


I was pretty sure it's been confirmed that other characters like tails, knuckles, amy etc. won't be appearing in this game. Unless of course I'm mistaken.

If what I remember hearing is accurate, you are. I'm pretty sure one interview mentioned that many members of the cast would make an appearance, and I think one specified Amy.

Posts: 350
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Same here. Interviews are kinda boring to me, but when it comes to Tails (fav character), then I'm all ears. They said that all the characters that appeared in Sonic Rush will reappear in the next gen.

And Tails was in Sonic Rush. :)

Also, I have another theory about that 4th hedgehog; Silver is Sonic's "other dimention guy", so maybe number 4 is Shadow's? I'm just guessing, here! He looks a lot like Shadow!

Posts: 4607
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His name's Mephiles, you know. No need to call him "number 4" anymore.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


Name's really bad though, boss or not. Sounds like a disease you can catch by walking barefoot in a locker room.

His name is a variation of Mephistopheles, a chief demon of christian mythology that gave knowledge to Faust in exchange for his soul. Since this game enemies seem to be demons(Iblis being devil in arabic)his name does fit with the bad guys theme :read .

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Ahhh Number 4. Where would Bob be without you? La Planet de la Agua *Arriba!*

Well I was wrong about the whole "Thats not the new hedgehog". Mehphiles? Does sound quite original. What is the deal with Sega's obession with chest hair?

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Check out the cover for the european 360 version.

Looks pretty sweet. Also this the first time Sonic been on cover alone in a long time.

Edit- Btw what is equivalent of rating 12+ in the US? Is Teen or E10+?

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


Check out the cover for the european 360 version.

E10+ or Teen? What the hell did Shadow do this time!?

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Shadow uses guns still in the next gen. And he probably calls Blaze a @#%$.

As for chest hair, it would appear that the animator has that problem.

On his back.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Edit- Btw what is equivalent of rating 12+ in the US? Is Teen or E10+?

*sweatdrops* Usually it equals a Teen rating in the U.S.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

I still can't can't believe Shadow got a 12, "OMG! GUNS! THE WORD DAMN! *slaps a 12 rating on the game*" I mean, I've seen FAR more violent that have much worse language...

And what's with Mega Collection Plus getting a 12+?

I do hope this game actually EARNS a 12+. Moderate, slightly bloody violence, and frequent moderate language, twice strong, once coarse :D That'd be awesome so long as they don't do it stupidly like Damn in Shadow (remember Black Doom's speech near the end of the evil story? The end 'You humans are SO pathetic" was just an excuse to get the Commander to say 'Damn you!' <_<)

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

^...or it could be because of Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

UK Sonic Mega Collection Plus had Streets of Rage?

I know that JP Gems Collection did have the whole Trilogy.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Mimi:I do agree with you and Amy have a posabiltiy of comeing according to Sonic Stadium artical on it. Colo: It douse sound like it now that I think about it. And about the 12+ rateing.
Sliver: Where that #@%* Iblis trigger? :lol

Im About 50% sure that they hade SOR on SMC+ Over sea. I'll check GHZ. EDIT: Nope

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I'm 100% sure the last time ANY SoR was released in Europe was back on the Mega Drive.

Unless Sega Smash Pack for the DC actually made it out over there, because SoR2 was on it.

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Ah my bad. I was half asleep and not paying attention. You were talking about Mega Collection not the Gems collection.

Also, I thought the PAL version of Gems also recieved SoR1-3 like the JP version.

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