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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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The PAL verison of Gems is the US verison minus 60hz support.

Posts: 350
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Eggman: "I hope we don't get a +12 again. They make me look bad!"

SEGA: "Don't worry. If push comes to shove, we can always make you talk l33t in +12. That's 'cuz of Shadow."

Shadow: "HaHa, 1 ownz u n008! lol!"

Mephiles: "Cst fur! OMFG, hax!!"

Eggman: "Let's hope it doesn't come to that....."

Yeah. The ESRB can be a real picky arse face when it comes to rating a series of games that have almost always been for everyone.

As for chest fur, Sonic shaves. :)

Posts: 5
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I ve been checkin out messege boards/web sites/recent games mags to see what new info i could scrape,though Please take these comments with a pinch of salt)
revealed some little tiblits of info:
1.Shadow WONT USE GUNS, apparently (BS all over it)
2.Silver will be faster than the old demos showed (as shown recently).
3.Apart from the new Hedgehog 1 new Character is to be revealed (This i dont believe as we would have seen by now).
4.SEGA is saving much of the information/screens/movies/cast till September 22nd, This date as many of you will know is the TGS (TOKYO GAMES SHOW) date, much like how they did SHADOW.
5.Chaotix will be in the game (Makes sence as the AMIGOS goes)
6.Old friends will return as cameos (You're guess is as good as mine with this)
7.The babylon Rouges WONT BE IN THE GAME ( Saving them for another game so to speak.
8.A big Hollywood composer was going to be called in for scoring the main theme for the opening titles (apparentley this i see as being false as such names branded about were Danny Elfman (BATMAN/ANY TIM BURTON FILM) and supposedly John Williams. BS as the wage would have skyrocketed).
Thats the best i could do people,

Posts: 247
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"As for chest fur, Sonic shaves."

That little circle of peach color on his body is different colored fur.

Posts: 504
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The Babylon appering in this game is small. But in Sonic and the secret rings? YES. And it seem that Chaotix is heere to stay. And Any one who saw Sliver trailers san see that Sliver is indeed faster. But not as fast like Sonic and Shadow. The 6th one have my hopes up to a low rate. And sonic is 15 why should he have chest fur?

Posts: 350
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Because if he kept his chest fur, the women will chase him FOREVER!!!!

Russia: "AHH!! MODA LAN!!!"

Yes, we all must know that Silver is faster, but still slower then Sonic. I think....Anyway, regardless of what happens in the next gen, I look forward to seeing Silver and Mephiles guy.

Also, I like Blaze. :) . Do you know where I can find any next gen pics of her? I've been having some trouble finding them, ya know, constipation and all (I'm not joking).

Side note: Anyone who can give me step-by-step instructions on web hosting will be the first to receive the first issue of the sprite comic "Weresheep GX". Starring Sonic and Mario.

Posts: 504
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Off topic: Try they host comics for free. As for web hosting, Cant help ya there.

On topic: Sega pretty much keeping this a secret, only giveing us Box art and Trailers. Plus, they said nothing about Blaze appering in this game.

Posts: 194
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With the exception of Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Eggman, Elise, and Mephiles, we haven't seen any pics of the characters showing up. AKA, probably won't get a pic of Blaze or Tails or anyone else until TGS. :(

Posts: 504
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Better late thean never Mimi. ;) I wonder how they will fit Blaze and Everyone Else in the gams....

Posts: 350
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No images for Blaze or Tails!?!?!?


And candy dude, I'm pretty sure they mentioned Blaze. Maybe not in public, I don't know, but it's common knowledge. Then again......the translator was whipped off my history list for some reason. X(. I'm working on it. I only looked at unofficial english sites, so that's alleged.

However, I'm 99.9999999999998% sure that Blaze will appear in the next gen title.

And 100% sure that the reason why they don't include Sonic X characters is unknown to me. You guys are dumb. I think it would be a great idea. Sonic Battle came out BEFORE season 2 of Sonic X, but they kinda intertwined there. Know what I sayin'?

But no Chris. He'd only mess things up. And Cosmo, yeah, I just think she should either be:

1) The immortal character that follows you around (Tails most likely) and stuff.

2) Playable in a Sonic Riders or similar title.

These are reasonable at least.

Posts: 194
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No, Weresheep, Sonic X characters would never appear for the simple reason that they belong to a seperate universe and continuity of Sonic. Unless a game is made for Sonic X specifically (along the lines of Mean Bean Machine being Puyo Pop tailored to Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog), any characters made for the show won't appear in a game. (I could see one popping up as a random person walking around the adventure fields in this game, but that's it.)

Posts: 350
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I know that much. Think about it....

Sonic X Sonic Riders episodes, but not same as game, but same characters and stuff. Cosmo come back!!!!

They make a game somewhat about it, with maybe slightly altered plotline. Maybe it be called "Sonic Riders X" or something like that. Chris only in cut scenes.

Or maybe a new Sonic X season (which is inevitable) that has some stuff to it (once again, Cosmo come back!!!) and they make a game about that, but with slightly off plotline to make it a different universe. But Cosmo not playable, only follower, because we all know she's the stereotypical pacifist.

Now do you get me? Huh!?!? And yes, I'm devoted kinda. I make fan fics at I'm known as "LegendaryWeresheep" there.

Posts: 889
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Where did you find out that Blaze was going to be in the game?

Posts: 350
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So far a few unoffial but very accurate sites (I haven't checked Sonic stadium, but it may be there) and 1 official ( That was hard.)

She will appear. Unless they cut her out. I will personnally hurt them if they did. (Anger!)

Posts: 5772
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Also, I like Blaze. . Do you know where I can find any next gen pics of her?


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Unless you provide links we're going to assume you're talking out your ass like you usually do about these things >.>

Posts: 350
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F*** you, wonderbat!!!!! Ok, so I'll just do the Wiki one! Jesus....

You are an ass, Wonderbat. Honestly, that's all you've done so far is hold me down. And like YOU haven't been giving us links, hmm? Care to prove me wrong? (I'll get the link in a second)


Take it and like it, arse. If I get banned for this, so be it!

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And like YOU haven't been giving us links, hmm?

I haven't been making ridiculous claims like you have, son.

Now drink your juice =D

Posts: 350
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About the juice thing, I could use that. I haven't used the bathroom in days. Seriously, it hurts a little.

But anyway, these "claims" as you put it are no different then anything else.

And you still haven't proved me wrong.

My dad is the biggest F***hole in the world. Unrelated topic.

All that behind us, please? Anyway, Psxphile's link up there is unofficial, but it's pretty sweet. It's my new wallpaper. :) . I think complete 3D rendered hotness Blaze is cool. Nice work there.

Posts: 5772
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Internet Posting Guideline #672: Don't use Wikipedia as a source if you wish to be taken seriously.

Posts: 504
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(SOMEHOW I knew that Wonder and Where was gonna crash. But i Didet know WHERE! (Put it behinds her)) Were, I feel that calling us dumb is offanse (to me aleast).And here is my options on Sonic X people in games. Im not trying to show off/ tick off ect. Thank you.

1) Sonic X is a diffrent place. The last time they put in someone from a cartoon was Sally and the crew and in Sonic Spinball and it never told us why they put them in there. But that's more for Knothole, not here. And the games take place on earth.

2)In Sonic x, They come from a diffrent planet and was thrown on earth after Eggman machine caused a freck accident. Where not 100% sure if the next seasion of Sonic X will take place on earth or on Sonic planet. Chris and every else will be dead due to the fact that 5 years on earth are only 5 months on Sonic planet. As for Cosmo, we have to wait to see if the seed is a new Cosmo.

(If I have some grammer errors, Im sorry. Please don't post my error(s) here. E-mail me, loacted in my profile or send me a ez message. Thank you.) (And i knew that that account was from someone here. ;) )

Posts: 350
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I have contemplated your post. I'm not making a big deal out of it.

You didn't need to put all that there. I'm quite aware of everything you just said. ;^-^

I'm just saying stuff like "IF" and "When" and "How".

But....I Cosmo fan. :( . I know I have to wait. I think that it's a yes. Way too many people have put a lot of fics, waste a chapter explaining how and when, and that messes things up. Stay positive, it'll be a good thing when it happens.

Posts: 1789
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Internet Posting Guideline #672: Don't use Wikipedia as a source if you wish to be taken seriously.

What he said.

Posts: 504
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Well, I could of typed MORE. But I was too lazy and did'et want people to point of spelling grammer. 😛 I understand that your a Cosmo fan.

But, it whould cause an even bigger plot hole thean Shadow because not many people watch the cartoons or read the comics. Same thing to people wanting Archie people in the games.

I perfer that Sega keep the diffent Sonic worlds sepreate to avoid confusion. (As if Shadow is'et already confusing enough.) It whould be interesting, I confess, but I just think that no one wants any more plotholes after Shadow game. Im not gonna make a big deal out of it neather. I just Needed to get that out my chest. Good night.

Posts: 377
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And candy dude, I'm pretty sure they mentioned Blaze. Maybe not in public, I don't know, but it's common knowledge.

Blaze hasn't been confirmed officially from any sources. You've most likely heard it from that silly rumor that went around earlier with the whole Sol thing.

Regardless, I do not have any doubt that she wont appear. From interviews (Quote from Team Xbox interview: "and the vast majority of the characters of the past will make appearances here."), Sonic Team sound like they are seriously going to shove (and most likely as an NPC) every single Sonic character that exists SOMEWHERE in this game.

Sooo get out your umbrellas.

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I absolutely love (Read: hate) how this game has gone from 'Have nobody but Sonic' to 'Have as many characters as imaginable'.

Posts: 1827
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Sad but true that. But still its not that bad. Most of the characters seem to just pop up rather than be necessary to play to complete the game.

And Sonic, Silver and Shadow do play differently like Sonic, Tails and Knuckles did in S3&K. I'm not saying its going to be ZOMG S3&K in 3D but it should be varied expirence.

Posts: 1413
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Sonic Plush

It look cool but his spikes seem wrong. Also it odd that they are giving it away without reserving the game.

Posts: 4885
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Eww... I'm always up for providing fodder for my plushie collection, but that looks pretty icky... the UK 1992 Sonic is the only one which has ever looked right, to my eyes.

Posts: 1827
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Lol, I think thats the Talking Sonic X plush I was going to get with Tails and Knuckles, because they were in the reduced isle in tesco. But they weren't reduced. 10.97 each. Knuckles was cross eyed for crying out loud. Didn't get em after waiting 10 minutes for the prices. (People behind me loved me!)

CRAIGU! *squeezes*

Posts: 350
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Ooooo...plush....I like plushies of all sorts. They don't have those sharp edges like action figures do.

And confused/angered Knux always make people smile. Especially me. It just makes me want to laugh at his incescent dullness.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

'Knuckles ticked off after Eggman trick him' is a classic. I smiled whean he blamed Sonic before he fight Chaos 4 (or that one in mystic ruins) in SA1:D X. ('Smooth move knuckle head.' 'ME? What about you!?') Who can't crack a smile at knuckles foolishness to belive Eggman? I can. :) Too bad sega forgot the Angel Island and made Knux tag along with Sonic and Tails. (Sigh)

Posts: 377
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I know this is even more off-topic ... but I have to ask (and news is slow anyways): Does Knuckles even care about Floating Island anymore?

I think Sonic Team has gone WAAAY off-focus.

Posts: 350
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The matter of the question is, "Who DOES care about the floating Island?" No one attacks, Knux doesn't respond.

Or maybe SEGA just uses it as a plot device.

Posts: 1355
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A positive way to look at the lack of care given to the plotline is to believe that his loyalty to his duty hasn't changed at all, but he has undergone a little character development. He's just more friendly, outgoing, and helpful now.

Posts: 350
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Yeah, I guess you're right. But he didn't seem to appear in the screen shots that I saw, so it would appear that Knux is still guarding Master Emerald.

Eggman has gone under the most development. He looks like Gerald now, and lost those goggles that we all love so much. Maybe he gave them to Tails?

Posts: 504
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What happened to Angel island? Look like Chaos and Tikal is watching the ME dureing battle and Riders thean Knux return home. That's what I think.

Posts: 350
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That's one of those fail-safe ideas. Sure the producers themselves don't say that Tikal and Chaos do, but considering what happened in SA1, it's quite clear that they are.

Knux: "I'm going to be gone for a few days. I want two things from you. 1) Keep this place safe. 2) No crazy parties." *leaves*

Chaos: "He didn't say no sex."

Tikal: "He he."

Posts: 194
Estimable Member


I happen to agree with HSW on the idea of character development. Knuckles is just good friends with Sonic and Tails now, so of course he'll hang out with them. If any of the playable characters in this game go anywhere near Angel Island or the Master Emerald (which most likely one will) that would be the time let Knuckles shine as its guardian.

Posts: 504
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Are you saying that Tikal and Chaos are 'getting it on' Were? I Wonder what the kid look like? J/K! Half the time my ideals MAKE sense. Wow. But lets get back on topic ... What WERE we talking about? :lol

Posts: 194
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Where Knuckles and other characters were and why we haven't seen anything or heard anything about them.

Posts: 5
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Remember what I said a couple of pages ago, I think we'll have to wait until September 22nd for details on more plot/cast of characters/levels/screens shots and new trailers. As for the "Vast amount of characters returning from past games" I'AM JUST GONNA SPECULATE THIS BUT HERES THE LIST OF WHO MIGHT BE IN

TAILS 9/10
AMY 10/10
CREAM 6/10
BIG 5/10
BLAZE 7/10
RAY 3/10
FANG 3/10
BEAN 2/10
BARK 2/10
OMEGA 7/10
CHAOS 5/10
TIKAL 5/10

Posts: 194
Estimable Member


Why do Tails and Knuckles only get a 9/10 and Amy get a 10/10? I'd think it be the other way around.

Plus, if any of the adventure fields feature only furries, I'd say all the unused characters from old like Bean or Mighty would pop up if only for the sake of showing.

Posts: 1446
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Amy's been confirmed to be in the game, whereas I don't think Knuckles and Tails have been (although of course they'll be in it.)

Posts: 1827
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Well if I've remembered rightly Sonic's story has everyone from Sonic Rush in, except Cream. (From the teachings of the grand prophet One Classy Bloke)
Also I seem to remember an article on Sonic Stadium News about Rouge being in. Can't find it now though.

Posts: 377
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I was reading about Mephistopheles, from Wikipedia, and I must say, I question Sonic Team's research on these satanic types of characters.

Of course, it's not official or anything on the name of the 4th Hedgehog, and also, it's not known if there's even a connection between the hedgehog and the term "Mephistopheles," but if there is, recall that Iblis means "Devil" in Islam. So, perhaps Mephistopheles is a servant of this "Devil" ? Or, perhaps, IS the devil (Iblis)?

Guess we'll have to see.

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<3 Faust

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Eggman = Faust

That why he looks different, he sold his soul for a new body:p .

Posts: 1827
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Faust was Seigfried's sword in SoulBlade/Edge. Seigfried went insane after he killed his own father and thus found Soul Edge and became Nightmare.

Wow. More useless information.

I miss those days where Eggman just wanted to get the chaos emeralds and rule the world. Now he has a reason to get the chaos emeralds. And theres minor things that make your brain think and stuff. :(

Posts: 377
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I miss those days where Eggman just wanted to get the chaos emeralds and rule the world. Now he has a reason to get the chaos emeralds. And theres minor things that make your brain think and stuff.

This game definitely has the most story I've seen out of a Sonic game. I can't think of any other Sonic game that brings up so many questions and thoughts.

... Well, aside from all the crap Shadow brought.

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